Fire: A Quinn Brothers Story

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Fire: A Quinn Brothers Story Page 3

by Clipper, Casey


  Liam ran his hand over the top of doorframe outside Candace’s apartment, located on the third floor of the less-than-stellar neighborhood. Oh, he was going to have a righteous discussion with her about this place. When he’d walked through the front lobby‒term used loosely‒he was greeted by a couple throwing fists at each other as they tumbled out of the elevator. He ignored the scene and stepped past them. When the elevator opened on her floor, he was blasted with sounds of a screaming baby, a loud television, and a couple kids running up and down the hallway. Not exactly a serene environment.

  Sliding his hand along the wood, he stopped when he came across her not-so-hidden apartment key. Yet another reason to have a firm lecture.

  Liam opened her door and locked it behind him. Slowly, he circled her tiny habitat. The place was too small; he almost felt claustrophobic. With his large size, he needed a wide space to relax in.

  He found the place tidy and organized, well, except for her bed, which looked as if she’d climbed out only to go into work. A box of Kleenex with used tissues littered the nightstand. His heart constricted in his chest, a sharp pain piercing through him. His girl was upset. He didn’t like that.

  After his short inspection, Liam plopped down on the small sofa and waited. Either his plan would work or it’d backfire. He needed to find out where his future led.


  As soon as Liam heard the rattle of the keys, he shut off the television and prepared himself for battle. His girl would fight him. She was a spitfire.

  He sighed. How much he loved that fire that burned brightly. Candace kept him on his toes. Life would never become dull with her. She'd put him in his place and smack him upside the head when he needed it. Which seemed to be often, when he was around her.

  His arms sprawled on the back of the sofa, Liam watched Candace walk into the living room and scream. Purse tossed in the air, keys thrown at him, she scrambled back against the wall, her hand going to her chest.

  "Christ, Liam!" she yelled.

  "Sorry, babe." He shrugged nonchalantly. If he'd knocked on her door when she'd been home, he knew her well enough that she'd never answer. This was his only recourse. Well, he could have cornered her in the parking lot, but that would have been really creepy.

  "What the hell are you doing here? And how the hell did you get in?" she screamed, then caught herself and groaned as she realized her mistake. "Damn it."

  Smirking, he stood from the couch, approached and towered her. "It's about time we hash this out. I'm sick of this shit. I came to state my piece of this fucked-up battle of wills we’re in."

  Wrapping his large hand around her tiny bicep, he gently led her to the sofa and pulled her down to sit next to him, where she couldn't escape.

  "Liam, I don't want to talk," she huffed.

  "Too fucking bad," he snarled. "You're starting to tick me off. You know that, right?"

  She rolled her eyes. "For a guy, you're severely overdramatic."

  He snorted. "You made me this way."

  She gasped. "What? I'm offended."

  "You're responsible."

  "How do you figure?" She crossed her arms over her ample chest.

  His eyes flicked down, then up to those amazing eyes, then back down, and back up.

  She cocked a censorious eyebrow.

  "Not sorry." He casually leaned back and crossed his ankle over his knee. "You walked out on me. I didn't know what true drama was until that moment. Since then, I've been nothing but one bad Hallmark TV show. Then you show up, a year later, and we have the best night together ever. I thought everything would be all right. I thought we'd go back to the way things were. That's what I wanted."

  She opened her mouth, but he rebuked her with a shake of his head.

  "With the help of my brothers, I now understand what's going on here."

  "What's that?" she challenged.

  "You're afraid."


  He shook his head. "No, not of me getting myself killed myself. Of loving me so hard that when the day comes that I do leave this earth, it will destroy you. Doesn't matter if it's today, tomorrow, ten, twenty, or fifty years from now. You, my dear, became afraid of my mortality because you love me to your core."

  She gaped. "Of all the arrogant—"

  Jumping up from the sofa, she paced, her hand running wildly through her long hair. A nervous habit of hers when she was unsure or unsettled about something.

  He continued, making a bold move, one that would either work or backfire. If she called him on the bluff, he'd lose her forever. If she came to her senses, well, he'd finally get what he wanted. "But I can't make you see that you're making an enormous mistake. I can't continue to pine after you when you refuse my love...or me. I can't make you give me a chance to prove or allow everyone around me confirm what I've told you, that I've changed."

  Candace stopped and stared at him, those beautiful eyes going round as saucers. "What?" she whispered.

  Standing from the sofa, he approached her, placed both hands on her shoulders, leaned down and kissed her softly on the lips, possibly for the last time. "I'm letting you go, my sweet Candace. I love you and always will. I know I'll never love another woman like I love you. But I need to move on. I can't keep fighting a losing battle, making us both insane."

  With that, he turned and walked out her door, taking the chance and hope that she'd finally come to grips that they belonged together. If not, he would have to buck up and try to move on. A task he didn't want and couldn't possibly undertake.


  "How long has it been?" Liam's brother, Justin, asked.

  "Two weeks," he answered, taking a swig of his beer.

  Wednesday night and they were at Applebee's, seated at the bar, taking advantage of happy hour booze and food prices. The bustling environment of patrons and employees created a decent distraction.

  "You think she'll come around?"

  Liam sighed. His head sagged as he held the bottle between his fingertips. He shook his head. "No. I think if she'd decided that she wanted to be with me, she would have come back. I know she's stubborn but once she makes up her mind, that's it." He refused eye contact with his brother. "If she was going to choose me, she would have by now."

  "You gonna go after her again?"

  "No." He felt a pain rip through his chest, like he'd been stabbed straight through his heart. Candace's lack of contact gave him her answer. He needed to move forward. Though no matter who he chose to spend the rest of his life with, they'd always be his consolation prize. How depressing was that?

  "How are you gonna do that?" his brother asked.

  When Liam looked up at his brother, the quizzical stare spoke volumes. Justin didn't believe for a minute he'd be able to move on with this life. In the past, he would have agreed. But he could no longer deny he wasn’t going to end up with Candace. So unless he wanted to end up alone, he needed to move on.


  Liam parked his pick up truck in his assigned spot in the apartment's garage. He was exhausted. He'd pulled four days in a row at the firehouse and each day they'd battled a string of hard-to-contain blazes. All he wanted was to grab something to eat, down a beer or two, and collapse in his bed until his next shift block.

  Opening his apartment door, he tossed his keys on the entryway table, slammed the door behind him to let his brothers know he was home, and went to the kitchen. He shrugged out of his jacket, grabbed a beer from the fridge and popped off the cap, toed off his boots, then went back to his bedroom to hop into the shower before he crashed.

  As soon as he hit the bedroom door, he stopped, his beer almost slipping from his grasp. Candace lay naked in the center of his bed. Her tiny body glistened with the setting sun shining off her body.

  "Candace?" his voice gruff, his eyes raking her over.

  "Hi," she said softly.

  "What...what...what are you doing?" He took a cautious step forward.

  "I've been thinking." She
sat up, her breasts jiggling with her movements. His body stood at attention immediately.

  "About?" Another step closer, his gaze bouncing from breasts to eyes and back again. What was she doing here? Naked in his bed. Not that he minded. But he did have an issue if she was here just for a casual fuck. He wasn't about to be okay with that. Though she was a temptress.

  "I'm not pregnant."

  He stopped his forward progression, confused. "Okay?" he hesitantly questioned. Where was she going with this?

  "I realized I wanted to be...pregnant with your baby." She looked down at her hands she had clasped together, her thumbs sliding back and forth over the backs of her hands.

  His heart about stopped. She wanted to have his baby? He didn't understand. "I don't understand."

  "It occurred to me that if I was pregnant with your baby, we'd always be bound to each other. No matter what, you'd always be around. After you left my place and didn't return, I finally knew you were serious, and part of me wished I was pregnant. I'd come to you, you'd insist on getting married, and I'd say yes because it would be best for the baby. But then I got my period. There was nothing to tie me to you." She looked up at him. "I've been stupid, Liam. You're right. I love you to my core and it scares me to death to think that you'll get hurt some day. But knowing I no longer have you rips me apart."

  He felt his breath leave his chest. Liam went to the bed and slumped down on the edge.

  "While we've been apart, I knew you weren't dating or involved with anyone. I knew you were still available to me, if I wanted. That's selfish, but I took comfort in that." She scooted closer to him and laid a hand on his chest. He could feel her heat burn through his white tee. Her gentle touch always singed him deep to his soul. "I talked to your chief and assistant chief. I talked to your brothers and dad. I talked to everyone I could. They all said you've grown up and no longer take foolish risks."

  "We were so close to each other," she continued softly. "I don't know about you, but I feel like our bond never broke."

  "Never," he breathed, because it hadn't, not for him. His world had revolved around her when they'd been together. When they were apart, his world still centered around her, except it changed from being with her to wishing they remained a couple. Every day for a year he regretted his decisions. Every day for a year, his heart ached without her. He'd lost a piece of himself when she left. To the point where he'd stalked her, sitting outside her apartment, following her to the grocery store, watching her at work from across the street.

  Reflecting back, he'd gone slightly crazy. But he'd never lost his core love for her. He'd never moved on. Even with his ultimatum a couple weeks ago, it was never going to be an achievable task.

  Her beautiful brown eyes swam with tears. "I'm an idiot. Forgive me, Liam. I love you. Will you take me back?"

  For the first time in his life, he was rendered speechless. All he ever wanted was to be with Candace. When he'd gone after her in high school, it'd been an easy score. After all, there wasn't much challenge in teen years. Little had he known how she'd snake her way around his heart and sink her sharp teeth into his soul to lay claim on him. They'd been together forever, never falling out of love. They were comfortable with one another but never fell into the friends category. They'd always been fantastic lovers, who were mindful never to slip into routines. He worshiped her as a woman, as his partner, as his lover. Was she his best friend? Absolutely. Always had been, always would be. But he never treated her like an old friend. She deserved a higher ranking. Candace was his beating heart.

  His voice cracked. "Of course I will." He yanked her into his body, his callused hands ran up her bare spine. She shivered at his touch. That sent him soaring. "Will you marry me?"

  "Yes," she breathed, her voice low, her eyes dilated and hooded. "Make love to me, Liam."

  "Give you a baby?"

  "Give me you."

  Oh, he would, until the day he left this earth. He'd give her every piece of him and more.

  Assaulting her mouth, he pushed her back into the mattress and covered her with his oversized body. Finally, he had her commitment. She'd be cemented to him for the rest of their lives. He had no words, just overwhelming jubilation running rapidly through his heated veins. As he ground his hard erection into her naked body, he knew he'd never get enough of her. He'd obsessed over her. He'd honor her with his body, his love, and his devotion.

  Mrs. Liam Quinn.


  A Note From The Author

  Thank you for choosing Fire - A Quinn Brothers Story to be a part of your library from the many that are available in the booming market of contemporary romance stories. Thank you for taking the time to read this short story. I can't wait for you to meet the rest of the Quinn brothers in 2015.


  **Keep reading for an excerpt from the #1 Amazon Best-Selling in fiction/romance/drama Silent Love, book 1 of The Love Series.

  Titles Currently Available by Casey Clipper

  The Boss's Love Series (in reading order):

  The Boss's Love

  Darren's Story - A Prequel to The Boss's Love

  Courtney's Story - A Prequel to The Boss's Love

  Derrick's Story - A Prequel to The Boss's Love

  The Love Series (in reading order):

  Silent Love

  Unexpected Love

  Dangerous Love (coming in 2015)

  Taken Love (coming in 2015)


  Scarred (a novella)

  A Quinn Brothers Short Story Series:

  Fire (available now)

  (Order yet to be determined for 2015 releases)

  Snow (coming in 2015)

  Ice (coming in 2015)

  Rain (coming in 2015)

  Wind (coming in 2015)

  Keep up-to-date on Casey's upcoming releases, giveaways, contests, and appearances by following her on these social links.


  Facebook Author Page: Casey Clipper - Author

  Facebook: Casey Clipper

  tsu: @CaseyClipper

  Twitter: @cclipper2

  Instagram: CaseyClipper


  Novel Engagement App

  Amazon Author Page

  Silent Love (The Love Series) Blurb. Read further for first chapter excerpt.

  Former Navy SEAL Sean Millen has been perfectly fine with his bachelorhood until recently, when he realizes he's unhappy with his single status. Unfortunately, his playboy reputation doesn't offer him the type of woman that could fulfill his days and nights as well as settle into the specific life he envisions.

  Four years ago, Beth Connors' world was entirely altered. Beth spends her days trying to remain invisible in order to avoid unwanted attention. Each night she sheds grief-filled tears over the former life she once led but will never be able to regain.

  When Beth literally runs into HIM. Doctor Sean Millen. A force of nature. A rock. A reputable heartbreaker, who takes an immediate interest in her, there's no place for her to hide. But Beth's natural instinct to push Sean away to save herself and him from the difficult task of adjusting their lives to her shortcomings is always front and center. Yet, Beth secretly longs for love. Is she strong enough to tear down the walls of her self-imposed prison?

  Sean finds himself falling for a woman who is determined to reject his every advance and deny their surprisingly deep connection. Can Sean push past Beth's concrete walls that she refuses to destroy? Or will Beth's shocking revelation of her past prevent them from finding the love they both deserve? Or will a tragic accident pull Sean and Beth apart permanently?

  *This is not a cliffhanger or cliffhanger series. Each book is about a different couple in a familiar group. It can be read as a standalone but you may just enjoy it more read with the other books in the series.

  ***Not suitable for under 18 years old. Contains sexual scenes.

  ~Review of Silent Love (The Love Series) by Books and Beyond Fifty Shade

  "Wow! Need I say more? I guess I should though. As someone who has a soft spot for men in uniforms, this book made me love them even more. Sean Mullen isn’t only a sexy Navy SEAL he’s a doctor too! So double the yumminess.

  I enjoyed that this story was told more from Sean’s perspective. Although it does have alternating POV’s, it is Sean’s that is in the forefront. We get to see things from his eyes and get a small glimpse into what men really think. Sean is described as a playboy bachelor and I didn’t get that sense from him AT ALL. To me he was the kind of man who would do anything for the woman he loves- whenever he finally finds her.

  Enter Beth. I loved Beth’s character, she is kind, loving and has something to hide. I was surprised when I found out her secret because I felt she hid it so well.

  But, after re-reading certain parts of the story I picked up on clues that would give her secret away. Beth is determined to run away from Sean in order to save herself from future heartache, but typical Alpha, he won’t let that happen.

  The journey that Casey takes her readers on is fun, exciting and sexy. Her love scenes are steamy and I did not feel dirty after reading them. If you have read any of Casey’s books before, characters from her The Boss’s Love series make an appearance but I don’t feel it was necessary to read these before I read this one.

  I am looking forward to reading more from Casey and getting to know the true playboy bachelor, Sean’s brother Ryan, a whole lot better. I can see these two becoming many women’s future book boyfriends."


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