The Guardians Omnibus

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The Guardians Omnibus Page 82

by Damien Benoit-Ledoux

  Blue Spekter stood tall, placed his fists on his hips, and addressed the occupants of the workroom. “Listen up, people. This facility has been commandeered by the U.S. Marine Corps and me, Blue Spekter. I suggest you put your weapons down and come quietly, or there will be trouble.”

  The guards looked at one another and hesitated. “Do as he says,” one of the technicians instructed. “We’re outnumbered here, but we can live to fight another day.”

  “I don’t get paid enough to fight superheroes,” one of the guards said, and Blue Spekter recognized him from Rangeley. One by one, the guards put their weapons on the floor and raised their hands above their heads as more Marines poured into the room.

  Several of the Marines were tasked with taking the guards into custody, while others made sure the technicians didn’t do anything. Blue Spekter walked around the control room and spotted the futuristic looking canister of micro bugs.

  Not this time…

  He approached and steadied his hands on the metal corners of the container.

  “What are you doing?” Captain Johnson asked.

  “Taking care of unfinished business.”

  Blue Spekter unleashed a fury of electricity and heat inside the container and didn’t stop until the nasty critters were reduced to tiny piles of ash. He set the container down and looked at Captain Johnson. “One of those things is malfunctioning in Dark Flame’s head. That’s why he’s so evil right now.”

  “No shit.” The captain stared at the container with wonderment.

  “Come on, there’s still a lot of facility to clear out.”

  Blue Spekter led the Marines to the lower level, but it was a storage area that seemed unoccupied. After zipping around the room to confirm it was empty, Blue Spekter and the marines walked through the underground tunnel and made their way into the naval prison.

  The massive cargo elevator they boarded had three levels, the tunnel, a mid level, and an upper level. Blue Spekter looked at Captain Johnson. “Where do you want to go first?”

  “We start at the top and work our way down. That way they can’t loop around and flank us.”

  Blue Spekter nodded and pressed the button for the upper level. The elevator, ascended, carrying him and fifteen marines into the prison. The elevator dinged and slowed. A moment later, the large door slid open and Blue Spekter heard someone yell, “open fire.” He stepped out and projected a shield across the front of the elevator, protecting the marines behind him.

  Bullets from the rifles of six guards harmlessly bounced off his shield with small flashes of blue light. Two of the guards charged at him, but they bounced off the invisible shield. One of the guards dropped his rifle, pulled a taser from his belt, aimed, and fired. Blue Spekter reached out, put his hand through his shield, and grabbed the taser darts with his hand. He easily absorbed the electrical shocks the stun gun created.

  This gives me an idea…

  Blue Spekter stepped through the invisible shield, extended his right hand, and electrified the air in front of him, zapping the six guards with a flash of electricity that arced away from his hand. Mildly stunned, they fell to the floor.

  He dropped the taser darts and then the marines disarmed and handcuffed the stunned guards. Two minutes later, the elevator returned to the upper level with fifteen more marines. A smaller contingent of marines dragged the six guards back down so they could be put into a makeshift holding area.

  Pushing through the small security center, Blue Spekter led his Marines through the control room, which he remembered was next to the reactor. At each location, two marines posted guard in each room they passed through. He opened the door to the reactor and stepped inside, immediately feeling the intoxicating orgone energy. He jumped over the railing and hovered across while the marines circled around the gangway. The reactor was empty, but Blue Spekter could hear people excitedly talking on the other side of the door they were headed to.

  Blue Spekter turned to Captain Johnson and the squad of marines. “There is another one of those big workrooms on the other side of that door. I hear lots of voices in there, so be ready. I’ll take point,” he said, hoping they didn’t make fun of him for using language he learned from a military-style video game.

  “Go ahead,” Captain Johnson replied, stone-faced.

  Blue Spekter pushed open the door and the guards on the other side didn’t hesitate to fire. “You’ve gone far enough, Blue Spekter,” one of the guards shouted over the gunfire.

  Walking into the room, he reached out with both hands and zapped the guards, stunning most of them with the first blast. For the guards who didn’t fall, Blue Spekter lunged at them. One by one, he ripped their rifles from their hands while the remaining guards fired at him, but his new bulletproof suit and body took no damage.

  One of the men pulled a knife and jumped at Blue Spekter with surprising speed and agility. The knife tip pressed hard against his stomach, but that was it. Blue Spekter smiled and turned around. “Nice try,” he said, then pushed the man in the chest with an open hand, sending him flailing into two other guards. The momentary confusion resembled a comedic, uncoordinated scene in a cheesy movie.

  Marines flooded into the room and aimed their rifles at the mostly incapacitated guards. Several minutes later, the guards were in custody. Captain Johnson shook his head as they waited for his troops to finish up. “Man, if only we had you on other missions overseas, you would have saved a lot of lives.”

  Blue Spekter nodded. “Going overseas isn’t off the table, given this organization exists there as well.”

  “I meant places like Afghanistan.”

  “I know. I’m just not sure that’s the best for me.”

  “I understand. What’s behind that door?” he asked, pointing at the opposite side of the room.

  “That’s where they keep the batteries that store all the energy this place produces. They’re pretty big and it’s pretty tight, so it’s highly unlikely there’s anyone taking a stand in there, but I should still look.”

  Captain Johnson nodded. “Check it out, then come back here. We still have another level to clear,” he ordered.

  “I’m on it,” Blue Spekter responded. He zipped through the battery storage levels and found two nervous technicians monitoring the power readings. He ordered them to march upstairs and they complied, surrendering to Captain Johnson’s marines.

  Then, Blue Spekter and the marines made their way to the mid-level and went through the administrative offices, most of which were empty. Blue Spekter dashed to the front entrance and opened the doors, allowing more marines to enter and search the facility. After clearing the server room, they made their way to the last building via the underground tunnel, but they only found off-duty or sleeping guards and technicians in their bunks. After rousing them and letting them get dressed for the cold weather, they were marched out of the facility to the waiting busses that would take them to the makeshift holding area for processing.

  Blue Spekter, Captain Johnson, and several small teams of marines explored the unfinished parts of the facility. They found themselves walking the old prison rows and turning through old, moldy corridors. Rat droppings, lichen, and other unknown substances mixed with small pools of rusty, stagnant water that filled the old concrete and metal-bar hallway with an unpleasant smell.

  No Victor, no Dr. Madison, and no Blake. Where are you guys?

  “Something troubling you?” Captain Johnson said, regarding him with interest. So far, they hadn’t met any resistance in the abandoned areas of the prison—probably because of the smell.

  Blue Spekter nodded. “The key players I expected to find aren’t here. They can’t have escaped because they didn’t know we were coming.”

  Or did they?

  “They might not have escaped at all. They simply might not have been here,” Captain Johnson offered. “Not every mission runs smoothly or guarantees the expected outcome. Though I have to say, this mission went exceptionally well because of you. No one got
hurt or died.”

  “You’re welcome,” Blue Spekter quipped. At least, not yet…Blake will return and who knows what will happen then.

  Captain Johnson tapped his ear. “Don’t worry, now that we have complete access to the building, your cyber force will quickly gain access to the information we need to apprehend the rest The Order. Captain Prett and his team are setting up shop in the control room.”

  “They won’t be safe if Dark Flame comes back and I’m not here.”

  “True. We’ll deal with that when the time comes. Hopefully it won’t take you long to return from wherever you are and provide support.”

  They approached an old, metal and wood door that was cracked open. Blue Spekter pushed the door open and twisted his face at the fetid order of feces and urine. His stomach churned and he dry heaved, but he forced his way into the room regardless.

  “This room was used to torture people,” Captain Johnson said, eyeing the steel chair in the center of the room and the stainless-steel medical table. Stains of blood on the chair and floor confirmed his appraisal of the room.

  Oh my gosh, did Blake torture people? Did he help torture people?

  Blue Spekter stepped out of the room and away from the smell, hoping the revolting idea of Blake torturing people would leave his mind as well. The marines covered their faces and examined the room as fast as they could, then quickly exited the room as well.

  Footsteps echoed in the stone hallway and Blue Spekter turned to face the corner at the end of the hallway, ready to defend or attack. Four marines marched around the corner, and he relaxed.

  “The west wing is clear, sir,” one of the marines reported.

  “Okay, I think we’re good,” Captain Johnson said. “Let’s make our way back to Agent Potter and check in.”

  Several minutes later, Quinn and Captain Johnson walked into the mobile command center that was painted to look like a U-Haul moving truck.

  “We did it,” Blue Spekter said, smiling at Agent Potter.

  The man looked up and nodded. “Congratulations. You just accomplished your first major victory over The Order.”

  Blue Spekter sensed the man didn’t share in his excitement. “But?”

  Agent Potter gave him a knowing smile. “I’m concerned about retaliation. Dark Flame wasn’t here, so what happens when he returns? Also, Victor and Dr. Madison are not among the men and women we are detaining.”


  “We also found authentic looking but invalid naval ID badges on every staff member, both technician and security. That explains how they were able to get onto the island in the first place, considering the whole island is off-limits to the public and nonessential staff. It also suggests they have someone infiltrating the Navy who can provide them with fake ID badges.”

  “That doesn’t surprise me at all because The Order is everywhere,” Blue Spekter said.

  “So, you keep telling me, and so I am learning. We have already set up check points to apprehend any staff members currently off-island as they arrive for new duty shifts. If Victor and Dr. Madison are unaware of our incursion, then we might capture them in the next twenty-four to forty-eight hours as well. However, Dark Flame is an entirely different nightmare to consider.”

  “Do you want me to stick around?” Blue Spekter asked.

  Agent Potter shook his head. “No, we have a protocol in place to apprehend Dark Flame but be sure to take a radio with you. If we need you, we’ll call.” Potter grabbed a radio and a charging cable from an open pelican case and handed to him.

  “Thanks. Would you mind telling me what this protocol is?”

  “Certainly. We will be arming all our personnel with TaseBolts to contain Dark Flame when he arrives. Like I said, if we need you, we will call.”

  “Okay,” Blue Spekter replied, his shoulders slumping a little.

  Agent Potter noticed his disappointment and frowned. “Listen, Blue, Dark Flame may not return for several days. There’s no need to waste your time. We both know there’s no playbook for superhero operations, let alone capturing a super-powered human, but trust me, at first sign things are going south, I will be radioing for you.”

  Then, he extended his hand. “You served your country and your city well today, son. Thank you. Without you, none of this would have been possible. You are a true superhero and charismatic leader who can rally people to your cause. You should be proud of your accomplishments thus far, despite our initial misgivings about who you are.”

  Blue Spekter smiled and shook the agent’s hand. “Thanks, I am proud of who I am.” Then, he turned and walked out of the mobile command center. After a few of the marines cheered for him, he took off and flew across the river toward home.

  4-12 | Lashing Out


  COLD, ANGRY, AND NOW ABLE to fly higher and a little faster thanks to hours of practice he put in flying to and from Chicago, Dark Flame flew across New Hampshire toward Portsmouth, using the low cloud cover to hide the orange blaze trailing behind him. The snowstorm had tracked south and pummeled Massachusetts, leaving only scattered flurries in Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine.

  If I’m going to push Victor out of the way and take over The Order, I have to rescue the prison from the government. If they get their hands on information about The Order’s other reactor cores, then everything I’ve been planning will be over before it starts.


  I never thought eliminating the Archimandrion Council because of their criminal ties would be the distraction that pulled me away from my true purpose. After all, given how easily I dispatched eight council members already, I can deal with the surviving members whenever I want, or whenever they become a problem—which I doubt will be an issue anymore. With more than half of their leadership dead, I don’t think The Order will strike back at me any time soon. If anything, they’ll pull back and lick their wounds before ever becoming a threat to me.

  Ugh, it’s so confusing sometimes.

  I thought I was thwarting them and Victor, but I’m only working against myself. Maybe that’s the bigger picture I’ve been missing all along…that taking over The Order is really about stopping all the bad things I witnessed…and stopping Quinn, too. But as for you, buddy boy, well, I have a special surprise in store for you.

  He approached Seavey Island and slowly circled it, dropping just below the clouds to get a clear view of the situation.

  What in the hell happened down there?

  The snow-covered baseball field and parking lots were covered with vehicles and trucks, all of which belonged to someone other than The Order. The buildings didn’t look damaged, so he assumed no weapons fire had taken place during the assault.

  Quinn must have been with them, which means he probably took out every guard and technician along the way. That’s the only way they could have bypassed all the security.

  An alarm sounded, and the ground troops scurried about. Some soldiers took cover while others assumed formations of some sort, but Dark Flame wasn’t really sure what they were doing until he realized they were pointing up at him.

  You had it easy with Quinn, but now it’s time you suffer the consequences.

  Angered, he rapidly descended to the middle of the baseball field, ready to slaughter each and every soldier that got in his way. He landed hard on top of an SUV, causing most of its windows to explode and spray glass at the nearby soldiers. Its roof, safety cage, and doors collapsed or bent under the power of his landing, and several of its airbags deployed. The closest soldiers jumped back in surprise and shielded their faces with their hands, but they quickly recovered and aimed their weapons at him. He jumped and forward flipped onto the ground, igniting his hands as he landed on his feet.

  “Open fire,” one of the soldiers yelled.

  “Your bullets won’t hurt me!” Dark Flame yelled, aiming his burning hands at the closest group of soldiers. He pushed them with his mind and they tumbled and rolled back, overwhelmed by his inescapable, invisible forc
e. He ran toward them, his hands hot with purple and orange flame, but just as he was about to incinerate them, searing hot energy tore through his sweatshirt and scalded the skin on his chest.

  He grunted in pain as the unexpected and high-powered blast knocked him back through the air several feet until he crashed into the side of another SUV.

  Holy ouch, Batman! What the hell was that?

  Shaken, he pushed himself up and charged at the group of soldiers that aimed the horrible energy weapons at him. He ignited his hands again, forgetting about his sweatshirt. The sleeves of his sweatshirt burned away as he blasted the soldiers with fire. The men in uniform screamed in agony, but Dark Flame was once again knocked to the ground by another volley of direct energy beams that tore through his clothing.

  Dark Flame yelped and fell, rolling several times in the snow and dirt before gaining control of his momentum and scrambling back to his feet.

  What the hell? Those things look like the guns they shot me with in Prescott Park, but they’re much stronger.

  Dark Flame launched himself into the air and flew around the old castle and out of range of the nasty weapons until he lined up for an air-to-ground assault. Then, igniting his hands, he flew over the grounds and blasted the soldiers with fire from above, forcing the them to scurry and take cover. An SUV in his path caught fire and then exploded, rising several feet into the air before crashing back to the ground to burn.

  That worked well.

  Coming around again for another attack, he flew toward a group of soldiers hiding behind several military vehicles. Then, he aimed and soared over them, pummeling them with hot fire. Men and women screamed and ran, but he didn’t care; it was just punishment for what they had done to The Order in his absence.


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