Love's Autograph

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Love's Autograph Page 7

by Michele M. Reynolds

For you to miss the love I'm sending

  I breathe the evening air and dream about you I hear your whisper and I'm yelling back You're missing me dodging arrows

  swimming the moat

  Sword fighting all who dare

  Must be a spell on this towering love…


  Ellie was hanging out with Maggie again on a Saturday night while Ria decided to take another ride on the dating show. Ellie's talk with Dina and Davie, as well as the Hot Mama’s fiasco, all sat prominently on her mind. She hoped to talk to Ria tonight after Ria's date hopefully went wrong again.

  “Who you going out with tonight?” Ellie asked.

  “Oh, some doctor,” Ria walked to her laptop and pulled up the profile. She was a blue-eyed blonde knockout with a witty profile.

  She's gorgeous. I want to become a doctor to cut out this chick's heart.

  “A few weeks ago I changed my profile and put that I'm a doctor and I got a bunch more hits.”

  “Well, just make sure they want you for this,” Ellie pointed to Ria's body. “And not this.” Ellie rubbed her thumb against her middle and pointer fingers for the sign of money.

  “Oh, alright,” Ria laughed.

  “Have fun,” Ellie said. “Call me if you need an escape.”

  “Oh, I will,” Ria said with emphasis.

  Ellie and Maggie spent their time together playing guitar. Ellie tried to get Maggie to play some games or to watch movies. Maggie only wanted to play guitar. Maggie told Ellie how her music teacher was teaching her how to read music.

  “Music is all I can focus on,” Maggie said. She asked Ellie to tell her who were her favorite musicians. She wrote the list down in a new notebook. Ellie peeked at the front of the notebook and MUSIC was written in thick black marker.

  Maggie went to bed at 9:07. Maggie let Ellie say goodnight to her from her bedroom doorway. Once Maggie was in bed, Ellie called Jazzie.

  “Hello,” Jazzie answered.

  “Jazzie, EJ.”

  “EJ, I can't get over you calling me and saying my name,” Jazzie said.

  “Hey, well since you're such a fan, can you do me a favor? Can you run errands or will you get in trouble for that?”

  “I can run errands. I have to charge you for gas and time.”

  “That's fine,” Ellie said.

  “What's up? What do you need?” Jazzie said.

  “I need you to pick up some things for me,” Ellie said. Ellie texted her the address.

  Ellie paced the floor of the living room.

  I will kiss her tonight. I will kiss Ria tonight. We will kiss tonight. I am not leaving until we kiss. I will tell her that I love her.

  Ellie dusted the living room, wiped down every surface in the kitchen and even cleaned the inside of the microwave. She did not dare stop moving. She kept the mantra running in her head. Tonight is the night.

  Then Ria texted Ellie, How's the munchkin?

  Ellie answered, All snug in bed.

  How late you willing to stay? Ria asked.

  Ellie looked at her phone and thought, What would Dina want me to do? I should beg her to come home now. I should say I can’t stay much longer. I can't believe she's having fun with someone besides me. I’ve gottat muster enough courage to tell her how I feel.

  Ellie asked, Things going that well?

  It's great. She can get us into this exclusive club. Do you mind? I should be home by 2 at the latest, Ria answered.

  Ellie texted words that she knew she would regret, No problem.

  Ellie grabbed her guitar and fiddled around with some chords. She grabbed some scrap paper off the coffee table and covered the paper in lyrics. Words flowed onto the paper. She picked up her guitar and tried out the melody and lyrics. Before Ria returned home, Ellie had two songs in an almost polished form. Ellie turned out the lights in the living room and sat in the window seat overlooking the main entrance five floors below.

  Ellie sat up alert at each car that slowed down or stopped at the entrance. Finally a black SUV stopped and Ria's legs emerged from the passenger side. The blonde driver walked out of the SUV and met Ria at the curb. She was wearing a long white coat. Ellie looked away.

  I can't watch her kiss Ria. Her stomach turned and she felt like she would throw up. She looked back down and Ria was gone, but the SUV still sat at the entrance. Ellie continued to look down at the SUV and it was not moving. Then she heard it—voices in the hallway.

  “I had a great night,” blondie said.

  “Me, too,” Ria said. Her voice sounded higher pitched than normal. Ellie stood in the middle of the room frozen as if she was a thief with nowhere to hide from an approaching homeowner.

  “Can I come in for a bit?” blondie asked.

  “Not a good idea,” Ria said. “I'm kind of tired and I don't want to mess up this perfect night.”

  “Fair enough,” blondie answered. Then there was silence. A long silence. Ellie started to count and got to twenty-eight seconds.

  Then there was a key in the door. Ellie instinctively fell on the couch and pretended to be sleeping. Ellie heard Ria place her keys on the counter and heard her gorgeous legs walk over to Ellie on the couch.

  “Ellie,” Ria whispered.

  I even love how she whispers my name.

  Ria reached down and put her hand on Ellie. “Hey, Ellie,” Ria shook Ellie's shoulder and sat on the edge of the couch next to her. Ellie grabbed Ria's hand.

  “You never sneak up on a sleeping ninja,” Ellie said.

  “Sneak up? I could have murdered you twice. Some babysitter.”

  “Dock my pay.” Ellie still held onto Ria's wrist as Ria sat next to Ellie on the couch.

  “How was your night?” Ria asked.

  “How was your night?” Ellie countered.

  “It was good, actually good,” Ria said.

  “You seem surprised,” Ellie said. “Why didn't you bring her in? She did go to the trouble of walking you up.”

  “How did you know she walked me up?”

  “Umm…” Ellie said.

  “You waited up for me,” Ria said as she poked Ellie's shoulder.

  “I was making sure I protected Princess Maggie.”

  “Glad I didn't bring her in then. I've a feeling you would've made it more than awkward.”

  “How do you know me so well already?” Ellie asked. Ria eyes stared at the coffee table and something seemed to catch her eye.

  “What's this?” Ria asked as she leaned down to grab a piece of paper. Ellie looked and saw that they were the lyrics to the songs she had written earlier tonight.

  “Oh, nothing,” Ellie sat up and tried to grab the paper from Ria. Ria held it behind her and scooted down the couch away from Ellie’s hands but toward her feet.

  “I believe this paper is my paper, and it seems you used my ink from said pen on the table, thus I can read this,” Ria said, feigning a legal argument.

  Ellie grabbed for the paper as Ria strained to read it. Ellie jumped at Ria and pinned her to the couch. She stabilized Ria's left arm and grabbed the paper out of her hand. She stared down at Ria who was peering back up at her. Energy surged through Ellie's torso and her chest tingled. She looked down at Ria. There was a sharp pain in her chest.

  “Wow, if I knew it was so top secret,” Ria said. “I would've fought harder. Is it Ellie and Maggie's secret club code or something?”

  “Or something,” Ellie said as she slid off Ria and onto the floor. She put the paper in her front pocket.

  I want to kiss her so badly. I want to be out on dates with her, and she kissed somebody else tonight. A pit of anger formed in Ellie's stomach, her fists clenched and her eyes narrowed.

  “I have good news,” Ellie said trying to change the subject.

  “Yeah?” Ria asked. Ria lay down and her head was behind Ellie's ear. She could feel her breath on her neck.

  “Your Maggie now knows a bunch of chords. She couldn't get enough of the guitar,” Ellie said.

; “No way,” Ria said. “Glad you guys enjoyed your time together, and it's good for me to get out some times.”

  Ellie said, “Well, good. You deserved a break.”

  “Do you know the past few days all she has talked about is you? How long until Ellie is here? What will we do? Why can't she come over now? I'm a little jealous.”

  “Jealous because you want to be here with me. You can stay instead of going out,” Ellie said.

  “No, jealous of how close Maggie is to you,” Ria said.

  “Oh. So, tell me about Dr. Barbie,” Ellie said.

  “Well, Gwen is great,” Ria paused. “She's very smart; she has great taste in food, and had great connections to get us into this very exclusive club.”

  Ellie said, “You just described a really good intern or agent or something. Not someone I want to date.”

  “Well she was also definitely into me. I think she liked me. She's hot too,” Ria said. “She paid for everything. Held doors for me and was sweet to me. She's so intelligent. It was nice being around someone who understands my work. She's a lot of fun, a great dancer, as well as a good kisser. Don't you think she's hot?” Ellie shrugged. “Look who's jealous now. Anyway,” Ria said. “You still seeing that chick?”

  “What chick?” Ellie asked.

  “The one from the night you first Maggie-sat?” Ria asked.

  “Oh, no,” Ellie said. “Not seeing anyone that serious.”

  “Not that serious? So, what's her name?”

  “Jazzie,” Ellie said.


  “Yeah, anyway. She makes up in attractions what she lacks in name. Unlike Robot Doctor.”

  Ria corrected her, “Gwen.”

  “Robo Gwen.”

  “Well, Robo Gwen and I are programmed to go out again this week,” Ria said.

  “Good for you. Well, I better go,” Ellie said as she grabbed her guitar case.

  “Oh wait,” Ria said. She walked to the fridge and handed her a plastic container. “Special family recipe. Rice and chicken.”

  “Great,” Ellie said. “Breakfast.”

  Ria walked Ellie to the door and gave her a hug. Ellie could smell Doctor Barbie's perfume on her. She moved her lips closer to Ria's neck. But before she could kiss Ria’s neck, Ellie pulled away.

  Ria's not interested in me. She has an amazing doctor now.

  Ellie called Jazzie to come pick her up. She was twenty minutes away. She watched from the lobby as Jazzie passed the main entrance and turned the corner. She walked out of the building and got in the car.

  “Good night, EJ?” Jazzie asked.

  “Mostly a good night,” Ellie said. She sunk into the cushy seats. The comfort of the Town Car’s seats was always welcomed. “I should put these seats in my apartment. I wonder if they make couches too.”

  “I don't think so. Did she like it?” Jazzie asked.

  “Who? What?”

  “Who was the guitar that I delivered to you for?” Jazzie asked. “Did she or he like it?”

  “Umm… oh I forgot about that. Thanks for picking it up from the dealer. I don't know. I left it for when she wakes up. It was for Maggie,” she said.

  “One lucky little girl,” Jazzie said.

  “I guess so,” Ellie said. “I hope so. I hope she likes it.”

  “Are you kidding me? That's like Christmas morning. She'll be thrilled. A guitar from EJ Way.”

  “No,” Ellie answered. “She doesn't even know who I am.”

  “That's right. Still don't know, huh? What do these people live in, a cave?” Jazzie asked.

  “I'm not that famous. Some people don't know me,” Ellie said.

  “Only people over seventy don't know you,” Jazzie laughed.


  “Why so sad?” Jazzie asked.

  “Ria went on a date tonight, and it went well. She went out with this gorgeous, fun doctor,” Ellie said. “She kissed her.”

  “Oh,” Jazzie said. “Not to sound insensitive, but what did you think would happen if she kept going out on these dates?”

  “I know. Tonight I was going to tell her,” Ellie added trying to convince herself as well as Jazzie.

  “Really? You've been saying that for a while,” Jazzie said. Silence fell between them. “Where to?”

  Ellie answered, “Hmm, I'm not tired, but I should go home. Home.”

  Ellie walked into her half-million dollar apartment and was greeted by steel, stone, cold silence. The place was immaculate and smelled like pine. Her housekeepers had been there today. Ellie walked to her fridge, grabbed a beer, and sat on her couch. She made a mental note to look for a Town Car couch. The paper in her front pocket poked into her. She pulled out the lyrics. The clock read 3:00 a.m. She walked down the hallway and to her recording studio. She set-up the equipment and started to record.

  Lending you my nights

  Giving away my flowers.

  Notebooks of secrets, chords of a night you were unknowingly my date

  and I waited all night

  Days of dreaming of your lips

  My fingers run through my inspiration

  My willpower is running low

  I waited up all night

  I refuse to use my power the one that draws

  everyone else near

  My superwoman S is hidden from you

  My heart is on my sleeve

  Ellie's phone vibrated in her pocket as she finished the first run through of the first song. She pulled it out of her pocket. It was Ria.

  “Hello?” Ellie answered.

  “4:30 a.m.,” Ria said in a somewhat angry tone, but somehow it still seemed to be in a teasing manner.

  “Huh?” Ellie said.

  “At 4:30 a.m. I was awakened by music.”

  “Okay?” Ellie was confused.

  “Live music to be exact, a few doors down from me.”

  Maggie must have found the guitar that I had Jazzie bring to me while Maggie was sleeping..

  “Oh, she found the guitar. Oh, I meant to tell you but I got distracted... I mean I forgot.”

  “I figured since she woke me up, I'd do you a favor and wake you up. Yet, you seem very wide awake. Why are you so awake?” Ria asked and sounded disappointed.

  Ellie said, “I was up.”

  “With her?” Ria asked.

  Ellie said, “Oh, no I'm alone.”


  “I was writing songs. I couldn't sleep. Does she like the guitar?” Ellie asked.

  “Loves it. That was so sweet of you. I'll have to repay you,” Ria said.

  Ellie said, “Not at all. I bartered for it. I only had to sleep with three gorgeous women. No problem.”

  “I'm beginning to think that this is genuinely true of you. You seem like a several dates a week person,” Ria said.

  Ellie said, “Not at all. Several a day. Actually, you interrupted my seventh one.”

  Ria said, “You said you were alone.”

  “Oh, that's right.”

  “So, seven?” Ria asked.

  “It would be eight, but you decided to pay in food instead of with sexual favors.”

  Ria said, “I'll reconsider next time.”

  “Promise?” Ellie answered. This flirting is killing me.

  “So is Maggie still up?” Ellie asked.

  “I put her in front of the television. I have her guitar locked in my closet. Oh, she wants to know why it has plastic strings and not metal ones.”

  “Classical guitar. Made for beginners, to be gentle on her fingers. She probably has blisters. Watch she doesn't play her fingers raw.”

  Ria answered, “Okay.”

  “Okay, if that's all.”

  “Ellie,” Ria said.

  “Yeah?” Ellie asked.

  “I didn't tell her about Maggie,” Ria whispered.

  “Who, Gwen?” Ellie asked.

  “You remembered her name. Yeah, is that bad?” Ria asked.

  “I know her name, but like Dr. Barbie
better. I don't know. Why didn't you? Isn't it on your profile?” Ellie answered.

  Ria answered, “I changed my profile and deleted the single mom part. I guess I wanted to be me and not think about my complicated life. I know it’s horrible.”

  “I get it. Sometimes you need to separate parts of your life. It makes it easier. I'm doing that now with work and my personal life,” Ellie said.

  “It's pathetic,” Ria said. “This is so complicated.”

  Ellie answered, “Well, I think your complicated life looks pretty nice.”

  Ria said, “Not everyone would.”

  “Yeah, I guess,” Ellie said. There was a long silence. Ellie grabbed her almost empty beer bottle and turned off the recording equipment. Ellie walked into her bedroom and fell onto the bed.

  “You there?” Ria asked

  “Yup,” Ellie said. “Just crawled into bed.”

  Ria asked, “Is there room with the number eight girl in there?”

  “Oh yes, it's fine. She's still in the hot tub. We have some time. You know, I'm not the player you're imagining.”

  “I don't imagine you being a player. You're an amazing kid-whisperer. What else do you do for work besides playing gigs?” Ria asked.

  “No, I make a good living with my music. That Hot Mama’s food wasn't cheap,” Ellie answered.

  “So I heard. Not sure why I thought you didn't have much money. Probably because you were your age and babysitting. Tell me about your job. Are you in a band I would've heard of?”

  “Considering you said that you haven’t paid attention to the music scene, no,” Ellie said.

  “Once I hit undergrad, I hit the books and never looked up. You couldn't imagine all the movies and music I've missed from the late 90's until now. I felt so out of the music scene in the club tonight,” Ria said.

  “That's because clubs play crappy music. I'll upgrade your music archive,” Ellie said.

  “So, tell me about your band,” Ria said. “Do you have this tight group of best friends in the band?”

  Ellie answered, “No, I play by myself and pick up band mates as needed. I tour a lot here and there. I'm going away soon.”


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