Cheeky Prince

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Cheeky Prince Page 3

by Nana Malone

  Finally, I grabbed another glass of water and a napkin. Then, well, I tackled him. No, not my finest hour.

  Before you say anything, it wasn’t my fault. If he’d kept waving his arm like that, the whole place would have caught fire. Also, I didn’t want him to burn himself. As far as I could tell, the fire was just on the fabric of his tux. And you’re supposed to stop flopping around if you catch fire. That’s what I learned in school, anyway. So I tackled him.

  That only produced more screaming from him. But I was able to pour the water on the fire and wrapped it quickly, tamping out the flames with the cloth napkin. Then I reached out to the table and grabbed one of the steak knives. He scooted back as if I was going to stab him, but I paid him no mind and sliced up the fabric of the tuxedo.

  After I sliced through it and ripped it around, I checked his arm. Yes, his skin was a little pink. But for the most part, there were no welts or open bubbling, and I thought I’d gotten to him in time.

  He, however, did not see it like that. “Do you understand what you just did?”

  I knew what I was about to say was not a good idea. I knew it. But I couldn’t help myself. “Yes, I just saved you from burning alive.”

  He scowled. “No, you just ruined a Tom Ford tuxedo.”

  My jaw hung open. “A Tom Ford, Your Grace? You were on fire.”

  “Yes, something that was entirely your fault.”

  Again, I asserted myself. “I don’t—what?” How the hell was anything that happened my fault? He caught himself on fire, and I just tackled him to put him out. Okay, yes, tackling was a little extreme, but still. I had put him out. Next time I was going to let him burn. It would probably be better that way.

  My father’s voice was low as he spoke from behind me. “Penelope.”

  I whirled around. “Dad, he was on fire. His tuxedo caught, and I just put it out.”

  But from the frown marring his forehead, I could tell he was not having it. “You are relieved of duty until I can sort this out.”

  “But Dad…”

  “Penelope, I will deal with you later.”

  And then with Royal Guard, the king and queen’s guests, and my parents all watching, I was relieved of duty and dismissed.

  I was too numb to move. I was finally able to get my feet moving because my mother took my elbow and directed me out. “Dad just fired me.”

  “No, he didn’t. The duke is a fool, I hear. Your father is not firing you. And I saw the duke. He set himself on fire. Just go back to the house. I know your feet must be killing you. I’ll sort this out. You are not losing your job. Not today. Not by your father’s hand.”

  “Mom, what if—“

  She tucked her index finger under my chin, and my eyes met her dark gaze. “You are a Marsh. You belong in the Royal Guard, perhaps more than anyone else does. This is not happening. Not now. You just go home. Your job is safe. You let me handle it.”

  Normally I would argue that I didn’t need her to fight my battles for me. But at a time like this, I really needed my mother.

  I slipped off my shoes, and in a haze I tripped down the hallway. How had this become my life?

  It’s your life because you insist on doing this job when you were meant to be an artist. Yeah well. The art thing was never going to happen. The disappointment in my father’s eyes was bad enough when I was doing the job he wanted me to do poorly. He’d be devastated if I quit.

  Rock, meet hard place.

  I turned toward the Rose Tower and stopped when I heard moaning. I rooted my feet to the polished marble. Had I heard that right?

  Another moan. Okay, I’d heard correctly. I turned the corner, moving toward the sound. And then I found the source… the cheeky prince in all his bare-assed glory.

  The rumors were right… He knew how to make a woman moan.

  * * *

  Read on for Your Exclusive Sneak Peek of Cheeky Royal!

  Chapter 5


  “I’m not going.”

  Ariel whipped around and glared at me. “Penny, you’re totally going. I can’t go, so someone needs to enjoy the ball. Just call me your fairy godmother. Besides, it’s not like you’re on punishment. It was a lottery for the guard. I mean, sure after the last incident you weren’t allowed to enter but let me give it to you. I legitimately can’t go. Dad is being a dick again. So, I have to go deal with that. One of us should go and be a princess for a day.”

  I snort laughed. “I’m hardly princess material.” I couldn’t help but stare at the invitation though. And I lightly fingered it. “No, last time I was at the ball, you know what happened.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Oh my God, so you set a guy on fire one time.”


  She nodded enthusiastically. “Accidentally set an Earl on fire. I know. It’s bonkers. Your father is being such an ass. But that is no reason to stop you from having fun. You have an invitation. It doesn’t have my name on it. It’s a masked ball. No one’s going to know.”

  “You think my mother won’t know my face under a mask?”

  Ariel did a little dance. Her sleek red bob bouncing as she hopped from foot to foot. “That’s the best part.” She scurried to her closet and I sat up straight on the bed.

  “What are you doing?”

  “This is the best. I didn’t know what I was going to wear, but remember when Princess Jessa from Liechtenstein I guarded that time?”

  I frowned. “Vaguely? She was nice enough, right?”

  “Yeah, but not the point. Remember how she left before the centennial masquerade ball? She left her mask. She was going to be some kind of fairy or something. I was going to send it back to her, but she told me to keep it. It turns out I made an impression.”

  “Wait, so you have a princess’s ball mask?”

  Ariel nodded. “Yes. And, you have a dress.”

  I stared at her. “Ariel, I’m taller than you are?”

  “Yes, but this is the best part because you’re going to take it to the tailor and you are going to wear it. Besides, the whole thing is meant to be asymmetrical kind of panel looking thing. You’re supposed to be a fairy. Lots of tulle. So much tulle. And it’s pink. Imagine how the pink is going to look on your skin.”

  I wrinkled my nose. “Pink?”

  “Okay, more of a fuchsia and you know that was going to clash with my hair anyway.”

  I frowned at her. “You’ve had this dress for how long?”

  She shifted on her feet again. “Okay look, I’ve had the dress for a while.”

  “But you know what color your hair is, Ariel. Russet red. You would never have picked a fuchsia dress.”

  “Okay, admittedly, when I got the ticket for the ball, it was unexpected. And you were so bummed after the last experience and I thought it would be an early birthday present. Surprise!”

  I blinked. “Oh my God! Why are you doing this?”

  “Because you need a break. You’ve had a couple of bad runs which are bullshit and not your fault, by the way.”

  I nodded in agreement, but my heart also melted. “You are the one who should be going.”

  She shook her head. “You know I don’t like to dance. I know. It’s weird. I’m so awesome at it and I don’t actually enjoy it.”

  I stifled a giggle. Whenever Ariel danced she looked like she was having an epileptic fit. “I can’t. This is too much.”

  “It’s not too much. It’s for my bestie. And it saves me from actually buying you a present for your birthday this year.”

  “My birthday isn’t for months.”

  “Look, it’s an early birthday present, okay? Come on, just go. You’ll have more fun than I will. Besides, you deserve it. Enjoy. Now, can you put on the ball gown and the mask?”

  I couldn’t help it. I fingered the tulle and salivated a little. Pink wasn’t exactly my color. But it was really pretty. I would actually look like a fairy.

  Ariel grinned at me. “I made little wings for it too.�

  “Oh my God, you’ve been on Pinterest, haven’t you?”

  My best friend grinned. “You betcha!”

  “Ariel, this is too much.”

  She shook her head. “Look, either you take it, or this dress sits there unused.”

  “But the mask?”

  Ariel opened the box and gingerly lifted it out. Yes, it was an eye mask, but there was a significant amount of tulle and material that partially would obscure my face. The only thing visible would be part of my lips and my left cheek. “Oh wow!” There were sparkles and glitters, and a feather on the right side. Elongating my eye, making me look infinitely mysterious. “This is amazing.”

  She nodded and grinned. “Right?”

  “But are you sure? I feel like you should be wearing this.”

  When Ariel turned on her prim and proper routine, it was like talking to a school marm. “I already told you I don’t want to go. And I don’t like to dance. Besides, it seems boring. But, you need the cheering up.”

  “So, you’re sending me to a boring ball?”

  “Yes. But there will be men. All gentlemen. Men you might like.”

  “Men you might like.”

  She pursed her lips. I knew she only had eyes for my brother. “I’m not going, okay? So, either you use the ball gown and the mask, or neither one of us does.”

  I frowned. “What are you telling me?”

  “Nothing. Just take the mask and the dress. Have fun for the both of us, okay?”

  The dress was really pretty. “Are you sure about this?”

  She nodded emphatically. “Yes, absolutely. You go, have fun. You deserve it.”

  I fingered the mask. For once, I would actually get to go to the ball.



  My mask did absolutely nothing to hide who I was. It was as if every debutante from here to Europe had heard about the ball. Every member of royalty from here to Timbuktu was present. My parents loved Halloween. Hell, it wasn’t even a Winston Isles’ tradition. But they still loved it. So they held a masquerade ball every year. And, I was obligated. So, fine. After all the last ball ended up being fun.

  Careless though. Fine yes, careless but fun. I still couldn’t shake the impression that someone had been watching me. Maybe it was time to pull back the shenanigans.

  “You look bored out of your skull, Your Highness.”

  I slid a glance to my best friend, Roone. “Are you serious right now? What could possibly be boring about a masquerade ball.”

  He chuckled low. “Then maybe try to look less stiff and uncomfortable.”

  I rolled my shoulders. “Yeah, not exactly my kind of party.”

  “What’s not to love? Debutantes in their most daring ball gowns, I haven’t seen this many tits on display since your last strip to Ibiza.”

  Ahhh, Ibiza. “That was a smashing time.” I had been. But it also felt…” Hollow. Empty? Since the whole Laila thing, I’d been bored with things in general. I still hadn’t been able to recover my footing.

  “So, who’s on the menu for tonight? See anyone you like?”

  “Nah, I don’t know. I feel like I want to cool it for a bit. I’m tired.”

  Roone threw his head back and laughed. “Are you serious? You’re clearly fucking with me. The Sebastian Winston is bored with gorgeous women? I need to call hell and check for snow.”

  “Hardy-har. Don’t be an ass.” I rubbed the back of my neck. “I don’t know, maybe I need to cool it. I have been going pretty hard. And honestly, having a new girl in the bed every night is exhausting.”

  He rolled his eyes. “So says the asshole prince.” Only Roone could get away with that.

  “I don’t know. I wish I could explain, but it kind of is getting to the point of it being too much.”

  As we were talking, the hairs on my neck stood at attention. I craned my neck so I could get a better look over the crowd. Most of the people I sort of recognized even with their masks on. But, in the ballroom entry way, there was a girl. Tawny skin, shoulders bare. The bodice of the gown was… dear Lord. Bare didn’t even begin to cut it. It dipped straight down to the navel. But the bodice was made of feathers of some kind? Honestly, she looked like a pixie fairy. I couldn’t even see her face really. But from the little that I could see, dark, wide eyes, a hint of lip… she was stunning.

  “Earth to Sebastian.”

  I shook my head and turned my attention back to her. “What?”

  “Oh, I know that look. Which one?”

  I inclined my head toward the pixie fairy. “Do you know her?”

  Roone chuckled again. “Man, come on. It’s a masquerade ball. I don’t know who any of these people are. All the better for Halloween debauchery.”

  Yeah, he had a point. “I’ll be back.”

  “That’s the spirit. Have fun.”

  I wove my way to the crowd. I enjoyed the mask for one simple reason. It was hard for people to stop me to talk to me. But there were some that recognized me and tried to get my attention, which I ignored. I just wasn’t in the mood. When I reached the girl, I stopped breathing in front of her. “Please tell me you don’t have a date tonight.”

  Her gaze snapped to mine and her lips parted. How bad was it that I was wondering how she tasted already?

  “I uh, beg your pardon?”

  “Did you come with a date?” I made it a point to enunciate.

  She placed a hand on her belly and inhaled a deep breath. “Ahh, no. No date. Is that a problem?”

  I grinned at her. “Nope. It’s perfect. That means I don’t have to kick anyone’s ass just to dance with you.”

  “And if I choose not to dance with you? What if I’m anti-dancing?”

  “Then you picked a hell of a place to be tonight because there will be dancing.”

  “Yeah, you’re right. It is a ball.”

  Who was she? I certainly didn’t recognize her. And the mask masked enough of her lips for her speech pattern to be a little disturbed, I think. Like she had to work to speak clearly around it. “I’m Sebastian.”

  Her eyes went wide, and she backed up a step. “Oh, Your Highness.”

  I rolled my eyes and shook my head. “No, you can just call me Sebastian.”

  Her gaze searched mine for a moment, even as she briefly curtsied. “You get extra points is you recognize me.”

  My brain started to click. Oh shit. Where did I know her from? Had I slept with her already? Given my track record, entirely possible. But she didn’t look familiar. I would know those lips, wouldn’t I? Something told me I would have long gotten obsessed with her lips. Still, there was something so familiar…“I’m sorry, I give me a hint.”

  She tsked. “It’s not fun if I give you hints.”

  I grinned. “Fun huh? I do like fun.” The music started with a low pulsing rhythm and I held my hand out. “Dance? It might help me figure out who you are?”

  Her lips twitched. “Doubtful. We’ve never danced before.”

  “You might just be trying to throw me off the trail.”

  “If I’m to guess, I need to use all my senses.” I put out my hand. She looked like she was hesitating. With a quick shift of the eyes, adjusting her weight, but then she took my hand. “Okay. I guess, I can do one dance before my dance card gets too full.”

  I grinned. “Well that I can’t have.”

  She fit easily. Once settled on the dance floor, I inhaled deep. Big mistake, because she smelled amazing. And I didn’t fucking know that she was going to smell like that. Hibiscus and vanilla, and something else. Completely intoxicating. I couldn’t think for a moment. “Tell me, mystery woman. Have I kissed you before?”

  I watched her closely as her tongue peeked out and licked her lips. “Nope.”

  I really wanted to remedy that. “I have clearly been slacking.”

  She grinned. “Can’t argue with that.”

  Did she want me to kiss her? Every nerve ending in my body told me to follow her clues and
kiss her. Instead I cleared my throat. “That hollow right there, between you shoulder and your neck, have I nuzzled you there before. You smell incredible and so familiar too.”

  She swallowed hard. “No. Your highness. That would hardly be appropriate.”

  “Maybe you haven’t heard. But I’m the prince of all things inappropriate.”

  Her chuckle was low, throaty. “Oh, I’ve witnessed for myself thank you.”

  I lifted a brow. “So, I have slept with you?”

  Her voice was soft when she whispered, “You really don't recognize me do you?”

  I searched her gaze again. The challenge in her eyes thickened my blood. What the hell was that? There was something so familiar about her. “I get the distinct impression it’s my loss.”

  “It’s me, Penny. Ethan’s daughter.”

  I stopped in the middle in the dance floor and stared at her. “Penny? Penny Penny? Little Penny?” Ethan was head of security for the royal guard and my father’s best friend. The man had helped raise me. And he would kill me if he know my dick was entertaining the idea of getting well acquainted with Penny.

  Her lips quirked. “Well, not so little anymore.”

  Not my fault.

  I tried to resist. I tried to not stare at her tits. I made it my life’s mission. But still, my gaze wandered. And I saw just how grown up Penny had become. “Jesus fuck. You look… wow. You certainly grew up.”

  “Yeah, I certainly did. It’s good to see you, Prince Sebastian.”

  I blinked rapidly. “I –“

  Get your shit together. This is Penny. You’ve known her since she was born, practically. Act like a grown up. Act like you know what the fuck you’re doing with women.

  I still couldn’t believe I was holding little Penny. Her father had been the head of my father’s Royal Guard since I was little. Dear God. We’ve been friends once, Penny and I. Running around the palace, always getting up to no good.

  I knew I was losing any points I had earned standing there like an idiot staring at a girl I’d known my whole life. I wanted to speak. I did but my brain was still occupied trying to reconcile the skinny girl with the braids with the woman pressed against me full of curves.


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