My Boyfriend's Boss: A Forbidden Bad Boy Romance

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My Boyfriend's Boss: A Forbidden Bad Boy Romance Page 16

by Cassandra Dee

  Chapter Twenty-One


  “Okay. Gentlemen, I think we’re done.” Julia smiled as she uncrossed her legs and stood. Bending down, she gathered the files from my desk, and I couldn’t help but notice Jim’s gaze straying to her body. We’d been working for half the night to finish hashing out the details of a new contract. I was tired from sitting in my chair. I was tired of dealing with this.

  All that I wanted to do was go home to Daisy.

  “Thank God,” Jim muttered. “This has been a nightmare.”

  I had a feeling it wasn’t the work he was talking about as much as it was being next to Julia. Whether the two of them wanted to admit it or not, the chemistry between them was hot enough to scorch even me.

  “Working with you hasn’t exactly been a walk through the park either,” she snapped. “I’m going home and pouring myself a glass of wine. I might even be late to work tomorrow.”

  “No.” My head snapped up, and I glared at her. “You will not be late tomorrow because I have a million emails to respond to.”

  “Fine, but I’m coming in with a hangover,” she said and rolled her eyes. With one last look at Jim, she stalked out and almost slammed the door behind her.

  “All right, you need to fix that,” I grumbled. “Her attitude is getting worse and worse, and it’s all your fault.”

  “My fault?” he huffed. “If I recall, she spent a week not talking to you because you bought yourself a damn girlfriend.”

  “True, but she’s talking to me now.”

  “Yeah, because you’re clearly in love, so she figured it’s not going to come back and bite the company in the ass. Now she’s pissed because you’re in love with Daisy and not her.”

  His comment floored me in more ways than one, and I decided to tackle the half that didn’t terrify me. “What the hell are you talking about? Julia isn’t in love with me.”

  Jim narrowed his eyes. “Are you certain?”

  “Of course I am. There’s never been anything between Julia and me. Believe me, I would know. After seeing the two of you together, no one but an idiot would ever think that she has the hots for me,” I pointed out. “Is that what’s going on? You’ve been lusting after a woman who you thought had the hots for me?”

  Jim opened his mouth and immediately closed it. I could see the wheels in his head turning. “Maybe,” he finally muttered. “You two work late at night, and you took that vacation together a couple of months ago.”

  “First of all, you’re a stupid son-of-a-bitch. That vacation was nothing more than a chance for me to relax while still getting work done. I paid her to answer all of my correspondences. She got a working vacation out of it, and nothing happened. Secondly, you need to fix this. Take her out this weekend and fuck her silly so I can have my mildly annoyed assistant back instead of this overly angry woman I’ve been forced to work with.”

  “Yeah, about that.” Jim cleared his throat. “I might have already screwed that up. I probably said some things that I shouldn’t have.”

  “Like I said. Stupid son-of-a-bitch.” I got up and started collecting my things. “Beg. Grovel. Fix it.”

  “Yeah. And what about you? How are you going to let the woman that you bought and paid for know that you’re in love?”

  “Stop saying that,” I snapped. “Things between Daisy and I haven’t changed.”

  “Right,” he scoffed. “So, in a week, you’re going to let her go so she can run back to that creepy kid who works on the second floor?”

  The hell I was letting her go back to Ralph. She deserved to be with a man who appreciated her. She deserved to be with me.

  I couldn’t lie. Things between Daisy and I had changed. She was the most genuine woman that I had ever met. She wasn’t out for all of my money or for power. She just wanted to be with me. It wasn’t just about sex anymore for me, either. Oh, I still craved her. Desperately and with every fiber of my being. I ached when we were apart, but I didn’t just want her body. I also wanted to see her smile. Wanted to see her enjoying her life.

  That day at the park had been one of the best days of my life, and it hadn’t been about sex at all. It had just been about making her smile.

  I was in love with Daisy, and knew that she was in love with me. It shouldn’t terrify me. It should make me happy. This was something that I never thought would happen to me. I found one woman that could satisfy me both in and out of bed, someone that I could see building a life with.

  I’d pay Ralph. Throw in an extra hundred thousand dollars, and he wouldn’t even blink an eye about losing her, and then Daisy would be mine.

  Whistling to myself, I left the office and headed home. The penthouse was dark, but I hadn’t expected Daisy to still be awake. It had been a long weekend for her, and it was well after midnight. As much as I wanted to bury myself inside of her, I would kiss her on the cheek, snuggle with her, and let her sleep.

  She’d left a note for me about dinner, but I’d eaten earlier, and she could warm it up for lunch tomorrow. I made a mental note to hire another maid. Daisy wasn’t going to be cleaning the penthouse anymore. She wasn’t going to be my servant or my slave. She’d be my equal.

  Heading up the steps, I found myself ridiculously pleased to see her. Her bedroom was empty which meant that she was in my bed. I loved that it was an automatic response for her. The door to my bedroom was cracked open, but before I could walk in, I heard her voice.

  She was on the phone.

  “I can’t wait for the week to be over,” she whispered. The anguish in her voice was evident, and it felt like a fist closed around my heart.

  “I don’t know, Ralph. Things are different now, and I want us to be together…”

  She stopped suddenly and gasped. After a few moment of silence, she sniffed. “I’m sorry. I love you too, Ralph.”

  Rage bloomed in my chest. Here I was, planning on giving her everything that she wanted, and she was telling that sniveling little ass wipe that had sold her that she loved him. She was giving him her heart.

  How could I have been so wrong about her? She was nothing more than an opportunistic gold-digger. Normally, I could spot them a mile away, but she had played me good. Those soft little whimpers. That submissive attitude. It was nothing more than a mask.

  Feeling cold and empty, I shoved the door opened. It hit the wall with a bang, and she sat up sharply. “Brick,” she breathed as she put a hand over her heart. “I didn’t hear you come in. You scared me.”

  “It is my home. I don’t see why I should announce myself.” With narrow eyes, I walked towards the bed. “What are you doing in my room, Daisy? I didn’t give you permission to be in here?”

  At first, she just stared at me. “I’m sorry? I just thought that after this weekend…”

  “It’s not the weekend, anymore.”

  “Right. Of course. I’m sorry, Brick. I’ll return to my bed immediately.” She slipped out of bed, and my mouth dried when I saw that she was naked. Even knowing what a lying and manipulative bitch she was, I still wanted her, and hated myself for it.

  I hated her.

  As she walked by me, I could see the troubled look on her face, and God help me, for one fleeting minute, I wondered if I’d been wrong about her. Maybe she really did love me.

  Except that she wasn’t confessing her love to me. She was confessing it to Ralph. Clenching my jaw, I stalked after her. As she entered her bedroom, I followed and slammed the door behind me. “You once told me that I could have whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted it. Do you remember that, Daisy?”

  “Yes, Brick.”

  “Master,” I snapped. “I am your master, and there’s been something that I want, and you haven’t been giving it to me.”

  Daisy bit her lower lip. “I’ve done whatever you asked.”

  “Yeah, and I’m done asking. I’ve paid a lot of money for you, Daisy. Three hundred thousand, to be exact, and Ralph told me that you’d be worth every penny. Now it’s time to s
ee if he’s right, or if I should be getting a refund when the month is up.”

  Her eyes widened, and I could see the pain in them. Good. Now she knew how I felt. “On your knees, Daisy. I want you to get me nice and hard for you.”

  The diamonds twinkled in the moonlight as she slowly lowered herself to the floor. I unzipped my pants and walked up to her. “It’s my pleasure, Master,” she whispered. “I love having you in my mouth.”

  I didn’t need her to suck me off to get me hard. I was already like a rock, but she wrapped her lips around my cock, and I grunted and thrust into her mouth. No matter how she felt or what she said, there was no denying that her mouth was heaven. Absolute heaven. As I wrapped my hands in her hair, I closed my eyes and enjoyed her.

  I could have spilled my seed down her throat, and she would have swallowed every drop too, but that wasn’t what I wanted from her tonight.

  “Are you wet?” I demanded and pulled away. “Show me that you’re wet. Put you fingers in your cunt, and show me.” My voice was hard, unyielding.

  Her lips trembled as she reached down and did as I asked. Her fingers were slick with her juices, and triumph surged inside me. She was wet. I did that. I owned her. “Lick it clean, Daisy. Then get on the bed.”

  She sucked on her fingers and climbed into the bed. She rolled on her back, and I hissed in disgust. I didn’t want to see her face while I fucked her.

  Grabbing her ankles, I turned her over roughly. “On your knees,” I demanded.

  I stripped off my clothes as she turned over on the bed. Positioning myself behind her, I probed at her entrance and slid inside. She whimpered for more, but I wasn’t there for her pleasure. I thrust, once, twice, just enough to get my cock slick before I pulled out.

  “Now you’re going to earn your money,” I said, grunting as I pushed her down.

  “What are you doing?” she asked in confusion.

  “Just relax,” I whispered. It was going to hurt her and my heart cracked. I hesitated. Despite everything that had happened, I didn’t want to hurt her. Not physically, but I wanted her ass, and I was going to take it.

  I thrust the tip in, and her whole body tensed. Cursing, I rubbed her back. “It’s okay, Daisy. It’s going to feel good. You’re going to like it. Just relax.”

  “I’m scared.”

  “Have I done anything to you that you didn’t like?”

  There was a moment of silence. “No,” she admitted finally.

  “That’s right.” Her body relaxed, and I smiled. She trusted me because she knew what I could do to her. How I could make her feel. How the hell could she go back to Ralph knowing that he would never make her feel like that?

  I eased into her. Slowly, Stretching her. Sounds of pain escaped her, but she remained still. I held tight to my control until I was finally fully inside of her. “Christ,” I hissed. She was so tight around me. I’d never felt anything like this.

  “Brick,” she whimpered. She wiggled under me and gasped. “Please.”

  My control snapped. I didn’t want to hear my name on her lips. I didn’t want to be reminded that I’d ever given her that luxury. “Master,” I said before pumping in and out of her.

  It felt good. So good. Her response was absolutely perfect. I knew that she was loving it, loving that mixture of pain and pleasure, and I wanted to rip every sound from her throat. Wanted everything from her.

  My muscles were coiled and tensed as I shoved myself inside of her. I was so close, so near that perfect death, but wanted it from her first. I needed her to know who owned her body. “Come for me, Daisy,” I roared, rubbing at her clit, dipping my fingers into her pussy. “Do it.”

  “Master,” she cried out and shuddered. Her muscles trembled around me, and she bucked under me. It forced me deeper inside her, and I fucking lost it. With a growl, I pulled on that diamond choker and came inside her. Hard. Powerful. Blackness edged at my vision, and I nearly blacked out until I realized that she was still writhing under me.

  Immediately, I released her. She coughed and gasped, and I fell over her. Stroking her sides, I held her until she calmed down, and squeezed my eyes shut. Despite the orgasm that had just rocked me, I’d never felt shittier in my entire life. There had been pleasure, but I’d been cold and empty, and knew that she was feeling the same.

  Slowly, I got up and collected my clothes. I turned back and looked at her without saying a word, but she was still shaking in the bed. She wouldn’t even raise her head in my direction.

  Shutting the door behind me, I escaped to my room.

  I hurt in ways that I didn’t even recognize. Daisy didn’t love me. I had no future with Daisy, and that mean that I had nothing.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  I cried until there were no tears left. Up until this point, I’d never felt like a whore, but the way that Brick had taken me? He was never going to see me as anything other than the woman he’d bought and paid for.

  I was a fool for falling in love with him. If I stayed, he would shatter me. I couldn’t go through another night like that.

  He’d drawn me so close to him, made me think he cared. Made me love him. And in one night, he’d so easily torn all of that down. I couldn’t even tell the truth from fantasy.

  Wiping the tears from my face, I got up from the bed and faced the mirror. I was not going to be my mother. Staying because I loved him and hoping that things would get better didn’t work. And I was worth more than that.

  Wishing I had my old clothes instead, I pulled on a pair of black slacks and a green shirt. It was a ridiculous outfit for sneaking out at night, especially since I’d never owned anything this nice, but I had to leave.

  Slowly, I reached up and unclasped the collar from around my neck. Laying it on the dresser, I grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil and wrote Brick a note so he wouldn’t come after me thinking I’d break our agreement and talk. I didn’t want anything else to do with him.

  His door was shut. I slipped downstairs without a sound. My heart sunk along with the elevator, and too soon the cold outside air greeted me. I took a deep breath and tried to feel safe in my newfound… freedom. The collar was off. The burden was lifted, but I didn’t feel better. Tears blurred my vision, and I took a shuddering breath.

  “Miss Daisy?”

  Looking up sharply, I realized that the doorman was staring at me and forced a smile on my face. “Sorry. I’m okay. I just got some bad news.”

  “Do you need a ride somewhere? Mr. Langston made it clear that we were to give you whatever you needed. We have a car service that will take you anywhere.”

  For the first time, I realized that I didn’t have cash for a taxi or the subway. Or anywhere to go. But I couldn’t keep standing on the sidewalk. “I could use a ride. Thank you.”

  “It’s my pleasure. Just a moment.” He pulled out his phone and made a call. A few minutes later, a car pulled up. I thanked the doorman and slid into the backseat. Without thinking, I rattled off Ralph’s address. He cared about me. He’d understand.

  The driver kept stealing glances at me through the mirror. I caught a glimpse of myself in the window’s reflection. My mascara was streaked from crying, my eyes were puffy, and my hair was a mess. No wonder he kept looking at me.

  I rubbed my neck, feeling oddly naked without the collar. Despite what it meant, I felt safe and secure in it. Without it, Brick’s comfort and protection were gone too.

  But not his love. Because I never had it. Despite everything that he said to me, I never had his respect or his love.

  “Ma’am. We’ve arrived,” the driver said softly as he pulled up to the apartment building. “I’ll be happy to wait for you until you’ve concluded your business.”

  “No. I’m staying here. Thank you, though. I appreciate you giving me a ride.”

  “You’re staying here?” The driver arched an eyebrow and peered out the window. “Does Mr. Langston know?”

  “Mr. Langston doesn’t own me anymore,
” I said, grabbing the handle and throwing the door open. I shut it too hard, but couldn’t seem to care as I made my way up the stairs to Ralph’s apartment.

  Standing outside Ralph’s door, I swore to make it up to him. I’d betrayed our relationship by falling for Brick, and failed Ralph for not finishing the contract. But Brick’s lies and empty promises would never trick me again. Ralph was the man for me. He’d take care of me, and I’d make everything okay.

  Raising my hand, I knocked. It took a few minutes, but Ralph opened the door and frowned. “Daisy. What the hell are you doing here?”

  “Can I come in, please,” I whispered.

  He stepped aside, and I wrapped my arms around myself while Ralph closed the door behind me. “You look like he worked you over pretty good,” Ralph snickered. “I guess he likes it rough, huh?”

  “What?” Tears sprang to my eyes again as I whirled around and stared at him. “Why are you laughing?”

  “Christ, don’t get all uppity. What the hell are you doing here, Daisy? Did he give you an advance?” Suddenly, his eyes darkened, and he licked his lips. “Did he give you half? Give it to me.”

  My mouth dropped open. Was that all Ralph cared about? I was crying on his front door, and he just cared about the money? I stiffened. “No. I didn’t get any money, Ralph. And I’m not going back. I won’t do it anymore.”

  “What the fuck do you mean you won’t do it anymore?” he hissed. “You’re dressed in his fancy clothes. You rolled up in his fancy car. You’re living in that fancy condo, but he gets a little rough with you and you want out?”

  “It’s not like that, Ralph. I can’t do it anymore,” I pleaded. “Please don’t ask me to.”

  “That is my future, Daisy!” Ralph screamed. “You will go back there and earn your money. Do whatever the fuck he wants, and you don’t come back without cash in hand. Do you understand me?”


  “You think you’re good for anything else? Your mother was a cokehead and your father is an abusive alcoholic. You think you’re going to take that money and go to school and do something with your life? The only thing you’re good for is spreading your fucking legs and choking on a dick, so go do your fucking job!”


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