Freedom: A Vampire Blood Courtesans Romance

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Freedom: A Vampire Blood Courtesans Romance Page 5

by A. K. Michaels

  I paused as my eyes raked the assembled Pack, some looking shockingly at the carnage Max and I had wrought. Others looked away in shame when I looked at them, even more lowered their heads and I hoped it was because they knew their actions had been wrong. One woman kept eye contact, her face full of sadness and regret. I remembered her as one of the wolves who did me no harm, but hadn’t helped either. Although I guessed she was just as scared as I had been of my father, Donald and the rest of the abusive men and women. She was one of only a few who hadn’t taken an active part in my abusive time with the Pack and I gave her a slight nod before raising my voice again.

  “I’ve only one thing left to say and it’s this: stay the fuck away from our land because if I find any of you anywhere near it I’ll rip your fucking hearts out.”

  Max pulled me to his side, his voice strong and clear as he snarled, “I’ll leave you in Frankie’s hands and I hope your Enforcer makes sure none of you is in any doubt as to your fate if you cross me or mine ever again.”

  He looked down at me, raising an eyebrow in question. “Ready?”

  “Sure am.” I nodded as he led me away, a feeling of pure freedom invading my entire body.

  ~ Chapter 6 ~

  Jeeeeesus! The release of pent-up . . . what? I wasn’t quite sure, I just knew I felt as if a weight had been lifted from my shoulders as Max and I ran back toward the Manor. My soul felt lighter and I was almost soaring free as a bird as we dashed across the dark countryside.

  “I can feel you,” Max laughed as we ran. “You are truly free of them now, my bonnie lass.”

  “I am, aren’t I?” My voice hitched as the realization dawned on me. “I didn’t know I still felt the hold of the pack.”

  “I’m aware of that,” Max said knowingly. “I’ve been trying to figure out a way help you but I wasn’t sure how to.”

  “I’m sad about Patrick and Mallen, but I’m so happy about putting them behind me,” I admitted, even to myself.

  “Now we can look to the future without anything to hold us back.” Max slowed down, stopping as the Manor came into view and staring into my eyes. “I adore you, my Flora, more than I’ll ever be able to tell you with mere words, but I hope you understand the depth of my feelings.”

  I looked around for a moment, taking in our surroundings. “This used to be the only place I knew, and I love it here, so I hope we can visit often, but right now I feel like I’ve kinda been reborn and I want to spread my wings. Max, I want you to show me everything! The entire world is waiting for us and there’s nowhere I’d rather be than at your side.”

  “Really?” he asked with a cheeky glint in his eyes. “Because there’s somewhere else I’d rather be right now and it’s definitely not at your side. It’s—”

  Using my nearly new vampire speed I jumped up into his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms circling his neck. “I know where you want to be, Mr. Sexypants.”

  My lips covered his in a desperate kiss full of longing, filled with desire that had been cut off with the phone call from Graham. Max’s tongue swirled around inside my mouth as a hand grabbed the back of my neck possessively causing my core to clench and my sex to throb with need. His kiss deepened sending my senses into overload and if he hadn’t pulled away I swear I would’ve had him right there on the ground.

  He lay his forehead against mine, his eyes twinkling as I panted like a dog in heat. “Flora, I think we’d both enjoy this far more if we made it back to the Manor, don’t you?”

  “Spoilsport,” I huffed out, releasing my legs and slowly sliding down his body. I couldn’t resist rubbing against his hardness as my feet hit the ground and his resulting groan made me smirk up at him. “Let’s make use of this vampy power and get back tout de suite.”

  “What?” Max looked confused. “What the hell does that mean?”

  “It means . . .” I swiveled away and sped off, shouting over my shoulder, “Run like hell.”

  His laughter echoed around the darkness as I rushed headlong back toward the Manor. A sense of new-found freedom surging through me as my feet barely touched the ground. I’d never realized my need to face my tormentors, hadn’t known I’d ached to see them one last time and rid myself of the weight of them that held me down. Now? Now I felt as if I could soar high into the sky and continue until I merged with the stars twinkling above.

  It felt so damn good.

  Then I felt something else, or rather, sensed. My mother. I could sense her right there with me as I ran so fast I was a blur on the landscape, her whispered words a breath against my cheek.

  “Be happy, Flora, love him, cherish him, and he’ll always be there for you. I love you, darling.”

  “Mum?” I stopped dead, skidding on the wet grass as I looked around, desperate for one last look at the one person who’d loved me unconditionally. “Mum!” I shouted louder as Max arrived.

  “Flora?” he asked worried as he took me into his arms.

  I tried to shake him off, still trying to find my mother. “I heard her, Max. I did! She just spoke to me.”

  “Shhh, baby, it’s all right.” Max’s soft voice soothed me as my body started to shake. “What did she say?”

  His question surprised me. No, “don’t be stupid, she’s dead.” No “you’re hearing things.” Those were what I expected him to say but once again he amazed me with his understanding.

  “She told me to love you and cherish you and that you’ll always be there for me, then she told me she loved me then she was gone,” I stuttered out, finally collapsing into his arms as great sobs tore from me.

  “Aww, darling, it’s okay, she was just saying goodbye now that she knows you’ll be happy and she’s right.” Max kissed the top of my head. “I’ll always be here for you, from now ‘til eternity, I’ll be at your side and there’s nothing, not one damn thing, that I wouldn’t do for you, baby.”

  “I just wanted one last glimpse of her,” I whispered, sadness overwhelming me entirely.

  “I’m sure if she could have, she would have.” Max caressed my back slowly, his touch soothing my soul. “Try and take some solace that she managed to contact you at all, honey.”

  “I guess you’re right,” I conceded, taking a deep breath in and then it happened.

  A soft breeze swept over us both but it wasn’t a natural gust of wind. No, definitely not. There was a sense of peace and calm that settled over me, right down to my bones, followed by a feeling of pure and unadulterated love that seeped through every cell of my being. It left me with a feeling of happiness, tenderness and hope that I knew could come from only one person: my mother.

  “Oh my,” Max breathed out, his eyes wide as he looked all around us before locking his eyes with mine. “I assume you felt that too?”

  “I did.” I smiled. “Thanks, Mum.”

  “Wow,” Max shook his head in wonder. “I’ve never felt anything like that before. It was . . . shoot, I’ve no words.”

  “I think she wanted to make sure we knew she approved of us being together and of me being, well, not human anymore.”

  “I’m glad she’s given you that closure.” Max leaned down, placing a chaste kiss on my forehead. “Now I think we should get home, don’t you?”

  “Yes.” I reached up, running a finger across his lips. “I’d like that very much.”

  ~ Chapter 7 ~

  I steadfastly refused to think of the dead body in the great hall as we arrived back at the Manor. I wanted just a brief time with Max before we had to deal with the shocking consequences of what Donald and his men had done. The time for sadness and grief would come back but for now I wanted to lose myself in the love I felt for the man who’d saved me and gave me my escape from my father.

  Not only that, he’d now given me the one thing I’d been craving and didn’t even realize it: my freedom.

  I’d never known that deep inside me, the pack still had a hold on me, because I’d never faced them. I did
n’t have the opportunity to tell them . . . what? To fuck off! Yes, that’s what I basically needed to do. To let them know they had no power over me any longer. That I was strong and they had no power to make me cringe in fear of them ever again. No. I was not that girl any longer.

  I was fierce, powerful and lethal and I would never cower before any of them even if my life depended on it. So, aye, I finally had the freedom from them and once again, that was down to Max.

  He’d given me everything and I knew I’d never be able to thank him for all he’d done for me.

  A huge lump appeared in my throat as Max’s arms circled me before he picked me up, cradling me to him. He’d obviously been listening in on my jumbled thoughts. “You have nothing to thank me for, my bonnie lass. It’s me that should be thankful. You’re the one that awakened my humanity and you’ve made me a far better man than I’ve ever been. I’ve told you a thousand times and I’ll tell you a million times more. I adore you and I’d do anything for you, Flora. Anything at all.”

  I reached up, my fingers softly trailing along his jaw as my eyes filled with tears. “I’m not quite sure what I’ve done to deserve you, Max. But whatever fates threw us together, I’m just glad that they did. I’m blessed to have found you but I really don’t want to blubber any more. I’d much rather you take me to bed and—”

  Before I could finish he was speeding away and in mere moments we were inside his room, his foot kicking the door closed as his mouth found mine in a hungry kiss. My body responding to his as it always did, with passion, desire and yearning for his touch to take me to heights only he could.

  His hands made quick work of removing our clothes as I giggled. “That vampire speed comes in handy.”

  “Sure does,” he murmured against my breast as his hot breath seared my nipple.

  A groan tore from my throat as he once again picked me up, carrying me to the four-poster and placing me gently down. His hooded eyes gazed down at me hungrily causing me to to reach for him, tugging him down roughly. I grabbed his hair and pulled his lips to mine, desperate to feel his mouth on mine. His throaty moan had my sex clenching and my leg wrapping around him possessively.

  “Flora,” he mumbled against me. “I can’t get enough of your sweet nectar.”

  “I know.” I allowed my fangs to elongate and scraped along his jaw.

  “No,” he said as he moved down my body, licking my skin as he went. “I’m not talking about your blood, although that is just as sweet.”

  He looked up as he reached between my thighs, a twinkle in his eyes. “This is the nectar I’m talking about.”

  He dipped his head, his tongue darting out, his eyes never breaking contact as he lapped at my juices.

  “Oh ferfucksake!” I squealed at the exquisite sensations his mouth elicited in me, starting between my legs but travelling to every single cell in my body. I was enveloped with exquisite euphoria as his magical ministrations took me higher and higher until I screamed his name, my hands tearing at the bed covers as I shattered apart with an explosion of sensations that left me craving more.

  Max’s fangs scraped my inner thigh briefly before piercing my skin. I gasped as he suckled briefly before closing the wounds, licking over the two perfect circles before continuing upwards. His eyes shimmered with lust and hunger, both of which affected my own, my tongue running over my lips and fangs at the thought of tasting him: body and blood.

  “Naughty, naughty.” He nipped just below my left breast before reaching up to suck my nipple into his mouth.

  My head fell back as I squirmed beneath him, his hands now holding me in place as his teeth held my hard bud between them and his tongue flicked it mercilessly.

  “Max!” I implored, breathlessly, wrapping my legs around him and urging him upwards.

  He continued to tease and torment me for long moments before finally releasing my breast and crawling up to gaze into my eyes. “I’ll love you forever, Flora.”

  “Forever is a long time,” I reminded him.

  “It is.” He nodded firmly. “But it’s still the truth. I’ll never tire of looking at you, tasting you, feeding from you, or making love to you.”

  “Really?” I quirked an eyebrow cheekily. “’Cause you’re keeping me hanging here, Mr. Sexypants. I’m hungry, Max.”

  His eyes darkened, a deep red, not just with bloodlust as his rock hard cock teased my entrance. “Please,” I whimpered a second before he plunged hard inside me.

  He filled me entirely, there was no other feeling like it in the world. Each and every time it consumed me, body and soul, we were joined as if we were one, moving with abandon to give each other pleasure and release.

  Our fangs descended, seeking the others’ neck, piercing the soft skin and gorging on the intoxicatingly sweet sustenance of blood.

  The scent of our passion mingled with our unique plasma to send us into a frenzy of red-hot passion. Our bodies moved in sync, my legs wrapped around his waist, urging him on as his thrusts became faster, harder, as I teetered on the edge of a mind-blowing orgasm only he could give.

  I tore my fangs from his throat as my release erupted deep inside, sending me over a precipice that had me flying apart beneath him. I shivered, quivered, and convulsed as Max pounded inside me. I knew he was near, he’d stopped feeding, his lips finding mine and kissing me as if he’d not seen me in a year as his hips bucked wildly.

  “Fuck!” he roared, his head thrown back as he pushed deep inside one last time, one hand reaching beneath me to hold on tight to my ass. He held me so close I wondered what the hell was going on.

  “Hey.” I ran a hand down his back, over his tight ass and kept it there. It was a mighty fine ass.

  “Sorry.” Max released me, sliding to the bed and tucking me into his side.

  “What was that all about?” I could sense his unease but couldn’t quite grasp about what. But then again, I was still having rather nice aftershocks of our lovemaking and my brain was a bit foggy.

  “I’m not entirely sure,” he said quietly. “I just couldn’t stand not to have you by my side, baby. It might be being back here where I was turned, or where your father nearly got his hands on you, or a dozen other things. I’ve no idea. I just had a brief moment of panic. I’m all right now.”

  I’d come to know Max well over the past few months and I knew how much that had taken for him to admit. It just made me love him all the more. I snuggled closer, caressing his arm that lay over me. “Nothing, and I mean nothing, will ever take me from you. I promise. I’ll fight the Devil himself if anyone even tries.”

  Max chuckled, his chest rumbling behind me. “I’ll bet you would. You Scots women are a feisty lot.”

  “Aye, and don’t you forget it,” I laughed back.

  “Dawn is breaking.” Max yawned. “What with the time difference we’ve been up for almost twenty four hours straight so we should get some rest.”

  “What about the graves?” I asked as bone weary exhaustion started to pull me toward sleep.

  “Later,” he whispered, pulling the comforter over us and cuddling closer.

  I couldn’t fight sleep any longer as my eyes drooped closed and darkness took over.


  The bed was cold when I woke. No sign of Max. Shoot. I hated to wake alone and it happened so rarely that it annoyed the heck out of me.

  I stretched, rising and going to the bathroom to clean my teeth and shower before getting dressed and going in search of my man. It wasn’t until I’d left our room and reached the top of the staircase that I realized that it wasn’t dusk. “Damn!”

  I rushed downstairs, raising my voice. “Max!”

  If he was anywhere inside, or on the grounds of the Manor, I knew he’d hear me but I couldn’t hear his footsteps coming my way. Shoot. I was now in the position of having to stay inside for just a little while longer. Just my luck that today would be the day that Scotland had decided to have one of those rare occurrences
when it was cold but sunny. That meant I couldn’t go outside, not quite yet. It was winter though and that meant the sun would be disappearing soon. Good.

  I meandered down the remaining stairs, not quite sure what to do with myself. I certainly didn’t want to go anywhere near the hall where Patrick was but I’d maybe . . . wait. I heard voices. Who was that?

  I used my super speed, rushing toward the sounds, and bursting into the kitchen with arms raised, claw and fangs out, ready to take on any intruders.

  What met me was a shriek, a gasp, and a two very white, scared faces.

  Isa’s hand was on her chest as she squealed. “Miss Flora! You scared the beejeezus out of us!”

  I snatched my hands behind my back, hiding my clawed fingers, and retracting my fangs quicker than I’d ever done as I tried to grasp what they were doing here. “Isa, what’s going on? Why are you here?”

  “Mr. Max called earlier.” Isa nodded toward the window. “He’s out with Graham and a few friends getting things ready for the funeral. He said it was safe for us to come home.”

  “Oh.” I looked to Agnes who still looked shell shocked. “How’re you doing, Agnes?”

  “I’m not too sure,” she admitted. “I’ve got to be strong for the kids but I’m not really sure what I’m going to do after the funeral. Once they go back to University and . . .”

  She stopped, her eyes filling with tears and Isa rushing over, taking her daughter in her arms. The sight causing me to feel sad and uncomfortable at the same time.

  “You’ll be fine.” Isa patted Agnes’ back and I looked around, wishing I was anywhere but standing there witnessing the outpouring of grief.

  A large dark cloud darkened outside and I barely managed to stop myself from sighing with relief as I walked over to the window. I looked out and up, noting the dimming sky and quietly slipped away. I vaguely knew where the old family graveyard was so I headed in that direction hoping to find Max.


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