Time After Time

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Time After Time Page 60

by Elizabeth Boyce

  Emily smiled through the tears that streamed down her face. “Oh, Jonathon, I love you so.”

  They were in each other’s arms; their lips met in a long, lingering kiss. Emily pressed Jonathon close to her while he nuzzled into her neck.

  “I have longed to hold you like this,” he murmured against her throat.

  “I know,” she whispered.

  He lifted his head and kissed her again, their tongues searching, probing. His hand slipped beneath her cape and caressed her breast, teasing along the line of her bodice. Emily tingled with delight. They held each other a long time.

  “We had better return to the ball,” Emily whispered.

  “We could just leave.”

  “No, we must return.” Emily laughed, and Jonathon took his handkerchief to wipe the last few tears from her face. Tiny tendrils had escaped her coiffure, and he unsuccessfully attempted to brush them back.

  “You look ravishing tonight, Em. I was insane with jealously when you first came down.”

  “No need, Captain. I am yours.”

  He kissed her softly, sending shivers through her whole body. Then they rose and returned to the palace. The glittering lights were too bright for their eyes so, before returning to the ballroom, they stopped for refreshments. A few people mingled about in the Supper Room, and Jonathon nodded greetings but never left Emily’s side. Then, setting down their glasses, they returned to the crowd.

  The music began and Jonathon took Emily into his arms. They glided and swirled gracefully, speaking softly, laughing gently, and looking into each other’s eyes.

  Nearby, Joanna commented to David as they danced, “I think things are rapidly improving.”

  David glanced over at them. “I believe you are right, Joanna.” They grinned at each other and David winked.

  They were not the only ones to notice the handsome couple gliding effortlessly, almost as one, across the floor. Voices murmured throughout the ballroom for, in all these years, no one had seen Jonathon look so smitten. Deidre was fuming, and Phillip began to understand.

  Jonathon reluctantly handed Emily over to other gentlemen who requested dances, confining his requests to grey-haired matrons who tittered with delight at his attention. Until Deidre approached him.

  “Well, you look positively besotted over your ward, this evening Jonathon,” she snarled as she was upon him. She slipped her arm through his and pressed into it, gazing askance at him. Her scolding tone changed to a purr. “From the look you gave me at the theater, I was anticipating a long and interesting evening.”

  “The look I gave you was simply a cordial smile, Deidre,” he replied, his eyes never leaving Emily.

  “That is not how it looked to me.”

  Pulling his eyes from the dance floor, he looked down at the woman next to him. “Interpretation was never your strong suit.”

  She rubbed against him. “And just what is my strong suit, Jonathon? Perhaps over a drink we could find out?” she smiled up at him.

  “I think not, Deidre,” he said removing his arm. “We explored that avenue once before, and that pathway is finished.” He turned looking for Emily. Her partner was just escorting her to him.

  Jonathon took her hand when she approached.

  “Good evening, Deidre. You look lovely this evening,” Emily greeted her.

  “You look all grown up tonight, Emily my dear,” Deidre said wickedly.

  “I know I shall never mature as gracefully as you have, Deidre, but one can hope,” Emily smiled sweetly.

  Deidre glared from one to the other then turned on her heel, grabbed a surprised man behind her, and stalked toward the dance floor.

  Jonathon laughed. “I believe she has met her match. You can be quite impish, Emily.”

  “Why thank you, Captain,” she curtsied when she said it. “Do you suppose we could sit somewhere? My leg has held up quite admirably, but I fear it needs some rest.”

  They sat near the wall and Emily was introduced to many new people, some of whom raised an eyebrow slightly when Jonathon introduced her as his ‘ward’ with a devilish grin on his face.

  As Jonathon helped Emily with her cape, he again stood close behind her and whispered in her ear, “I have a most perfect view of your soft and tempting bosom, Madame. I fear I wrinkle your cape with my clutching hands in an effort to keep from reaching around and grasping you in a most ungentlemanly manner.” His breath was soft against her hair; Emily felt a blush creep all the way up from the spot he was perusing. She felt his hands drape her cloak around her and linger briefly at her shoulders. She turned to look at him and caught a devilish twinkle in his eye.

  “I could have stood there forever.”

  “Jonathon!” she said, trying to still the familiar excitement his words brought.

  He offered his arm and led her to the carriage. The others were seated, and he and Emily climbed in beside Andrew. Emily folded her hands in her lap; Jonathon took one of them and, tucking it through his arm, smiled down at her.

  • • •

  They all chatted gaily on the way back to the Cosgroves’. Andrew was quite tipsy since he and Calvin had been sneaking champagne all night. He grinned crookedly at Emily when she scolded him, but did not look properly ashamed. The others laughed.

  The Cosgroves had already returned and were waiting for them with a nightcap for a traditional exchange of stories from the exciting evening. Gossip, jokes, and funny incidents were recalled merrily until yawning became more and more frequent, and all headed to their rooms. Jonathon paused by his door and waited for everyone else to disappear from the hall. Then he stepped down to Emily’s door and opening it gently; he slipped inside.

  Emily gasped in surprise. She was bent forward removing her dress. The view made Jonathon gulp.

  “Oh, Emily, you are beautiful.”

  “Jonathon, you must leave at once!” she demanded. “We are guests here.”

  “I do not intend to stay, Em. I just wanted to kiss you good night.” He stepped toward her and lifted her dress off the floor and flung it across a chair. Then he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close, kissing her hungrily. He ran one hand up and down her silken arm, down her side and hips. Emily moaned soft and low as he cupped her breast and lowered his lips to it.

  “Jonathon, please …not here,” she whispered.

  He gently kissed her again and turned to leave.

  “I cannot wait to get home,” he grinned.

  • • •

  Emily and Joanna were again tucked into lap furs as they jostled along the road. The air was crisp and cold and there had been a scattering of snowflakes early that morning. Both women were tired from the previous night’s festivities so they rode in silence for a while.

  “You and Jonathon seem to have worked things out,” Joanna finally said.

  Emily smiled. “He noticed a definite lack of passion on both Phillip’s and my part.”

  “Emily, you have some decisions to make now.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Will your relationship … uh, continue as before?”

  “I fear I would be unable, no perhaps unwilling to stop it.”

  “Has Jonathon discussed marriage?”

  “No,” Emily whispered.

  “Are you willing to be his mistress then?”

  “I love him, Joanna.”

  “He is my brother, Emily. I love him, too. But sometimes I fear he wears blinders. He will never even think of marriage unless you make him do so. And the way to do that is to … well is to not …”

  “I understand what you are saying, Joanna. But I do not want to bribe him into marriage. Yes, I want to be married, but not if I am the only one who wants it,” she said. “In my mind I vow I shall tell him ‘no.’ But when he is near I lose a
ll my reserve and melt. He has only to say my name softly, to reach out and touch me, and my defenses are useless.”

  “Emily, you must consider the consequences. You were lucky in the past. But do not tempt fate.”

  “I know you are right, Joanna,” Emily sighed.

  • • •

  The weary group arrived at Brentwood Manor for supper. Andrew was still feeling the effects of his first hangover, so he ate little and retired early. David insisted that Joanna get her rest, so they did the same. Jonathon and Emily were in the parlor. With a devilish grin, Jonathon extinguished all the lamps until the room was bathed in the soft glow of the firelight. Pouring them each some wine, he sat beside Emily on the settee and placed an arm behind her. Emily’s heart pounded and she was sure he could hear it. She smiled up at him.

  “What is it?” he asked.

  “Can you hear my heart?” she asked.

  “No, mine is beating too wildly.” He laughed softly and reached up to brush a wisp of hair off her face. Then his fingers lightly ran down along her neck. She shivered.

  “Are you cold?” he asked.

  “Not a bit.”

  He pulled her close, and she leaned her head against his shoulder. His hand ran up and down her arm.


  “Yes, Jonathon.”

  “Please forgive me for doubting you. When I thought I had lost you to Phillip, I could not think rationally.”

  Emily looked up at him. “I was afraid that I was just another … conquest.” Tears filled her eyes at the memory of that pain.

  He held her close and kissed the top of her head. “Why do I hurt you so?” They sat together in silence for a long while, sipping wine, enjoying their nearness. Then Jonathon reached down and tilted her face up to his. He kissed her gently at first, brushing her lips, her cheek, her forehead. Then his mouth sought hers and moved over it, demanding, searching almost fiercely. Emily’s arm went up around his neck and they clasped each other tightly. Jonathon’s hand roamed her back, over her hips and breasts, savoring the softness of her. Slipping one arm beneath her knees, he lifted her and stood heading for the stairs.

  “Jonathon, what are you doing?” she whispered as he took the steps two at a time.

  “Bringing you where you belong.”

  “Shhh! You will wake the whole house.”

  “I do not care. It is my house.”

  Emily gasped when, instead of turning towards her room, he turned towards his own.

  “Jonathon …”

  He opened the door, strode across the room, and plopped her on the bed. In one movement he kicked the door closed and undid his shirt, a wicked gleam in his eye.

  Emily began to protest, but he covered her mouth with his and did not let up until her complaints turned to compliance. She responded with the passion he remembered so vividly. He slowly unfastened her dress while still kissing her, and slipped it off her shoulders. He kissed their creamy whiteness while he unlaced her stays.

  “How do you women stand those things?” Jonathon murmured in her ear.

  “We do so to appear attractive to you men,” she replied firmly.

  “If you dressed to please us, madam, you would do away with clothes entirely,” he grinned at her.

  “And would not the Governor’s Ball have been an interesting sight. All of you dandies turned out in your finery and we ladies strutting through the minuet in our nakedness.”

  “Mmmm. An interesting picture to ponder. But another time when I do not have something eternally more interesting to attend,” he bent down toward her. Emily held him back.

  “Jonathon I must go to my room.”

  “Do you not like mine?” he asked.

  “I mean alone.” She struggled to sit up but was caught in her half-shed clothing. Finally she succeeded. “Jonathon, I think we are being rash and not thinking about what may result from this encounter.”

  “You mean a child? I have thought about that. I was quite disappointed to discover you had not conceived when you told me so, so delicately.”

  “Your question was not too delicate either as I recall,” Emily said trying to arrange her corset. Jonathon tugged it away and nibbled at the peak of one breast. “Jonathon, we are discussing something!”

  “Oh yes. Well, I suggest we keep trying until we get it right.”

  “Jonathon! You have the child to consider, too. I can bear being your mistress, but an innocent child — ”

  “Mistress!” he shouted. “What the devil are you talking about?”

  “Shhh. Well, look at us, Jonathon. Here we are ready to make love again. That is what they call a woman a man takes to his bed.”

  “You would willingly become my mistress?” he asked in disbelief. “You would live under this roof with me, sharing my love as my mistress?”

  “I know it seems wrong, Jonathon, but my love for you is not. I have never felt this deeply about anyone before. I love you more than life itself. But when I think of a child suffering because of my love for you — ”

  “You do not think I would make a good father?”

  “You would make a wonderful father, Jonathon, but a child needs — ”

  “Emily,” he stopped her again. “There is another word for a woman that a man takes to his bed. She is called a wife.”

  At first it did not register, then Emily realized what he had said. She stared at him, her mouth agape.

  “Well, I guess I must be proper about it.” He knelt before her. “Miss Wentworth, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  Emily leaped forward and wrapped her arms around him, cradling his head in her breasts.

  “Mmmm,” he smiled. “Does this mean yes?” He lifted her onto the bed and they celebrated their betrothal.

  “Jonathon,” Emily said sleepily, her head resting on his chest. “I must go to my room now.”

  “No, love. Stay.” He held her tighter.

  Exhausted from the last few hectic days and soothed by their lovemaking, they drifted off to sleep entwined in each other’s arms, Emily’s leg draped over Jonathon’s.

  And that is how Dulcie found them in the morning.

  “Lord a’ mercy!” she cried out on entering the room.

  Opening one eye, Jonathon peered at her.

  “Quiet, Dulcie, you will wake Emily.”

  The maid just shook her head, backing out of the room. When she was gone, Emily opened her eyes.

  “Oh, no,” she moaned. “How do I gracefully get back to my room?”

  “First, I suggest you get dressed, although I much prefer you like this.” His hands teased her beneath the blankets.

  “Jonathon!” she laughed trying to stop him.

  “Then, fully dressed, you open the door and hold your head high,” he laughed. “We shall announce our engagement at breakfast.”

  Emily need not have worried, for she met no one as she made her way down the hall. Quickly washing and dressing, she hastened down to breakfast. Everyone was there but Jonathon, who appeared presently carrying a tray of champagne-filled glasses. He set the tray on the table and distributed the glasses. Andrew moaned when he saw the beverage and turned pale.

  “Is this some sort of punishment?” he asked.

  “No, a celebration!” Jonathon exclaimed and stood behind Emily’s chair.

  Raising his glass, he said, “To Emily, my ward, soon to be my wife.”

  Amid oohs, aahs and congratulations, the others raised their glasses and drank the celebratory champagne. Except Andrew, who sipped his.

  Jonathon bent and kissed Emily tenderly and the others came over to embrace them. Andrew had tears in his eyes.

  “This is the happiest moment I have had in a long time,” he grinned. Then he set his glass down and lo
oked at it ruefully.

  Jonathon clapped him on the back and laughed. Just then Dulcie entered and, seeing her, Jonathon offered her his glass.

  “Will you drink to our engagement, Dulcie?” He laughed.

  “I should say so!” she looked at him scandalized, then drank down the champagne and gave Emily a broad smile. “God’s blessings on you,” she said and left the room singing.

  • • •

  Their wedding banns were posted at the church, and the date was set for the week after Christmas. Jonathon left for another voyage north and was gone two weeks. Emily busied herself with preparations for the wedding, and again she and Joanna sat down with a long invitation list. This time many of the names were familiar, and she thought fondly of the friends she had made in Virginia. When they came to Deidre Manning’s name they stopped cold and looked at each other.

  “She could make things unpleasant,” Joanna said.

  “We must invite her. She has been a friend of your family’s for years.”

  “What if she creates a disruption?”

  “Do not worry. I can manage Deidre,” Emily answered firmly.

  “I think you are out of your depth, Emily. But you are also right. We must invite her.”

  • • •

  Jonathon returned one evening shortly before Christmas. Emily ran to the front door and flung it open when she heard his horse. He bounded up the steps and she was in his arms. Lifting her off the ground, he twirled her around. They laughed and then smothered their laughter with a long-awaited kiss. A cough from Andrew brought them apart, and they joined the others for supper.

  “Jonathon, I hear discontent is building in the northern colonies,” David said.

  “That is so, David. The First Continental Congress has adjourned. They are demanding the right of assembly, petition, and trial by peers. They have rejected Parliament’s right to levy internal taxes and will accept only regulation of external commerce.”


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