Big, Bold & Bearing (Grizzly Affairs Book 2)

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Big, Bold & Bearing (Grizzly Affairs Book 2) Page 11

by Magenta Phoenix

  “I got to say you made this harder than necessary.” Wyatt said stepping towards them, never allowing his aim to waver from her face. Keeping his hands at his sides, Robert simply shrugged his shouldered with an uncaring motion. “If only you would have just handed her over from the beginning, but you brought this upon yourself.” Quickly his aim shifted to point at Robert’s chest. Gasping, Gabriella prayed that if Robert had a plan that he would act on it now!

  Rolling his eyes, Robert groaned with annoyance. “Will you just get it over with already?”

  In that moment it was impossible to know who was more surprised by Robert’s harsh words; her or Wyatt. Was this really what he had in mind to get them out of this? Any lingering hope she had in his ability to save them was quickly vanishing.

  Reaching out, her trembling hand clutched at his arm. “Are you loco? What do you think you are doing?” She hissed out beneath her breath.

  His head snapped around towards her as his gaze cut her like a blade. His eyes held no compassion as they once had. “Shut up.” He bit out with anger.

  Flinching back from his hard tone, Gabriella remained quiet as she watched the exchanged between the two. She could only pray that this was part of Robert’s plan and not something worse.

  Turning back to Wyatt—who still watched with confusion; Robert roughly shrugged off Gabriella’s pleading grip. “Look; you got us. If you want her; take her. I didn’t get as far as I wanted with the bitch, but it’s not worth all this. Hell with the bounty!”

  Narrowing his eyes, Wyatt refused to be swayed from his mission. However that didn’t dissuade his interest. “Bounty? What bounty? Don’t try and fool me. It’s obvious that you have been protecting her.”

  “Of course I was protecting her, dumbass. I’m getting paid to deliver her alive. Plus; if I could get a little on the side by sweet talking her, I’m all for that.”

  “You’re lying.”

  Rolling his eyes, Robert’s breath huffed out with irritation. “Think whatever you want.” He replied, folding his arms over his chest. “Take that bitch if you want.” He offered, waving a hand towards her.

  When Wyatt’s focus briefly shifted to her face, Gabriella edged closer to Robert, silently seeking his protection despite his words. “Robert?” she whispered fearfully. She may as well have been invisible from the lack of a response she received from him.

  She didn’t understand any of this. Where was the man that had held her through the night? Where was the man that had kissed her? Where was the man that vowed to protect her no matter what? The man beside her was a stranger. It was in that moment, out of fear and despair that she realized that she was on her own. She was a fool to have trusted him. He had probably told the truth about Arianna hiring him to kidnap her, but apparently anyone can be bought with the right price.

  Without giving her time to react, Robert roughly grabbed her arm before shoving her forward. The force of his shove caused her to stumble and fall onto her stomach at Wyatt’s feet. Gasping in pain as her injured arm struck the hard ground, she fought the tears that began filling her eyes.

  Was this to be how it would end for her? Huddling in the dirt at the feet of the one that would take her life? Blinking away her tears, Gabriella bravely raised her head to meet her fate. Not far from her face, she found herself staring up into the dark barrel of Wyatt’s gun. Raising her gaze higher, she met Wyatt’s mocking grin.

  Cocking the gun, Wyatt’s shouldered lifted with false regret. “Sorry, doctor. But orders are orders.”

  Squeezing her eyes closed as her burning tears slid down her cheeks, Gabriella braced herself for the last sound she’d hear. Much to her surprise the deafening sound of a gunshot never came, instead an eerie howl pierced through the air around them. Opening her eyes, she saw that the gun was no longer aimed at her, but above her. Watching as Wyatt’s eyes widened with alarm, she found herself risking a look over her shoulder.

  On the rocky ledge above them was a vicious looking, black and white wolf. Its lips peeled back, displaying a collection of sharp teeth as it snarled dangerously at them. The moment that Wyatt fired at the fierce beast, Gabriella screamed in terror as the wolf launched off the ledge toward her and Wyatt. She was roughly knocked aside as the wolf and Wyatt crashed to the ground in a tangle of thrashing limbs, flashing teeth, and claws.

  Pinned to the ground beneath the heavy weight of the snarling beast, Wyatt scrambled to reach for his gun that was thrown out of reach. Almost like the animal knew what he was attempting to do, it became frantic and enraged. A terrifying snarl erupted seconds before the wolf lunged straight for Wyatt’s vulnerable face sinking its lethal teeth deep.

  Gasping with terror, Gabriella’s flight response kicked in as she took in the sight of Wyatt’s blood. Back peddling, she quickly turned onto her stomach, clawing at the ground as she shoved onto her feet. She had to get away, if she didn’t; being shot would be the least of her worries. With fear urging her on, she ran.


  The moment the wolf attacked, Robert sprung into action. Diving forward he scrambled for his discarded gun with urgency. Discovering his handgun laying at the base of a tree, he rushed back where Gabriella had fallen. He had no worry that the wolf would attack her. From the first whiff on the air, Robert knew the beast was no simple wolf. His brother must be truly desperate to send a wolf shifter to help them—but at this point he wasn’t about to complain.

  He ignored the sounds of Wyatt struggling as he searched franticly for Gabriella. She was gone. Quickly calling upon his other senses, he could hear her racing feet rushing down the incline. Rushing forward, he followed after her. Three yards ahead he could see her fighting to race over the heavy terrain. He was the reason she was fleeing so desperately.

  He wanted to say that his actions earlier had left him no other choice, but he’d be lying. Shortly after Wyatt had come upon them, Robert had sensed the presence of another shifter closing in. He had to think of a way to stall for time, but in doing so; he’d destroyed what trust his mate may have had in him. It didn’t matter. She wouldn’t get far with him pursuing her.

  He was about to call out to her when a putrid scent hit him in the face; Malca’s soldiers. Panic flooded his mind as he doubled his strides to reach his mate before Malca’s soldiers got to her first.

  Rushing up higher ground, he raced to get ahead of her before she ran straight for her death. Now directly above her, he ran straight for the edge before launching himself down on top of her. Tackling her to the ground, he winched as his body struck her to the ground. Praying that he hadn’t injured her, he rolled off her.

  Her stunned reaction only lasted a second before she struck out at him with a closed fist, nailing him in the nose with enough force to snap his head back. With him momentarily stunned, Gabriella scrambled onto her feet. Before she could even take a step, Robert gripped a hold of her ankles, jerking her roughly off her feet. When she crashed to the ground for a second time, Robert quickly rolled her onto her back, taking possession of her swinging arms he pinned her hands above her head as he pressed her squirming body down beneath his own

  “Stop fighting me, you crazy female!” He hissed as she attempted to head butt him.

  “You really think I’m going to make it easy on you?” She hissed out, doubling her efforts to attack him.

  “Since I met you, you have never made anything easy for me. But right now; I am trying to save your life.” He growled, springing to his feet as he jerked her up with him. Hissing in rage, Gabriella fought against his hold until he reluctantly let her go.

  Much to his relief, she didn’t turn and run as he had expected. Taking a step back from him, her eyes narrowed at him as she crossed her arms over her chest. “Why should I believe you?” She asked with a tone of resentment.

  Robert’s fists clenched at his sides as his lips thinned into a tight line. Now was not the time to have this discussion. He had to get her out of her before they were caught out in the open. But it was unlik
ely that she was in an agreeable mood after his performance with Wyatt.

  “Listen to me,” he began.

  A flash of light over Gabriella’s shoulder drew his attention a moment later. Several feet away he could see the crouched form of one of Malca’s soldiers, a glare of the sunlight glinted off his weapon as the soldier took aim at Gabriella. Without hesitation he shoved Gabriella out of the way, driving them both to the ground as the sound of a gunshot erupted around them.

  * ~ * ~ *

  Hitting the ground, Gabriella gasped in surprise as the weight of Robert’s body nearly crushed her to the ground as a single shot rang near them. Pressing one large hand roughly against her chest, Robert kept her pinned flat to the ground while rising up into sitting position. With a smooth motion he withdrew his gun from his waistband against his back and fired off two rounds.

  Breathing heavy above her, Robert winced as he lowered his smoking gun to his side. Having about enough of being tossed to the ground like a toy, Gabriella shoved against Robert’s bare chest until she was able to knock him off of her. It wasn’t until she rolled to her feet that she saw the crumbled body of one of Malca’s soldiers a few feet away. Despite the fact that he’d just saved her—again—she was ready to take off running again, but her gaze was reluctantly drawn towards Robert’s kneeling form.

  The upper thigh of his left leg quickly became painted red as blood spread through the material of his jeans. Not understanding what possessed her then, she suddenly found herself closing the distance between them. What was she thinking? Did she even possess rational thoughts anymore? Firstly; this man kidnapped her from her home and not but several moments ago had offered to hand her over to save his own skin. Now here she was; feeling concern at the sight of his spilled blood? This was her opportunity to run and yet she couldn’t find the will to move.

  Why would he save you if he wanted you dead?

  Groaning silently at her traitorous thoughts, she found herself kneeling beside him, getting a closer look at his wound. “Are you alright?”

  She didn’t need for him to answer her. Deep lines of pain were etched around his eyes and mouth while his breaths escaped in hissing pants. The wound was a few inches above his knee and bleeding profusely. Pressing her hand against the wound, she ignored how quickly his blood covered her hands.

  Grunting at the pressure she applied, he turned to look at her. “Sure. I’m alright.” He nodded, stiffly. “It’s just a gunshot wound, I’ll live.”

  “Not if you bleed out you won’t.” She scolded.

  What she wouldn’t have given to have a towel to help stem the blood flow in that moment. Her blood covered hands would only be able to do so much. Regardless of his wound, they couldn’t linger here. They had to get out of here before more of Malca’s soldiers caught up with them. Though she knew that Robert had abilities unknown to her, she very much doubted that outrunning a bullet was one of them.

  “Can you stand up?”

  With an ashen face, he nodded. Not allowing for him to attempt it on his own, Gabriella quickly grabbed his free hand and pulled it around her shoulder as he stood with a groan. “Where is Wyatt?” She asked with worry as she helped steady him on his feet.

  Chuckling weakly, Robert shook his head. “You won’t have to worry about him.”

  Remembering the horrific sight that she’d run from, Gabriella felt her heart freeze in her chest. The wolf! Could that vicious man-eater be coming for them next? No sooner than the though entered her mind, the sound of a snapping twig echoed from behind them. Turning to look over her shoulder, the first thing she saw was a flash of black and white fur passing through the trees.

  A scream lodged in her throat as she felt her heart pound so fast that it made her chest ache. It was here. With the scent of Robert’s blood in the air, it would be coming straight for them!

  “R-Robert, the wolf…”

  Shifting against her, Robert attempted to take most of his weight off of her. “Don’t worry. It won’t hurt you, I promise. However, we need to find it.”

  “It found us.” She whispered hauntingly, staring fearfully at a cluster of trees to their right. Slowly, the wolf emerged. Its hard eyes never strayed from them as it moved closer. Blood smeared across its muzzle and the side of its body only increased its fearsome appearance.

  Coming to a stop just a foot from them, Gabriella found herself holding her breath as she fought the urge to flee. Her eyes widened impossibly more as the form of the wolf began to blur like mist. As the blurring form of the wolf grew, quickly the fur faded into tan flesh as claws became hands and a muzzle shrunk into a face. Before she knew what had happened, in the place of the fearsome beast now stood a tall, muscular man. He possessed short, dark hair and blue eyes and no clothes.

  Feeling faint as her panic rose, she edged closer to Robert. “Robert…?” she gasped out in shock.

  “Not now.” He whispered before turning his attention to the very naked man before them. “Who the hell are you?”

  Scoffing, the man smirked at him. Rubbing a large hand across his jaw, he attempted to wipe away the blood that painted the side of his face. “I guess a ‘thank you’ is too much to ask from your kind.”

  Gabriella narrowed her eyes in confusion at their exchanged words. What was she missing here? Why wasn’t Robert as shocked as her in that moment? It’s not every day that a wolf turns into a man, but he was taking to the man like it was nothing!

  “You just…?” She said pointing at the man in front of her before turning to look in confusion at Robert. “He just—” She began before spinning back around. “You were a wolf! You turned into a man from a wolf?!” She gasped out in shock with a shake of her head.

  Chuckling, the man’s eyes flashed with a golden glow as he grinned at her. “You’re perceptive.” Raising his eyes above her head, he addressed Robert solely. “If you want to get her out of here alive we have to move now.”

  “Move where?” She asked skeptically. “Who are you? What are you and why are you naked?” The last of her words emerged with a high pitch. She struggled not to allow her eyes to drop to the pair of muscular buttocks and legs as the stranger strode back to the cluster of trees. Bending, he swept up a pair of black pants that he quickly jerked on.

  Moving back, his blue eyes danced with amusement at her curious and fearful gaze. “Look, as cute as this Kodak moment is; we have to get out of here before your buddy bleeds out and the others hunting you catch up.”

  Nodding with weakness, Robert attempted to move on his own. But as a combination of the pain and blood loss, he fell towards the ground. Grappling for him, Gabriella was about to grab a hold of one of his arms before he face planted on the ground.

  Jerking his arm from her grip, he staggered onto his weak legs while mumbling, “I can do it myself.”

  “What is it with bears and stubbornness, I wonder.” Their comrade stated as he moved toward Robert. Bending down he swept up Robert’s discarded gun.

  Rushing to attempt to reclaim his weapon, Robert nearly fell on top of Gabriella as she moved to steady him. “That’s mine.” Robert hissed, pointing at the weapon before making another attempt to reclaim it.

  Frowning, the man took a step back, putting the gun out of Robert’s reach. “What are you going to do with it right now?” Checking the magazine with a grim look, he cocked the gun. His eyes lifted to Gabriella when she flinched at the sharp sound. “As of right now, doe eyes; you have one job to do and that is to help lug this guy’s big ass up to the ridge.” He said first pointing to Robert and up the way she’d just ran from.

  As though sensing her reluctance to trust him, he took a step closer. “I don’t have time to give you all you need to trust me, but I promise I am just here to help. You can either put all your questions and fears aside, taking my word as is. Or you can stay here and wait for the rest of the others to find you.”

  Gulping against the lump of uncertainty that settled in her throat, Gabriella nodded. “Alright,”

  She didn’t like this one bit. Her curious mind was screaming at her to find out what was going on here. She’d just seen a wolf turn into a man, for lord’s sake! But he was right, now was the time to get out of here. So she agreed to trust that he was an ally for the time being and the same went for Robert.

  Ignoring Robert’s tense refusal, Gabriella settled his arm over her shoulders. Shoving her arm out of the sling, her hand gripped his wrist firmly as her other wrapped around his waist. “Why are we going back?” She asked eyeing the unknown man with a wary gaze.

  “Because up there is where you will find my hummer and your ticket to Not-Getting-Killed-Ville. Any other questions?” he bit out sarcastically.

  “Yeah, I got one.” Robert panted out. “Who the hell are you?”

  “My name is Eric Daniels. Your brother sent me to help you.” Flickering a hesitant glance at Gabriella he added, “You know who I am, I’m sure.”

  Robert scoffed with realization before replying. “Why the hell would he send you?

  “We can argue about this later, let’s get out of here.” Without another word, Eric turned and led the way.

  With Robert seeming upset at discovering their ally’s name, Gabriella couldn’t help but wonder if there was bad blood between them. With her curiosity stirred once more, she made a mental note to ask Robert about it later.

  Pushing the thought, they followed his lead. Once in a while she found her gaze drawn to Robert’s still bleeding wound. His left pant leg was now soaked with his blood all the way down to his shin. Despite his constant reassurance that he was fine, she knew that he needed help or he wouldn’t make it.

  Reaching the top of the familiar incline, she found her steps faltering as they reached their campsite. Her heart thundered in her ears as her fearful gaze settled on Wyatt’s body. The side of his face and throat was shredded. The smell of blood filled the air making her stomach seize. Noticing her state of mind, Robert squeezed her shoulder, drawing her attention from the bloody body.


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