The Guardians Omnibus

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The Guardians Omnibus Page 57

by Damien Benoit-Ledoux

  She smiled. “I think you deserve a free pass for that one.”

  He smiled back at her and chugged the rest of the water. “I don’t understand why the tasers stunned me. They didn’t stun me up in Rangeley, so why tonight? I faked it up there just to figure out what was going on.”

  Ron stroked his beard. “I have a thought about that. Were you caught off-guard or surprised tonight?”

  Quinn nodded. “Yeah, completely caught off-guard. I thought I was rescuing a woman from thugs, but they were all actors. The whole thing was a setup.”

  Ron nodded. “An elaborate one, at that. They were counting on you to be focused on the crisis they engineered. It allowed them to hide in parked cars and catch you by surprise. That leads me to believe you can be caught off guard, which explains why the tasers stunned you, but they only seemed to affect your muscles. From my perspective, your mind and your ability to use your super powers appeared diminished, but I’m guessing you still had control because I saw you trying to get up from the ground. No mere human can do that when they’re being tased.”

  Quinn nodded. And, I felt the energy shift…maybe tasers won’t hurt me anymore.

  “However, if you hadn’t done that explosive force thing you did, they might have you in custody right now—and they would have known electricity can subdue you.”

  “I guess.”

  “You don’t sound convinced,” Ron said through a yawn.

  Quinn shook his head and explained how, when Mother Superior had him chained up at Orgonon, he felt the electricity running through his body and was able to manipulate it. He told them how he felt the energy shift in him tonight, and then he explained how Blake was more adversely affected by electricity than he was.

  Ron nodded and responded. “I’m willing to bet it was a matter of voltage. Chances are, they were zapping you with the voltage level they thought would subdue you based on how electricity affects Blake.”

  “That makes sense. Wait, I’m sorry.” Quinn looked over at Ana Maria, concerned. “Who are you again? Why are you here, and when did you come into the picture? What’s your story?” he asked. You’ve taken all this in without saying a word or showing astonishment…you should be in shock over this story…like Chief Applegate and David were.

  Ana Maria forced a smile. “I’ve been watching you and Blake for some time now.”

  “Aw, shit, you do work for Victor!” he exclaimed, fighting the pain in his head. He sat up quickly, but he groaned and fell back because everything in his body hurt. Why isn’t my body healing?

  Ana Maria raised a hand, gesturing for him to stop. “You’ve taken a serious electrical charge. Your healing factor and metabolic rates are stunned but will come back shortly. That’s why you aren’t healing at the moment. This is a place you cannot ever let them put you in again.”

  “Right,” Quinn said, laying back down.

  Wait…my healing factor and metabolic rates?

  He pushed through the pain and sat upright with alarm. “How do you know about that?”

  One second, Quinn was looking at Ana Maria with a high degree of skepticism. The next, he sensed her in his mind, like he did Blake.

  “Oh my gawd!” Quinn shouted as he winced, his brain overwhelmed with new information about Ana Maria’s whereabouts despite her immediate proximity to him. Ron and Stephanie looked at each other with confusion and fear.

  He stared at her with shock and jumped back on the couch, ignoring the pain he felt. “Holy shit! You’re like me! But, that’s impossible. Are you the only one? Are there more? Why couldn’t I sense you until right now?” Quinn asked.

  Ana Maria regarded him with curiosity and tilted her head to the right a bit. “Sense me?”

  “Yeah, Blake and I can sense each other when we’re close, like within a certain distance. I know exactly where he is and he knows where I am. It was cool at first, but it got annoying fast.”

  She smiled and nodded. “Good. I will teach you how to prevent Blake from sensing you. But if you wish to retain the upper hand, you must always let him sense you until the right moment.”

  “How will I know when it’s the right moment?”

  Ana Maria smiled. “It will be the day you get your friend back.”

  Quinn relaxed a little and rubbed his eyes, then looked at Ana Maria. “You need to tell us everything!”

  She nodded. “I was the first and only successfully orgone-transformed being of the mid-1960s, during the time of the secretly conducted human trials by The Order. The program was initiated as an early Cold War Era response to the Arms Race and the American-Russian nuclear threat.”

  Quinn raised his hand. “How old are you?”

  Ana Maria smiled. “How old do I look?”

  Stephanie laughed and Ron shook his head, feigning panic at the question.

  Quinn noticed Ron’s demonstration and shrugged nervously. “Um…twenty-five or thirty?”

  Ana Maria rolled her eyes and laughed. “I was born in 1945. I underwent the procedure in 1965, when I was twenty.”

  “So, you’re like, in your seventies?” Quinn asked, staring at her beautiful, wrinkle-free face.

  She nodded. “Something like that.”

  “But you don’t look a day over thirty,” Stephanie said, astonished.

  “Thank you,” Ana Maria said, smiling and accepting the compliment. “The orgone continuously rejuvenates my cells which means we age slowly. This is already happening to Quinn and Blake.”

  Quinn looked at his hands, turning them around as he stared at them. “Wow, okay. Sorry, didn’t mean to interrupt.”

  “The original experiment was code-named Project Genesis. I was selected for experimentation because my IQ was…is…very high and all the male subjects kept dying. Unfortunately for me, the experimental procedure appeared to have killed me and I was left for dead and documented as a failed process or experiment.”

  “Wow,” Ron said.

  “Later, unknown to anyone, I reanimated in the hospital morgue. I have no scientific explanation as to why except the theory that somehow the orgone energy in my cells promoted healing, the first of my powers.”

  “That must have been freaky, waking up in a morgue?”

  “It wasn’t pleasant, that’s for sure. It was a cold, giant freezer with other metal slabs. I wasn’t the only dead body around.”

  Stephanie made a dry-heaving sound and waved her hand. “Nope, don’t need to imagine it.”

  They chuckled, and Ana Maria continued. “When my body went missing, the lack of official paperwork documenting the illegal experimentation prevented a thorough investigation and the human trials ended shortly thereafter. Needless to say, they never bothered to go looking for me or cared to find out what happened.”

  “That’s weird,” Ron said. “I’d think they’d want to know what happened to their intellectual property.”

  Ana Maria smiled. “That’s modern day thought. This was the sixties, and I was a Hispanic woman who needed the money…people didn’t care.”

  “Yikes,” Quinn said, feeling uncomfortable at the discrimination.

  “To bring this story home for now, as my abilities unfolded and developed, I recognized the awesome power I wielded could not fall into the wrong hands. I decided never to reveal my potential to the world, hoping to end The Order’s interest in Project Genesis. My military training allowed me to disappear and assume a new identity, one I guarded closely to prevent The Order from reacquiring me and resuming Project Genesis. I moved around a lot and I have connections that allow me to stay one-step ahead of the system. As such, I change my identity and occupation every ten years.”

  “Why have you chosen to come forward now?” Ron asked.

  Ana Maria relaxed a little and answered him plainly. “I chose to remain silent all these years because I couldn’t let The Order know they succeeded. Could you imagine how different the history of the world would be if they created an army of super soldiers in the 1960s and 70s? What that could have
done to the Arms Race or the Cold War? Let’s not forget the insufficient technologies available to that decade; imagine what kind of horrid, warped experiments would’ve turned out? How many super monstrosities would they have created and not have been able to subdue if they lost control?”

  “But you survived,” Stephanie chimed in.

  “A one in a million shot, believe me. It wasn’t until after I woke up in the morgue that I realized I was discarded as a failure.”

  “They figured out a way to control that army, now,” Quinn said.

  “What do you mean?”

  Quinn tapped the side of his neck with his left hand. “They have some kind of micro bug implant thing they connect to the brainstem.”

  “How do you know this?” Ana Maria asked, frowning.

  “They tried to put one in me through my ear when I was unconscious up in Rangeley, but I exploded like I did earlier this evening and stopped them.”

  “And what do these micro bugs do?”

  “I’m not entirely sure. Mother Superior believed it would help The Order control their super soldiers. I don’t know what level of control they’re talking about, though; like if it’s suggestion or following orders to the letter.”

  “I see.”

  “But we don’t have to worry about that until they’re ready to make new soldiers.”

  Ana Maria glanced at Quinn with a shocked expression. “When they’re ready? Quinn, we’re already too late. The Order has already resurrected the program, thanks to you and Blake.”

  He sighed and shook his head. “I wish I understood orgone better; like what it is that gives us our super powers.”

  “Do you like Star Wars?” Ana Maria asked.

  Quinn and Ron’s faces lit up. “Do I ever. I think it’s really cool.”

  “Great. So, this is where it’s going to seem tacky.”

  Quinn chuckled. “Okay.”

  “The Force in Star Wars is like orgone energy in real life, but not connected to lifeforms in human cells.”

  “So, no Midichlorians?” Ron asked.

  “Right, no lazy script writing here,” Ana Maria answered, smiling.

  “Thank goodness,” he replied.

  Quinn piped up next. “You mean, I should feel it flowing through me and around me or whatever Ben Kenobi said to Luke Skywalker?”

  “Not quite, but you’re on the right track. How much did Victor tell you about orgone energy?”

  “Not much really, everything we’ve learned came from Wikipedia on the Internet.

  Ana Maria rolled her eyes. “So, not much. However, there’s enough information about orgone on the Internet to tip you off but if you weren’t looking for it I understand how you would have missed it.”

  Quinn looked at her intently. “Missed what?”

  “If you think about the orgone energy accumulator units Dr. Reich built to channel and charge objects with orgone, you can then understand how orgone is everywhere.”

  Quinn thought for a moment. “Is that why when I go back into one of the reactors I can feel it around me?”

  “Exactly. What you haven’t learned is how to tune in to the orgone energy around you.”

  “Huh, I never thought of that,” Ron commented.

  Quinn sat up. “You’re telling me there’s orgone energy in this room right now?”

  “Yes. Well before you and me—two orgone-powered beings—were even in this room, orgone energy was present.”

  “Will you teach me?” Quinn asked, his eyes hopeful.

  “If you swear on your life that Blue Spekter is honorable and noble, then yes. I’ll need your help to stop Victor, The Order, and any super-soldiers he creates.”

  “I swear,” Quinn quickly answered.

  “You’re gambling on the fact that he doesn’t know or have the information you do about orgone energy,” Ron interjected.

  Ana Maria looked at Ron and Stephanie. “Precisely. I have lived with it since 1965. They have not, and as history records, they put those experiments to bed shortly after they accidentally created me. They wouldn’t have the knowledge I’ve acquired through experience, through trial and error.

  “That also means you cannot let them get their hands on you,” Ron said. “That’s how super villains and superheroes work. You have something they want, and when they discover or find that out, they will stop at nothing to capture you.”

  “They’ve already tried to capture me several times and they can’t,” Quinn added.

  “Just because they haven’t found your weakness yet doesn’t mean you don’t have one,” Ana Maria said cautiously.

  Quinn frowned.

  “Unfortunately, Quinn, you have a…kryptonite, even if you don’t know what it is yet.”

  Quinn nodded, the Tylenol finally dulling the pain in his head. His body felt better, too.

  Ron cleared his throat. “So, um, not that I’m having a bad time strategizing and talking about beating the bad guys, but it’s late and we need to get you home…your dads must be freaking out.” Ron checked his watch.

  “They’re not home,” Quinn answered. “They’re at a function in Portland and they got a hotel for the night. I still need to get home, though.”

  “It seems luck is on your side once again,” Ron said. “Don’t forget what we talked about before tonight; I think your dads should learn about your alter ego sooner rather than later.”

  “I agree, I don’t like keeping secrets in families.” Stephanie added.

  They looked at Ana Maria, who shrugged. “I’m not sure I have an opinion about your family knowing your secret identity.”

  He smiled and nodded at his teacher. “Okay, I’ll keep thinking about it. Thanks for rescuing me.”

  “It was nice to meet you,” Stephanie said, extending her hand toward Quinn as they stood.

  “Same here.” He shook her hand.

  Ana Maria stepped in and shook the St. Germain’s hands as well. “Here’s my card, should you decide to call me.” She handed one to Ron and Quinn, who pocketed it with his cell phone.

  “Don’t worry, your secret is safe with us,” Stephanie chimed in, smiling at her husband, who winked at her.

  “It’s an honor and a great responsibility to know the truth behind Blue Spekter,” he answered, putting his left arm around Stephanie’s shoulders. Then, he shook Quinn’s hand. “You’re sure you’re okay to drive home?”

  “Yeah, thanks. I’m gonna head home, shower, and crash. I’m wiped.” My gym bag…what did I do with it? Oh right, I stashed it under a bush. Hopefully it’s still there.

  “Okay, drive safe. See you on Monday in school.”

  Quinn nodded, and they escorted him to the door. After waving goodbye, he turned and faced Goodwin Park for a moment.

  “I’ll see you soon, Quinn. We have much to discuss,” Ana Maria said. She extended her hand toward him and he shook it.

  “I look forward to it. It’s nice to have more people on my side.”

  “Your side?” she asked, slightly amused.

  “The side of the good guys, like Superman or Batman. Not the side Blake’s on, not the side Victor’s seduced him to.”

  “Ah, yes, Blake,” she said, her voice distraught.

  “Something I should know?”

  She sighed and looked at him. “Victor has lost control of your friend, but he doesn’t realize it yet.”

  3-10 | Unpredictable and More Dangerous


  “WE HAVE A PROBLEM,” VICTOR said, approaching Dr. Madison’s workstation. His voice sounded hoarse.

  “And what is that?” she asked, glancing up at him and lowering the file folder she held in her hand. Despite The Order’s advanced technology, Dr. Madison preferred to read her reports on paper instead of a digital screen. “Do you have a sore throat?”

  “I do now,” Victor snapped, coughing as he spoke. He took a deep breath and relaxed. “Dark Flame attacked me and I couldn’t shut him down.”

  “Did you say…”
/>   Victor waved his hand and cut her off. “Yes, I said ‘freeze asset one.’ He just looked at me like I was crazy.”

  She blinked, then shrugged. “I was rushed…it was the first iteration of the prototype that Mother Superior had me install in him.”

  Victor wildly gestured with his hands and arms with frustration as he spoke. “On top of that, Radoslav reported he showed increased signs of uninhibited hostility and aggression during their field trip to Boston. If we’ve lost control of him, we’re fucked; the city is fucked, and the planet is fucked, Dr. Madison. We need to accelerate Project Genesis II, immediately.”

  Dr. Madison sighed. “So, you want me to rush another project as a band aid to a project we shouldn’t have rushed in the first place?”

  “Those two brats changed the Archimandrion’s priorities and I completely underestimated their abilities and powers.”

  She raised an eyebrow and wrinkled her face. “Is Quinn showing the same signs of aggression?”

  “No, not all. This new behavior manifests in Blake alone.”

  “Shit.” She tossed the file folder on the desk and thought for a moment. “If the control chip isn’t responding to verbal commands, then we’re not dealing with a simple malfunction. That might also explain his uninhabited aggression.”

  Victor took a deep breath and rubbed his temples with his hands. “So what else could happen if the chip malfunctions?”

  Dr. Madison looked thoughtfully at a chipped nail and sighed. “Honestly, I…”

  “You don’t know, do you?” Victor interjected.

  She frowned at him and shook her head. “No, Victor, I don’t. You know I had insufficient time to prepare for this.”

  Victor sighed. “Any theories, then?”

  “A malfunctioning chip runs the spectrum of possibilities. Nothing could happen, or he could become a zombie. Since he’s still with us, the latter hasn’t happened. Since his behavior is more erratic, I’d suspect his emotional processing has been compromised in some way. Perhaps even his moral center has been unexpectedly bypassed.”

  “You’re telling me Mother Superior may have created a loose cannon that’s walking around town now?” He turned and stared at a titanium chamber similar to the one they had tested Blake’s heat and fire powers in.


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