Big, Bold & Bearing (Grizzly Affairs Book 2)

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Big, Bold & Bearing (Grizzly Affairs Book 2) Page 23

by Magenta Phoenix

  Grabbing some clothes from the dresser, she rushed into the connecting bathroom. Silently she prayed that she was wrong and Robert was just off somewhere on the grounds. If he had gone after Malca, they had to reach him quickly. There was no way he’d make it out of Malca’s facility alive if he was caught.

  Rushing down the stairs just minutes later, Gabriella came to a sliding halt as she entered the wide living room. There stood Raoul, Doyle, Aria and one pissed off looking Eric. Rushing forward she clung to hope that they’d found him.

  “Where is he?” She asked.

  “He’s gone and so is my hummer.” Eric stated, crossing his arms gruntingly over his chest. “It appears like he left in the middle of the night.”

  “To make matters worse; Robert isn’t the only person missing this morning.” Raoul stated with a hard look. “I haven’t seen Athena since last night. Her room is right next to mine and from what I can tell; she didn’t sleep in her bed at all.”

  “I’m more worried about Robert right now.” Gabriella stated with irritation. “If he did leave to go after Malca, her soldiers won’t hesitate to kill him. He left because I wouldn’t agree to stay here. He did it to protect me and he might get himself killed because of it.”

  “As touching as that is,” Raoul commented with dry tone. “This is worse than your bear-friend running off to play G.I. Joe on his own. If Athena went with him it could end very badly for us. Athena is a mind parasite and she’s been around everyone here for the past few months. We should be worried what will happen to all of us once Malca gets her hands on Athena and finds out where we are.”

  Stepping away from the wall, Doyle came to stand in the center of the room. “There’s no time to waste. We’ve got to get to Robert and Athena fast then. Raoul I want you and Aria to suit up.” His hesitant gaze settled on Aria’s impassive face. “As much as I’m going to regret saying this, my love; bring all your toys with us. There’s no telling what we’re walking into. Gabriella and I will get one of the pack’s SUV’s ready.”

  “I’m coming too.” Eric said, stepping forward. “You might need another shifter by your side that knows how to fight. Plus he stole my baby; I’m not letting him get killed until I get it back.”

  Aria rolled her eyes at Eric’s fierce words regarding his vehicle. “What is it with men and cars?”

  Narrowing his eyes, Eric growled threateningly at her, earning himself a hard look from Doyle in the process. “It's not a car.” He hissed out, offended. “It’s a Hummer H3.”

  “I’m kind of hoping he crashed it, just so I can watch your wolf butt flip out.” She replied with a mocking grin.

  “I don’t like you anymore.” Eric bit out turning away from Aria to look at Gabriella who had been watching the exchange in silence. “Ever since I met you, you’ve been nothing but trouble. I’m actually kind of grateful for that because it’s really boring in Ravenwillow. I trust that you know the way to this place?”

  “I know the way.” She nodded. Silently Gabriella couldn’t help but pray that Robert hadn’t made it to Malca’s facility yet. If he killed Malca, there would be no way he could fight off every enhanced soldier there and live.

  Stay alive, my mate, She prayed. If you die before I get to you, I’m going to kill you.

  * ~ * ~ *

  Coming to a stop on the side of the road, Robert turned the engine off. This was as far as he could go with the vehicle. He had to go the rest of the way on foot. Stepped out into the night air, Robert looked up at the moon rising above him. It had taken him the whole day to get to New York by road. He could only assume that Gabriella had found a way to free herself by now. With her temper, he knew that he wouldn’t be receiving a warm welcome upon his return. This was the only thing he could think of to keep her safe and still put an end to Malca.

  Reaching across the seat to grab his back, Robert jerked the zipper open. Pulling out a large hunting knife, followed by two small MK25 handguns, he closed the car door as softly as possible. He slid the knife into the side of his boot, while he stashed one of the handguns in the back of the waistband of his black cargo pants. Palming the other handgun, he moved forward.

  Moving through the shadows, Robert crouched down beside a tree a distance from Malca’s facility as he observed from a distance. Malca’s facility wasn’t what he’d pictured. The last one of her facilities that he’d broken into was secluded in the middle of nowhere. This one was a tall five story white building that resembled a hospital building and stood alone on one of the less busy streets. For a mile around the building in all directions, Robert could see the perimeter was guarded by armed soldiers and a ten foot tall, barbed wire fence.

  Taking a calming breath, he lunged to his feet as he ran toward the guarded building. Blending with the shadows he dropped to the ground beside the edge of the property as a flashlight beam shot his way. Laying low in the grass, he held perfectly still as a soldiers moved past his location. Like him the soldiers were dressed in black and blended into the shadows. But lucky for him the soldiers couldn’t see in the dark like he could. He waited a minute or two longer to make sure that the soldier wouldn’t double back. The fewer bullets he had to use would be best.

  When there seemed to be no sign of a guard, Robert made his move. Stopping at the fence he tucked his gun in the front of his pants before carefully gripping a section of the fence in front of him. With a savage jerk, he snapped the intertwined links. Snapping the links further down, he managed to make a large tear that would serve as his way in. Squeezing through the rip he’d made, he breathed a sigh of relief. He was in. now all he had to do was get past the patrols, break inside and find where Malca was. He would be home by lunch tomorrow if he was lucky.

  “Hey you!” A voice shouted from behind him as he moved away from the fence. Keeping his body still, he winced with irritation. Why couldn’t anything go as planned? “You! Turn around!” The soldier shouted as he came at Robert with an aimed rifle.

  Wincing as the soldier shined a light on him, Robert held his hands up. “What’s the problem?” he asked as if he hadn’t just trespassed on a private government facility with armed guards.

  Narrowing his hard gaze, the soldier in front of him scrutinized him as a threat. “You’re trespassing on private property. What’s your name?” The man demanded with a rough voice.

  “John Smith.” He cockily responded.

  Flicking the safety off his weapon, the soldier’s expression hardened. “If I shoot you a few times I bet you’ll be a bit more honest, won’t you?”

  “I’m here to see a Dr. Malca.” Robert said, lowering his hands to his sides. Malca’s name had the soldier pausing. “I have a package for her.” Before the soldier could comprehend what he was doing; Robert jerked the gun from his waistband and fired off two rounds. Hitting the man in the chest, Robert watched as his rifle fell from his hands as he crumbled to the ground dead.

  “What kind of government enhanced soldier asked questions instead of shooting a potential threat.” Robert grumbled as he lowered his weapon to his side. Not willing to get caught as second time, he ran. Rushing across the grass, he reached the parking lot unseen. Ahead of him was his target.

  Crouching down between two black vans, he surveyed the entrance. The entrance to the tall building was a single steel plated door equipped with a key pad mounted chest high. In front of the building there was also two other soldiers armed to the teeth as they blocked the path to the door. His mouth curled in a grimace. There was no way he was getting though that way.

  Weaving through the crowded parking lot, he made his way around the side of the building without attracting the attention of the guards. Pressing his body against the cool stone of the structure, he moved through the shadows, searching for another way in.

  A soft murmur of voices drew his attention and caused him to look up. Just two feet above his head was an open window. A repulsive scent floated out from the open portal burning his nose and eyes; cigarette smoke. Thank his luck
y stars for smokers.

  Glancing around to make sure he hadn’t been caught, he backed way until there was a foot of distance between the building and him. Taking a calming breath he loosened the chains on his animal. With eyes glowing he rushed forward. Leaping into the air he shot toward the window above him. His deadly claws sliced at the concrete outer ledge as his fingers held on tight. Pulling himself up onto the wide outer ledge he pressed his back against the side of the open window. Inhaling deeply, he fought against the burning scent of the cigarette smoke as he discerned what waited for him inside.

  Beneath the scent of smoke was a soft fragrance of vanilla and the scent of a female. Turning his face toward the window, he risked a peak around the edge of the window frame. Through the open window he could see what appeared to be a supply room. Near the window stood the small frame of a woman dressed in a white lab coat and dress slacks. Her hair was black as the night, cut in a short style around her head. With her back turned to him, she held a cigarette to her lips as her fingers moved over a tablet in her hands.

  Beyond her small form, Robert could see a door. This was his way in. Moving quietly as possible he slid through the open window to land with a heavy thud as his boots struck the tiled floor. At his entrance, the woman spun around with fright. The cigarette tumbled from between her fingers as her mouth parted with a scream. Lunging forward, Robert slapped a hand over her mouth and shoved her roughly against a nearby shelf. The movement caused the tablet to fall from her hand and strike the floor with a shattering noise.

  Looking around, Robert found himself feeling satisfied that they were alone. Turning to look down at the woman, he regretted the fear that had her eyes filling with tears. As she whimpered fearfully behind his pressing hand, he lifted a finger to his lips.

  “Shh,” He uttered softly. Lowering his free hand, he indicated to the gun sticking out of his waistband. Following the indicating hand, the woman’s whimpers grew more frantic as she saw his gun. “Listen very carefully to me. I’m not here to hurt you, but if you force me to; I will. If I take my hand away do you promise to behave?”

  Tears spilling over her cheeks, the woman nodded franticly. Keeping one hand on the gun in his waistband, he lowered his hand from her mouth. Hiccupping, she shrunk back from him.

  “What do you w-want?” She asked with a wobbling voice.

  “Where’s Doctor Malca?”

  The woman shook her head fearfully. “I’m sure the guard’s saw you slip in here, leave while you can.” She warned in an attempt to resist answering his question. Carefully pulling his gun free, Robert lifted it towards her in warning. Seeing the gun move closer to her made the woman’s chest shutters as more tears streaked down her face. “P-Please,” She whimpered.

  “Answer me. Where is Malca?”

  “T-The th-th-third floor,” She stuttered.

  “How do I get up there?”

  “There’s an elevator, but it requires a key card.”

  Nodding, Robert slipped the gun back into his waistband with a soft smile. “Thank you. You’ve been very helpful.” Taking a hold of both her wrists with one hand, Robert reached out with his other behind her head to cup her neck. Hitting a pressure point at the back of her neck, the woman crumbled in his arms as she was rendered unconscious. Taking care, he laid her on the floor gently. Patting her pockets down, he quickly relieved her of her key card.

  Exiting the room, Robert stepped out into a deserted hallway that was brightly lit by the fluorescent lights above. Looking left and then right, he could see no signs of an elevator in sight. Picking a direction he moved down the empty corridor. Spying a sign that indicated to an elevator his steps quickened. Waving the stolen badge across the scanner on the wall, he was amazed when the silver doors slid open with a chime. Pressing the third floor on the touch screen inside the elevator, he watched as the doors closed, sealing him inside the shiny box. Keeping his head down as the elevator carried him up, he withdrew his gun as he waited for the doors to open.

  As the doors parted with a chime a computerized voice announced above him that he had arrived at the third floor. Lifting his gun, he exited the elevator with careful strides. Turning around a corner, he found himself staring down at the end of a dark hallway. At the end was a single office with the door opened.

  Moving forward with the stealth of a predator he approached the office. Pressing against the flat surface of the door, he edged carefully into the room. At first his eyes fell on a large desk that sat to the left of the door a few feet away. The desk housed a sleek computer system and a mound of files spread out across the flat surface. Moving his gaze around the room, he froze as his eyes fell on the shadowy that stood by the high double windows across the room.

  As though sensing his presence, the figure turned toward him with surprised confusion. Aiming his weapon at her, he moved further into the room as his eyes swept over her. Dressed in a black button up blouse, a skirt and heels, Robert had to admit that he’d pictured Malca different. Her hair was a soft mixture of silver and white that was held back from her face by a barrette. If he had to guess, he would say that this woman was no more than fifty at the most. How could this be the woman that had instilled such fear and hatred in Raoul, Gabriella, and Aria?

  “Are you Doctor Malca?” He inquired softly.

  Stepping away from the windows, the woman smiled softly at him as though he’d done something to please her. “It would seem so,” she murmured. Flicking her gaze toward his gun, her smirk widened. “Are you here to kill me, Mr.…?”

  “Mackenzie. Robert Mackenzie. Yes I am here to kill you.”

  Cooing mockingly at his words she strode confidently to her desk, never showing that she was worried that he may shoot her at any time. “Mackenzie, I had hoped I’d hear from one of you again. Are you related to Doyle?” Robert didn’t confirm her assessment, which seemed to take some of the coyness out of her eyes. “How did you find this place?”

  “I have my ways.”

  Taking a seat behind her desk, her hand rested against her chin while she regarded him for a moment in silence. “You must be the one that kidnapped my researcher, Gabriella Vega.”

  “If I hadn’t your goon would have killed her.” His fingers tightened around the gun in his hands as the memory of that night resurfaced.

  Shrugging her shoulders uncaringly, Malca waved her hand dismissively at him. “A result of a choice she made on her own. By the way; where is she?”

  “Safe from you,” He bit out. “I’m done talking to you, this ends now.”

  Crossing one leg over the other, Malca leaned back in her cushioned chair with a smirk. “How right you are.” For a brief second, Malca’s smiling eyes shifted to beyond his shoulder. It was then that the sickly sweet scent of one of her soldiers floated into the room. His heart stopped in his chest as the cool feel of the nose of a gun pressed against the back of his neck.

  “Drop the weapon.” A harsh voice ordered.

  Growling low, Robert did as he was told and dropped the gun to the floor beside his left boot. As he felt the person behind him shifting to retrieve it, Robert turned to attack. Before he fully turned around a burning pain force him to his knees as his muscled locked up. Looking above him, he could see the sparking tip of a cattle prod held above his chest.

  “Shall I kill him?” The soldier asked Dr. Malca. In the mist of the pain coursing though his limbs, Robert realized that he’d met this man before. He was one of the soldiers that they had interrogated after rescuing Doyle.

  Rising from her seat, Malca came to stand a foot away from Robert’s fallen form. “No, Daren. Don’t kill him. I believe he will be of some use to us.”

  Gritting his teeth as Daren shoved the cattle prod against his chest again as he attempted to move, Robert lifted his eyes at her in defiance. “I won’t tell you anything, so you better kill me now before I get my teeth around your throat.”

  Malca’s thin lips turned upward at his threat. “So vicious; I like that.” Movin
g back to her desk, Dr, Malca picked up her phone as she whispered something into the handset. Whatever she had said was lost to Robert as the volts of savage electricity was too much for him to focus on anything else. He fought to call upon his bear, but the constant jabs of the cattle prod prevented him.

  “That’s enough, Daren. I don’t want him to die yet.” The doctor said, staying his attacker as he would have stuck him again.

  “Yet?” Robert gritted out. “What do you plan to do till then?”

  “You will see, my savage beast.”

  A moment later two more soldiers rushed into the room, yanking Robert to his feet, his hands were secured behind his back as Daren stepped forward to relieve him of all his weapons. Led out of the room, he was escorted down a dark stairwell and down another empty hallway. Walking ahead of them, Malca swiped her badge to unlock a door just a few feet ahead of them.

  Pushing the door open, she stepped aside as the two soldiers forced Robert’s weak body into the room. Weakly raising his head, he saw that he stood in a room that looked like an operating room. Placed in the center of the room was a long, stainless steel operating table. Why would they bring him here? Did they intend to torture him like they had Doyle?

  Walking around the table, Malca made her way over to a medicine cabinet with unhurried steps. “Get him on the table.”

  Not about to make this easy on them, Robert found the strength to break the restraints around his wrists. Before he could attack the closest man near him, pain burned though his back as Daren and his cattle prod struck him again. Before he knew it the two other soldiers heaved him onto the cold table. As they held him down, Daren stepped forward to reach beneath the table. Weak from the pain, Robert watched as five thick leather straps were secured across his chest, stomach, hips and legs.

  Fighting was useless. No matter what he did, he couldn’t snap the restraints over him. Breathing heavy, he glared at Daren as he smirked beside him. He would take great pleasure in killing him when the time came.


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