Love's Autograph

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Love's Autograph Page 5

by Michele M. Reynolds

  “Okay,” Ria said. “Now what?”

  “I'll start you on the same chord that Maggie started on,” Ellie said. “Put your fingers here, here and here. Great! Now strum.” Ria strummed and they both cringed at the sound.

  “Oh, Maggie got her talent from the sperm donor,” Ria giggled and pushed the guitar back to Ellie.

  “Come on. You've done complicated surgery with those hands. You have to be able to play a few simple chords,” Ellie placed Ria's fingers on the strings again. Ellie took a deep breath. “Now the reason it sounded weird was—”

  “Horrible,” Ria corrected with a laugh.

  “It’s because you weren't holding the string down hard enough. You can strum each string individually to figure out if you're holding it down hard enough,” Ellie said. Ria adjusted her pressure on the strings as she strummed and then strummed the whole chord.

  “Perfect,” Ellie said. Ria smiled back and then started strumming wildly.

  “I'm a rock star. I'm a hot rock star!” Ria sang.

  “Easy killer,” Ellie said as she released Ria’s grip of the guitar.

  “You’re a great teacher,” Ria said. “You should supplement your gigs with teaching. I know friends that pay two hundred dollars an hour.”

  “I don't need the money,” Ellie said.

  “Oh that reminds me,” Ria said. “I didn't pay you last time. Ria reached in her purse and pulled out some money. “I don't think we ever agreed on a rate. Did I even pay you last time?”

  “No, it's okay. Really, I don't feel right taking money for something I enjoy,” Ellie said.

  “Well, I don't feel right having you watch Maggie for nothing,” Ria said.


  “What kind of barter?” Ria teased and looked Ellie’s body up and down.

  Ellie felt hot and asked, “Well, what do you excel at besides surgery?”

  “I don't know. What do you need?” Ria asked flirtatiously.

  Ellie gazed into Ria's eyes and then at her lips as she asked, “You cook?”

  “Oh, I can cook. The kitchen is one of the two rooms I don't get complaints in,” Ria said in a teasing manner.

  Ellie answered, “You can cook for me. I eat like a bachelor. I'd love some leftovers to take home, or to be invited to dinner some time.”

  “That hardly seems like an even trade, but sounds good to me. Since I don't have any food for you tonight, how about one last payment.” Ria held out her hand with money in it.

  “I didn't type anything for you nor did we have a therapy session,” Ellie laughed. “I wouldn't feel right.”

  “I'm not wanting for money, and I'm thinking you can use the money. Why else would you be babysitting? Nothing wrong with that. I grew up wearing hand-me-downs,” Ria shoved the money toward Ellie, and Ellie pushed it back.

  “I’m not hurting for money either,” Ellie said.

  Ria walked Ellie back to the door. Ellie was aware of Ria's stronger stature standing over her. Ellie was cornered at the door. Ria attempted to shove the money into Ellie's front pocket. Ellie held tight to Ria's hand trying to prevent the money from being slipped into her pocket. Ria's lips were close to Ellie's and adrenaline surged through Ellie's body.

  She’s driving me crazy. Kiss me already will you! This is taking all my willpower.

  “Fine, but no more after this,” Ellie said. “Good night.”

  “Good night, and thanks again.” Ria leaned in and gave Ellie a strong hug. Ellie held her tightly in return. Ellie squeezed her eyes shut and smelled Ria's hair. It took every morsel of Ellie's strength not to nibble on Ria's neck.


  Ellie dreamt of Ria, thought of Ria, wrote songs about Ria, and even daydreamed about Ria. She could not get her mind off Ria. Ellie checked her phone constantly. She paced back and forth in her apartment trying to think of a way to pass the time. But all she could think of was seeing Ria again.

  Today she was at lunch with Dina and Davie. They sat on a deck at a small table. Ellie stared off the terrace at the sun hitting the flowers in the flower beds that hung from the railing. There were still some droplets of water sitting on a few petals. A drop slid down a petal into the soil beneath it. Ellie smiled as each drop made its way to the soil.

  “So, you excited about the tour? Are you going to eat the rest of those fries?” Davie asked.

  “Haven't heard a peep from you about it,” Dina said. “You're usually so pumped for it.”

  “I'm excited,” Ellie said. “And yes, I'm going to eat my fries. Order more if you want some. I totally see why this is the best terrace restaurant in Boston.” Ellie ran her steak fry through some ketchup before it disappeared into her mouth.

  “You have to admit you've been acting differently. Don't you think Dina?” Davie said as he reached across to grab a fry from Ellie's plate.

  Ellie slapped his hand away, “Get your own I said! Ma'am, can you get us a side of fries and quickly before we end our friendship over the last one,” Ellie winked as she said this to a passing waitress. The waitress blushed and scampered to the kitchen.

  Ellie said, “I even make the straight girls blush.”

  “Geez!” Davie said.

  “I’m serious about my fries. Growing up, stealing a fry would get you a black eye or broken finger,” Ellie said.

  “Stop pretending you grew up in the ghetto,” Dina said. “You keep forgetting we went to high school together. The toughest thing at our high school was the lunch ladies.”

  “And you're avoiding the topic,” Davie said in a sing-song way.

  “And you're flaming all over my fries,” Ellie sang back.

  “Okay, so what's going on? Something is going on,” Dina said.

  “Agreed,” Davie said.

  “What makes you think something is going on?” Ellie asked.

  “Well,” Dina started. Davie held up his hand and started counting on his fingers as Dina said, “You're not focused on your tour. You have a hard time concentrating. You don't text or call us nearly as much as you use to, you're not on the social sites as much, you haven't dated in forever—”

  “Okay, okay,” Ellie interrupted Dina. “I’ve been seeing someone.”

  “Knew it,” Davie sang.

  Dina said, “If there is such a thing as being too gay, Davie is that.”

  “I'm not really dating someone,” Ellie said. “I haven't shared it with you, because this is so embarrassing.”

  “We've seen you in a thong,” Dina said. “This worse than that?”

  “Possibly,” Ellie said.

  “Oh, do tell,” Davie said. “We need dessert!” Davie yelled to the waitress.

  “You going to tell her what you want for dessert?” Ellie asked.

  “Please, we’ve been coming here every week for a year. They know,” Davie said as he leaned closer to Ellie to hear the news.

  “Okay, this is on the down-low. I don't want Robert knowing any of this,” Ellie said.

  Davie and Dina cocked their heads to one side and in unison responded, “Duh.”

  Ellie said, “So, I have this crush on this woman, but she has no idea.”

  “Okay?” Dina said.

  “And I mean, big crush like ‘I’ve seen her twice a week, and haven't said anything yet’ crush,” Ellie said.

  “How did you meet this crush?” Davie asked as the dessert and French fries arrived. It was their usual, whipped cream-smothered vanilla ice cream resting on a huge brownie. “Oh, I'm so dipping the fries in this ice cream.”

  “Through Roxie,” Ellie answered.

  “I can't believe you kept her a secret,” Dina said as she scooped up a brownie big bite of brownie. “What's the embarrassing part? Who's this chick? Is she married?”

  “Okay, I'm going to just say it,” Ellie braced herself for the courage the following words required. “I'm somehow the babysitter for her daughter, and I watch her kid while she goes on dates,” Ellie added.

  “What!” Davie said
loudly enough for several tables to look over at them. Dina punched Davie in the arm. Ellie took a few bites of the brownie and waited for the other patrons to avert their eyes and hopefully their ears. The restaurant had zero tolerance of patrons bothering famous people. One photo or autograph solicitation would turn into a patron being permanently banned.

  “I showed up to her apartment, and Ria thought I was the babysitter; she already had this other date planned and I got along with Maggie so well,” Ellie rambled.

  “This is so much better than when the hunky roadie kept trying to set me up with his sister,” Davie said as he crammed a vanilla covered French fry into his mouth.

  “How long has this been going on?” Dina asked.

  “A few… three weeks,” Ellie answered.

  “Three weeks! So you've babysat for her five or six times and watched her go out on these dates and all the while you have a crush on her?” Dina asked. “She must be some girl.”

  “Model,” Davie said. “Playboy centerfold.”

  “No, not a model and since when have I dated girls from Playboy. I'd like you to know she's a doctor,” Ellie said as she drank her water.

  “A doctor,” Dina said. “Wow, what's going on? This isn't a groupie, model, and other celebrity. This is serious, Davie my friend.”

  “Yeah, but is she in fact gay?” Davie asked.

  “Yes, she's been going out with women,” Ellie said.

  “While you hang with the baby,” Dina said. “This is classic.”

  “You’re living a movie,” Davie said as he drowned another fry in ice cream.

  “Maggie isn't a baby,” Ellie said. “She’s cool. She's eleven and very unique.”

  “So, if this works out you'll go from lesbian-single-heart-throb to a family woman. Are you ready for that?” Dina asked.

  “Wow, slow down,” Ellie said. “She doesn't even know that I love, umm, like her,” Ellie said.

  “Love, did she say love?” Davie dropped his fry on top of the brownie.

  “Oh, Ellie, Ellie, Ellie, Ellie,” Dina said. “You made us swear to tell you when your heart was on your sleeve and you were prime vulnerable. I'm telling you there are a million Cupid arrows pointed at it. You're telling her tonight. You're telling her now.” Dina grabbed Ellie's cell phone off the table.

  “You don't know the password,” Ellie said as she sat back and crossed her arms.

  “Please,” Dina said. “I've known you since high school. Remember?” Dina typed four numbers into the password screen and slid the screen open. “Okay… Ria, ahh, here she is.”

  “Dina, I swear, don't you dare,” Ellie said as she grabbed for the phone. Davie blocked her.

  “Okay how about this text, ‘Hi I'll not be babysitting for you anymore. I want to take you out tonight. And kiss you like you've never been kissed before,’” Dina said. Ellie reached across the table and grabbed the phone.

  “You didn't send it did you?” Ellie asked as she searched through the phone.

  “No, I didn't but you better before I do. I texted her number to my phone,” Dina said as she ate a huge chunk of brownie. “You are so freaked out. You're so out of your mind about her.”

  “She's a cutie,” Davie said as he perused through his phone.

  “Who?” Dina asked.

  “Ria,” Davie said as he pushed his phone to Dina. “Not your normal type. She's larger than a size two.”

  “How did you?” Ellie asked.

  “I figured she was on Boston’s Singles if she was going on a bunch of dates. I just typed Ria and doctor in and it came up,” Davie said.

  “Nice profile,” Dina said.

  “Yeah, I wrote it,” Ellie said.

  “Geez, Ellie, you're not only babysitting while she goes out with others, but you're helping her find others!”

  “Hold the bus,” Davie said. “Dina we're missing the biggest thing.”

  “What?” Dina asked. Ellie looked from Davie to Dina and back at Dina again.

  He figured it out.

  “She doesn't know you're the famous EJ Way,” Davie said. “Who does she think you are?”

  “No, not possible, what?” Dina said.

  “Yup, no clue. I'm plain Ellie to her and Maggie,” Ellie said. “And I like it that way; she won't be falling for me because of fame, fortune and whatever.”

  “She's not falling, tripping, or even knowing about your existence at this point,” Dina said.

  “Okay, can we stop talking about this?” Ellie asked. “You're supposed to be my friends.”

  “We are,” Davie said. “You need to make a move.”

  “This isn’t helpful. Especially after...” Dina said.

  “Don't even say it,” Ellie said.

  “Tell her today,” Dina said.

  “Yeah, before she meets someone. You should see the amount of hits on her profile,” Davie said. “You should make a profile and ask her out!”

  “Too corny,” Ellie said.

  “Then think of something before we do,” Dina said.”

  “Uh huh,” Davie agreed.


  Ellie was home licking her wounds from lunch with her so-called friends. She texted Ria and didn’t get a text back until a few hours later.

  Ria said, Maggie is having some problems at school. I have been busy with her therapist and behavior planning. Things at the hospital are out of control busy. Sorry.

  Ellie took a deep breath and then texted, Anything I can do?

  No. Thanks though. This is my life, Ria said.

  Ellie said, We all have things we have to work through. Hang in there and call me anytime.

  I'm sorry that we haven’t talked in a while. I miss you, Ria said.

  Ellie said, I miss you too. I would love to see you. Let me know when you're free for another lunch or dinner.


  Ellie received a text from Ria.

  Ria said, I'm going to Hot Mama’s!

  Where? Is that a strip club? Classy, Ellie said.

  Ria said, No, it’s this amazing Louisiana-style food place. Been dying to go there. Impossible to get reservations.

  A smile spread across Ellie's face and she said, Great. I'll be there to hang with Maggie at 6.

  About a half-hour later Ellie saw that Ria had posted a picture on her Friends News status. Ria was wearing a red dress that made Ellie inhale and hold her breath. Ria’s hair was down and she was wearing bright red lipstick. Ellie was mesmerized by her beautiful smile and the twinkle in her eye. She wished she was the reason behind that smile. The caption under the picture read: Going to Hot Mama’s tonight. Can't wait!

  Ellie texted Dina, Ever hear of Hot Mama's?

  Dina answered, What planet do you live on? Yeah, Davie has a cousin who works at the door. Why? Want to go tonight? He might be able to get us in.

  Ellie said, Just wondering. A friend is going. I can't hang tonight. I'm busy.

  Babysitting? And Ria is going with someone to Hot Mama’s? I swear Ellie, I'm going to call Ria and profess your love for her, Dina warned.

  Ellie confessed, You know me well. I'll do it. I'm waiting for my opening. If tonight's date doesn't go well, I'll probably make my move.

  Ellie don't forget, I’ve known you since high school. If you don't make a move…

  Ellie said, Okay okay. Have a good night.

  Glad you became a rock star so that you can change diapers, Dina teased.

  Ellie responded, LOL. You're too funny.

  Dina texted, What are friends for!

  Ellie slipped on her shoes and threw on a flannel over her Green Lantern t-shirt. Her phone vibrated in her front jean pocket.

  Ria texted, Stood up. You’re free tonight.

  Ellie's heart sunk and she answered, What happened?

  Ria said, I have no idea. I was sent an email that she had to cancel tonight. When I tried to reschedule, she stated that it wouldn't work out. What the heck?

  Ellie imagined Ria wiping off her lipstick, make
up, slipping out of her dress and slipping into jeans and a t-shirt. Then completing it by throwing her hair into a ponytail.

  Ellie thought, I have to do something to salvage her evening.

  Ellie texted Ria, Yes, I'm free tonight, and you're free too. How about a date with me?

  Ria answered, That is nice, but it is okay. I'll be fine. I also don't have anyone to watch Maggie.

  How about we hang out at your house? I'll bring dinner for three, Ellie offered.

  Ria said, If you're sure you want to spend your Sunday with us, I could use some company.

  Ellie said, See you in about an hour.

  Ellie called Davie who wanted to know all the details of the whole story and was ecstatic to soprano proportions about Ellie taking Ria a nice dinner. With his help, she connected with his cousin at Hot Mama’s. Ellie ordered one of every appetizer and one entree from each section of the menu. Not only was Hot Mama’s exclusive, it was expensive. Jazzie drove Ellie to pick up the food.

  Ellie received a text from Dina, Davie called me. She was stood up. Now this is your chance. Don't back down or chicken out. You're a stellar catch for anyone. She would be lucky to have you.

  Ellie texted back, Thanks. Sweating up a storm and trying to formulate what to say. I forgot to change. Still wearing a flannel and t-shirt.

  “That food smells delicious,” Jazzie said.

  “Yup, and here is a take-out dish for you,” Ellie said. “Luck of the draw. Do you like chicken and sausage?”

  “For real?” Jazzie said. “Ya-ya.”

  “Good good,” Ellie said.

  “No, Ya-ya. I think that's the name of the meal. It's a famous dish.” Jazzie said.

  “Oh,” Ellie said.

  “What's going on?” Jazzie asked. “You look a little off.”

  “I'm hoping to tell Ria how I feel about her,” Ellie said. “I'm not sure how to say it. Should I just tell her? Or should I simply kiss her? I have no idea.”


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