Big, Bold & Bearing (Grizzly Affairs Book 2)

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Big, Bold & Bearing (Grizzly Affairs Book 2) Page 27

by Magenta Phoenix


  “Go away.” He mumbled.

  Shaking her head, Aria pursed her lips. “I’m not going to do that. I’m not like everyone else here that thinks you have the right to do what you want. What happened in here, Robert?” she asked, gesturing with her hand to the destroyed room around them.

  “I had to stop from going after her. So I locked myself in here. My bear fought for control and the result is what you see.”

  “You don’t even care what a mistake you’ve made, do you?”

  “This doesn’t concern you.”

  “I don’t care. You want to sit there and sulk that’s up to you, but you damn well are going to listen to what I have to say. You’re a coward.”

  Raising his head, the misery she’d seen in his hazel eyes faded somewhat as he glared at her. “You don’t know what you’re talking about. Gabriella will thank me later.”

  “For breaking her heart and refusing to listen to her?” Scoffing, Aria cursed. “You’re an idiot.”

  “She never wanted this.” He bit out rising to his feet. “Now for the last time, leave me alone.”

  “Or what? You don’t want to listen to me; leave.” She retorted, pointing to the door behind her. She could see that Robert was considering it, but he turned away with a growl. “That’s right, if you leave this room, you’ll have to face what you’ve done.”

  “You don’t understand!” He exclaimed. Snarling at the pain that burned through his soul, Robert slashed at the wall in front of him with his claws, leaving deep grooves in the drywall.

  “I understand that you are scared. You never wanted a mate and here the universe gives you one. But you and I both know that fighting your instincts as well as your animal won’t work. What you did at Malca’s facility wasn’t your fault! Punishing Gabriella because you’re ashamed at what nearly happened won’t solve anything.”

  “Can’t you see what I am doing?” He growled out, spinning around to face her. “I am protecting her! What if whatever Malca did to me was permanent? What if all she has to do is issue an order again and I kill Gabriella the next time. I couldn’t live with that!” He said with a pained voice. As the image of what could have happened that night filled his mind, Robert swallowed against the bile that rose in his throat.

  “But you can live with never seeing your mate again?”

  Releasing a shuttering breath, Robert hung his head as his hand reached up to wipe at his burning eyes. “It’s what she wanted. She wouldn’t have been happy here forever.”

  “You really are an idiot. What would make you think that Gabriella wanted anything other than you?” Aria nearly shouted.

  “You should know,” he said pacing away from her.

  “The money and the I.D’s, that’s why you did all this?”

  “If she really wanted to be with me, she wouldn’t have asked for those things from you. Once I saw them, I knew. I don’t care that she thinks she loves me. I won’t force her to stay.”

  Screaming in frustration, Aria fought the urge to grab Robert and drive his head through the wall. What was it with these shifters? Were they all so clueless? “What will it take for you guys to get it? Of course she asked for it. Unlike you guys that have an inner compass to point you toward the person you’re meant to be with; us humans don’t have such a thing. Did you think you would just tell her that she was yours and all would fall into place? Meeting someone and falling for them is scary enough without adding the permanent bond you guys have. So scared that she didn’t have a choice in what was happening she fought it the only way she thought she could. But listen to me, Robert; she loves you.”

  Walking to the door, Robert paused long enough to turn to look over his shoulder at his brother’s mate. “I know she loves me and I know that my life is meaningless without her. But I am doing this for her. I’m not meant to have a mate, Aria. After what Malca did to me, I’m not even strong enough to protect her from myself. At least away from me; she has a chance.”

  “You are an idiot, Robert. You will regret throwing away the greatest gift you could ever hope to have.

  Opening the door, his hand paused on the door knob with a look of sadness. “I already have.”


  Moving with dragging steps, Robert lumbered depressed through the forest toward his camp site. It had been two days since he’d watched his mate leave the compound with a heavy heart. Ever since Aria’s attempt to push him to right the wrong he’d committed, the loss of his mate was worse than ever. He couldn’t eat, he couldn’t sleep, and worse of all his bear had shut him out completely.

  Needing the small comfort of isolation, he left the compound shortly after Aria had stormed in his demolished room. Not bothering to even tell his Alpha that he was leaving, he simply took on his other form and ran. If only it was possible to run from the pain of the absence of his mate. Everything in him urged him to hunt her down and beg for her forgiveness. But he couldn’t.

  Spotting the familiar path to his camp site, he sighed wearily. Coming into camp, he didn’t even bother to change back to his human form. In fact it was debatable it he ever would. Depressed, he collapsed in front of the fire pit with a sad groan. In attempt to focus on something other than how badly his heart ached, his eyes focused on the circle of stones in front of him. Half buried by the old ashes of the fire pit, Robert’s eyes fell on a shiny piece of paper that looked like a photograph.

  Curious, he shifted to his human form to pull it free of the ashes. His eyes widened as he realized what it was. It was a photograph of Gabriella. Thinking back, he acknowledged that it must have slipped out of the file that Aria and Doyle had brought him that fateful day. Pulling the photo closer, his fingers reached out to smooth across the flat image.

  The picture looked to have been taken at one of Malca’s labs a while back. In the photo, Gabriella was seated at a desk while she was writing notes down on a pad of paper, a microscope sitting within reach of her small hands. The red blouse that she wore beneath her white lab coat only seemed to make her chocolate hair seem brighter.

  Closing his eyes, Robert pulled the picture to his chest. This was a gift. He would always treasure this small photo of her and maybe once Malca was destroyed he would be able to find her and win her heart once more.

  Hearing a shift of movement behind him, he spun around to face his tent, only his tent was no longer there. Rising to his feet, Robert noticed that someone must have come and taken over his camp site. In the place of his previous tent, there now stood a large deluxe fold out tent that stood four feet high. With the opening unzipped, he moved closer to see if the trespassers were still inside.

  Inside the tent he found no one. But he was surprised to see a large, cushioned air mattress in the center of the large tent. A pile of books and notepads were set beside the air mattress drew his attention. Walking into the tent, he bent to pick up one of the note pads. Thumbing through the pages, he found the pages blank.

  “I think I’m going to fill those pages with things you can do to make up for being such an idiota.” A voice said from behind him.

  His heart leapt his throat with joy at the sound of the familiar sounding voice. Could it be? Dropping the note pad, he turned around. He felt his bear rise up as his eyes took in the welcoming sight that stood outside the tent. Dressing in a t-shirt and shorts, Gabriella stood there with her chocolate hair falling around her shoulders. There was never such a beautiful sight in the entire world as what he looked at now.

  When he didn’t make a move to do anything, Gabriella ducked her head slightly as she entered the tent. “Don’t you have anything to say?”

  Licking his lips nervously, he struggled to find the words to say to her. “W-What are you doing here?”

  “A few days ago, I realized that I made you a promise and I intend to keep it even if I have to beat it into you every day of your life.”

  “What promise?” He asked breathlessly as he took a step forward.

  “At Malca’s
facility, when I told you for the first time that I loved you, I told you that I would always fight for you. You might be willing to walk away but I’m not. Even if that means I have to sleep outside in the woods with you—I’ll do it.”

  If you screw this up a second time, I will bite you. His bear said threateningly.

  Robert shook his head in amazement. “You would be willing to stay here?”

  “I would. So long as I am with you,”

  More than anything he wanted to wrap his arms around her and hold her close. But every time he thought of touching her, he still saw the image of Gabriella gasping for air as his hand was around her throat. No. He couldn’t risk it again.

  Shaking his head in denial he turned away from her. “You need to get as far away from me as possible, Gabriella.”

  “Because of what happened.” She stating knowingly.

  “Yes.” He breathed out. Turning back to face her, his hands stabbed though his short hair with anxiety. He had to make her understand that Malca had changed him. He didn’t want to give Malca another opportunity to hurt Gabriella through him.

  Sighing, Gabriella stepped further inside the tent until she was standing in front of him. “Answer me one question, Robert.” Waiting until his gaze met hers, she asked. “Am I your mate?”

  “Yes, you are.” He nodded.

  Crossing her arms over her chest, she pushed her breasts up against the t-shirt that she wore. “Then nothing you say will convince me that I need to leave you.” She stated stubbornly.

  Gripping her by her shoulders, Robert jerked her against his chest. “You have to Gabriella. I won’t take a chance with your life a second time.” He pled, giving her a slight shake.

  “It's not your call to make, Robert.” She hissed, jerking away from his hands. Eyes blazing, she pointed an accusing finger at him. “I’m not letting you push me away for a second time.”

  “I can’t lose you, Gabriella.” He whispered with a broken voice. Shifting his feet, he lowered his head to hide the vulnerability at assailed him.

  He jerked with surprise as her soft hands reached out to cup his stubble dusted jaw tenderly. Rising up on her tip toes, she pressed her lips against his in a soft and lingering kiss. Pulling back, she smiled up at him. “You never will.”

  “But Malca—” His words were cut off as Gabriella’s hand pressed against his lips.

  “Malca is just a person, she’s not God. She can’t decide what will happen to us, because I won’t let her. Besides; I have already been researching ways to counteract the effects of the rebirth serum.”

  Encircling her wrist, Robert pulled her hand away from his mouth. Smoothing a warm kiss against her palm, he lowered her hand. “You really think you can prevent what happened from happening again?” Warily, he held his breath as he waited for her answer.

  Nodding she smiled up at him. “I know I can and besides; I can always start carrying a stun gun with me whenever I’m with you if you’d like.”

  Laughing at her suggestion, he pulled her close. “I think our relationship is full of enough sparks without you adding to them.” He teased with a grin.

  “You know,” she murmured as she trailed a single finger down the center of his chest with a conniving grin. “I think one of us is very over dressed.”

  Pulling out of his arms, Gabriella surprised him as she pulled off her t-shirt to toss it aside. Revealing a black lacy bra to his eyes, Robert felt his mouth go dry at the sight of her hard nipples pressing against the constricting fabric. With a teasing motion, Gabriella’s hand glided down her flat stomach to the clasp of her shorts. Slowly, she flicked the button opened before allowing the shorts to slide to her bare feet.

  Once she stood in nothing but her surprisingly sexy underwear, Robert gulped as desire shot down the length of his cock.

  Grinning at his reaction, Gabriella settled her hands on her hips. “I hope you don’t miss the cotton too much.” She teased.

  Growling with satisfaction, his eyes burned with need for her. Taking a step towards her, he licked his lips with anticipation. “I think I can learn to like these too.” He whispered huskily as he reached out to touch her.

  Before he could reach her, Gabriella spun away to exit the tent. Pausing to look back over her shoulder at him, she indicated with a tilted of her head that he should follow her. “I’m going for a swim and I may or may not be still wearing these once I get in.”

  Unable to hold himself away from her any longer, Robert rushed forward. Catching her just as she passed the fire pit, he swept her up into his arms as he strode down the worn path to the river’s edge.

  Inhaling the sweet scent of his mate, Robert finally found himself at peace. Gabriella was right. Malca was just a person; she wasn’t some unstoppable force that could keep them apart. As long as they were together they were stronger. They would find Malca again and he would do it like his brother; with his mate by his side.

  Overwhelmed with happiness he charged for the gently flowing river. Smiling at Gabriella’s squeal of happiness, he jumped into the water with his mate. Resurfacing, he held her close as his legs kept them above water. Looking up at her water spiked eyelashes and smoothed back hair, Robert felt his chest ache with the love he felt for her. Threading his fingers through her hair, he held her still as his lips claimed hers.

  Gabriella was finally his and nothing would ever take her from him again.

  * ~ * ~ *

  Coming awake as the morning sun fell over her face, Aria smiled softly as she looked up at her sleeping mate. Lying on his back with not a stitch on him other than the sheet that covered both of them, his lips parted in his sleep causing Aria to grin. Doyle had returned late last night after storming off to beat some sense into Robert.

  It wasn’t a few hours later, that Aria had seen him striding back up towards the main house with a ray of happiness shining in his eyes. According to Doyle; upon arriving at Robert’s camp, he’d seen Gabriella was there with him and both were beyond happy. Aria was pleased that the skittish doctor had put her foot down and returned to Robert, despite his worries.

  Sliding up the bed, she pressed a soft kiss to Doyle’s parted lips in effort to awake him up. She found herself giggling as his chest rumbled with the slightest touch. Shaking her head with amusement she rolled away from Doyle to leave the bed, while taking care not to jostle sore shoulder. Being an enhanced soldier had its benefits, but just because her shoulder was healed, it didn’t mean that the pain of the break was gone.

  Grabbing her robe, Aria covered her nakedness as she moved away from Doyle’s sleeping form. Stepping down on a loose board, she winced as an out creaking sound echoed around her. Turning to look back over at Doyle, she wasn’t all that surprised to see that the simple noise had awoken him.

  With his head resting against his propped up arm, he grinned at her failed effort to sneak away from him. “Where do you think you’re sneaking off to?”

  “I’m just taking a shower.”

  Nodding, he raised his opposite arm to his face as his lips parted in a wide yawn. “Don’t be long or I’ll have to come and join you.”

  Returning his teasing look, Aria headed toward the connecting bathroom. Pausing, she looked over her shoulder at him. “You better do that anyway.”

  With his teasing laugher following her, she entered the bathroom before closing the door behind her. Moving to the shower, she shrugged out of her robe, allowing the soft material to pool on the floor around her feet.

  Reaching out for the shower knobs, she froze as her eyes fell on her arms. Ever since that night at Malca’s facility, Aria had felt different. When she’d stepped forward as the armed soldiers were about to kill everyone, she hadn’t known what she intended to do. It had been like an overflow of fire burning through her veins as she drew upon her power. She had lied to Doyle when he’d confronted her later that night. She’d told him that she didn’t remember anything, but she had. She’d felt her power drawing from her as she directed it where she w
anted it to go. She had felt it the moment that she took control of all the soldiers in that room.

  She no longer needed to touch someone to use her gift. What did this mean? Would it get worse? Deep down she feared the answers to her questions. But what worried her more was what she’d learned that night. According to Malca’s lieutenant; Daren, Malca had lied to her three years ago. Her brother was alive. Why would Malca lie about that?

  Her thoughts were interrupted as a high pitch ringing startled her from behind. Turning around, her eyes were drawn to the counter; where Doyle had left his cell phone the previous night. Grateful for the distraction, Aria moved to the sink to pick it up. Flipping it open and assuming it was Robert, she answered it.


  “Hello, little mermaid,” A deep voice purred in her ear.

  Freezing, Aria felt her heart ache as her pulse thundered in her ears. There was only one person who had ever called her that name. It’s not possible.

  “Who is this and how did you get this number?”

  “You know who this is. I’m also the person that saved your life by killing Malca’s lieutenant. I noticed that you were with others. I’m glad that there is someone to watch over you since I’m not there. I just hope he is up for the task when the time comes.”

  “I don’t care what kind of game this is, but if you think you can threaten me, you’re mistaken.” She bit out as her hand tightened around the phone.

  “You misunderstand me. I didn’t call to threaten you. I’ve called because the time for me to sit back and wait is no longer an option.”

  Scoffing, Aria shook her head. This had to be one of Malca’s soldiers messing with her. “What are you talking about?”

  “Malca is on the move. My team is tracking her movements but my intelligence tells me that what she does next will be nothing compared to what we’ve seen before. If you want to bring Malca down before project Genesis becomes a reality, you will need my help.”


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