Dreamspinner Press Year Seven Greatest Hits

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Dreamspinner Press Year Seven Greatest Hits Page 69

by K. C. Wells

  Pietro suddenly appeared beside him, only this time he had company. Miles was at his side, dressed in leather trousers and jacket, regarding his sub with an amused expression.

  “Alex, Miles is going to take me home,” Pietro announced breathlessly, “but we’re going to drop you off first—at Master Leo’s apartment.”

  Miles chuckled. “Before you go organizing us all, baby, maybe you ought to find out if Alex wants to go right now, unannounced? Don’t you think someone should make sure Leo is home first?” He winked at Alex.

  “I already did,” said Pietro, looking pleased with himself. “Master Thomas rang him about ten minutes ago.” He gave his Master a triumphant smile. “Now can we go? Please?”

  Miles huffed in resignation. “Come on, Alex. Looks like we’re giving you a ride.” Beside him, a gleeful Pietro pumped his fist into the air until Miles cuffed him playfully around the head. “And you need to behave, pup,” he said, giving Pietro a stern look, although the effect was totally ruined by the amused twinkle in his eye.

  Watching the pair of them, Alex smiled, although suddenly he felt as though his insides were in a twist. He was going to see Leo. And after ignoring his messages and texts, he had no idea how Leo was going to react.

  LEO lay stretched out on the sofa, his hand trailing down off the armrest to where a squat glass sat on the floor, containing scotch. He ran a finger idly around the rim, feeling no compulsion to drink the amber fluid. He wasn’t even sure why he’d poured himself a drink in the first place. The blinds were pulled back, revealing the night sky above the city. Ordinarily, he loved his view, but not tonight. For some reason the vast expanse of sky visible above the horizon, the stars just beginning to come out, made him feel incredibly lonely and insignificant.

  Leo closed his eyes, shutting out the view. He wondered briefly what Alex was doing right now, whether he was working or not. The schedule Sev had given him was now out of date, and Leo felt lost not knowing where his boy was. His boy. Better to stop thinking that way now, he told himself angrily. For about the hundredth time, he cursed his decision not to share details of the club with Alex, although he had no way of knowing things would have turned out any differently if he had.

  The main door buzzer sounded, shattering the stillness of his apartment. Leo glanced up at the clock on the wall. Who the hell was coming to see him unannounced at 10:00 p.m. on a Sunday night?

  He rolled himself up off the sofa and went to the intercom by the front door “Yes? Who is it?”

  “Leo? It’s Miles. I need to talk to you.”

  Leo scowled. He didn’t want to see anyone from the club right now. It had been two days since Thomas had sent him home, and there’d been little or no contact with the club, save for the odd phone call from Thomas. Checking up on me, Leo thought wryly. “Miles. It’s late. If it’s something to do with the club, then go see Thomas. I’m on leave, remember?”

  Miles’s voice crackled over the intercom. “I wouldn’t have called unless it was urgent. It won’t take long, but I really do need to see you.”

  Grumbling under his breath, Leo pressed the access button. “It’s open. Come on up. Top floor, opposite the lift.” He gave the apartment a cursory glance, noting nothing out of place. Leo glanced in the mirror next to the door and winced as he caught sight of his refection. Christ, he looked rough. He was normally a meticulous man, but he hadn’t shaved that day, and the stubble gave him a dangerous look. An ironic thought crossed his mind. If Alex could see him now, he’d have thought Leo a drug dealer for sure.

  There was a sharp rap. After unbolting the door, Leo flung it wide.

  “So what’s so important you had to….” The words died in his throat.

  Alex was standing in the hallway, and he was trembling. “Can… can I come in?”

  Leo cursed inwardly to hear the hesitancy and uncertainty in Alex’s voice. He thought they’d gotten past that, but apparently Alex had taken a backward step. Leo looked past him into the hallway, curious as to Miles’s whereabouts.

  “Oh, Miles and Pietro just gave me a ride here,” Alex explained. “They’ve gone.” He had not moved even an inch forward.

  “Forgive me, Alex. Please, come in.” Leo stepped aside to allow Alex to enter. Alex stepped across the threshold, shivering as he passed Leo. Leo’s nostrils flared as he caught a whiff of the subtle citrus shampoo Alex always used. It had a tendency to cling delicately to his pillows, and there were nights when Leo would climb into bed to find his senses filled by the scent, a lingering reminder of Alex’s presence in his bed.

  Leo closed the door and followed Alex into the lounge. The boy dropped his denim jacket onto the arm of the sofa and then stood in the center of the room, looking more than a little lost. Leo gestured, indicating Alex should sit. Their former ease with each other seemed to have been completely swept away.

  “Would you like a drink?” Leo asked. Alex nodded, his eyes large and wide. “Green tea, or a glass of wine?”

  “Wine, please.”

  That told Leo something; Alex was definitely nervous. Leo walked into the kitchen and returned with a glass of chilled white wine. He handed it to Alex, who immediately took a long drink, exhaling shakily as he placed the glass on the low table in front of the sofa.

  “I’m glad to see you.” Leo uttered the words quietly, the word “boy” on the tip of his tongue but omitted at the last moment. “I’ve missed you.”

  Alex grabbed his glass and took another swig of wine. He gazed up, his eyes not quite reaching Leo’s. “I missed you too,” Alex began, a slight tremor in his voice. “But….”

  Leo’s heart sank at that single word. “But?”

  “We need to discuss a few things.”

  Leo perched himself on the edge of the seat cushion at the opposite end of the sofa. He picked up his glass of Scotch, and in one swift movement, swallowed it all, the liquid burning his throat. He gasped. “Okay, then.” His words came out hoarse, thanks to the alcohol. Leo was pleased to see a smirk playing about Alex’s lips. “Can I say something first?” Alex nodded. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about the club or about my being into BDSM. Although, when I learned what books you were reading, I’ve got to say, it really gave me hope.” Alex smiled at that, which encouraged Leo to continue. “I have only one excuse.” The words were soft-spoken, but Alex appeared to be focused intently on them. “I was afraid.”

  Alex’s smile was full of understanding. Leo could almost feel the tension starting to ease in him.

  “You were afraid of scaring me off, weren’t you?” Alex suggested. Leo nodded, unable to tear his eyes away from Alex. Alex gave a half smile. “You were probably right. I’d have run a mile if you’d told me when we first met.”

  Leo grinned. “Not the sort of information I like to share on a first date,” he acknowledged. “I… I wanted our relationship to be a bit more established before I revealed my… interests.”

  “It’s okay, Leo. I understand that now.” He paused. “I went back to the club tonight with Pietro.” Leo’s head snapped up. Alex nodded, smiling. Leo could see him calming visibly. “Yeah, apparently it was Thomas’s idea.”

  Leo shook his head. Trust Thomas to try and sort this out.

  “I saw something in the subs that I recognized,” Alex said fervently.

  Leo became still, catching his breath. There was something about Alex in that moment that captured all his attention.

  “I saw myself.” Although Alex kept his eyes low, Leo couldn’t miss the blush that stained his cheeks. He moved to slide closer, but Alex stopped him, his hand outstretched. “Wait a moment.”

  Surprised, Leo halted, waiting for Alex to continue speaking.

  “I… I need to know something.” Leo watched Alex’s chest rise and fall more quickly. The boy was uneasy. “When I saw you at the club, you’d just finished a scene with a… a sub.” Leo nodded. “What struck me was the… you both seemed so… I just meant to ask….” Alex broke off, clearly flustered, and br
eathed in deeply. “When you do scenes with subs, do you fuck them?”

  Leo stared openmouthed. Whatever he’d been expecting, it hadn’t been this. Quickly, he thought back on the scene Alex had witnessed. Casey had volunteered to do the demonstration with him, and as Leo had worked with him before, he’d agreed. Leo tried to see the scene through Alex’s eyes. Leo gently bringing Casey back from subspace with soft strokes and touches, Casey lost on that plateau he’d reached, the intimacy of the moment…. Of course. Suddenly, Leo understood.

  Alex was jealous.

  Leo’s face broke into a tender smile. “Alex, not all Doms have penetrative sex in a scene,” he explained. “Some do, certainly, especially if the Dom has a special bond with the sub. And yes, sex is the norm, and there is a lot of it, I suppose. Especially oral sex. But….” His voice faltered, and Leo saw Alex regard him more closely. “I haven’t fucked a sub in a scene since… in fact, I haven’t fucked….” Leo couldn’t bring himself to say the words.

  Alex’s eyes were so wide. “You haven’t had sex since Gabe died, have you?”

  Leo started, shocked to hear his dead lover’s name from Alex’s lips. But of course Alex knew about Gabe. The boys at Severino’s were bound to have said something. Well, maybe it was about time Alex heard it from Leo’s own lips.

  “Gabe was my sub, as well as my lover. We were together six years. And yes, it’s true. There’s been no one since he died over two years ago. I couldn’t bring myself to….” Leo shook himself. He hardly dared breathe as Alex shifted on the sofa, edging closer and placing his hand on Leo’s knee. Distracting though that was, Leo knew he had to continue. “I simply threw myself into the running of the club. I couldn’t take on another sub; it hurt too much. So, I do demonstrations, performances… but always in scenes where the focus is on demonstrating a technique and showing the interaction between Dom and sub, rather than actual sex.” Leo gave a short laugh. “And to be perfectly honest, there was no one who remotely interested me. No one who aroused me… until you.”

  Leo stopped, his breath hitching. He hadn’t spoken of this for so long. He’d stopped listening to the demands of his body until he’d blocked them out entirely. Sex had narrowed down to a single act: masturbation. Until this lovely boy had wandered across a restaurant floor one evening in late June.

  Alex put down his glass, rose from the sofa, and sank gracefully to his knees before Leo, his eyes fixed on Leo’s chest. He was the perfect picture of submission, heartbreakingly beautiful and yet seemingly so unaware of the picture he presented. For what seemed like the longest minute ever, Alex knelt there, as if contemplating his next move, until Leo could stand it no longer.

  “Yes, boy?” Finally, Leo dared say the word, Alex’s whole demeanor demanding it. “Tell me. What do you want?”

  Alex’s clear blue eyes flickered up briefly, cheeks flushed, breathing slightly more rapid. Alex spoke so quietly that Leo had to strain to hear him.

  “Take me to bed.”

  ALEX couldn’t believe he’d had the nerve to say it.

  He knelt before Leo, his heart beating fast, not daring to look up and see Leo’s expression. What if he’d read Leo all wrong? What if Leo had changed his mind? Alex only knew, as Leo opened up to him for the first time, all he wanted was to be taken in those strong arms to Leo’s bed. He wanted Leo’s lips on his, Leo’s hands all over his body. He wanted his mouth tight around Leo’s shaft, to taste that heavenly cock once again. Come on, Leo, say something! I’m dying here….

  Suddenly the breath was knocked out of him as two strong arms seized him and dragged him roughly to straddle Leo’s lap. Alex mewled as he saw the heat smoldering in Leo’s eyes. Leo grabbed the back of his head and pulled him forward, their mouths meeting in a clash of lips, teeth, and tongues as Leo kissed him with so much hunger Alex couldn’t help but return it, latching onto Leo’s shoulders and holding on tight as he let Leo fuck his mouth with that agile tongue. Leo grabbed him around his waist, rocking him against Leo’s groin, where Alex could feel a sizeable erection.

  Leo broke the kiss with a low moan. “Fuck, boy, you’ve got me so hard!”

  Alex caught his breath as nimble fingers popped the button on his jeans, yanking down the zipper, and then slid around his waist to pull the back of his jeans lower, baring his ass.

  “Put your hands on the back of the sofa.” Leo’s voice was low and husky, his breath hot against Alex’s chest. Alex gripped the seat cushions tightly as Leo moved his hands over his ass, squeezing and fondling his cheeks before gliding up to caress his lower back, the motion nonstop. His cock was like granite against Leo’s belly as their mouths met once more in urgent, heated kisses, Leo’s tongue stroking deeply into him.

  Suddenly the kisses came to an abrupt halt.

  “Hands up.” Leo grabbed the hem of Alex’s T-shirt, and with a firm yank, pulled it up over his head, removing it, and then dropped it hurriedly to the floor.

  Alex was grabbed and pulled forward, letting out low cries as Leo plundered his mouth, his hands roaming over Alex’s bare chest and flicking at his nipples. Alex grasped the back of the sofa once again, holding on tightly as Leo’s mouth connected with his nipple, tonguing the stiffening nub of flesh. Oh yeah. Alex closed his eyes, concentrating on the sensations: Leo’s tongue flicking his taut nipple; Leo’s rigid cock pressing up against him; Leo’s hand sliding around his waist, only to dip lower to stroke his crease, then slipping even lower to glide over his hole, which was clenching in anticipation.

  “Open your eyes, boy.” The command, uttered in a deep voice dripping with arousal, had his eyes flying open instantly. Leo’s gaze was on him, those glacial blue eyes that still managed to contain so much heat. How the fuck was that possible?

  Alex held his breath as Leo brought his hand to Alex’s mouth.

  “Get them good and wet.”

  Before Alex had a chance to think, two fingers slid into his mouth, and Alex rolled his tongue around them, wetting them thoroughly, his eyes on Leo the whole time. Leo’s pupils were partially blown, his lips parted as he watched Alex intently. Fuck, that was so hot. Slowly, Leo withdrew the dripping fingers and reached down. Alex suddenly found the breath stolen from his body as Leo rubbed over his hole, pressing insistently until a finger sank into Alex’s ass, pushing deep. Fuck, yeah…. Alex pushed down, wanting more, ignoring the burn, knowing it would soon give way to more pleasurable sensations.

  “You’re eager tonight, boy.” Leo was grinning as he slid his finger faster and deeper within Alex’s ass. “Want some more?” Without waiting for a response, Leo slid another finger into him, and Alex mewled. He rolled his hips, pushing down, riding those fingers now, desperate for more, more….

  With a loud groan, Leo pulled his fingers free, and Alex let out a low cry of frustration.

  “Easy, boy, we’re not done.” Leo sounded breathless. Strong hands grabbed Alex under his ass, pulling him tight against Leo as he stood up from the sofa, taking Alex with him. Alex immediately put his arms around Leo’s neck, wrapping his long legs around Leo’s waist. “We’re moving this to the bedroom.”

  Alex’s mouth was taken in a long, deep, hungry kiss as Leo walked through the apartment, carrying him. Alex’s heart began to hammer. He was so fucking turned on, his cock a rigid rod against Leo’s belly, rubbing against him as Leo held him tight. Leo pushed open the bedroom door and walked over to the bed, then lowered Alex onto the soft covering. He moved to the bedside table to flick on the lamp before returning to Alex.

  Leo was staring down at him with an intensity that Alex found extremely arousing. Leo began to strip, not in his usual careful manner, but almost frantically. Alex’s jeans were seized at the ankles and pulled, freeing his long legs and his hard cock, which pointed up to the ceiling, already beaded with precome. Alex’s heart beat rapidly as Leo climbed onto the bed, moving deliberately toward him now, as if he were stalking Alex. Leo’s erection was a sight to behold. His cock reared up toward his navel, long and thick
, Leo pulling at it lazily, his eyes fixed on Alex.

  A thought occurred to Alex, one which left him reeling: Leo was going to fuck him. Oh God. Any thoughts he’d had about feeling ready chose that moment to disappear, leaving him trembling in their wake. He stared at that thick cock and shivered.

  Leo’s hand was suddenly there on his thigh, rubbing in easy circles. “Easy, boy. What’s going on in that mind of yours?”

  Alex tried to breathe through the panic rising steadily within him, concentrating on the tender caresses, Leo’s softly spoken words, anything but the thought of that hard cock sliding into his tight virgin ass. He closed his eyes.

  The bed dipped as Leo stretched out beside him, stroking his hand across Alex’s chest and torso. Suddenly, soft lips took his mouth in a tender kiss, so tender it made Alex ache. God, he’d missed this. He responded, opening for Leo, his arms coming up to wrap around him and pull him closer. Leo’s lingering moan as he deepened the kiss spoke volumes. Alex lost himself in that kiss, in the feel of Leo’s skin warm against his, in Leo’s tongue slipping between his parted lips, tasting him, his body tight against Alex.

  The kiss came to an end, and Alex found himself regretting its loss instantly.

  “Look at me, Alex.”

  Alex slowly opened his eyes and found Leo gazing down at him, his eyes bright with lust.

  “I want to taste you, boy.”

  Alex caught his breath. Was Leo talking about…? His unspoken question was answered as Leo slipped his hand lower, stroking lightly along his cock, causing Alex to shudder as he made his way lower still, brushing softly past his balls to stroke over his hole. Oh yeah….

  “Hands and knees, Alex.” Leo locked eyes with him, and Alex couldn’t break away, frozen. “Now, boy.” Leo’s tone was low and firm, and Alex shuddered. Slowly, he rolled over onto his front and raised himself up on his hands and knees, shaking. Leo stroked him along his spine, before descending to squeeze his ass.


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