Family Forever

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Family Forever Page 13

by Valerie J. Clarizio

  She let go of her hair, sat back, and looked down at the beautiful ruby hanging from the chain around her neck. After catching her breath, she shifted her gaze to him. “It’s beautiful, really beautiful. Thank you.” Searching his gaze, she looked for any sign she should take things to the next level, hug him, or perhaps kiss him. Disappointment rippled through her as reservation passed through his eyes, letting her know he wasn’t ready.

  Though she was getting tired of waiting, she reminded herself that good things come to those who wait, and that timing is everything. Yet, the selfish side of her reconsidered going along with Cole’s plan to give Dylan a little push in her direction. But what if it backfired. Was she willing to risk Dylan for instant gratification?

  Chapter Twelve

  Dylan stepped out of the barn only to be blinded by a set of headlights. Still seeing spots, he greeted the driver of the car. “Hi. Can I help you?”

  “Yeah, I hope so. I’m Terry Garski, I’m looking for Marissa,” the man replied as he reached into the back and pulled a duffle bag from off the seat.

  Dylan eyed the stranger. He felt like he’d been sucker-punched. Terry was a man. When Marissa asked if her friend Terry could spend the night on New Year’s Eve, he naturally assumed Terry was a girl, a friend from school. But no, a man stood before him, and Marissa was going to take him to Jake's New Year's Eve party.

  “I’m in the correct place, right?” Terry asked upon Dylan’s lengthy hesitation.

  “Yes, sorry, you are. Come inside.”

  Dylan led the man through the garage and into the kitchen. Cole was already dressed and waiting for Marissa. He was going to Jake's party too. Dylan had considered going to the party as well but with Thomas still being off work he was saddled with the morning chore duties. Perhaps he should reconsider going to the party anyhow. He could always nap after the morning milking.

  Cole stepped toward the stranger and extended his hand. “You must be Marissa’s friend, Terry. I’m Cole.”

  “Yeah. Nice to meet you.”

  “Marissa’s still getting ready.”

  “Okay, is there someplace I can change?” Terry asked.

  Cole pointed to the stairs. “Top of the stairs to the right there’s a bathroom you can use.”

  Dylan bit his tongue until Terry disappeared up the steps.

  “You knew Marissa’s friend was a man and you didn’t tell me,” Dylan snapped at Cole.

  “Yeah. What does it matter?”

  “He’s going to sleep here?”

  Cole nodded. “That’s the plan.”

  “Where exactly?”

  Was that a slight grin on his brother’s face?

  “Don’t know.”

  Silence fell over the kitchen as a tsunami of emotions washed through him, hurt and jealousy being the strongest waves drowning out the rest. Maybe he shouldn’t let her go to the party. There would surely be alcohol there and she was only nineteen. Holy heck, she was an adult, he had no right to control her, prevent her from going to the party with the man who’d just arrived. What was he thinking? That was the million dollar question. He had her under his roof this whole time and he kept pushing her away, telling her to enjoy her college years and live them to the fullest. She was doing exactly what he asked of her. He got his wish. What kind of idiot actually believed that stupid old saying he thought so much in the past six months. If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it’s yours. If it doesn’t come back, it was never meant to be. It all started so innocently, he needed help with the boys and she needed a place to live but inside a couple of months he realized he wanted more from her. And this whole go off and experience life thing was only ever meant to make sure she was ready, mature enough to handle a ready-made family, one as large as his.

  Terry returned a few minutes later. Cole offered him a beer and he took it. Cole cracked one for himself and another for Dylan.

  Dylan took a swig from his bottle as he eyed the stranger. He looked like a male model with his perfectly groomed blond hair and fancy modern frame glasses. He stood a bit shorter than Cole but was thin like him. Who was this guy, and where did he come from all of a sudden?

  “So, how did you meet Marissa?” Dylan questioned.

  “We both belong to the Christian Club.”

  Figures, the Christian Club, no way he could use that against the guy. “What are you studying?”

  “I’m a business major.”

  “What are your plans after school?”

  Terry took a swig of his beer but kept his gaze on Dylan. The man’s eyes were hardening with each passing second. Dylan supposed that was in response to the third-degree tone he was unable to mask during his questioning.

  “I’ll probably just go work for my father.”

  Dylan nodded. Great, a rich kid who gets everything handed to him on a silver platter. He even looked rich, standing there is in his pretty boy cashmere sweater. Dylan debated continuing with the line of questioning. Perhaps he should just stop talking since he wasn’t liking his own jealous sounding tone. The smile tugging at Cole’s mouth let him know his brother was finding some humor in his behavior, his loss of control.

  Marissa’s tantalizing scent beat her into the kitchen, and when she stepped through the doorway Dylan nearly choked on his beer at the lovely sight. She wore a red velvet cocktail dress. The snug fitting bodice lined with sequins hugged her small breasts and held them high, revealing more of her milky white skin than the world should see. Lying an inch or so above her inviting breasts was the ruby teardrop stone he'd given her for Christmas. His gift, she was wearing his gift to go out with another man.

  Dylan lowered his gaze to the hem of her dress that fell far above her knees exposing her thin, yet shapely legs. He swallowed hard, every nerve ending in his body sparked and begged him to touch her. What in the heck was he going to do? He couldn’t let her out of the house looking like this in fear every male at the party was going to hound after her, including the stranger in the kitchen eyeing her up like she was his favorite dessert. Deep down he couldn’t blame the guy, she was the most beautiful, wholesome creature on the planet.

  Light on her red spiked heels, she floated like an angel to Terry’s side. Her heels were so high she didn’t even have to stretch to kiss the stranger on the cheek. She stepped back and raked her gaze over him. “You look handsome.” Her soft voice sweetened the room.

  Terry’s hungry gaze nearly devoured Marissa. “And you, my lady, look lovely.”

  Marissa’s ruby painted lips curved into a full smile. “Thank you.”

  Sweat beaded on Dylan’s temples, panic shot through his veins. Unable to bear the thought of Marissa with another man, his brain scrambled for a way to prevent this date from happening. But how? They were just about ready to leave.

  Marissa stepped toward him. His gaze landed on her breasts and hesitated before skimming over her tiny waist, then the curve of her hips before running the length of her shapely legs. For God’s sake, Dylan, look away. But he couldn’t.

  Marissa cleared her throat, snapping him back into reality. Her concerned gaze captured his. “Are you okay?”

  He nodded.

  She reached up and placed her hand on his forehead like one would do to a small child who was running a fever. “Are you sure? You're flushed and burning up.”

  With a glimpse beyond Marissa, Dylan caught Cole’s amused, irritating gaze. It wouldn’t be so funny for his brother if the roles were reversed. Who was Dylan kidding, the roles would never be reversed because if Cole felt the way he did for Marissa, Cole would have made his move for her long ago. Sometimes Dylan wished he was more like his brother, easy-going and carefree. But the fact of the matter was, his brother didn’t have the same magnitude of responsibilities he had. Cole had the freedom and option to be carefree.

  Dylan looked away from his brother. "I'm fine, just tired."

  Marissa lowered her hand. "Okay."

  Terry set his empty beer bottle on the counter
and flung his coat over his shoulders. “I’ll go start the car so it warms up.”

  Cole disappeared to get his coat, leaving Dylan alone in the kitchen with Marissa who still stood within his reach. He wanted to tell her how beautiful she looked, and would have if the sweet touch of her hand hadn’t rendered him speechless.

  Her bright ocean-blue gaze held his as she stepped forward and pressed her lips to his cheek, and then hugged him. Instinctively he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her tightly to him. His overloaded senses weakened his knees. He closed his eyes and bathed in the comfort of her gratifying hold.

  “Happy New Year, Dylan,” she whispered into his ear. Her alluring voice caused him to hold her a bit longer while he secretly wished she’d say more, anything at all, just so he could hear the sound of her sweet voice resonate in his head again.

  By the time he opened his eyes, Cole had returned to the kitchen with his coat on, and Marissa’s draped over his arm. The sympathetic look in his brother’s eyes was unmistakable, as if he knew Dylan had blown it by waiting too long and pushing Marissa to live her life without him for the time being.

  Cole handed him Marissa’s jacket and she spun her back to him as he held it for her to slide into.

  A gold barrette held her shiny blonde hair high on her head, but she’d left a few strands down, dangling over her smooth looking shoulders. The clasp of her necklace had shifted to the side so before he let her slide into her coat he reached forward and slid the clasp until it centered on her warm, pale neck. He stilled for a moment as the warmth of her skin seeped into his fingers. Leaning forward, he held his lips centimeters from her ear. “You look stunning. Have a nice time at the party, and call if you need a ride.” The temptation to nibble on her irresistible porcelain earlobe crossed his mind, but was quickly tamped down when Terry bounded through the doorway.

  Dylan straightened his spine and smoothed her coat out over her shoulders. She turned slowly, her glossy gaze seemed to avoid making contact with his.

  “Thank you, and okay,” she replied in not much more than a whisper of air before she headed to the doorway with Terry and Cole on her heels.

  Dylan stared out the window after them, keeping watch on them even after Terry’s taillights disappeared from sight. His chest tightened.

  Why were her eyes swimming with tears a moment ago? Why did she avoid his gaze? Had he said something wrong?

  * * * *

  Terry opened the door for Marissa and she slid into the passenger seat. Cole climbed into the back. Silence filled the car. Were Cole and Terry thinking the same thing she was? Was this plan a bad idea? The hurt in Dylan’s eyes as he swung his gaze between her and Terry in the kitchen was heart-wrenching. Yet, she should be pleased by his reaction, he did care for her as strongly as she hoped.

  She glanced over her shoulder at Cole. He stared forward as if in some sort of trance. Was he rethinking this plan as well?

  The bad feeling already saturating every cell in her body teetered on worsening, at the thought of continuing on and not coming clean. Tears burned the back of her eyes. She should have never let Cole talk her into this idea.

  “Left, right, or straight at the stop sign?” Terry asked.

  “Straight,” Cole replied.

  Terry shot a quick glance at her, then toward Cole, before returning his gaze to the road. “He’s not going to drive over to this party and kick the crap out of me, is he?” His voice was dead serious.

  “No, that’s not his style,” Cole replied.

  “I don’t know. The pathetic look in his eyes when I told him I was here for Marissa instantly made me want to fess up. And then when he was grilling me, I thought one wrong answer and this guy’s going to explode.”

  Marissa shifted in her seat to face Cole more directly. “Maybe this was a bad idea. Maybe we should go back and set the record straight.”

  Even in the darkness of the night, Marissa could see Cole’s contemplating gaze. He shook his head. “No, let him stew on it overnight. We’re … no, you’re giving him exactly what he asked for. He’s cautious, too cautious. He’ll never submit to his feelings for you until he’s sure you’ve explored other options and know exactly what you want. Let him believe you’re testing the waters with Terry for a while, break up, and then he’ll be satisfied.”

  Marissa blew out a sigh. “I know you’re right about him, Cole, but I don’t like hurting him,” she paused and swallowed the golf ball-sized lump in her throat, “and lying to him.”

  Cole leaned forward. “I know it’s hard for you. It’s hard for me too. But ultimately, we’re doing this for his own good. I know my brother, and he loves you, I know he does. I just want him to be happy. I know being with you will make him happy. He just needs a slight push, and assurance that you are ready and willing to accept not only him but more importantly, the boys as well.”

  “How come you can see it, that I am, and he can’t? I couldn’t love those boys any more if they were my family blood.”

  He squeezed her shoulder. “I know. He’s just guarded, so very guarded of himself and the rest of us since our parents died. He’d walk through fire to see to it none of us ever felt hurt or pain again. So much so he’d risk his own happiness.”

  “You guys are killing me here. Breaking my heart,” Terry stated.

  Marissa reached over and touched his arm. “You’re a good friend for doing this for me. I hope Todd realizes how lucky he is to have someone as sweet and caring as you.”

  Terry flashed her a wink. “It’s me who’s lucky, and good thing for you he had to work tonight or I would have ditched you to be with him.”

  Marissa smiled at her kind friend. Though she wasn’t sure she liked this plan any longer, Terry was the perfect friend to help her out. No risk of collateral damage from a lover’s standpoint. She and Todd knew each other, and Todd knew exactly where Terry was tonight and what he was doing. Plus, her being female caused no worries for Terry’s boyfriend.

  * * * *

  Dylan tossed and turned in his bed. Every time he closed his eyes, visions of Marissa in that skimpy red dress crashed through his mind. He imagined every male at Jake's party ogling her. Why wouldn’t they? She looked absolutely breathtaking in that dress that hugged her in all the right places. Her angelic vision faded from his brain only to be replaced by the unwanted vision of her new friend, Terry. Where did this guy come from all of a sudden? Pain slashed through his heart at the thought of Marissa ringing in the New Year with Terry or any other male for that matter. He should be welcoming the New Year with her, not this stranger. He should be kissing her at midnight, kissing her beautiful, desirable ruby red lips. His heart thudded at the thought of tasting her as he imagined her delicious flavor.

  That’s it, I’m going to Jake’s, to her! Dylan sprang out of bed, and slid into a pair of khakis, the first button down dress shirt he could find that didn’t need ironing, and then slipped into his cowboy boots.

  He was on his way upstairs to let Aric know he was leaving for a bit when Luke started screaming for him. His heart leaped into his throat. Taking two steps at a time, he was by his little brother’s side in no time. Nate was already trying to comfort Luke but it wasn’t working.

  Dylan sat on Luke’s bed and pulled him onto his lap. “What’s the matter, buddy?”

  The poor boy’s heaving sobs came too quickly for him to answer. Dylan looked at Nate who shrugged. Braden and Aric had now joined the rest of them, both looked frazzled.

  Tears streamed down Luke’s flush cheeks, dampening Dylan’s shirt.

  “Did you have a bad dream?” Dylan asked. It would be no surprise if he did because it happened on occasion, and the death grip his brother had on him let him know it was absolutely horrific.

  Luke nodded, and Dylan held him and rocked him back and forth until his sobs subsided.

  Aric eyed him. “Why are you all dressed up?”

  “I was on my way up here to tell you I was going over to Jake’s.”

  “No!” Luke yelled as his death grip tightened on Dylan, and his sobs started over again.

  “Shh, Luke, everything’s okay. You just had a bad dream is all.” Dylan continued to sway back and forth. “You can climb into bed with Aric, you’ll be fine.”

  “Don’t go, Dylan, please don’t go,” Luke pleaded between gasps.

  Dylan’s heart nearly exploded on behalf of his little brother, and himself for that matter. The poor kid was so scared there was no way he could leave now even though that meant he wouldn’t be able to stand in the way of Marissa ringing in the New Year with Terry. Maybe it wouldn’t have worked out anyhow.

  “Okay, buddy. I won’t go, but how about we go downstairs and let Nate, Braden, and Aric climb back into bed?”

  Nodding, Luke wrapped his arms around Dylan’s neck and he carried him downstairs. He sat on the rocker recliner with Luke on his lap. Within minutes, his brother had fallen asleep. Selfishly, Dylan considered slipping out from under him and going to Jake's, but the thought of Luke waking while he was gone was enough to keep him home.

  As he held his brother, he wondered what his life would be like right now had his parents not died. He would be free like Cole, and probably be at Jake's right now, holding Marissa, and kissing her at midnight. Actually, he probably wouldn’t be with Marissa because if his parents were still alive, he and Marissa’s paths may not have crossed. What would his life be like right now?

  He looked at the clock, it was half past midnight already. Terry was probably breathless after the New Year’s kiss he shared with Marissa. Shame saturated every cell in Dylan’s body as a small part of him resented his little brother at this very moment. It took less than thirty seconds for Dylan to pray for forgiveness for that awful thought and thank God for the overabundance of love that filled his house. He kissed his brother on the head. “I love you, buddy.” The boy didn’t move.


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