Mimbres (Heroes of the League Book 9)

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Mimbres (Heroes of the League Book 9) Page 3

by Frank Carey

  "But only one book?" Losira asked.

  "Yes, only one book."

  "Here it is," Ciara said as she brought up files from the OffSec database. "We investigated the thefts, but never found the person or persons responsible, though one name kept popping up in the reports: one Dr. Thia."

  Harm leaned against a lab bench and thought for a moment, his brain processing the data as any good smuggler's brain would--as a caper. "Tannith, did the museum get a chance to digitize this book before it was stolen?"

  "The moment it came in the front door."

  "Ambassador, Lysecka's interest lies in the fact that the Spindrift is owned by a Lyseckan corporation and crewed by Lyseckan nationals, correct?"

  "Yes. Spindrift is considered an asset by the Lyseckan government for its role in the events which transpired on Venecia. The ship and crew are also considered heroes of Venecia, Ventos Prime, and the League for their role in saving your life while stopping the Grange."

  "Ciara, why was there an OffSec flag on that flight?"

  Ciara pulled up files. "Thia is suspected of smuggling, fraud, and complicity in at least two murders."

  "Who died?"

  She read two names. "Both of them were in the antiquities black market trade."

  "Yeah, I knew both of them. One of them boasted she could fence the Mona Lisa if the seller asked nicely and paid greatly. You said we had undercover agents infiltrating the group?"

  Ciara pressed a button. "Yep, Agent Sean Dayton. Sean is listed as an elfling with an A++ rating. Harm, doesn't Aerith call herself an elfling?"

  Harm looked at Losira then Tannith's image. "Sean is Aerith's fiancé. Shit. If Thia and his group find out... Director, I formally request assignment as head of this operation."

  "Already done," she replied.

  "This is an elf internal matter, and I've asked for a 48-hour delay before the League is brought into play," Losira explained.

  "And OffSec has assigned me to help both as a courtesy and because of Agt. Devlin's involvement," Ciara added. "So what do you need, lead agent?"

  "Tannith and a copy of that book in this lab ASAP. Tani, will that be a problem?"

  "No, brother, not when it involves Aerith. I need to book a flight..."

  "Already taken care of," Ciara said. "I'll have a transport on your roof inside an hour. What else, Harmon?"

  "A ship, something fast."

  "I've already got that covered," Losira said with a smirk. "By the way, happy birthday, Lucien."


  Assured that they had made every effort to free Spindrift and her crew, the ambassador and her entourage returned to Lysecka to file a report to the government in person. Meanwhile, Harm, Losira, and Ciara waited in Landing Bay Two, the Cube's largest bay, for the arrival of a special freighter from Ventos Prime.

  "I called the Elf Marine Expeditionary Force Commander and apprised her of the situation," Losira said. "She said Marta and Royce would be briefed the moment they completed their operation. Unfortunately, they're too deep to be immediately contacted."

  "The life of the Elf Marine," Harm said. "Hopefully, I can get Aerith home before the wife finds out. She has a right terrible temper."

  "And you let her drive a powered suit of armor?" Ciara asked, having met Capt. Marta McMurphy on several occasions.

  "You want to try and stop her? Be my guest," Harm replied. "Damn, I miss her."

  Losira put her hand on Harms shoulder, forming a partial link in the process. He put his and on hers and smiled, but the smile immediately turned to a frown. "No freakin way! You are not coming with me!" he said.

  "You need help, dammit, and I'm the most qualified person in this sector. According to the OffSec dossier on Thia, he and his group have a thing for the elf royal family. Imagine what will happen when we both show up!"

  "Excuse me, but you're Queen of Ventos Prime, remember? Don't you think the Council of Elders will be a little perturbed by you strapping on a blaster and gallivanting off on a rescue mission?"

  "Already taken care of. I called the chancellor and he's going to take over until Royce gets back. Now, get it through your thick, overprotective skull: I'm going!"

  Harm looked at Ciara for help, but only got a shrug and a smile. "Sorry, but she's the Queen, while I'm only the director. Ah, your ship is here, Your Highness."

  As the three watched, the massive freighter moved past the atmospheric shield before coming to rest in the middle of the deck. Its ventral doors opened and a much smaller freighter was lowered onto a large, flatbed transporter. In moments, the ship was sitting next to them, its ramps lowered and hatches opened for inspection.

  Harm walked up to the small ship and ran his hand over the hull like it was a long-lost friend. "A Thracian-016 with original landing gear," he whispered. "Where did you find it?"

  "It was in one of our museums, scheduled for the scrap heap, so I pulled it and had the students of a school I sponsor refurb it. You like?"

  "The Mariposa. A fine name for a fine ship. I love it."

  "It's not as fast as the Conquistador..."

  "I have experimental, high-speed couriers which aren't as fast as the Conquistador," Ciara noted.

  "It's perfect. Thank you!" he said as he hugged his sister. "Yes, we can pull this off. With this ship and you with me, we can save the Spindrift from the evildoers," Harm said, getting all archaic in the process. “I have to check out the interior," he said as he ran up the ramp and through the open hatch.

  "Odd he didn't notice it's armed to the teeth," Ciara commented. "Quad blasters on dorsal and ventral mounts both fore and aft. The shield grid looks big enough to protect a battle cruiser and the engines are at least fifty percent over spec for this year and model. A little protective there, My Queen?"

  Losira shook her head. "He noticed; he just doesn't care. He's going to save his little girl, and that's all that matters. Case closed. Care to join us while we wait for Tannith to arrive? I got the special leather and chrome option."

  With a laugh, Ciara joined Losira as she followed her brother into the interior of the good ship Mariposa.

  Chapter Five

  The crew of the Spindrift finished loading the freighter under the watchful eyes of the kidnappers. When the last crate was loaded, the ramps raised, and the hatches sealed, Rock made his way to the bridge and reported, "Ready for launch, Captain."

  "Very good, Rock. So, now what, Thia? What planet would you like us to head to? I hear Prison Planet Mytor is lovely this time of year."

  "Close, Captain. Very close. Have your helmsman take us to an altitude of two hundred fifty feet and proceed to a position dead center of the ring at a distance of five hundred feet from its base, and hover there."

  "You heard the man," Kestra said. "Proceed as ordered and hold."

  "Aye, ma’am. Proceed and hold."

  The Spindrift stopped and hovered. Satisfied, Thia reached over and pressed a button on the control console. A thump could be heard a moment later as one of the ship's EPRIBs was launched from a ventral ejector. "Marcy, activate the portal," Thia ordered.

  The elf named Marcy pressed a spot on an odd looking tablet she was holding. Ahead of them the ring-shaped structure flashed, replacing the view of the mountains on the other side with a mirror. They could see the Spindrift reflected in it.

  "Proceed, Captain. When you're through, lock onto a beacon at this frequency and proceed at maximum speed," he said, handing the helmsman a slip of paper.

  "Excuse me? Proceed where? That's a force field you're looking at. We do not want to hit that even at a dead crawl..."

  "Proceed, Captain. I will not repeat myself," Thia hissed as he thumbed his blaster to full before pointing it at Kestra.

  "It’s your funeral," Kestra said. "Helm, ahead dead slow."

  "Aye, Captain. Dead slow."

  The Spindrift moved slowly forward until its bow antennas touched the mirror surface. As the Bridge crew watched, the two slender fiberglass shafts entered the mirror with
a ripple, followed shortly by the bow, then the rest of the ship. In moments the mirror disappeared as the last fragment of freighter disappeared into the silvery surface.


  The Spindrift emerged into a universe filled with unknown stars. "Navigation, where are we?" Kestra ordered.

  "Unknown, ma’am. The NAVComp is stumped."

  "That's impossible," Kestra replied. Unknown to the others, Harmon had installed another of his AIs, this one supposedly smarter than the other two combined.

  "There are no known constellations or stellar groupings within visual range, ma’am."

  "Do not fret, Captain. We have that covered," Thia said.

  "Aft view, helm."

  "Aft view, aye," the helmsman replied as he switched feeds. Behind them hung an exact duplicate of the ring they had just entered, this one sans mirror, though.

  "Navigator, drop two beacons and have them moor to that structure."

  "Captain, I assure you..." the doctor tried to reassure the captain.

  "I refuse to depend on a group of kidnappers to get my ship and crew safely back to where they belong. Navigator, carry out my last order."

  "Aye, ma’am. Beacons away... Beacons have attached to the structure and have begun transmitting."

  "Very good. Helm, viewer forward. Lock on to the frequency the doctor gave you and proceed at full speed."

  "Aye, ma’am. Locked on. Full speed ahead."

  "Excellent. Captain, please join me in the lounge so that I can explain what has happened."

  "Merla, you have the Conn," Kestra said, vacating the chair.

  "Aye, Captain," Merla replied, taking her sister's place in center seat.

  "Please, join us, Ms. Aymar," the doctor said.

  Aerith looked at Kestra who nodded approval, "With me, Aerith."

  Once they were in the lounge, Thia gestured to a table while he fetched tea for himself and the two women.

  "Where are we?" Kestra demanded as the doctor handed out mugs of tea.

  "One of many alternate universes which make up the multiverse. This one is devoid of life except for a prison complex about a day’s journey from the portal."

  Kestra gave Aerith the "Oh no, not again" look referring to the incident on Venecia.

  "And what is so dag-blamed important here that you would risk imprisonment for hijacking my ship and kidnapping my crew?”

  "What do you know of elven history, Captain?"


  "Long ago, Elves ruled the planet Earth from a city-state known as Atlantis. Many great heroes arose from those times, heroes whose names were lost to time. The greatest of these was Nochmar..."

  "Nochmar the Unmerciful?" Aerith exclaimed as she shot out of her chair. "Nochmar, the scourge of ancient times. He and his little troupe of deranged sociopaths killed thousands of innocents during their wars of conquest. His thirst for power led to the destruction of Atlantis and the elven diaspora!"

  "Calm yourself, child. Nochmar was a kind ruler, magnanimous and caring to a fault. In fact, the creators gave him, and his cadre of six, immortality as a reward for their great deeds."

  "He was a power-mad megalomaniac! YOU ARE INSANE!"

  "No, I am not. Nochmar will restore the proper order of things by bringing the elves back to their rightful place as rulers of the universe..."

  "I will not be a part of this abomination," Aerith screamed. "It has taken the elves centuries to rid themselves of the stink of Nochmar and his sick, twisted gang of freaks. Shoot me; shove me out of an airlock; hell, stuff me in a combustion chamber, but I will not help you free that... that... thing." With a nod to the Captain, Aerith stormed out of the lounge.

  "She'll come around," Thia said with a smile. Kestra had seen his kind before and she knew this would not end well.

  "Doctor, have you ever met her parents, or her two aunts?"

  "No, I have not had the pleasure."

  "When they find you, and they will find you, they’ll make sure you and your group never harm their family again. I watched Harmon stare down a ten-ton guard bot just to protect my crew, a group of people he didn't even know. He has died, at least once, protecting his family. His protectiveness and anger pale in comparison to that of his wife and sisters. I suggest you and your people find the nearest airlock, step inside, and open it to vacuum. You’ll find the experience much less painful then what will happen when Harmon Aymar finds you."

  "Your concern is noted. Follow my orders and no one will be harmed. You have my word."

  "And you’ll never see our universe again. You have my word," Kestra replied.

  For the briefest of moments, Thia thought he saw a glimpse of his own death in the Lyseckan Captain's eyes. "You may return to the Bridge, Captain." As Kestra walked out, Thia felt a strange feeling, as if someone was walking on his grave. He dismissed it as a case of nerves while he sipped his now-cold tea and thought about how they ended up in this godforsaken prison.

  Chapter Six

  Harmon stood at the bottom of the Mariposa's personnel ramp and stared at the stone ring in front of him. At five hundred feet in diameter, the small freighter could easily fit through it with room to spare. "Roscoe, what have the scans turned up?" he asked the newly installed NAVComp.

  "Definitely a field generator of some kind. I've compared the data with that collected by the submarine Deltafish when we were on Venecia, and I can confirm that it's a portal into another universe."

  "Great, but which one, and how do we activate it?"

  "You can't do that," a familiar voice said. Harm turned and saw Xura standing next to him. Instead of a black dress and stilettos, the Inspector was wearing fatigues and military-style boots, her hair up in a trim, military style bun.

  "Xura, what brings you to Mimbres, the armpit of the universe?"

  "I got a report of someone opening a portal illegally. This was supposed to have been destroyed millennia ago," she said, waving a hand at the ring. "Care to explain?"

  "You know, I missed our little talks. I think of you as a friend, yet you never call, never write..."

  "Harmon! Focus! We both have jobs..." She stopped when she saw his grin. "Fine. Do you know what this is?" she asked, walking over and slapping the base of the ring.

  "It’s a portal to a universe where the elves established a prison," Tannith said as she and Losira walked down the ramp to join Harmon.

  "I know. I created the connection for your ancestors," she replied.

  "Well, a mad scientist has used it to enter that universe for reasons unknown, and he has taken my daughter and her friends with him," Harm informed her.

  "I think I know why they went," Ciara said as she walked down the ramp with a large datapad in hand. "You must be Xura. Harm has told me a great deal about you. Where are your sheep?"

  "In your lounge, having coffee," Xura replied. Harm looked up and saw two weresheep, for lack of a better term, standing in the hatchway with scones and mugs of steaming liquid.

  "There's jelly in the fridge," Harm said to the two creatures, causing them to duck out of sight. "Ciara, you were saying?"

  "Yeah, right," she replied while continuing to stare at the hatchway. "I got a report from my agents on the ground at Thia's compound. It seems the good doctor and his companions are part of a Nochmar cult. What drives supposedly sane beings to join cults?"

  Harmon shook his head. "Don't ask me. Smugglers are anti-social by nature. I usually shun groups with more than two members."

  Losira cuffed him. "You are so going to the next royal function."

  "I know what you guys are planning and you cannot go there. The council forbids it."

  Harmon leaned over and whispered, "Then why are you here, wearing elven battle fatigues?"

  Xura turned away. "I don't know what you're talking about..."

  Harm carefully and gently spun her around her and looked her in the eye. "The council doesn't know you and your flock are even here. They don't know about this prison dimension, do they?"

>   Xura looked at the ground. "No and no. Look, bad things happened, really bad things and a group of elves had fashioned an interdimensional doorway in an attempt at getting Nochmar out of this dimension and somewhere he couldn't hurt anyone ever again. His jailers were convinced he was immortal or at least unkillable. I was supposed to stop them from moving him; instead, I ended up helping them, breaking every rule in the book in the process. I now realize that was a mistake, one that I need to rectify."

  "Elves typically live for about one hundred to one hundred fifty years, but immortality? Nah, not possible without some serious help, like nanorobots or enhanced tissue regeneration, both of which were possible at the time of his reign." Harm looked at the Venlanten director. "How long has OffSec known about Thia and his cult? I can't believe he stayed under the radar until just a day ago."

  "Not that long. Once we determined a threat existed, we contacted Ventos Prime and made arrangements for an infiltration. Dr. Thia has been very circumspect until just the last few days. Something must have happened to make him take this drastic course of action."

  "Tani, can we activate the portal?"

  "It'll take me a while to get the translation correct..." she stopped as Xura handed her a slip of paper. “What's this?"

  "The frequency to transmit on and the code to send to open the door. I want you all to know that this stunt will probably get me fired."

  "I would love to have you as part of my staff," Ciara said.

  "Can I bring my flock?"

  "Of course."

  Harm looked at his team and realized he might actually be able to pull this caper off. "Anyone change their minds about going?"

  He only got raised eyebrows in reply.

  "Fine, let's get this show on the road." Minutes later, the Mariposa disappeared into the portal.


  The Mariposa emerged in another universe and came to a stop a short distance away as Harmon and his companions got their bearings.

  The first thing they saw were the two beacons attached to the ring. "Roscoe, query the beacons and see if Kestra left us some bread crumbs," Harm said as he ran positional fix routines. "Spectral analysis of the stars we can see suggest this universe is much older than ours. Xura, are there any advanced civilizations nearby?"


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