Home > Other > SEVEN DAYS (PLEASURE SERIES Book 1) > Page 4

by Rayne,Amber

  I told him I needed to be dropped off at the train station because my car was still there where I usually parked in order to catch the train into work. He waited, the Maybach creeping behind me as I made my way to my car.

  “What are you doing?” I asked, hoping I didn’t sound as irritated as I felt.

  “My instruction is to take you home to get more clothes and return you back to Mr. Matthew’s home.”

  “I’m not going back,” I said. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to but his rejection hurt; someone as handsome, rich and sexy as Aiden was just trouble. My heart couldn’t take another bout of unrequited love and my self-esteem couldn’t take being tossed out on its ass once it had served its purpose. I was simply a toy to him, he wound me up, and watched me perform for him for entertainment. And when he was done playing with me, I would be tossed away. No, I wasn’t going to do it.

  “That wasn’t my instruction,” he asserted, the car stalled behind mine, preventing me from leaving. Once in my car, I started to reverse and he did too, giving me space to leave. The train station was just a five-minute drive from my apartment and sometimes I would walk. With Illinois temperamental weather you never know what to expect, so I usually drove in the Fall. I wasn’t in my car long when my phone rang and I answered it to find Aiden’s deep commanding voice on the other end,

  “Why aren’t you coming back?”

  “I have things I need to do.”

  “Like what?” he asked.

  I didn’t have an answer because my day was going to consist of what it usually did on Saturday: work off the clock for a couple hours, cleaning, going to the grocery store and maybe a movie with my best friend Natalie. A day with Natalie wasn’t likely to happen because as a newlywed they were still in a state of bliss and seemingly unable to stay away from each other for more than an hour or so.

  “This and that,” I was trying to be clever throwing back his own words but based on the silence on the other end, my witty response wasn’t well received.

  “Bane will be back to pick you up at twelve. Pack an overnight bag because you will be staying the night,” he said, and then the phone hung up. I looked at the number in my call log and considered sending him a text declining. And I considered doing it even after Bane pulled up in front of my apartment at noon and leaned against the car as he waited on me to come out after coming to my door to let me know he was there waiting. Reading the expression on his face was something I had given up within minutes because he never dropped the stolid look, even when I smiled. He worked at returning it, but never truly committed.

  Lorraine was waiting for us when I exited the door, with the warmth of a person who was welcoming a friend she hadn’t seen in a long time. “Welcome back Ella. Mr. Matthew’s meeting went longer than anticipated, please make yourself comfortable. Would you like a drink?”

  I shook my head, removed my jacket and clung to it until she reached for it. Last night I didn’t have a chance to look at anything other than the bathroom. I was able to take in the full view of the exquisite penthouse. Floor to ceiling windows stretched the length of the room and provided an excellent view of the skyline. Even midday it was a spectacular one. I could only imagine what it looked like at night. The same unique art that covered the walls in the bedroom decorated the muted beige walls. The dark ottoman complemented the champagne colored oversized sofa and went well with the contemporary walnut leather furniture. Geometrical throw rugs and stylish lamps were placed meticulously throughout the home. Either Aiden or his designer had wonderful taste. But like his personality, the room only had the necessities and offered nothing more. There weren’t any little knick knacks scattered throughout the room or any oddly placed throws or decorative pillows. Just the furniture placed perfectly aligned. The large arrangement of calla lilies on the side table was the only thing that seemed out of place, different. I stepped closer to my favorite flower and inhaled its fragrant scent.

  There were hardwood floors throughout the home. Eventually I made my way out of the sitting room to the living room. But it reminded me of an art gallery. I sunk into the thick plush rug and studied each piece. The delicate curves and intricate markings of the busts, the expressive eyes and detail of each portrait on the wall, and the exquisite masks were different than anything I had ever seen.

  “I like beautiful and unique things,” said Mr. café Americano—I mean Aiden, from behind me. He approached, possessing a sensual confidence that he wore as casually as he did the tailored suit. His movements seemed predacious, a smooth masculine grace.

  “It’s good to see you again,” he said, but it seemed more perfunctory. I had a feeling he didn’t expect me to decline. Did he usually get his way?

  “I almost didn’t come back,” I said.

  The self-assured grin played at his lip as his brow raised and he walked me back into the wall behind me.

  His face inches from mine, he smirked. “Really? Why don’t I believe that?” He leaned down, kissed me, capturing my response in a deep kiss, his fingers laced in my hair, pulling me closer.

  When I finally opened my eyes, he was looked down at me, staring. “I love the way you taste,” he whispered against my cheek. Warm kisses ran along my neck as his hands roved over my back, they slinked around to my stomach making their way up to my breasts, caressing them lightly before slipping my shirt off. My pants were the next to go; tugging them to the floor, he waited impatiently for me to step out of them. His kisses were hungrier, more fervent as he pressed me harder against the wall, his slacks dropped to the ground just moments afterwards. He lifted me, my legs wrapped around him. His firm fingers kneaded into my skin before trailing down my back, roving up my stomach. He pulled my breasts out of my bra, sucking one hard nipple before giving the same treatment to the other.

  His hands lightly massaged over my legs before he breached my entrance. The large girth of his cock made me gasp and I buried my head in his neck as he sank deeper in me, spreading me wide as he pounded me into the wall. I moaned, pleasure and pain nipped at me as I opened more, accommodating his large hardness.

  We hit a hard steady rhythm as he moved deeper into me. My growing arousal made it easier to accept the thick powerful invasion. His movements became more frenetic, I held him tighter, my nails pressing into his back and he pounded into me in long powerful strokes. Hard. Pounding. Deep. Thrusts. A deep thrust and roll of him and I screamed into his shoulder as the wave of the orgasm rode over me to exhaustion. I sank back into the wall, and he leaned into me holding on to my hips. When he slid out of me, he steadied me before I could crumble into the ground.

  He lifted my chin until my eyes met his, those gorgeous amber eyes held mine, commanding full lips pressed against mine again. “I’ve wanted to do that since the moment I saw you,” he admitted.

  I’m not sure that is what I wanted the first time we met, but I wanted it now and more of it. I looked down at his cock, still a thick hardness despite him coming when I did. In a state of euphoria now, I knew tomorrow I would feel sore from what I estimated to be a little over nine inches pounding into me. And still I wanted more.

  He kissed me again, long and deep, tasting my lips before stepping away. He pulled up his pants and held my panties, pants and shirt in his hands. He eyed me for a moment before his hands slipped behind my back and unclasped my bra, slipping it off my arm.

  “Perfect, now let’s see what Lorraine left for us to eat,” he said tossing my things on the chaise, taking me by the wrist and leading me into the kitchen naked.

  My body was one of the few things that I was confident about. The ten miles I ran a week and visits to the gym kept things the way I wanted them. My hips and butt were wider than most women my size, it was the one thing that I was insecure about, but Aiden didn’t seem to have a problem with it. His hands slid over my hips and taking his hands off my curves seemed like a difficult task for him. His appreciation of it made me less self-conscious.

  Aiden lifted me onto the counter next to
the refrigerator. He teased my breast with his tongue before eventually going to the refrigerator. He pulled out fresh strawberries, grapes, and pasta salad.

  “Why were you so confident that I would come back?” I finally asked the very question that had seemed to disappear the moment he kissed me in the art room.

  I took a bite of the strawberry he placed to my mouth, “Because I wanted you to.”

  “Do you get everything you want?”’ I teased.

  “Most of the time.” He tilted his head and studied me for a long time. “But I knew you would come because you’re a people pleaser,” he said, as he put another strawberry in my mouth.

  That wasn’t what I was expecting. “What?”

  “You don’t know me and you left this morning as you should have because something about last night made you feel bad and you left. But you came back because I wanted it, not because you did” his tone was cooler, with a hint of displeasure and I was having a hard time holding his gaze. I dropped my head down to look at my hands.

  His fingers lifted my chin and he regarded me for a moment in silence. He lips brushed lightly against mine and then he spoke against them, the warmth of his breathe breezed lightly against my mouth, “There is nothing wrong with pleasing as long as you recognize that you should be pleased, too.”

  Each time he touched me, it was like being in the art room again, my body tingled against his touch, responding to the mere slide of his hands against me. This was dangerous territory and I knew it but I didn’t want to do anything about it. His kisses were just as delicious as the first time he touched me.

  “With me, do things that please you; because I will do things with you that please me.” A sinful smile played at his lips as if he knew my thoughts and how he made me feel. I moistened my lips, ignoring my stomach and its need to have something in it. I slid to the floor and unbuckled his pants. Lacing his fingers in my hair, he guided me up and down his long tool. A faint chuckle escaped each time I gagged when I took in too much. But the sound seemed to please him. I moved down further, taking in more of his turgid instrument, saliva running down my face. He guided me to my feet and helped me onto the counter. Soft warm kisses trailed down my body, trails of tingling reminders as he inched down my body until his face was nestled between my legs. He kissed my entrance, teasing it with his tongue before burying it inside of me. Experienced fingers played with my clit and the beginning of an orgasm hit me before he moved away, pulled me down and bent me over the counter. Gripping the edges, I rested my face against the cool surface as he pounded into me, I moaned, whimpered and opened up more for him, ignoring the soreness from earlier.

  He raised one of my legs for better access to move deeper into me. Strong fingers dug into my skin sending warm pulses of pleasures through me. Twinges of the orgasm started deep down, sweeping over me in a wave as I shuddered against him.

  “This is no good. We need to get out of here and get something to eat or I will spend most of the day with my cock in you,” he said.

  Still riding the wave of my orgasm, I couldn’t speak. Instead I stayed bent over the counter. I nodded. “Come on, get dressed.” It wasn’t until he smacked me hard on my ass that I actually moved. I yelped and came to standing. Smiling, he ran his hand over the sting but it didn’t do anything to soothe it; instead his touch made me ready for another round. Pulling away, I started toward the stairs aware of him watching me as I went up it.

  The penthouse was gorgeous but the true beauty of his apartment was how close he lived to the best restaurants. After passing several, we settled for a steakhouse and I was so famished that I didn’t bother to butter my bread, I starting peeling pieces from it and chomping down on them. I was too hungry to worry about being coy. He smiled as I started in on my second piece of bread. But I slowed down enough to inhale the Shiraz, the delicious bouquet of black currant and hearty berries inundated my senses. I took a sip. Good god, this man knew his wines. I took a long draw from the glass. My eyes met his as he studied me with interest.

  “I’ve never seen art like the ones your home. Are they all originals?”

  I doubt I could afford an original but maybe a reproduction would be in my budget.

  He brought the glass to his lips but didn’t seem to be enjoying it as much as I was. “They are all custom.”

  There was a subtle sensuality and salaciousness about them. Had he commissioned someone to make them? When the food came, we ate in silence but he paid more attention to me than the food. Finally, he asked. “When was the wedding supposed to be?” he asked.

  “Next weekend.” My eyes stayed on my plate for a few minutes and I didn’t know why I was embarrassed by it, but I was. Reading his expression was impossible, instead I just got an impassive look that marred his handsome appearance.

  “So what do you have planned for this weekend? You can’t possibly be staying at home.”

  That was exactly what I had planned on doing. I was going to stay home, post the dress on eBay and drown my sorrows in a gallon of ice cream and a box of wine. And since I had three weeks off, most of the days were dedicated to doing just that. I was holding on by a tendril and the day of the wedding I would most likely be a mess. It was probably smarter to go out, but I kept imagining I would be out in public when I had my emotional breakdown.

  “And the honeymoon, what came of that? Will you still go?”

  “No, he cancelled the trip to the Greek Isles.”

  Please stop questioning me.

  Aiden lips formed a line as he waited for me continue. “I still have the full three weeks off.”

  His eyes. Deep, cool and assessing. There was a part of me that wanted to confess everything I could and another part of me that felt I had to. “The owner wanted me to take some time off.”

  “I think she made a wise choice,” he said.

  “You know this because?”

  “Because you seem like you need it?”

  This time I studied him with the same interest he’d given me so often but he simply smiled, his tongue moistening his lips as he waited for me to speak. The deep entrancing amber eyes holding mine. No matter what he said there was always a little tinge of deviance behind it.

  “Have you been married before?” I asked.


  “For how long?”

  “A while.”

  “That’s not an answer.”

  The steady gaze remained on me. “It’s the one I am prepared to give.”

  “When did you divorce?”

  “three years ago.” It was the first time I’d ever tried to assess his age. The deep thoughtful eyes were wiser than his early-mid thirty appearances.

  “Why don’t you spend next week with me,” he suggested without missing a beat in the conversation. A request made so casually I didn’t know how to respond.

  I tried to let the wine go down a little smoother, but it didn’t. Instead, I coughed on it and he waited with the same amused smile he seemed to always have for me. A wanton curiosity that seemed ever peaked.

  “So you will be my vacation?”

  He leaned into the table the slight lilt his smile, the seduction in his eyes, the masculine beauty, offered more than that. “I’ll be whatever you want. One week to forget everything: your engagement, Jason, your family. Everything.” Oh, did he plan to have me drunk off my ass? He was absolutely delicious and sex with him was mind-altering but he was more arrogant than I suspected if he thought he could make me forget everything. However, if anyone could make me forget or at least enjoy myself while trying to do so, it would be him.

  “A week of pleasure,” was his final offering.

  Yes, please. And I thought I said it out loud but I hadn’t. When he relaxed back in the chair, there was something carnal and seductive that pulled at every desire I had. He had me.

  I nodded unable to find the words.

  He leaned into the table and grinned. “I need you to say it,” he commanded in a low voice with the same throaty lusty
voice he used earlier when we had sex. And just like it did in his art room, the warmth crept over my body. I can’t believe I was agreeing to it. But I did.

  I nodded.

  “I’ll have Bane pick you up tomorrow.”


  One week, from Sunday to Sunday. I’m not sure why I was so nervous as Bane led me back into the house. It’s not like this was my first time visiting or I was about to have sex with him or anything for the first time. I guess it was his last words. “A week of pleasure.” Pleasure was such a subjective thing. What did Aiden consider pleasure? I’m sure it involved more than naughty sex in his art room and kitchen. And I was a little embarrassed that I really wanted to find out. I’d second guessed myself so many times and if I really wanted to talk myself out of it, I would have called Natalie, Ms. Conservative USA. She would have all the reasons not to do this in the chamber, ready to release at a moment’s notice, which was probably why I didn’t tell her. I didn’t want anyone to tell me how incredibly stupid this was.

  Loraine greeted me at the door, “Mr. Matthews had to fly out this morning but I expect him back within the hour,” she said as she led me upstairs to my bedroom. It was almost as large as my apartment. The textured eggshell walls were decorated with unique canvas art that complemented the violet colored drapes that were pulled back displaying a beautiful view of the city. The large walk-in closet was empty for except the pearl and chocolate chaise and a small chair with legs to prop a foot. I assumed it was to have a place to sit while trying on shoes. And the full length cheval mirror was perfect for viewing your outfit. Because I didn’t know what to expect, I packed more than enough clothes but it still wouldn’t fill up this huge closet. If I had brought all my clothes, a quarter of the closet would have been unused.

  Screw hanging out in the house, I was going to hang out in the bathroom. A rainforest shower dominated most of it, but it was quite impressive. Ambient music played when you walk in and there was a selection to choose from using the dials on the walls. And the deep Jacuzzi was nice but I couldn’t take my eyes off the shower. Nothing compared. I was tempted to take a shower then and there.


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