The Guardians Omnibus

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The Guardians Omnibus Page 61

by Damien Benoit-Ledoux

  Keegan laughed at Quinn’s snorting, then answered, “Because it’s a boyfriends ring; you wear half and I wear half; it will only be complete when we hold hands, kinda like our relationship when we’re together.”

  Quinn’s heart melted inside him and his mouth fell open with romantic surprise at the tender statement. “Oh, Keegan!” Then he leaned forward, and they kissed deeply. I love you so much!

  A few minutes later, they came up for air.

  “So, which one do you want?” Keegan asked.

  Quinn looked down at the one in his hand. “This one. I like the green-blue-purple colors. Is that okay?”

  Keegan smiled and nodded. “It’s perfect. I really liked the red-orange-yellow one. I hope I got the right size. I think our hands and fingers are almost the same.”

  They held up their hands and briefly compared finger sizes. “Here, let me,” Keegan said. He plucked the ring from Quinn’s fingers and took Quinn’s left hand in his own. He pushed the ring onto Quinn’s ring finger, but it was too big.

  “That’s gonna fall off, try the middle finger,” Quinn suggested.

  “Okay.” Keegan pushed the ring on Quinn’s left middle finger it slid into place and fit correctly.

  Quinn smiled, and he wiggled his fingers. “It looks great. My turn!”

  Quinn plucked the other ring from the box and took Keegan’s left hand in his. Skipping the ring finger, he pushed it onto Keegan’s middle finger and slid it into place. “Does it fit okay?”

  Keegan smiled. “Yes, it fits perfectly.”

  Quinn put his ring hand near Keegan’s ring hand and completed the rainbow. “They look great. Thank you so much,” Quinn said smiling at his boyfriend.

  Keegan leaned forward and winked at him. “You’re welcome.”

  Quinn smiled devilishly. “Now, I believe, after you viciously assaulted me downstairs with your kiss, that there was, how did you say it, ‘more of where that came from?’.”

  Keegan smiled and wiggled his eyebrows. “There sure is.”

  Quinn laughed and pushed himself forward, wrestling his boyfriend down onto his bed. Keegan surrendered without a fight. Falling gently on top of him, Quinn hesitated only for a moment to look into Keegan’s beautiful blue eyes. “I love you, Keegan.” Then Quinn lowered his face and they lost themselves in each other.


  Doesn’t matter what I say or do, my dads will know we were up to something.

  Quinn pulled his T-shirt back on and ran his hands through his hair. He turned to Keegan and watched him pull on his button-down shirt.

  I’m so lucky to have such a hot boyfriend.

  “Um, would you want to watch RuPaul’s Drag Race with us after dinner? Even though we’ve got school tomorrow, my dads said it would be okay if you stayed to watch it with us.”

  “Sure,” Keegan said, buttoning and tucking his shirt into his pants. “Do you think they will let us cuddle?”

  “Are you kidding me?” Quinn asked, laughing. “When they see this ring, they’ll shit glitter!”

  Keegan smiled. “Of course they will. But, um, on a more serious note, do you think they’ll know, um, you know, what we just did?

  Quinn nodded emphatically. “My dads aren’t stupid. They probably won’t ask while you’re here, but I might get the safe-sex talk again. I’ll let you know what you’re missing out on.”

  “Yeah, about that…I can’t wait.”

  They laughed together and finished dressing, then double checked themselves in Quinn’s mirror.

  “Okay, let’s go see where my dads are at. I’m pretty sure dinner’s almost ready.

  Keegan followed Quinn downstairs into the kitchen, where Daddio was putting the finishing touches on their meal.

  “Hey guys,” Daddio said, glancing at them for a few seconds a longer than normal and smirking. “Keegan, did you want to watch Drag Race with us after we eat?”

  Pretty sure he knows…

  “I’d love to, thanks.” Keegan answered.

  “Food’s about ready. Quinn, could you pour the waters for us?”

  “Sure,” he answered, nodding to Keegan. The boys grabbed the water glasses from the table, filled them, and put them back on the table. Several minutes later, they sat down to eat Daddio’s homemade lasagna.


  After the dinner dishes were cleaned up, Daddio turned to the boys. “Would you like root beer floats or popcorn for the show?”

  Keegan looked at Quinn with a giant smile on his face. “Root beer floats, please!”

  Quinn smiled and nodded. “Ditto. Thanks, Daddio.”

  “Excellent! Why don’t you guys chill in the living room and I’ll…” Daddio paused as his eyes locked on to the shiny silver ring on Quinn’s left-hand.

  Noticing his father’s gaze, Quinn smiled and raised his hand. “About time you noticed. We’ve been wearing them since dinner started. Keegan got us matching boyfriend rings.”

  Daddio gasped with overly-dramatic surprise as his hand rapidly patted his chest. “Oh I do believe I have me a case of the vapors! You’re kidding me! How romantic! Tim, come here! You have to see this!” Daddio yelled. “How the hell did we not notice those bright shiny things at dinner?”

  “Coming,” Dad answered from his home office.

  “How did you, what was the…wait, don’t say anything yet,” Daddio gushed, looking at Keegan’s hand. “I see what you mean, by boyfriend rings. They’re gorgeous. You’re okay wearing this?” he asked Quinn, who nodded.

  “What’s going on?” Dad asked, entering the kitchen.

  “Look!” Daddio said, pointing at Quinn and Keegan’s ring fingers.

  “Oh my gosh,” Dad said, stunned. “Those are beautiful!” Then, Quinn saw him become concerned but try to hide it. “Um, what are they for?”

  “Keegan got us matching boyfriend rings.”

  “Oh!” Dad said, his face conveying relief. Quinn rolled his eyes, knowing Dad probably jumped to engagement rings in his mind. “That’s wonderful!” He looked at Keegan and smiled. “This was your idea?”

  Keegan nodded, beaming with pride. “It was.”

  Dad winked at him and then looked at Quinn. “And what do you think?”

  Quinn blushed, took Keegan’s hand in his, and looked into Keegan’s blue eyes. “I love it, and I love you.” He leaned forward and met Keegan’s lips for a quick kiss. When Quinn looked back at his dads, they were staring at him. “What?”

  Dad spoke first to Keegan. “Okay, who are you and what did you do to our son?”

  “A lot of things,” Daddio mumbled under his breath, smiling wickedly.

  Yup, he knows we fooled around.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Dad asked.

  “Nothing!” Daddio said. “I’m going to make us root beer floats now.”

  Dad shrugged. “I’m really happy for both of you. Keegan you’re a wonderful young man. You came into our son’s life at the right time. Thank you.”

  After exchanging hugs, Daddio set about making root beer floats. Quinn led Keegan to one of the couches in the living room where they cuddled and kissed again until his dads entered with the floats. Then, they watched the latest episode of Drag Race together.

  3-12 | His Eyes Opened unto Darkness


  “SHIT, IT’S HOT IN HERE,” a voice said.

  “Zip it,” a second, gruff voice ordered.

  The titanium restraints…this is no different from the titanium chamber I superheated in Rangeley. I just have to get over…what did Dr. Madison say, three thousand degrees? I might lose my tights, though…

  Dark Flame pulled all the mental focus he could muster and ignited his body.

  “What the hell?” the gruff voice exclaimed.

  He felt the heat rapidly building around him. The two men in the back with him screamed bloody murder and the vehicle came to an abrupt halt.


  A moment later, the blindfold incinerated and Dark Flame got his fir
st look at the stainless steel interior that held him prisoner. He was chained down to some kind of fabric-covered gurney. He intensified his resolve and anything non-metal, including the ball-gag in his mouth, the gurney cushion, and the soldiers disintegrated or melted. He focused and superheated his arms, hands, and wrists, desperate to free himself.

  “Come on!” he shouted.

  Go hotter, go faster.

  Then, he yelled and pulled against the restraints as power surged through his body. His eyes widened with surprise when he tipped over the edge of fury and anger, resulting in a massive, uncontrolled explosion that melted through the metal truck and reduced his restraints to pools of molten metal.

  He willed himself up from the wrecked gurney and hovered over the destroyed truck, tilting his head from side to side and cracking his neck. He stretched his arms and legs as the blood returned to his numb extremities. Looking around, he got his bearings and saw the truck had barely made it away from the docks. The driver and another guard’s bodies lay still on the ground, burned to a crisp from the superheated explosion. He looked down at his legs and saw his sneakers and purple tights had mostly burned away except for a somewhat modest covering over his crotch and buttocks that made it look like he was wearing torn boxer briefs

  He shrugged and turned around, hearing gunfire on the main deck of the Cerulean.

  The team, they’re in trouble…and Gary…

  Gary is dead, he reminded himself sternly.

  Ablaze with purple and orange flame, he flew to the cargo ship and assessed the situation from the air. He spotted Samuel and flew toward him. When he landed, he turned down the heat and squatted next to the man. Bullets started pinching at his torso, but he didn’t care.

  “About fucking time!” Samuel screamed.

  “Sorry,” Dark Flame answered. “They kidnapped me, but I escaped.”

  “What did they use, kryptonite? We’re still pinned down.”

  “How do I know who’s who?”

  “White caps, white caps! We’re all wearing white caps!”

  “Thank you.”

  “Hey, where the hell are your pants?” Samuel asked, dumbfounded.

  Dark Flame chuckled and stood up. “Like I said, they kidnapped me and I escaped.”

  Then, he looked at the closest non-white-capped soldier and reached for him with his mind, pulling the unsuspecting man across the deck. He spun the man around so they would be face to face and ripped the rifle from his hands.

  “Holy shit!” the man screeched, staring into Dark Flame’s fiery orange eyes.

  Dark Flame studied the man’s face and checked his uniform. “Nope, I don’t know you.” Then, he tossed the man overboard, throwing him across the deck and into the Piscataqua River.

  Dark Flame checked the cargo; it looked secure, but he couldn’t really tell. He dragged two more enemy guards across the deck. One of them had similar armor to that of his team.

  “Why are you wearing The Order’s armor?” he asked.

  The man’s jaw tightened, an indication that he wouldn’t talk.

  “Fine, have it your way.” He nonchalantly threw the other man overboard and began to squeeze the surviving man’s body with his mind. “Tell me what I want to know!”

  The man struggled and gasped with pain. Two bones snapped and he cried out in agony.

  “Why are you wearing The Order’s armor?” Dark Flame shouted.

  The man resisted and Dark Flame squeezed him harder; two more bones cracked.

  “Whatever, loser,” Dark Flame said. Then he threw the man back, slamming him against the bridge castle.

  A rapid succession of pinches strafed across Dark Flame’s chest and he reached out for the gunman and pulled him close. The man shrieked when the rifle was pulled out of his hands. “I asked your friend a question; let’s see if you fare better with an answer. Why are you wearing the body armor of The Order?”

  “Are you that stupid?” the man brazenly asked.

  Dark Flame paused, surprised at the response. “Tell me why!”

  “We are The Order, you idiot!”

  “What?” Dark Flame asked, stunned. He squeezed the man a bit. “Don’t toy with me.”

  “We work for The Order,” the man insisted.

  Dark Flame pulled him closer until their faces were inches apart. “You’re trying to tell me The Order has critical supplies shipped in, destroys them, then has another shipment come in and tries to capture or destroy those supplies as well and tries to kidnap me as a bonus? That makes no sense. You’re insane.”

  Three bullets struck the man and his body went limp. Dark Flame sighed and dropped him to the deck. Two enemy soldiers charged at him, wildly firing their rifles at him. Dark Flame blasted them with fire and they fell to the deck, severely burned.

  It took several minutes to clear the rest of the enemy guards from the deck, but when he had finished and confirmed the remaining men were the original set he left Seavey Island with, he turned his attention to the land beyond the Schiller Station buildings and watched for movement.

  In the distance, tires screeched and an engine roared as a vehicle sped away from Schiller Station.

  Oh no you don’t.

  Glowing orange, he flew over the buildings and followed the vehicle as it accelerated toward the main roads. The passenger leaned out of the window and Blake watched the muzzle of his gun flash several times in the darkness as the man fired at him.

  Dark Flame deflected the bullets and flew down to the vehicle. It was a black, Secret Service type SUV, but the make and model was consistent with what he had seen The Order use.

  That’s weird.

  Feeling ambitious, he reached out with his mind and lifted the truck off the road. The engine roared as the driver floored the gas pedal several times, but stopped when he realized the truck was flying. The two guards flung their doors open and jumped, rolling and tumbling as their bodies fought the inertia of their high-speed escape.

  Dark Flame rolled the truck to its side and dropped it, the metal screeching and sparking against the asphalt until it stopped. Then, he pulled the the two guards up from the ground. He ascended, carrying them through the air with his mind. He swung around and flew back to the Cerulean. One of them shouted something and then fired a handgun. Dark Flame spun around and grabbed the handgun as the man put the business end against his head. He ripped it out of the man’s hand and crushed it. Realizing the other guard was dead, he pulled the surviving guard closer to him and dropped the dead man.

  “I need you alive,” he said, checking him for other weapons. He pulled a knife from the man’s belt and slammed it into the ground beneath them.

  “Fuck you, you monster!” The man snarled, then spat at Dark Flame’s face.

  Dark Flame brought his hand up and made a fist. The man cried out in agony when his left arm broke in several places. Dark Flame smirked and continued his flight to the ship.

  He spotted Samuel and landed near him, letting the runaway guard’s body fall to the deck. The man grunted when he hit the metal deck.

  “What happened to him?” Samuel asked. Several other members of their team approached and aimed their weapons at the prisoner.

  Dark Flame shrugged. “He spat in my face, so I broke his arm.

  “Really?” Samuel asked, regarding Dark Flame with incredulous amusement.

  “We need to get him over to Radoslav.” Dark Flame glanced over at Gary’s body. Someone had placed a cloth over his face. The uniform he wore looked similar to the one his prisoner wore. “Samuel, don’t you think it’s a little strange these guys have almost identical uniforms?”

  Samuel cocked his head to the side with curiosity then looked at the man’s uniform.

  “Uh, it’s tactical gear. It all looks the same after a while.”

  “Look closer,” Dark Flame said igniting his hand to provide more light. The prisoner winced and pulled his head back in fear. “It has the same pockets and clips. I bet it’s the same brand or make as yo
ur armor.”

  Then, Dark Flame squatted next to the terrified prisoner, his hand burning hot. “I asked some of your friends, but they wouldn’t tell me what I wanted to know. Things will be better if you cooperate.”

  The man only whimpered.

  “Why are you wearing The Order’s tactical gear?

  The man shook his head. “They’ll kill me,”

  “No, I’ll kill you. Who do you work for?”

  “Fuck you, Dark Flame, you stupid kid.”

  Samuel pressed his rifle muzzle into the man’s broken arm and the prisoner cried out in pain.

  Dark Flame leaned closer. “You can talk to me or you can talk to my friend Radoslav.”

  The man winced at the name.

  I’ve got you now.

  “So, you know who Radoslav is and what he can do. That tells me you probably work for The Order—which makes no sense to me at the moment.”

  The prisoner sighed, resigned to his situation. “I’ll talk, just don’t send me to him.”

  “Maybe. Last chance. Who do you work for?

  “We work directly for the Archimandrion Council of The Order. The Archimandrion wants to stop Victor and regain control of Project Genesis II because of the little stunt he pulled in Rangeley with you and your super friend.”

  Stop Victor? Why?

  “Why would The Order what to destroy their own equipment a second time?” Samuel asked.

  The prisoner shook his head. “The cargo on the Cerulean is bogus. Victor already had parts shipped to Rangeley. This was a diversion to keep you busy or train you.”

  Dark Flame looked at Samuel with confusion. “Why the hell would Victor send us on a wild goose chase if he knew the cargo was fake?”

  Samuel shrugged. “This is news to me.” Then, he pointed at two guards. “You two, check the cargo. Open a few crates and determine what’s inside them.”

  Dark Flame looked back at their prisoner. “Are you part of the team that destroyed the first shipment?”

  “You mean am I a traitor to The Order? Absolutely not. As far as I know, whoever destroyed the first shipment had nothing to do with this mission.”

  “Sir, these crates are full of bricks,” one of the guards called out. The men had opened several crates and confirmed their prisoner’s story.


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