Love's Ride (McCallister's Paradise Book 4)

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Love's Ride (McCallister's Paradise Book 4) Page 2

by Rhondeau, Chantel

  That caused all three of them to erupt in laughter. It was nice living on the island and feeling a part of everything again. She loved hanging out with the McCallister women and couldn’t believe her luck.

  * * *

  Brad tried to force himself to stop watching Chelsea, but every time she tossed her dark hair back and laughed, all he could do was wish he was the one talking to her instead of his sister. If only he’d been brave enough to go over there when Sydney encouraged him to.

  Chelsea was a big asset to the island, though, and Brad knew he shouldn’t get involved with her. If something went wrong and Chelsea decided to leave, lots of people would be in trouble. Although they had hired another psychologist and a psychiatrist last year to help with the influx of people from Matt’s charity, New Beginnings, in need of counseling, Chelsea still had a full schedule with the list of employees who saw her.

  Some of them had small problems, like a bit of homesickness being out on an island far from their family. However, there were a fair amount of issues that required close monitoring. Brad didn’t know what their problems were or even who saw Chelsea. That information was confidential, and he didn’t want to get into his workers’ private lives to that degree. Still, he knew they needed Chelsea and counted on her guidance.

  Then again, that didn’t mean he had to stop dreaming, even if he never spoke to her as anything other than her boss.

  Slowly, guests filtered from the gallery after Brad signaled the staff to stop providing champagne and wine, switching instead to water and soda. Quinn’s artwork had all sold, so they no longer needed to circulate the gallery at such a late hour.

  Brad walked toward the back of the gallery, spotting Larissa sitting on a stool behind the cash register drawer. She looked up, offering him half a smile, but she looked miserable.

  “Tired?” he asked.

  Nodding her blond head, Larissa rubbed her stomach. “This little one hasn’t been letting me sleep lately. Apparently nighttime is when the gymnasium in my stomach opens up.”

  Smiling, Brad wrapped her in a brief hug. “Just a few more months and we can all take turns helping out. Then, you'll get more sleep.”

  Larissa’s eyebrows rose. “You’re going to help? I sort of worried I’d have to get out one of the horse whips or something to get you to come to our place.”

  “We don’t use horse whips.” Brad winked. “And you won’t have to use one on me. I know I can be a shithead sometimes, and Quinn and I have our problems, but I can’t wait to meet your kid. I love being an uncle.”

  “When you’re with Ryan, that’s the only time I see you smile much,” Larissa admitted. “I’m glad. I know Quinn wants to put this rivalry you’ve got going on behind him, and it’s good to see you’re willing to try too.”

  Quinn had talked to her about wanting to get along with him? Brad had been trying to hold onto his anger with Quinn, mostly because his brother still acted like he was perfect and sometimes told Brad what he should do. Maybe Quinn didn’t mean to be such an ass. As the oldest brother, maybe he thought he was helping.

  So far, today had been an eye-opening experience. First Quinn and now Larissa—they were being friendly and wanted to spend more time with him. Not that Larissa was usually rude, but she stood by her husband no matter what.

  “I’m definitely going to try,” he said. “Now, let’s get these people out of here so you can tell us about the baby and get home.”

  “Thanks, Brad. You’re a good brother.”

  Still in shock at the exchange, Brad went around to the stragglers, smiling and listening as they said what a great addition the gallery was, agreeing, and then gently directing them toward the door.

  Shoring up his courage, he turned to the back corner where the three women stood. Everyone else was gone and now was his chance to talk to Chelsea. Even if nothing could come of it, talking couldn’t hurt.

  As he approached them, Chelsea set down her glass and looked around, her eyes meeting his for a second before she looked back at Sydney and Sierra. “Looks like the party’s over. I’d better get out of here so you can have your family time.”

  “You don’t have to leave,” Sydney protested, looking at Brad and waving him toward them. “She can stay, right, Brad?”

  He closed the distance, nodding. “Of course. You’re practically family already, Dr. Taylor. I’m sure no one would mind if—”

  “That’s sweet, but I really can’t.” Chelsea gave both of the other women a hug, and Brad spent a few seconds wishing he’d been the recipient of one as well. “I’ll see you later.”

  With that, his dream girl turned and marched from the gallery.

  Brad couldn’t help but stare as she sauntered past the pictures remaining on the walls. Her sexy hips swayed from side to side, drawing attention to the way her black dress clung to her curvy, hourglass figure. No matter how talented Quinn was, he couldn’t paint anything to rival that view.

  As the door closed behind her and she stepped out of sight, Brad slumped against the counter and sighed.

  Sierra and Sydney both shook their heads, identical expressions of disapproval on their faces.

  “Real smooth, brother,” Sydney chided. “You come over here to chase her off? I figured you’d want her to stay.”

  “I said she could stay,” Brad protested. “What else could I do?”

  She shrugged. “A woman needs to connect with a man. She needs to know that he wants her around. If that’s what you were doing, it was weak.”

  Brad turned to look at Sierra, who nodded her agreement.

  “It’s obvious to us that you like her,” Sierra said, “but you need to let her know.”

  Brad wondered if he were that transparent or if Sydney had blabbed her big mouth and told the family about his crush. “I’m not going to tell her, so you all can butt out of my business.”

  “I don’t understand why,” Sydney said, clearly exasperated. “She’s such a sweetheart, and you’re attracted to her. Go after what you want, Brad.”

  “I’m her boss,” he said. “Besides, she’s... completely wonderful and such a happy person. I don’t think I’m her type.”

  “Because you’re grouchy as hell?” Sydney asked. “Whatever. Can’t argue there. Look, if you aren’t going to make plans with Chelsea tomorrow, how about you make plans with me?”

  He shook his head. “I already gave Matt tomorrow off because you threatened me. I can’t take the day off too.”

  “Sure you can,” she said. “It’s Saturday and things won’t fall apart for one afternoon. We’re going for a horse ride, and I know you haven’t taken your horse out in forever because of how much you’ve been working.”

  That was true enough. He certainly needed to give Warrior some attention, plus being in the saddle was the one time Brad felt happiest. The island wouldn’t crumble to ruins if he and Matt both took off a single day.

  “Okay, I’ll come. What time?”

  Sydney smiled. “Noon sounds good. Meet me at the north stable?”

  He nodded. “Thanks, sis. I think I really need to get away for an afternoon.”

  Sierra made a small sound as though she were choking, and Brad glanced over.

  “You okay?”

  Sierra nodded, her red hair bobbing around her face. “I’m fine, just fine. Have fun tomorrow.”

  Wondering why she acted so weird, Brad was about to ask when Quinn stepped into the middle of the room.

  “So, I know you’ve all been waiting a long time to hear this news,” he said. “Larissa is setting up a video chat with her parents right now. As soon as they answer, we’ll tell you what the doctor said.”

  Their youngest brother, Shane, stepped from the back room where he had organized the waiter staff all night. “I’m guessing it’s a boy. And you should name him after your studliest brother.”

  “Who? Me?” Parker asked, crossing the room with Matt to stand next to their fiancées.

  Shane snorted. “Yeah, right. You�
��re the brother I’m talking about. As if.”

  “Boys, don’t bicker. You’re both great.” Their mom said as she squeezed her husband’s hand. “We have little Ryan already. I hope this one’s a girl.”

  John laughed and kissed Susan’s cheek. “Honey, you know you’re going to be thrilled no matter what.”

  She laughed. “Well, of course, I am!”

  Parker slipped his hand into Sierra’s, distracting Brad from his parent’s conversation.

  “How are you feeling, Red?” he asked.

  Sierra put her finger against her lips. “Shhh... I’m fine. Pay attention. They’ll be telling us any minute, and then we can go home to our son.”

  “And you can get some rest,” he replied.

  Brad wondered what that was all about. He hoped Sierra was okay.

  Over from the cash register area, Larissa held her phone up, flashing it around the room, presumably to show her parents that everyone was there. “We’re ready to tell you all,” Larissa said, as Quinn took his place by her, beaming happily at the family.

  Brad couldn’t ever remember seeing Quinn quite so happy. There was something different about his brother, and Brad thought he knew what it was. Quinn had less stress and more happiness in his life. Maybe it was time for Brad to do the same thing in his own life.

  Less stress, more happiness.

  “You tell them,” Larissa murmured softly to her husband.

  “Okay,” Quinn said, shouting to get everyone's attention. “Even though this baby has been bashful at two previous ultrasounds, not letting the doctors get a good look, this last time she let it all hang out!”

  “She?” Susan clapped her hands together. “Oh, I just knew it would be a girl!”

  Exclamations of happiness came through Larissa’s phone as her mom mimicked the excitement of the room. Everyone talked at once, giving their congratulations.

  Quinn’s eyes locked onto Brad’s, and he gave a nod that felt conspiratorial.

  “What’s that about?” Sydney whispered. “Everyone seems to be having private conversations today.”

  Brad shrugged, not wanting Sydney to know Quinn told him first. It was the nicest thing their oldest brother had ever done, and he wanted to keep the good feelings going. Sydney would likely be pissed if she found out.

  He gave her a hug. “Don’t worry about it, sis. Quinn and I are trying out this grown up brother thing. Maybe we’ll even become friends.”

  Chapter 3

  “What’s taking so long? You’re moving at a snail’s pace,” Sydney teased, swinging into the saddle of her horse. “I thought Warrior was such a prize stud and all.”

  Brad glared at his sister over Warrior’s back, deciding her taunting didn’t deserve a response. Digging his elbow into Warrior’s ribs, he silently pleaded that the horse would stop being difficult and let out the air he’d sucked in to stop Brad from tightening the straps.

  With a heavy sigh, the palomino finally gave in to Brad’s demands. Before he could take another deep breath, Brad yanked on the cinch and secured the saddle.

  Returning his attention to his older sister, Brad winked. “Not every stud is easy to handle. Where would the challenge be in that? Warrior has character, that’s all.”

  “Character? More like your orneriness has rubbed off on him.”

  Flipping the saddlebag over Warrior’s rump, Brad quirked an eyebrow at Sydney. “I thought you wanted me to come on this ride? Insulting me and my horse isn’t the way to keep me here.”

  Of course, since their father had long ago decided to use their eldest brother’s horse for the McCallister Paradise breeding program, Sydney knew she had prodded a sore spot by criticizing Warrior. Brad sometimes wondered if she didn’t do it just to keep him off balance. Over the last half year since she moved back to the island with her fiancé and people from his charity program, Sydney and Brad had grown closer than they’d ever been as kids. Then again, Sydney liked to shock people and keep them thinking, and he knew that was why she took digs at him whenever she could.

  As though to prove his suspicions, Sydney winked. “You know I love you, little brother, and your damn horse. Don’t be a baby.”

  “Sometimes I wonder,” he grumbled as he put his foot in the stirrup and swung himself across Warrior’s back.

  “If I didn’t love you, I wouldn’t have set up this picnic,” Sydney replied, smoothing back her long brown hair as the wind from the ocean flirted with strands of it.

  “You’ve seemed so excited about this picnic,” Brad said. “I don’t understand what the big deal is. And where is Matt? I thought he was joining us.”

  “He’ll be here soon. He’s helping Chelsea get her horse ready.”

  “Chelsea?” Brad’s mouth went dry and perspiration immediately blossomed beneath his arms despite the mild April weather. “You didn’t mention she was coming along.”

  Sydney tossed her head back and laughed. “That’s what makes me the best sister in the world. If I left things up to you, you’d never ask her on a date. I could see that last night at the party. I knew it was my duty to intervene, so you don’t stay grumpy your whole life.”

  Did Chelsea know this was a setup? Did she want to see him?

  Regardless of whether she knew, Brad didn’t like Sydney tricking him.

  “I wish you had warned me, sis.”

  “Why? So you could panic?” She shook her head. “You helped me out with Matt when I needed a kick in the ass, now it’s your turn. I’ve become good friends with Chelsea. I know a lot about her, and I’m sure you’re perfect for each other.”

  Brad frowned down at the saddle horn and Warrior’s neck, trying hard not to seem like a petulant child. “I don’t need you to kick me in the ass, Syd. Once she says no to dating me, the dream is over. I'll be without any prospects since no one else on the island interests me. I wish you hadn’t done this.”

  “If she tells you no, she’s the one missing out.” Sydney reined her horse over until her leg touched his, then reached across to squeeze Brad’s arm. “I know things haven’t always come easily for you, but you have to stop comparing yourself to Quinn and Parker and stop feeling so damn sorry for yourself. Our older brothers are great guys, but you are too. The only person who goes around not seeing that is you.”

  Ever since Sydney moved home from New York, she’d spent a lot of time bolstering Brad’s confidence and making him feel like he wasn’t as much of the ‘black sheep’ of the family. He knew she was right. In fact, he did a far better job of managing the island resort than Quinn ever had. Their father regularly told him what good work he did. John had even stepped back from coming into the office every day, opting to spend time with his grandson and Susan, babysitting while Sierra and Parker worked.

  Now that Matt was working in the office with Brad, things were even more under control. The island ran more efficiently, making higher profits than before. Once the Adventure Palace project was completed and they started advertising the island as family friendly, Brad suspected the slow time they currently experienced through the winter months would completely stop. That meant more jobs for the communities in the surrounding Hawaiian Islands where they recruited many workers as well as more revenue for the resort. Brad was pretty darn proud of all that.

  He flashed Sydney a smile. “You’re right, Syd. I’m a catch and if Chelsea doesn’t see that, it’s her problem.”

  An amused half smile played at the edges of Sydney’s thin lips, and Brad knew she had some teasing retort in mind.

  “Don’t spoil the moment,” he warned, baring his teeth and pretending to growl. “I’m almost convinced your only ulterior motive is helping me.”

  “Well, shit.” Sydney’s smile disappeared faster than a lightning strike. “I do have another reason for getting together with you today.”

  He should have known. Sydney was a good sister and his best friend, but she normally had more than one reason for everything she did. Currently, she was slammed with work, going
over grant proposals for the McCallister Charity Fund. He hadn’t expected to see her out of her office taking a day off for at least another month.

  “I should have known. What’s up?” he asked.

  She shrugged. “Between overseeing what is going on down with the crew building the Adventure Palace and working all other hours of the day in the office with you, I never see Matt anymore. I miss my man. This picnic is mostly for that.”

  Brad shook his head and chuckled. “You just saw him at the gallery opening.”

  “And he brought home paperwork for the housing costs of his people from New Beginnings and projections on how much longer it will take to finish their living quarters, even though I told him not to bring work home. Matt hardly has time lately.”

  “I understand,” Brad said. “I’ve tried to tell him not to take on so much, but he really wants to prove that he belongs in this family. Your man is still having a hard time realizing he’s one-hundred percent part of us now and has nothing to prove.”

  “I know.” Sydney sighed. “Could you keep working on that? I mean, we’re getting married right after Christmas when all these big projects should be done. I think he worries because he knows bringing his people here has cost our resort more money in the short term.”

  “Don’t worry, sis. Give him some time, and I’m sure Matt will figure it out. As much as we all love Sierra, it took her some time to feel accepted too even though she’s been a really good mom for Ryan and makes Parker happy.”

  “I didn’t know you cared about Parker being happy,” Sydney teased and they both laughed.

  As the sound of hoofbeats on the trail interrupted the peaceful afternoon, the laughter caught in Brad’s throat and he turned to watch Matt and Chelsea ride into view.

  The psychologist had pulled her long, curly brown hair into a ponytail that swayed back and forth with the motion of her horse. Her seat looked uncertain in the saddle, and they had her on one of the horses generally reserved for the inexperienced. His dream girl must be new to riding.

  She wore a pink tank top tucked into dark denim jeans, and she even had cute pink cowboy boots that matched her shirt. Every step of the horse made her full figure bounce in all the right places, but the thing that most caught Brad’s attention was her beautiful blue eyes. Although those eyes usually reflected joy and good humor, now they narrowed with obvious fear.


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