Emperor of Japan

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Emperor of Japan Page 135

by Donald Keene

  Nogi Shizuko (Maresuke’s wife)

  Nomura Yasushi

  Nonomiya Sadanaga

  Normanton (British freighter)

  Nozu Michizane (commanding general)

  Oakley, Jane H.

  Oath in Five Articles

  Oda Nobunaga

  Ōe Taku

  “Official Report on Matters Connected with the Events of October 8th, 1895, and the Death of the Queen” (Korean authorities)

  Ogasawara Nagamichi (member of Council of Elders)

  Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands

  Ogi Masayoshi (chamberlain)

  Ōgimachi Kintada

  Ōgimachi Sanemitsu (Meiji’s paternal great-grandfather)

  Ōgimachi Sanenori

  Ōgimachisanjō Sanenaru; and Nagai Uta; and Kōmei; false accusations against; on war in Chōshū domain; punishment of; at Charter Oath ceremonies

  Ogura Fumiko (Meiji’s concubine)

  Ogura Shohei

  Oguri Tadamasa

  Ōhara Shigetomi (nobleman)

  Ōjin, Emperor

  Oka Genkei (physician)

  Oka Shigeki (member of Heiminsha)

  Oka Yoshitake

  Okakura Kakuzō

  Okamoto Ryūnosuke (“patriot”)

  Ōki Takatō

  Okinawa. See Ryūkyū kingdom

  “Okitsu Yagoemon no isho” (The Last Testament of Okitsu Yagoemon; Ōgai)

  Oku Yasukata (chief of general staff)

  Ōkubo Toshimichi (councillor); and shogunate; and Takachika; at meeting on government reform; audience of with Meiji; and haihan chiken; as councillor; and conflict in Saga; report of, on Taiwan situation; and negotiations with China; proposal of for Meiji’s visit to Hokkaidō at nō performance; report of, on Shinpūren revolt; at strategy meetings; power of; control of police network by; death threats to; Meiji’s posthumous promotion of; importance of to cabinet

  VIEWS: on location of capital; on Motoda; on emperor’s role; on subjects’ familiarity with Meiji; on Etō’s trial; on trade deficit; on peasants; on role in achieving work of Restoration

  Ōkuma Shigenobu (finance minister, later prime minister, later foreign minister): and Parkes; at meeting on Sakhalin border problem; on possible mission to West; report of, on Taiwan situation; and budget for; at nō performance; Shimada on; cannon fire at residence of; attempt of to float foreign loan; and Soejima; proposal of on financial problems; resignation of; on issue of parliament; and Satsuma; and founding of Rikken kai shintō devotion of to imperial household; as foreign minister; determination of, to end extraterritoriality; on treaty revision; on revised treaties and constitution; attack on; controversial views of; and freedom of the press; demands of, for joining cabinet; on union of Jiyū-tō and Shimpo-tō; and cabinet crisis of; on conduct of elections; and Itagaki; and Ozaki scandal; and Hoshi’s Hawaiian proposal; British influence on


  Ōmura Masujirō (war minister)

  Onshi zaidan saseikai (Imperial Gift Foundation)

  Ōnuma Chinzan

  on’yōji (priests of yin and yang). See also yin-yang divination

  open country policy

  Open Door policy

  open port policy (China)

  open ports, in friendship treaty with United States


  Ōsaka English Language School

  Ōsaka Mint

  Ōsaka Teachers Training School

  Oscar II (king of Sweden)

  Ōshima Yoshimasa (general)

  Ōtaguro Tomoo

  Otokoyama (ritual)

  Ōtori Keisuke (minister to Korea)

  Ōtsu incident. See Nicholas (czarevitch of Russia)

  Ōyama Iwao (army minister): as commandant of Kumamoto garrison; petition of to Sanjō and Imperial Rescript for Military Men; as army minister; denial of Port Arthur massacre by; and formation of new cabinet; on Korea

  Ōyama Tsunayoshi

  Oyashirazu Koshirazu

  Ozaki Yukio


  Pak Che-sun

  Pak Yong-hyo (Korean senior envoy)

  palace (imperial); fire at; completion of new; fighting at, during Chōshū rebellion; women’s quarters of; Shintō observances at; Meiji’s authorization of rebuilding of; Young’s description of; as ultimate authority over divided government; at Hakone; restoration of; for Yoshihito. See also Gosho

  palace (royal, Korea)

  Paléologue, Maurice (political affairs officer, France)

  paper, Western-style

  paper currency

  Parkes, Harry S. (British minister to Japan): message of, to Tokugawa Iemo-chi; and Yoshinobu; on prohibition of Christianity; attack on; and negotiations of surrender of Edo Castle; and Meiji; influence of, on foreign ministers’ neutrality; on duke of Edinburgh’s visit; Young’s description of; on proposal for treaty revisions; departure of for China; protest of, over Hoshi’s mistranslation of royal title; on Japan’s treaty with United States

  parliament. See also Diet

  patriotism, as unifying force

  peasants: revolts by; Kido’s six-point program on

  Peerage Act

  Peeresses’ School (Kazoku jogakkō)

  pennants, imperial

  people of the peninsula (hantōjin)

  Perry, Matthew Calbraith (commodore of navy fleet, United States)

  Pescadores Islands

  Petz, Antony von

  Philip IV (king of Spain)



  Pierce, Franklin

  Plunkett, Francis

  poems: role of, in emperors’ educations; and personal feelings; on Mount Fuji; by Soejima, on returning to Japan; by farmers; exchanges of; by Shimada; by Haruko for Peeresses’ School; on hero of Sino-Japanese War; on Harada as hero; for New Year; by Meiji in manner of war song; by Nogi of farewell. See also tanka; tanka Meiji’s


  political activism, Tōkyō as center for

  political murders. See assassinations

  political novels

  political parties: in Saga Prefecture; role of, in Diet; Itō on; Kōtoku on

  NAMES: Chūritsu; Gakkō-tō, Ganko-tō; Ilchin-hoe (Korea); Jitsugakutō Kaehwadang (Korea); Kaika-tō, Keishin-tō (Shinpūren); Kensei-tō; Minken-tō; Ni-hon heimin-tō; Nihon shakai-tō; Rikken kai shintō; Rikken teiseitō Russian Socialist Party; Sadaedang; Seikan-tō Seiyūkai; Shakai minshū-tō Shimpo-tō Social Revolutionary Party; Tosa Freedom Party; Yamashita Club. See also Freedom and Popular Rights movement; Jiyū-tō liberal parties


  Port Arthur, China: massacre at; Russia’s reluctance to leave; Japan’s blockade of; surrender of to Japan; Meiji on siege of; Nogi’s shame at deaths at

  Portman, A. L. C. (acting American minister to Japan)

  Potemkin (battleship), mutiny on

  “Present-Day Political Society and Socialism” (Kōtoku)

  press; foreign, bribery of

  Price, James

  prime ministers. See Itō Hirobumi; Iwakura Tomomi; Katsura Tarō; Kuroda Kiyotaka; Matsukata Masayoshi; Saionji Kinmochi; Sanjō Sanetomi; Yamagata Aritomo

  Privy Council (Korea)

  Privy Council (Sūmitsu-in)


  public executions

  public libraries

  public opinion

  public parks

  Putiatin, E. V. (vice admiral, Russia)

  Pyongyang, Korea

  railways: Kyōto–Kōbe; first tunnel for; Ueno–Takasaki; Tōkyō–Kyōto; government ownership of; strike of

  rangakusha (scholars of Dutch learning)

  ranjatai (ancient log of incense wood)

  Red Flag incident

  Redesdale, Lord. See Mitford A. B.

  Reed, Edward James

  regalia, imperial

  Reigen, Emperor

  reign-name. See nengō

  Reizei Tametada (court poet)

  religion. See also Buddhism; Christianity; S

  Repeated Victories on Land and Sea, the Glorious Rising-Sun Flag (kabuki play)

  republican government

  Rescript on Education (Motoda)

  Residency General

  retinues, size of

  revenue bill

  revolts; against Meiji Restoration; led by Enomoto; by peasants; Shinpūren; Tonghak


  Richardson, Charles

  rickshaw coolies

  “righteous army” (Korea)

  Rikken jiyū-tō. See Jiyū-tō

  Rikken kai shintō (Constitutional Reform Party)

  Rikken seiyūkai. See Seiyūkai

  Rikken teiseitō (Constitutional Imperial Rule Party)

  Rinnōjinomiya. See Yoshihisa Prince

  Risshi-sha (Self-Help Society)

  rituals. See ceremonies and rituals


  Roches, Léon (French minister to Japan): and Yoshinobu; on Meiji’s education; and shogunate; response of, to killing of French sailors; audience of, with Meiji

  Rockhill, William H.

  Rokumeikan (residence for foreign guests)

  Roosevelt, Theodore: friendship message to Meiji from; hatred of Russians; meetings of with Kaneko; as mediator in Russo-Japanese War; recommendation of for invasion of Sakhalin; awarding of Nobel Peace Prize to; message to Takahira from

  Rosen, Baroness

  Rosen, Roman (Russian minister to Japan); and negotiations with Japan; knowledge of Japanese troop movements; on world opinion against Russia; on Meiji

  Rösler, K. F. H.

  Russia: trade with; fleet of; treaties with; encampment on Tsushima Islands; Meiji on; and China; and Sino-Japanese War; and Korea; agreement with Japan secret provisions of; Far East policy of and Anglo-Japanese Alliance; military strength of; administration of territories in Far East; attack of on British trawlers; unpopularity of Russo-Japanese War in; Japanese agents in; as prime hypothetical enemy. See also Putiatin E. V.; Russo-Japanese War; Sakhalin

  Russian Socialist Party


  Russo-Japanese War; Ōtsu incident as precursor to; causes of; actions and negotiations before outbreak of; Japan’s preparations for; declarations of; treatment of Russian prisoners of war during; defeat of Russian fleet in; Meiji’s involvement in; and Meiji’s rescript on naval victory; peace negotiations during; Japan’s objectives for; protests against peace treaty, in Japan; and Britain; repercussions of Japan’s victory in; war fever during

  Russo-Japanese War Poem A (Oakley)

  Ryōjo (chief abbot of Kakushō-in)

  Ryūkyū Islands

  Ryūkyū kingdom (later domain)

  Sabatin Alexander

  Sachi no i (Sachi’s Well, Well of Good Fortune)

  Sachiko, Princess

  Sachinomiya. See Meiji

  Sadaedang (Serving the Great Party)

  Sadamaro, Prince (Yorihito)

  Sadanaru, Prince

  Saegusa Shigeru

  Saeki Riichirō

  Saga Castle

  Saga rebellion

  Sagara Nagaoki (major)

  Saigō Takamori (army minister, later interior minister): and Sanjō’s exile; and Chōshū domain; and shogunate; at meeting on government reform; as commander of imperial forces; and Katsu; at surrender of Edo Castle; advocacy of haihan chiken by; and Ministry of the Imperial Household; on Meiji’s Westernized dress; and Household Guards; on Korea; and Etō on actions against native Taiwanese; and China; opposition of to government; private schools founded by; and Satsuma Rebellion; and Meiji; last stand of; mission of to Ōkuma; posthumous promotion of; and new cabinet; as interior minister; and revenue bill; treatment of for corpulence; exalted reputation of; students as troops under. See also Kagoshima: army of

  VIEWS: on clash between shogunate and imperial armies; on changes in imperial household; on Meiji’s “mission” to distant parts of Japan; on sending troops to Korea; on maneuvers; on government assassination plot; on emperor’s rule

  Saigō Tsugumichi (Takamori’s younger brother, interior minister)

  Saikoku risshi hen (Self-Help; Smiles)

  Sa’in (legislative branch of government). See also House of Peers; House of Representatives

  Saionji Kinmochi (minister to Austria, later minister to Germany, later prime minister); suggestion of, for Meiji’s trip to West; and revised treaty; mission of to Korea; as acting prime minister; on financial retrenchment bill; and Meiji’s acceptance of Order of the Garter; cabinet of; as holder of simultaneous government posts; resignation of

  Sakai (publisher)

  Sakai Tadaaki (shogunate official)

  Sakai Toshihiko

  Sakamoto Ryōma (Tosa intellectual)


  Sakhalin: border dispute over; treaty settling possession of; prospects of Japanese invasion of; Russia’s ownership of; Russia’s cession of southern half of; decoration for boundary stone on

  Sakuma Shōzan (Confucian scholar)

  samurai: lowered prestige of; impact of haihan chiken on; as backbone of intelligentsia; as chamberlains; as observers of Franco-Prussian War; predicament of; Meiji’s first visit to house of; stipends for; unrest among; resentment of modernization among; of Akizuki; of Kumamoto desertion to Saigō’s army; plan of for Ōkubo’s assassination; political influence of; Sanjō on; loss of morality among; welcome for czarevitch by; as class Meiji on

  San Francisco

  Sanjō Sanetomi (imperial envoy, later vice president); mission of to shogunate; and Meiji; actions against; debate over fate of; on Christians; at Charter Oath ceremonies; as chief editor of history of Japan; as minister of the right; at proclamation of haihan chiken; and Korea; nervous breakdown suffered by; bulletin of, to commanding officers in Saga; Shimazu’s attack on; at nō performance; and Ōyama Tsunayoshi; at strategy meetings; message of, to Ryūkyū high officials; description of; and sale of government properties; and Yamagata’s proposal on constitution; consideration of Kuroda as minister of the right by; as interim prime minister; death of; and Hoshi

  VIEWS: on Meiji’s leaving Tōkyō on Meiji’s second visit to east; on Korean incident; on Shinpūren revolt; on constitutional government; on avoidance of war with China; on proposal for Shintō agency

  Sanjō Sanetsumu (military liaison officer)

  Sankō-ji faction

  Sansom, George

  Sasaki Nobutsuna

  Sasaki Sadako

  Sasaki Takayuki (councillor); abolition of office of; and Meiji; proposal of for Shintō agency; diaries of; and princesses; and Ozaki’s dismissal

  VIEWS: on Meiji’s assumption of personal rule; on financial crisis; on changes to court protocol; on cabinet collapse; on Kuroda as minister of the right; on treaty revision; on Meiji’s taking advice from court women; on regulations on public gatherings

  Sasamori Gisuke (samurai)

  Sassa Masayuki

  Satow, Ernest: on Kōmei’s final illness; on Yoshinobu’s decision to cede power to court; visit of to Kyōto; on killing of French sailors; on seppuku; attack on; on Parkes; on decline of Edo; on draft constitutions

  Satsuma domain: as intermediary between emperor and shogunate; British battle with; alliance of with Chōshū domain; pact of with Tosa domain; Meiji’s review of troops from; rōnin’s actions in Edo; Kido on; and politicians’ actions against Ōkuma; councillors from; domination of police force by; men’s role in government of

  Satsuma Rebellion; prelude to; first clash of; and Meiji; entrance of Kagoshima troops into Kumamoto during; first shots of; objective of; government army’s first victory in; destruction caused by; aftermath of; influence of on Risshi-sha

  Satte, Meiji’s visit to

  Sawa Nobumoto (chamberlain)


  schools: Meiji’s visits to; elementary; private; agricultural; organization of system for; Meiji’s gifts to

  Scidmore, Eliza Ruhamah

  Second Japan Socialist Party Congress

  Security Police Law
  seii taishōgun (great general and subduer of barbarians)

  “Seikan no eki” (The Battle of Song-hwan; Meiji)

  Seikan-tō (political party)

  Seiyūkai (political party)

  Self-Defense Unit (Korea)

  Senate. See Genrō-in

  Senchū hassaku (Eight Proposals Composed Aboard Ship; Sakamoto)

  Sennyū-ji (Shingon temple)

  Seoul, Korea

  seppuku. See also junshi

  Setchūbai (Plum Blossoms in the Snow; Suchiro)

  settlement houses

  settō (ceremonial sword)

  Shafuhen (The Ricksha Man; Ōnuma)

  Shakai minshū-tō (Social-Democratic Party)

  Shantung Province, China

  Shiba Shirō (adviser to Miura)

  Shiga Naoya

  Shigeko, Princess (Umenomiya)

  shihōhai (ceremony of worship of the four directions)

  Shima Yoshitake (Saga samurai)

  Shimada Ichirō

  Shimada Sakon

  Shimazu Hisamitsu (adviser to cabinet, later minister of the left): action of against rebels; Kōmei’s desire of support from; and Etō; hostility of toward government; as spokesman for antiforeign partisans; attack on Sanjō Sanetomi by; austerity plan of

  Shimazu Mochihisa (daimyo of Satsuma)

  Shimazu Nariakira (daimyo of Satsuma)

  Shimazu Tadakuni

  Shimazu Tadayoshi (daimyo of Satsuma)


  Shimogamo Shrine

  Shimo-ina district

  Shimotsu Kyūya

  Shimpo-tō (political party)

  Shinagawa Yajirō (interior minister)

  Shinohara Kunimoto

  shinpei (volunteer soldiers)

  Shinpūren (Keishin-tō, political party)

  Shinsengumi (elite swordsmen)

  Shinshū Band (anarchist group)

  Shintō: priesthood of; separation of from Buddhism; Meiji’s relationship with; proposal for government agency on; effects of revival of

  Shintomi Theater

  Shirakami Genjirō (army private)

  Shirakawa Sukenori (head of Office of Shintō Worship)

  Shishinden (Hall for State Ceremonies)

  Shizuko, Princess

  Shō Hitsu (Tai’s younger brother)

  Shō In (Tai’s second son)

  Shō Tai (king of Ryūkyū kingdom): on relations with Japan; audience of, with Meiji; and China; forced removal of; and abolition of Ryūkyū; illness of; in Yokohama; treatment of in exile


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