Love's Autograph

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Love's Autograph Page 27

by Michele M. Reynolds

  Ria said, “Don't worry. I'm bitten by you as much as you by me. I can't stop thinking about you, and us and especially that one night.”

  “Okay enough,” Ellie said. “Do you mind if we drop you home? You're driving me crazy and any longer in this limo and you'll be naked.”

  “I'm okay with taking that chance,” Ria teased.

  “Yeah, I'm not. At least not right now,” Ellie said. Ria gave her a teasing smile and slid to the front of the limo. She tapped on the glass. Jazzie lowered the glass.

  “Can you take me home Jazzie, please?” Ria asked.

  “You sure? Dina said...” Jazzie started.

  “Yes, I know what she said, but I think we pushed it as far as we could go,” Ria said.

  “Okay,” Jazzie said and lifted the tinted glass divider back up.

  Ria slid back to sitting across from Ellie.

  “So you guys had this whole attack planned?” Ellie said. “What was next? Taking me to a warehouse and putting me in handcuffs?”

  “I prefer tying you up instead of handcuffs,” Ria smiled and winked at Ellie.

  “You've done that before?” Ellie asked.

  “I'd love to try it with you,” Ria said and smirked at Ellie.

  “Okay, that look, and talk isn't okay,” Ellie said. “And when or if we see each other again, that outfit is totally banned.”

  “What, this old thing?” Ria laughed. “What is okay to wear?”

  “Sweats and... wait no you look cute in that,” Ellie paused. “I think the only thing you would be safe wearing around me would be a Jenny Vito t-shirt.” Ellie laughed.

  “And even then, you would probably rip it off me,” Ria laughed in turn.

  “Okay, how long until we get to your apartment, because I don't think I'm going to make it,” Ellie said as she leaned back and took another long swig of her soda. “I’m so attracted to you.”

  Ria leaned back in her seat and looked out the window, “Sorry, I'll stop teasing you. It's about twenty minutes or so. What would you like to talk...” Ellie got up and made her way over to Ria.

  “Forget this,” Ellie said. Ellie leaned over and passionately kissed Ria. She straddled Ria and continued intensely kissing her. Ria put her hands on Ellie's hips. Ellie pulled away from Ria's lips and whispered into Ria's ear, “I still need time to process us, but I would love to spend this ride getting reacquainted with your lips, if that's okay with you.” Ria nodded and they continued kissing. They kissed the entire ride to Ria's apartment. Jazzie stopped the limo outside of Ria's apartment.

  “Do you want to come in?” Ria asked.

  “Yes and absolutely no,” Ellie answered with a smile.

  “Maggie's at a friends for the night,” Ria said as Jazzie opened Ria's door.

  “Then absolutely and positively no,” Ellie said. Ria nodded and then leaned in and gave Ellie one last, long, lingering kiss on the lips.

  “I’m so in love with you,” Ria whispered.

  Ellie nodded, “I love hearing you say that.”

  “I’m so in love with you,” Ria repeated. Ria smiled and stepped out of the limo. Ellie waited until Ria was in the lobby and then stepped out of the limousine coming face to face with Jazzie. She punched Jazzie in the arm.

  “Ouch,” Jazzie said. “Where you going?”

  “Up front with you,” Ellie said. “It’s lonely back there.”

  “Didn't look too lonely from where I sat,” Jazzie said.

  “You can see through that glass?” Ellie asked.

  “No, but I can see all the lipstick on your face,” Jazzie laughed.

  Ellie slid into the front passenger seat, and Jazzie in the driver's seat. Jazzie handed her a wet napkin. Ellie pulled down the visor and started rubbing off Ria's red lipstick.

  “So?” Jazzie asked.

  “So, I think I need to find new best friends. I can't believe you guys set that Ria-Trap for me,” Ellie said.

  “What, come on, it couldn't have been that bad,” Jazzie said. “So, you guys back together?”

  “No,” Ellie said. “I can't. I don't know if she's sure… you know. I can't risk it. My heart and head can't take it.”

  “So, what was that?” Jazzie said motioning to the back of the limo.

  “Did you see what she was wearing? I couldn’t help myself. She drives me wild,” Ellie said.

  “You do still love her, right?”

  “Yeah, and she said she was in love with me,” Ellie said.


  “So it's complicated,” Ellie said.

  “Things are not as complicated as they seem,” Jazzie said.

  “So you keep telling me,” Ellie said.

  “You should start listening,” Jazzie said.


  Ria texted, Thank you for tonight. I'm not sure of the rules of texting or calling.

  Ellie answered, You can text. Yes, it was nice seeing you tonight. You looked amazing.

  I miss you so much. I hope that things can work out with us. I need some time.

  I understand.

  Ria asked, Was that enough time? You ready now.

  You're funny. I think I need more than a few minutes or hours.

  So what is the plan? Guidelines? Ria asked.

  I'm not sure. We can't go jumping into things again. We have to take it slowly. Unlike tonight.

  Ria said, Okay think about it. I hope that it includes starting to spend time together soon. I miss you. You looked gorgeous tonight.

  Lock up that dress and boots for me will you? Ellie commanded.

  I have to keep my secret weapons ready.

  They did a number on me tonight, Ellie confessed.

  Ria asked, Can't you come over tonight? You drove me crazy and I'm all worked up.

  Ellie said, Take a cold shower or read one of your books.

  What books?

  The ones on your ereader, Ellie said.

  Ria said, Yeah, I noticed a while ago you underlined some things. Very slick and creepy.

  I needed something to do in your bed while you were not there.

  Ria said, Well, I'm here now. There is plenty to do. Where are you staying tonight?


  Give me the room number and I'll be there, Ria requested.

  Ellie texted, Banning these flirting texts will be first on my list in our new relationship guidelines.


  Rules for Ria & Ellie:

  1. Never be alone with each other.

  2. No kissing or other non-platonic touching.

  3. No flirting of any kind.

  4. Only consume one beer around each other.

  5. No massages of any kind.

  6. No undressing in front of each other.

  7. No talking about how each other smells.

  8. No sexting.

  9. No giving of suggestive gifts.

  10. No dancing with or around each other.


  “So, you're losing money left and right,” Dina said. “The label doesn't have enough artists signed and our overhead is much more than our profit.”

  “Are these numbers from Jane?” Ellie asked.

  “Yes, the accountant you hand-picked,” Dina said.

  “So what's the plan?” Jazzie asked. “I didn't quit my job to lose this one.”

  Jazzie glanced around the conference table at EJ Way's team. Everyone looked around at each other.

  “We need Robert,” Dina said.

  “The hell we do,” Ellie said. “I won't use him again. Something else.”

  “Well, what's the biggest moneymaker?” Jazzie said. “How do you guys make a lot of money?”

  “Tours, albums, sponsors, promotions,” Dina said. “Doing more marketing.”

  “I'd rather not tour if we can avoid it,” Ellie said. “A concert here and there would be okay. I have an album in the works. I can throw that together pretty quickly.”

  “We need some sponsors,” Davie said. “Robert p
ushed you to that and you avoided it, but it might be the way to go.”

  “Okay, like what?” Ellie asked. “I don't want to be sponsored by anything lame.”

  “Like what?” Dina asked.

  “I don't know. You guys know what I like,” Ellie said. Remi barked and ran toward the door. Maggie entered the lobby followed by Ria. “Like dog food. Remi and I'd do a great commercial.” Ellie got up and greeted Ria and Maggie in the lobby.

  “Okay I guess the meeting is over,” Dina said. “So let's form a team who will figure out sponsors, Ellie will crank out an album and Jazzie, see if you can schedule some more people in here to use the studio. We probably need to do some more scouting for some new talent. We need to listen to these demos coming in, too. Anyone up to trudging through those?”

  “I'll do it,” Maggie said. Ria and Ellie had entered the meeting room.

  “Hi Maggie,” Dina said. “Oh, this is something one of us should do.”

  “Oh, come on Dina. Maggie has a good ear. It wouldn't hurt to send some demos her way,” Ellie said as she patted Maggie on the back.

  “Sure, we're going under and putting it in the hands of...” Dina started and Ellie gave her a look. “Sure Maggie, I'll set you up with some demos. Let me know who you like.”

  “Okay,” Maggie said. “I might find the next rising star.”

  “You just might,” Ria said. “You sure you want her doing this?” Ria asked Ellie.

  “Yeah, we get thousands of demos. We don't have enough man power to go through them all,” Ellie answered. “You guys ready?”

  “Where are you guys headed?” Jazzie asked.

  “We're going to the Children's Science Museum,” Maggie said. “Wait, who is going to watch Remi?”

  “Jazzie is the Remi-sitter for the day,” Ellie answered.

  “Yup, Remi and I have become great friends,” Jazzie said as she reached down and petted Remi.

  “I love that museum. I've been there almost a hundred times,” Davie said. “How many times have you been there?” Davie asked Maggie.

  “I haven't been there yet, and neither has Mom,” Maggie answered.

  The three traveled in a Town Car to the museum. Ellie wore a dark-black wig and long sleeves to cover up her arm tattoos that her fans could use to identify her. They showed up at the museum, and the ticket counter looked like the kiosks at the airport. It was Saturday and the place was buzzing with families. The museum was so big that they were given a map. The museum was full of things to touch, try out and read. Ria and Ellie followed behind Maggie as she ran from exhibit to exhibit, and area to area.

  “We're going to need a nap after this,” Ria said.

  “I already need one,” Ellie said.

  “Thanks for coming. I know this is lame,” Ria said.

  “Are you kidding me? This is perfect. Enough kids around that you don't have the opportunity to seduce me,” Ellie said.

  “Are you kidding me?” Ria said. “Do you actually think that would stop me from doing so?”

  “Yes,” Ellie said. Maggie was involved with a puzzle of magnets and tracks that sat on a huge table, and Ria and Ellie were leaning against a nearby wall.

  “Oh Ellie, you don't know me very well,” Ria said as she turned to face Ellie. “If you gave me the green light, I wouldn’t hold back.”

  “Oh come on,” Ellie said. “I remember how shy you were to show affection in front of others when you came with me to New York City.”

  “Not anymore. That was the old me,” Ria said as she inched closer to Ellie. Ria’s eyes read pure hunger.

  “Red light,” Ellie laughed as she extended her arm out to Ria's shoulder. “I’m not giving you the green light.” Ellie felt her face fill with heat and she started to feel dizzy. She saw a bench nearby and sat down. Ria walked past her and sat down on the other side of her.

  “You smell amazing,” Ellie said.

  “Rule seven,” Ria said.

  “You’re right. That's my rule seven. It's hard when you smell so...”

  “Rule seven,” Ria said as she put up her hand.

  “Well stop enticing me to break it,” Ellie said.

  “Okay, lock away red dress and black boots, check. Stop bathing, check,” Ria laughed.

  Maggie stayed at the magnet table for almost twenty minutes.

  “I'm beginning to think that we're going to have to come back here,” Ria said. “There's no way we're going to get through this whole place at this rate unless we start rushing her.”

  “I’m game to come back,” Ellie said.

  “It’s been nice spending so much time with you,” Ria said.

  “Yeah, it has,” Ellie said. “With all the work at the studio. It makes sense for me to be around more.”

  “Is that the only reason?” Ria asked.

  “Rule three,” Ellie said.

  “What? That wasn't a blatant flirt,” Ria said.

  “Eye of the flirtee not flirter,” Ellie said.

  “Wow your flirt-a-meter has been awfully sensitive lately,” Ria said and Ellie laughed.

  “So we have gone to museums, had dinner, watched family movies, gone to the park, family game nights, along with other things,” Ria said. “When do you think we'll be able to abolish rule one?”

  “I’m not sure that we should be alone in a non-public arena,” Ellie said.

  “Really? It has been a few months,” Ria said. “Ten weeks to be exact.”

  “Yeah,” Ellie said. “I don't know.”

  “Okay,” Ria said. “No pressure. Okay, maybe a little pressure. You know I think I’m breaking the record for the most cold showers in a row.” Ria and Ellie laughed.

  “Me too,” Ellie said.

  “Mom, can we go up to the second floor?” Maggie said as she stood before them studying the museum pamphlet.

  “Sure Maggie, but there’s a lot we missed on the first floor,” Ria said.

  “I know, but there is a live show up there in five minutes. They have a real live owl!”

  “Who?” Ellie asked.

  “A live owl,” Ria said to Ellie.


  “A live owl!” Maggie yelled. Ellie held her stomach and laughed.

  “Oh Mom, she was making a joke,” Maggie said to Ria.

  “Yes, what are we going to do with her?” Ria asked.

  “I don't know,” Maggie said. “She is your girlfriend and your problem.”

  “She's not—” Ria started to say and Maggie trotted up the stairs.

  “Your girlfriend, huh?” Ellie laughed.

  “A corny girlfriend who I can't kiss,” Ria nudged Ellie and they followed Maggie upstairs. “My feet are killing me...”

  Just Ria saying the word kiss drives me wild.

  “I can massage them...”

  “Rule five,” Ria said.

  “I better get my act together. I removed all the fun, huh”?” Ellie said.

  “Yup,” Ria said. “So I was thinking…”

  “Uh oh, what?”

  “Wednesday is Maggie's last day of school,” Ria said. “I know you’re going back home tomorrow. I was wondering if we could visit.”

  “Both of you? For the day or staying over?” Ellie asked.

  “Stay over?” Ria asked as she batted her eyelashes and flashed a cheesy smile.

  “Okay, but rules will be in full force,” Ellie said. “You and Maggie can sleep in my loft.”

  “Yes, I’ll be on my best behavior,” Ria said. “I've never seen your house, and Maggie brags about it so much.”

  “Sure, it’ll be great,” Ellie said.

  “I can make pancakes and dinner,” Ria said.

  “So when do you want to come out?”

  “How about Thursday morning to Sunday afternoon?” Ria asked.

  “Yes, that’ll be fine,” Ellie said. “As long as you don't mind entertaining yourselves when I'm in the studio working on some albums.”

  “Oh sure,” Ria said. “So your studio’s not
doing well? Sorry I overheard that.”

  “Yeah, it's okay. It’s no secret. Dina is freaking because we're losing money,” Ellie said.

  “You’re not worried?” Ria asked.

  “I’m worried about people losing their jobs. That's why I paid them twice as much as the job was worth. Built in severance.” Ellie said. “I put a chunk of money away that I promised myself I wouldn’t use. If I can get an album out, as well as a sponsor, we'll be fine. I’m trying to avoid a tour.”

  “Well, I'm sure you can work it out,” Ria said.

  “I think so,” Ellie said. “Let's hope so.”


  “She coming out this weekend,” Dina asked on the other end of the phone.

  “Yup, Maggie and Ria are coming out Thursday to Sunday,” Ellie answered.

  “And?” Dina asked.

  “And what?” Ellie asked.

  “So, when are you guys going to start dating? Like really be together instead of this platonic, crazy break you're on?”

  “I don't know,” Ellie said. “I think soon. We'll see what happens this weekend.”

  “What are you doing? What's that racket in the background?” Dina sounded annoyed as she asked.

  “I’m washing some new pots and pans and a set of knives I bought,” Ellie said.

  “Why, you embarrassed for Ria to cook on your family hand-me-down kitchenware you've had since college?” Dina laughed.

  “Maybe,” Ellie laughed. “Stop, I’m nervous about this. I feel like we're playing house, and seeing how I still seem to live like a bachelor isn't impressive. All day I cleaned, organized and went shopping for food. I even bought new sheets.”

  “Oh, so what will the sleeping arrangements be?” Dina asked in a teasing manner.

  “She and Maggie are sleeping in my bed, and Remi and I on the couch,” Ellie said.

  “Does she know that?”

  “Remi sure, she doesn't care,” Ellie laughed. “No, Ria knows. I was very clear on that. The only flexibility in the rule is that Remi might ditch me to sleep with Maggie. Remi is more loyal to Maggie. She's such a traitor.”

  “Well, call me if you need anything,” Dina said. “We have a pool going,” she mentioned as an afterthought.


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