Billionaires Runaway Bride

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Billionaires Runaway Bride Page 60

by Claire Adams

  “Yeah, it gets better, trust me. You need to keep at it. So what is the status of the annulment? Are you two still breaking it off or do you think you’ll stick together?”

  I got up and placed my coffee cup on the counter, then turned to lean against it. “I wish I knew. We tease about it a little here and there, and he’s called me his wife a few times… But again, it’s all in fun.”

  “Maybe it’s time to have a serious talk? Ask him what he thinks. What could it hurt?” She had a point, but I was afraid of what he’d say.

  “Yeah, I know I should, but I don’t know; it’s all so nice now that we’re kissing and getting closer. I don’t want to ruin it.” I imagined myself straddling his lap, his length tight inside me, and found my way back to the chair.

  “It will happen naturally in time. Guess there’s no sense in rushing it. Enjoy it while you can and hope for the best.” She was beginning to sound winded, and I remembered she was scrubbing her house. “So, what else you got?”

  “Well, the lawyer is going to start pushing for us to be able to come home. He figured he better before Gabriel blew a fortune on a new house here. He was afraid I would go crazy in this hotel room.”

  “Wow, husband of the year, right there. Maybe you should stay a while.” She laughed, and I heard dishes rattling in her sink. Sure enough, the sound of water from her faucet followed.

  “He wanted me to pick it out, but honestly, it feels too weird spending his money. I mean, it’s a house. It’s not like I’m choosing a new tie for him.” The idea still seemed absurd.

  “Right, well, at least he’s concerned.” She turned off the water, and I heard her footsteps on her wooden floor.

  “Yeah, he’s concerned all right. He’s even given me another offer, which is why I’ve called. He said I could fly someone out to visit, and of course I would love it if you had time.”

  “Wow, really?” Her tone was stuck somewhere between being surprised and uncertainty. “What about the investigation and the media?”

  “We’ll get Joe to look after you, but for the most part, the media has died down.”

  “Hmm… Who is Joe? Is he hot and single?”

  My grin went ear to ear as I answered. “Yes, as a matter of fact, he is. He’s Gabriel’s bodyguard, as well as his driver. Gabe doesn’t go anywhere without him, and you’d like him. He has a daughter he adores.”

  “Well, I’ll have to check my days off, but maybe next weekend if you’re still there.”

  I squealed with excitement and jumped to my feet. I’d been so afraid she’d say no with all the murder and mayhem. “That would be perfect. Let’s play it by ear and I’ll keep you updated. I hope we can have some fun. I wish I could show you the city, but I doubt that will happen.”

  “We’ll have fun. We can pretend it’s a slumber party, or better yet, a double date. We’ll see if Joe is looking for fun.” We shared a giggle and said our goodbyes. It would be a long week of waiting, but at least I’d have something to look forward to.

  Chapter Twenty


  “It’s been four days since you talked to the detective. Please tell me you have good news.”

  It wasn’t my normal greeting for Mason, but I was sick of waiting around. One more day and I was going to call my fucking realtor and get a different place. Spending weeks in the Honeymoon suite was too much.

  Although for the past hour, which I’d spent on the couch with Luna, it hadn’t been all too terrible, nor was any of the time we’d been close. I was beginning to think that the annulment was a bad idea, but wasn’t sure if she felt the same.

  “Relax, I come bearing good news.” Mason held his arms out in defense. The guy was impeccably dressed as usual, as if he was out to impress a lady, with his cologne strong and his hair perfectly gelled.

  I retreated to the couch where Luna and I had been sitting together for the past hour. Her red cheeks and panting could have gone unnoticed as she collected herself, but her hair and blouse, which were both suspiciously mussed, had Mason’s eyes narrowed.

  “You two seem cozy.” He glanced back and forth between us.

  We kept our distance, Luna and I, her sitting at arm’s length as I pressed on. “Well?”

  He clapped his hands together and flashed a grin that would have made the Cheshire Cat jealous. “The investigation at the hotel is complete; all the different departments have signed off, so you can go there if you want – but more importantly, you’re free to go home.” Luna squealed a sound of relief and moved to the edge of her seat as Mason continued.

  “Hatcher wants you to stay in touch and, of course, don’t leave the country. The detective in LA will be checking on you and will filter in any new information. He did admit there is another lead, but no word on who or what. My guess would be that staffer you found on the footage, but I don’t think he’d admit that.”

  “I bet you’re right. I’m anxious to hear, but going home is the best news yet.”

  Luna was so excited, she threw her arms around me and kissed my cheek. Then she rose to her feet and ran to the bedroom. “I’m going to pack!”

  I watched her hurry away with a happy bounce in her step that had me licking my lips. But when I turned to Mason, he glared at me and then toward the bedroom. “What the hell is going on between the two of you? You seem rather chummy.”

  It wasn’t that we were hiding anything from Mason, but I doubted he’d be happy to learn the marriage was now official – at least in the sense that we’d sealed the deal with sex.

  “We’ve been cooped up in this place; it was bound to happen.” I raised my shoulders and Mason’s expression hardened.

  “Well, congratulations, friend: there goes half of your fortune. I hope you’re happy. I warned you it wasn’t the best idea. You may as well get out your checkbook, or better yet, sign away your home.”

  I hardly thought it was all that bad. Luna was the one still wanting the annulment, and it seemed to me her best course of action regarding my wealth would be to stay married to me.

  “I’m not interested in his fortune, thank you.” She stood at the doorway of the bedroom, her eyes hard and angry, her lip curled in disgust. Neither of us had seen her standing there, and my heart sank that she’d heard him.

  She crossed the room and got right in Mason’s face. I stepped forward, placing my hand on her shoulder. She shrugged away from me and turned on us both.

  “So, it was bound to happen? Is that right? Thanks for keeping it special.” She spun around on Mason. “And you. I’m tired of your nasty glares down your nose like I’m some sort of blemish. I didn’t ask to be here, and I didn’t marry him for his money.”

  Mason leaned forward, shifting on his feet with his hand on his hip. “How the hell would you know? Last I heard, you conveniently forgot the wedding.”

  Luna’s mouth popped open, her jaw going slack with shock, but she didn’t back down. “Fine. I’ll sign a contract. I’m sure you’ve got one in that fancy suit of yours. I’ll denounce any tie to his money that’s rightfully mine. And, I might not remember my wedding as more than a drunken fog, but I know I wouldn’t have married him if I didn’t care about him! So go ahead, get your contract. We can call it a post-nuptial if you please.”

  “Quick, someone grab a pen!” Mason bit back.

  “You know what your problem is, pretty boy? I think you’re jealous. How long have you had your crush on him?”

  Luna’s statement sent Mason into a rage. “I beg your pardon? That’s way out of line.” He turned to me, his face glowing red with embarrassment. “I’d suggest you control your wife before you lose a lawyer.”

  Something in his body language told me that Luna might not be so far off. I’d seen the man with many women, but who knew what kind of secrets people kept to themselves.

  “That’s enough!” I pulled Luna’s arm, keeping her close to me while I put some distance between them. “You’re not signing anything. I don’t think for a minute you married me
for my money. If I had thought that, you wouldn’t be standing here. And you,” I spun around to face Mason.

  “We’ve been friends a long time and care about each other, so that’s all that matters to me. But you will not talk to my wife that way ever again or you can find another client who will pay you way more than you’re worth. As for how I choose to take care of her financially, it will be on my terms and isn’t any of your business.”

  I didn’t feel at all out of line. Mason was highly overpaid, but I’d always felt he was worth it, but I wouldn’t have him treating Luna like she were any less important. For as long as she remained my wife, she’d be respected.

  “I’m sorry.” Luna’s apology came out of nowhere and was directed toward Mason. With a stiff upper lip and his jaw so tight the muscles feathered, he nodded.

  I clapped him on the shoulder. “Let me pour you a drink, friend.”

  He fidgeted with his cuffs. “No thanks. I’m going back to LA. My work here is done. See you back home.” With that, he gave Luna a stiff nod and strode out the door.

  As it slammed behind him, Luna deflated, releasing a deep breath as her shoulders slumped forward. She placed her hand on my arm and all the anger went out from me, but I was hardly done.

  “You went for the jugular.” As she shrank away from me, I turned and headed to pour myself a drink and text Joe and have him ready to go.

  “You can’t tell me you didn’t always suspect that. He beams at you like you’re a God and he’s been downright bitchy to me since day one. Besides, he pissed me off with that money talk. I’m not a gold-digger.” She waited for me to pour my drink then poured one of her own.

  “I know you’re not. But I want you to know that I’m going to take care of you. No matter what you decide to do about the marriage-”

  Her temper flared again and she was suddenly two inches taller. “What I decide? We’re in this together, aren’t we?”

  “Yes, but I’m talking about provisions. Security – and not only the type I sell. I’ve already promised your job is still here waiting, but don’t think for a moment that because we’re going home that I’m letting you out of my sight.

  “There is still someone out there killing women tied to me, so when we do get back, we’ll check in on our places and then we’re retreating to my vineyard home. It’s outside the city, but still local enough we can drive in when needed. Plus, it’s got all the security we need.”

  I expected her to protest, but she relaxed her posturing and took a step back. “Is this the one in Temecula? My father lives in Murrieta, so at least I’ll be close by if he’d like to visit.”

  I tossed back my drink and poured another. “Of course, and I know you were looking forward to having your friend fly out, but once we’re settled, she’s welcome there, too.” She nodded, and I leaned forward, planting a kiss on her cheek. “I want to take care of you.”

  “I know. But I’m used to taking care of myself, and even though I’ve been a daddy’s girl, make no mistake that I took care of him as much as he took care of me.”

  “I’ve no doubt. But I’ve also got a right to use my money how I want, and I am not taking no for an answer when it comes to making provisions. If you need anything, please ask. Let me do this for you, Luna.”

  “Fine. When are we leaving?” The emotion caught up with her as she sagged against me. “I want to go home.”

  “I’ve got Joe gassing up the car and asked him to be here within the hour. You better get a move on.” With one last peck on the mouth, she turned and went back to the bedroom.

  I followed her into the room, gathering up my things. Her excitement was contagious. “I’m going to call my father and tell him the good news as soon as we’re in the car.” Her smile was ear to ear as the tossed her things haphazardly into her bag.

  I took a bit more care, but hurried myself. As ready as I was to get back to my own place, I was more excited to share it with her and have her in my personal space: in my bed, my shower, my home office.

  Twenty minutes later, she had all of her things neatly waiting by the door and she paced the floor in front of it as I did a final sweep of the room. “Joe will come up to walk us down, won’t he?”

  “Of course; the persistent press is still lingering.” I checked the bedroom and bathroom and peeked inside the shallow closet.

  “Why won’t they all go away?” I came out to find her peeking through the peephole. “Do you think they’ll see we’re leaving and follow us home like stray dogs?” I laughed as she backed away and threw me a glance. “Joe’s here!” She turned and grabbed her bags.

  I opened the door for Joe, and he wasted no time taking the load from her hands. “I can get that,” he said, taking the larger bag.

  I took a final look behind me to the honeymoon suite. My bride deserved so much better, and I vowed then and there to make the rest of our marriage, no matter how short-lived, much better.

  Sure enough, as we entered the lobby, the reporters swarmed. I kept a hand on Luna as we made our way through them, tucking her tight against me as Joe muscled our way through to the car. The burning questions on their lips were not as much about the investigation as they were about our marriage.

  Finally, we made it to the car; crawling inside was like a birthing experience from the tight crowd. In four hours, we’d be home. Together.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  The long ride back proved too much for me, and I woke when we reached our destination, resting my head against Gabriel’s shoulder.

  All around, lush greenery hung from arbors and blooms of bright colors blew in the breeze, as if waving a welcome. We were stopped outside of the main entrance, and Gabriel opened the door and took my hand. “You’ll be nice and rested for your introductions,” he teased.


  I peered out the doors and discovered Joe shaking hands with a man who was more around my father’s age than Joe’s. The man glanced around Joe’s shoulder, and when he met my eyes, he smiled and nodded, scratched his graying head, and then said something to Joe, though I couldn’t hear what was being said. Behind him, coming out of the door, was a woman; her hair was pulled back in a tight bun, and her smile was as tired as her eyes, though kind.

  “That is Judy and Carl. They’re my staff here. I don’t keep anyone but Joe with me anywhere else, but this home needs special care. Judy was a lifelong friend of my mother’s, and Carl gave me my first job mowing lawns. He’s a groundskeeper. Does beautiful work, don’t you think?”

  The place was as beautiful as anything I’d seen in a magazine, and as we stepped out of the car and forward to greet them, my nerves got the best of me. I clasped hold of Gabriel’s arm and he offered a smile of reassurance as we approached.

  Gabriel shook Carl’s hand and offered Judy a warm hug. The two regarded him with pride and then met my eyes with curious hesitation. “I’d like you two to meet my wife, Luna.”

  The introduction surprised me as much as it did them, and I thought for a moment that Carl would have to grab a shovel to dig Judy’s jaw out of the concrete below. The woman collected herself before offering a smile as she nodded. “It’s very nice to meet you.” She swept her hand to lead the way and stepped aside as Gabriel and I entered the house.

  Behind me, I heard Carl whisper, “Well, done, Gabe.” When I glanced his way, he had a wide smile.

  Gabriel kept his hand on my lower back and we walked into the front room of the house, which was warm and sunny, much like a dream, especially compared to the honeymoon suite we’d stayed in. “I do hope you’ll like it here. I think it’s a vast improvement over our past residence.”

  “It’s beautiful. I don’t think I could ever be bored here.” The view alone would keep me busy for weeks. Around every corner was another intake of breath at a glorious view, and I couldn’t wait to see more.

  “I’ll take you upstairs and show you to our room.” A part of me wanted to be excited by the idea of sharin
g his space, but the more reasonable side knew it was only for show, like the introduction to his staff. Despite the validity of our marriage being solid, I had a part to play. I couldn’t think of a more lovely stage.

  Upstairs, we walked a long hall to the master suite. Gabriel opened the door, and for the first time, I saw genuine relief wash over him. “Man, it’s good to be home.” He lowered himself on his bed and plugged his phone into the charger on the table beside it. “I hope you don’t mind sharing, but I think it sends a better message. Besides, I want you close.”

  “I love it. I’m fine with any room.” I wondered if there’d come a time where I could be honest and open up about my excitement from being close to him. I wanted us to be a true couple, but I understood that whim surrounding our marriage had been realized and regretted hours after it happened.

  “The bathroom is through there, and I think you’ll appreciate the tub.” He motioned toward a door and I crossed the room to check it out.

  The room was almost as big as his bedroom. Covered in stone, it was as if the fixtures had all been carved from one slab, and the amount of plants in the place made it look more like a greenhouse than a bathroom.

  “I could spend my time here,” I called to the bedroom, but turned to see him in the doorway. “I didn’t realize you liked so many plants.”

  He tilted his head with an indifferent shrug. “Carl loves them. I think they’re nice, but I appreciate his artistry and give him free reign. You should tell him you like them. He’ll get a kick out of that.”

  “I’ll make sure I do. I want them to like me.” As soon as the words left my lips, I wished I could pick them from the air and shove them back in. I didn’t want to sound like a dope or someone who needed approval. Truth was, I didn’t know if I’d be so welcoming in their position. “Maybe you should have warned them.”

  “And be like a guest in my own home?”


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