The New Founders

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The New Founders Page 18

by Joseph F. Connor

  He kept telling himself that this was why he was here. The history teacher could not believe how privileged he was to be a part of all this. He did not dare ask where it would end, but he knew that as the twenty-first century Madison, fate would have great things in store for him. He couldn’t look too far into the future however. The next few days and weeks were as far as he could venture.

  Murray didn’t know exactly where all this was heading, but he was going to see it through to whatever the end would be. He did know, however, that his next step would be monumental. Skip Keaton, Jenson’s producer, was on his way to pick them up. The team had decided to test Walters’ political savvy and erudition by unveiling him the following day on Tim Jenson’s local radio show in Charlottesville.

  Tim’s station had begun promos for Monday’s show touting his exclusive interview with the so-called Lincoln Continental during which his identity would be revealed. It was time the public got to meet Walters but they had to be sure his identity would be air tight. The General had devoured the personal life history of the former Frank Walters with the same zeal in which he studied the political topics of the day. They were ready.

  If all went well as expected during the hour with Tim, Walters would board Pepper’s private jet to Boston for a national spot with Anders on Tuesday. The men hoped and expected Frank Walters’ campaign to take off from there.

  Murray watched Walters expertly dismount his fine horse. Keaton had just arrived. It was time to go.

  Throughout the numerous internal debates and discussions with the new founders over the last two weeks, Walters had become an expert on matters of foreign and domestic policy. Understanding the nature of humanity as he did, he didn’t have far to go. The last two weeks had confirmed to Walters, what the new founders innately knew and proved.

  Times may change but people don’t.

  Aside from the catchy phrases the team agreed on, most of the education needed in preparing George for public discourse revolved around twenty-first century facts and, most importantly, twenty-first century dialect. At the team’s urging, the candidate watched a lot of television and practiced his new words and phrases to master modern day English. However, he did revert to more classical speech at times, giving him a scholarly edge. But the team knew that would get old fast. Their new leader could get away with the Queen’s English during a speech, but not an interview, something of which everybody involved was keenly aware.

  But that wasn’t the main concern this day. The biggest challenge for Walters was keeping to the script of his new identity. The General was now Frank Walters of Arnold, Maryland.

  Chapter 19

  Keaton had the studio ready when candidate Walters and new founder Murray arrived. Jenson had arrived a half hour earlier than normal to prepare for his show. He paced the studio as Walters walked in for the much anticipated interview. Murray stayed behind the glass with Keaton while Jenson prepped the father of our country. After a few minutes, it was show time.

  “Hello, this is Tim Jenson, and welcome to the TJ Show. We’ve been away for a couple of weeks on vacation but I think you will agree, today’s show will more than make up for it. We have an exclusive today. The so-called Lincoln Continental is here, in the studio live. For those of you who may have left the planet over the last couple of weeks, this gentleman created quite a political stir with his rousing speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. He will reveal his identity and more for the first time. So let’s get right into it.”

  Tim pulled his handwritten notes from his shirt sleeve. He began by asking Walters his name and to please tell the audience about himself.

  “My name is Frank Walters and I am a patriot. Always have been….”

  He kept to the script. He was a 63 year old from Maryland and owned his own very successful import/export business. Always keeping a keen eye on conservative politics, he felt the times were more dire than ever before and that the change promised was hollow. So he decided to enter the political fray. He thought coming out on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial most appropriate because he was emancipating himself, leaving the metaphoric shackles of his silence behind. He was a strict constructionist and a student of the founders. Walters explained that virtually all the issues facing today’s United States had been foreseen and addressed by the founders.

  Walters understood that our future would be secured by our past.

  Jenson decided to get the conversation going.

  “I place the economy as among the most important virtues of our republic and public debt as the greatest of dangers to be feared. How would you deal with the issue of the national debt and taxes?”

  Mr. Walters explained without hesitation that Federal spending was out of control and needed to be reduced by the elimination of entire departments such as Energy, HUD, Education, EPA, and Agriculture.

  He was highly concerned that the country’s credit rating would be downgraded again, which would cause its debt to offer a much higher yield that may lead to default. Walters proposed the introduction of a consumption tax that would broaden the tax base, require the elimination of the IRS, and repeal the Sixteenth Amendment that created federal income tax.

  He went on to explain that a consumption tax had been supported by Alexander Hamilton over 225 years before and by famed economist Arthur Laffer in the 1970s. He reminded the listeners that Laffer was the man to whom President Reagan based so much of his successful economic policy called Reaganomics.

  Walters quoted Hamilton for effect:

  “It is a signal advantage of taxes on articles of consumption that they contain in their own nature a security against excess. They prescribe their own limit; which cannot be exceeded without defeating the end proposed – that is an extension of the revenue…If duties are too high, they lessen the consumption; the collection is eluded; and the product to the treasury is not so great as when they are confined within proper and moderate bounds.”

  In other words, explained Walters, you had to keep the consumption tax low enough or it would stifle spending and actually reduce tax revenue.

  Walters went on to say that James Madison agreed with Hamilton and thus Walters, when he wrote that taxes on consumption were always least burdensome, because they were least felt, and were borne too by those who were both willing and able to pay them.

  Mr. Walters was on a roll and Jenson was more than happy to let the past and potential president explain to the greater Charlottesville area his economic plan: A proposed fifteen percent national sales tax but only under the condition that the Sixteenth Amendment, which authorized the federal income tax, be repealed.

  “We would have to repeal the Sixteenth Amendment to avoid the double jeopardy of implementing a new source of tax revenue with the existing tax.”

  Jenson couldn’t hide his pleasure and it was obvious the men behind the glass were having trouble doing the same. Murray was joined by Pepper and the surprise return of Steve Anders. Steve’s appearance seemed to motivate Walters as he hammered away on the current administration’s economic failures. Jenson noticed that each man smiled ear to ear like Cheshire cats. He began his next question.

  “I often wish we could take the power of borrowing away from the federal government. Understanding that an amendment to the Constitution eliminating the power of the government to borrow is very unlikely, how would you deal with the catastrophic spending in Washington?”

  Walters explained that the founders also struggled with this issue.

  Like a storyteller, he told how Madison believed that a public debt was a public curse while Hamilton didn’t quite agree, saying that a national debt, if not excessive, would be a national blessing.

  Jenson interrupted Walters’ reply, stating that they could not let the country’s rulers load us with perpetual debt.

  “Agreed, Tim. I am not saying that. Permanent funds are indispensable, but they ought to be of such a nature and so moderated in their amount as never to be inconvenient.”

  Jenson kne
w he was over the top in stating that government should not have the power to borrow. But he also understood that government knew no moderation and should behave like a private household.

  Jenson channeled Jefferson by noting that the same prudence which in private life forbade paying our own money for unexplained projects also forbade it in the dispensation of public monies.

  “Or in other words, spending for the sake of spending on these “shovel ready projects” is total BS and is destroying our economy, credit, ability to defend ourselves and our children’s futures.”

  Walters recognized the passage and reflected for a moment before replying. He reiterated his belief in the fifteen percent consumption tax, coupled with the repeal of the Sixteenth Amendment. He also explained that America needed to eliminate unconstitutional spending by using federal credit as sparingly as possible.

  “If we don’t take control soon, we’ll end up like some poor third world country without a currency to call our own.”

  The interview seemed to be going quite well as the phone lines lit up. It was time for the first commercial break. Jenson and Murray sat staring at each other through the glass in quiet awe of their new boss’s command of the issues. But to Walters, these were not new issues. They were the same he had faced almost 240 years before, just with more zeroes.

  Jenson wanted Walters to take a few calls. This would be the first time the General was directly exposed to the people and Tim thought the next few minutes may make or break their incredible experiment.

  Walters seemed calm and ready as the host took his first call.

  “Mr. Walters, this is Roy from Richmond. You seem like you know a lot but please tell me how you’d address the economy as it relates to national security. You know, illegal immigrants, nukes, and terrorists.”

  The candidate began by saying that our national security was inextricably connected to the economy. “Clearly these uncontrollable deficits must be halted and eliminated or we as a nation may not have the economic power to project our strength and battle our enemies.”

  Walters went on to say that these were dangerous times. Countries like Iran and North Korea continued to create and test nuclear weapons while threatening allies like Israel and South Korea with annihilation. He explained that now was not the time to weaken our military like the current president proposed.

  Walters reminded the audience that the United States, during the Reagan presidency, defeated the Soviet Union by bankrupting them. He then warned that the same fate could await the United States if we were to allow government to control the economy and weaken our military while spending us into oblivion.

  Jenson seconded Walters’ argument, describing Reagan’s doctrine of peace through strength as the way to avoid war instead of promoting it.

  Walters added how that philosophy differed from that of our current president, who kicked off his presidency with an apology tour of the Middle East and most recently, his apology for an inadvertent burning of Korans by the US military in Afghanistan.

  “As foretold by the founders, the request for forgiveness only increased the violence toward America, resulting in the murders of brave American service men. Like any predator, when our enemies smell blood, they attack.”

  Jenson and the new founders behind the glass realized that their man was certainly up to date on current events. They liked their candidate on the attack and pumped their fists in approval.

  Walters concluded the thought with a quote. “Someone said many years ago that you should speak softly and carry a big stick. Peace through strength is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace.”

  As he waited for the next call, Walters remembered his discussions about illegal immigration with the team. They explained to him that there were millions of people in our country illegally taking jobs from the American people. He was stunned to hear they incredibly collect billions of dollars in benefits such as free health care, welfare, and other unimaginable freebies, all from a society going broke and supporting illegals at the expense of its citizenry.

  More calls followed, leading up to the next commercial break. The flavor of each was purely basic political questions and local residences goading him to get in the race now. He deftly handled each with clarity and humbleness that seemed to endear him to Jenson’s faithful following. As he fielded question after question, he continued gathering his thoughts on the immigration topic.

  During the prep work, the team also explained to Walters that the country now had sanctuary cities where law enforcement could not question immigration status much less arrest illegal aliens. He could only look down and shake his head when he learned that certain states that began enforcing immigration laws along the Mexican border were actually being sued by the federal government to stop enforcing the law.

  One of the Justice Departments arguments in the suit was that border control was the jurisdiction of the federal government and not the states. Washington could not believe his ears upon hearing this twisted argument. The federal government, who will NOT enforce the law, was suing those enforcing it because they (the federal government) would not fulfill their admitted obligation.

  Washington was sick to his stomach as he wondered if he had returned to a different time or a completely different world than he had left over 200 years before; a world with different logic and values than his eighteenth century America. While those doubts filled his brain he also knew that this would be his one opportunity to make things right again. He was determined to make the most of his second chance.

  He knew humanity and that while times may have changed, the nature of man did not. Therefore he knew there was something else at play here. He quickly inferred that his opposition was buying votes by using the security and rights of American Citizens as their currency.

  The second caller following the commercial broached the immigration issue once again. On cue, Frank Walters climbed upon his soapbox.

  “James Madison asked why immigration is desirable. He asked if it was merely to swell the catalogue of people? No. He concluded, ‘Tis to increase the wealth and strength of the community, and those who acquire the rights of citizenship. Without adding to the strength or wealth of the community, are not the people we are in want of.’”

  He decided to clarify the answer to his own question by detailing that the phrase “Not merely to swell the catalogue of people” was a prediction that the left wing establishment in the country would continue to push for amnesty and citizenship to illegal aliens, creating a larger liberal voting block.

  Walters continued, hitting the point hard by saying that the United States was founded by those who immigrated in search of liberty, men and women who craved the freedom to succeed and even to fail based on their own abilities without government intrusion.

  “That is my vision for America. The founders believed then as I believe now, that America would be open to receive not only the wealthy but the oppressed and persecuted of all nations and religions.”

  Walters paused for an instant and continued his thought by emphasizing they would only be welcome if their decency and conduct warranted it.

  Pepper and Anders were gesturing through the glass, trying to get Jenson’s attention to cut the interview short. They wanted to save some topics for the Josh Anders Show.

  Walters took the sign and concluded by saying he would increase the border patrol presence and end so-called sanctuary cities. The “yes” emanating from Skip Keaton’s mouth was audible to the radio audience. Jenson thought they had accomplished what they set out to do in an introductory interview and decided to end it here.

  “I know you have to go Mr. Walters, so we will end here. Thank you for your time, your foresight, and your patriotism. We hope to have you back soon.”

  Washington replied that it was a pleasure, and that he would visit again as his schedule allowed. He wished the radio audience a good afternoon. As soon as the on air light went off, the candidate turned to his host.

  “That was
quite fun, Mr. Jenson. Can’t wait to do that again.”

  Chapter 20

  The General calmly removed his headset and placed it on the table next to the microphone before him. He was happy with the result of the interview. Though he would have liked to get into more topics and detail, he understood the wisdom in cutting off a few minutes too soon, which was better than a few minutes too late. Looking to his right through the studio glass, he observed Pepper, and was pleased to see Steve Anders talking away on his cell phone again.

  Steve was back alright. He and his cousin only seemed to extract those devices from their ears long enough to stare into them and push keys. Walters wondered what could be so important for a man to talk in such a way all the time. His experience with non-stop talkers was normally limited to eighteenth century women and a few select politicians. But as long as things were moving ahead and on plan, the new Mr. Walters decided Steve and Josh could talk all they wanted.

  Murray immediately entered the studio and congratulated Washington on a great interview. As they shook hands, Murray reminded him that given the feedback and success of the recently concluded show, they would be embarking on a trip to Boston to appear on the Josh Anders Show the next day. Walters appeared reassured after Murray told him Steve had returned to accompany them to Boston. The first president asked if the clouds and birds might get in the way of the “aeroplane” as he pronounced it. Murray provided Washington with some comfort by explaining that the flight would only take two hours and that the Pepper jet would feel very much like the drive in a limo, only more luxurious.

  Jenson stood and, turning toward Mr. Walters, reiterated to Murray and the team that he would not make the trip to Boston due to the workload in the weeks ahead and some personal matters that needed his attention. He would assuredly be meeting the team over the next few weeks. After a hearty embrace and a most sincere thank you, Murray led Walters into the waiting area where Pepper and Anders reported a sizable crowd gathered outside the studio. Against his wishes, Pepper convinced Murray and the unannounced candidate to exit into the limo waiting at the rear of the building.


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