Blood Rose

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Blood Rose Page 4

by Jacquelynn Gagne

  Half way home, I was questioning if I should have just taken a ride from Ryce to their place and let them drive me home after her reading. But I’d really wanted to go home and scrub the work off me.

  The air was dank, making my skin crawl and the hair on my arms rise. It wasn’t long before I felt nervous and I began turning more corners. Uncertain why my nerves were so tense I listened to them anyway. Detouring about a half a mile there was a convenient store I ducked into that some friends of my father’s owned. Harper’s Corner Store. I’m not a chicken. I like to call it cautious.

  It was eleven thirty in the evening and the shop was closing but I walked in anyway. Widow Barbara Harper owned the store and they usually never minded when I came in late.

  Melody was working tonight. She was Barbara’s oldest daughter and with age came beauty. She was a natural bombshell by the age of fifteen. Before that the most awkward looking kid imaginable. We’d been in school together. Well, I had graduated early during her freshmen year but we’d known each other before hand for years anyhow.

  Her sisters were sweet. The youngest Tiffany, otherwise known as Tippy, was an actress. Or at least hell bent on becoming such. The middle child, Daphne always popular but not because of the fact she was pretty and had money but for how nice she was.

  Melody was their opposite. She could be nice. However, she was a strategist. How did being nice benefit her in each scenario? She practically ran the store now at seventeen and she hadn’t even graduated. She reorganized the books when her father died and had actually done a better job than he’d ever dreamed. Her mother was astonished as she was proud. Melody was miserable knowing she’d never be able to leave because of it.

  She knew Paul of course too. That was a strange relationship I have no intention trying to decipher let alone explain now.

  “Hey, Mel.” Calling as I walked in, it surprised me she didn’t even look up. In fact, she looked absolutely irritated. Melody and I were not exactly friends so I had no wish to pry into her business. Although it would have been a good excuse to stay there for a bit longer as I had originally hoped. Oh wells. I settled with buying a Sobe and left quickly. Standing just outside the closed door, I drank down half the bottle before closing it and holding it down in my hand in an awkward angle.

  Taking a quick scan across the street. A man stood cast in the shadows across the street. He stood directly beneath a burned out lamppost. I hadn’t noticed that the bulb was even blown until now. The knot in my stomach started twisting and flipping violently. The hair on the back of my neck rose and gooseflesh covered my arms. It hadn’t just been paranoia. The bottle was held at a good angle to swing and it was glass.

  Half my brain argued that I should run back into the store. The other half mocked me. And do what? Call the cops? That would be real great. Hey Richard! Just little ol me scared of the boogieman. Rescue me and please be sure to let Paul know! Uhm, no thanks.

  The other possibility of me turning back that resulted in the negatory? What if I was right? I wasn’t leading him to Melody and locking us in a store with some nut bag right outside. So the other half won.

  Twisting to make a sharp right, I bumped my shoulder into the brick corner leaving the stores shallow entryway. Humph. So graceful. My feet carried me at a curt walk despite the fact I wanted to bolt into a dead run.

  In minutes, I made it to the next block and around another corner. For the entire block, I heard the sound of footsteps behind me.

  My pounding heart came to a sudden stop hearing tires squeal behind me on the damp street. Breathe. The streets wet. Just someone skidding is all. Keep walking. Heart racing, my stomach started doing flips and my knees were shaking so hard I felt paralyzed. Forcing myself to look over my shoulder, I turned to see the vehicle just as it rolled up beside me. And stopped.

  It was a huge black Jeep, lifted and completely tricked out with shiny chrome, a gleaming paint job and all. I had seen it every night I had worked for a few months now. The window rolled down automatically as I heard a familiar golden voice. Rougher now than it ever had been before though, “Lianna. How about I give you a ride? It’s starting to rain. Come on.”

  Damien’s voice sounded somewhat strained but I didn’t care one bit. The door flung open as he spoke. He wasn’t taking no for an answer. Nodding, I eagerly moved to the door while watching the man still following me on foot turn down another street sharply.

  Damien extended a hand to help me up. I paused only briefly before taking it. His skin was like ice but it made my blood boil. His Jeep was bigger than most, so I did have to most literally climb in.

  Damien’s eyes seemed narrowed when he looked in the rear view mirror closely.

  As he drove we both relaxed a little more at every turn. We hadn’t said two words to one another since I first climbed into the Jeep.

  “It’s not tomorrow yet.” I hadn’t thought before my tongue sputtered it out. Thunder nearly deafened my words. Rain was pelting the hood and windshield with massive wet drops. The aluminum hood made a hollow plunking sound. My mind hadn’t registered the start of the rain.

  Damien seemed caught off guard and perplexed for just a split second before realization hit and amusement took over. “I would have waited until after midnight but you would have gotten soaked by then.”

  “In that case, thank you for the ride. It was so nice for you to stop.” Some people say I am a bit sarcastic.

  Damien gave a curt laugh and a nod. “Happy to oblige, Lianna.” Fumbling with the lid on the bottle of Sobe I bought at the store, I guzzled it down and shoved the empty bottle down into my shoulder bag. My whole body was flushed with heat. “Are you alright?” His brow arched as he glanced over at me.

  “I’m fine.” Freaked out insecure neurotic and emotional. “I didn’t think anyone else knew. You know, my birthday. I didn’t think anyone knew about my- well, you know.” Why am I rambling? Am I really so nervous? My cheeks burned. Just from being tired though. Liar!

  “You ramble when you’re nervous? I like that. Don’t worry about it. I won’t tell anyone.” My brow furrowed together curiously but I dismissed his strange words that mocked my thoughts. Damien’s lips curled up in his trademark smirk again and I could feel my cheeks glow.

  “You already did tell. Wait. What? I ramble? Or about my birthday? And why would I be nervous?” Guess I’m not the only one who has a sharp tongue. Good to know.

  Shaking his head, he struggled to keep up with my rambling. “I don’t know. You tell me.” Damien gave a deep sigh as he gazed up at my apartment. At that moment, I realized I had not told him how to get there. Not at all.

  My eyes narrowed as I looked at him in the dark. My hand moved to the handle, more than eager to get inside. The rain was still pouring. I would be soaked the second I stepped out. “Well, thanks for the ride. I’ll see you later, I guess.”

  “Tomorrow.” Damien smirked. Thunder cracked suddenly and it made my entire body jump. Damien reached for my arm as I jumped but he stopped short of the touch. His eyes just watched me, narrow not with anger but maybe thoughtfully - intensely.

  “Tomorrow.” I agreed. Pushing the door open abruptly, I moved too quickly. My feet hit the metal step bar and I went down just at another clack of thunder. The noise coming out of my mouth was between a whimper and a groan. Lightning fluttered through the sky vibrant blue white but it was faint.

  My knees hurt so horribly from the fall I didn’t want to move. Not only that but my hands stung and throbbed from the hard fall and the gravel drive. To top it off I had landed in a puddle of mud and excruciatingly sharp rocks. I should mention a lot of gravel in this part of the country is mixed with broken seashell. It’s cheap. It sucks.

  Hearing the driver door open I tried to jump to my feet while twisting to shut the door. Hoping I could run for the apartment building before he got to me but I wasn’t fast enough.

  “Anna!” He was standing above me in less than the time it took for my heart to beat. Damien’s hands
placed gently beneath my arms against my ribs as he lift me up slowly. He leaned down picking up my shoulder bag and slid it back up my arm.

  The rain was relentlessly pouring and he hadn’t even shut his door in his hurry. “Sorry.” Mumbling, I tried to push past him but he still had a hand on my arm.

  Damien whispered. “You’re bleeding.” Looking down, I saw my jeans were torn on each knee and indeed stained with blood as well as the muddy water. As I watched, the stains grew. My hands also had quite a few small cuts from the shells but nothing too terribly serious. “And why on earth would you be sorry?”

  His hand slid down my shoulder to my wrist turning my hand gently to look at my bloody palm. Embedded deeply into my flesh was large sliver of seashell. His fingers were shaking just slightly as he carefully pulled it out. It was impossible not to wince but he kept my hand from jerking and tearing more skin. He was very gentle about it.

  Sucking my bottom lip into my mouth, I bit down hard. It had been a long week and I was just too exhausted to deal with being banged up again. The urge to cry like a child was overwhelming which made my urge to run and hide even stronger.

  Unable to speak I pulled my hand from him and just walked away, hobbling a jog to the door of the building. Damien ran in front of me and pulled the door open before I could even reach it.

  My eyes narrowed as I looked at him questioningly. His smile was understanding. The rain pouring down and soaking us both to the bone took nothing away from his looks of course. I’m sure I looked like a drowned rat. I felt like one. A beaten one. In fact, the outcome was quite the opposite on him. Not saying another word, he only nodded as I walked past him.

  Gimping all the way up the stairs, I ran to my window as soon as I reached the apartment, leaving the door wide open behind me. Looking down into the parking lot, Damien’s Jeep was still there but he had gotten back in. I stood at my window until he turned onto another street. Before I could turn away, I saw Neesa’s car turn onto the short road to my place and pull into the lot.

  The door was left open for Neesa as I grabbed a towel to dry off my hair while she made her way upstairs. “Anna?” She called from the open door before coming in.

  “Come in, Neesa! I’m just cleaning up.” Whilst drying my hair with a towel, I walked to my closet for some fresh clothes. “I just need to change real quick.” My body was shaking with a strange chill though it was eighty plus in the apartment.

  “Oh my.” Neesa seemed taken aback by my appearance. “Why don’t you just take a shower while I make us some tea? I don’t mind, really.” She just laughed and shook her head.

  “So sorry I got caught in the rain, jeeze. But I think I will go take that shower.” I felt like hell. I looked worse. Those were my smallest complaints of the night.

  “Yes, do that.” She laughed again while setting her mecha purse on the kitchen counter. “I wouldn’t be surprised if you would’ve walked home,” she said as she rummaged through her purse. “But seeing as you didn’t-”

  Her words stopped me dead in my tracks. Leaving me standing in the doorway of the bathroom with my back to her. “Don’t worry. We will talk when you’re done. Now just go enjoy a nice hot shower and try to relax. Your tea will be done when you’re ready, Lianna.”

  Without a word, I shut the bathroom door behind me. My mind raced on red alert wondering how she knew. If she had seen Damien and I together or if she just knew like she knew other things. I undressed in a hurry to get my sopping wet clothes off and to climb into a burning hot shower.

  The loft apartment used to be a big art studio. My brother and I did a lot to the place when I moved in including completely re-doing the bathroom. The entire room from the walls to the floors was raw brick. There was a walk in shower with a sunken down floor, also entirely brick. As well as a solid, massive, gleaming black claw foot tub. The vanity counter with the sink was all built with fire stoned clay and raw stone. Including the sink, which was handmade. On the wall hung a huge gilded mirror.

  What can I say, I dabbled in a little of everything art based and for a while I was on a huge pottery kick.

  Also one of my favorite things about the place was every part of the ceiling in the entire loft was lined in icicle Christmas lights that I used instead of the blinding overheads. Aside from the kitchen and some scattered lamps of course. But even those are rarely on. I really hated headaches.

  It wasn’t my intention to take such a long shower but once I got in I just couldn’t make myself get out. By the time I was done, my bathroom was fogged and my skin was blotchy red. It felt great. But my knees and hands burned like fire. I hadn’t been able to wash my hair for the little cuts.

  The rest of my loft is the essence of simplicity, especially since it was mostly one big open space. Scattered at random are some of my art pieces of course. My favorite, a large piece hanging over my bed is more of a rendition of my nightmares.

  Creepy having such a picture hanging directly above my head as I sleep? Eh, why not. The dreams won’t change either way. Across the big open room are two old large overstuffed chairs and a small black coffee table.

  This is where I found Neesa all settled in one of my overstuffed chairs in front of the coffee table with two cups of tea waiting and her tarot deck ready as well. I sat in the chair opposite of her crossing my legs butterfly style.

  “So... are you going to tell me what you meant before?” Reaching for a cup of tea, I looked at her expectantly.

  “Don’t get defensive. I saw his Jeep pulling out when I turned onto your street. You know who I mean. Your little hottie, that’s been coming into the restaurant so much lately.” She took a sip of tea to hide her grin before setting her cards up for a shuffle.

  With a deep sigh, I swirled the warm liquid around in the mug. “It’s nothing, Nees. He saw me walking and it was about to rain so he offered me a ride. That’s all.” There was no way I was going to tell her the whole story.

  “Okay, honey bunny. I won’t push it. I saw your knees got scraped up and your hands too. I have some salve that will help.” She was already shuffling through her purse while talking. In another second, she pulled out a fat blue jar made of dark blue glass and set it on the table.

  There was no point in arguing. So I just nodded. Setting my mug down to pick up the jar, I watched as she got her cards ready. “So how long have you been using tarot cards?” There was no hidden subtext of accusation in the question just mild curiosity.

  This sort of thing wasn’t very surprising coming from Neesa. She reminded me of the Gypsys you read about in fairy tales but more modernized. Well, a little more at least.

  “My mom taught me a long time ago.” Her smile was sweet as she set the deck in front of me to cut. “Don’t be scared of this, Anna. Tarot was designed to give insight and understanding on our past present and future. It’s very simple. Tell me what answers you seek and focus only on them while you cut the cards into three and restack them.”

  “I don’t know what to ask though.” Rubbing the salve into my torn flesh felt really nice. It tingled a little but it was warm and soothing.

  “Well that’s alright. Before we begin, I want you to meditate with me anyways. It will clear your mind and soul. And that will sooth your whole body.” She took another sip of tea before pulling herself into a perfect lotus position.

  “Now sit just like I do.” My hesitation was obvious as my body became more rigid. “Just trust me, Anna.” Sighing I set down the salve before copying her lotus position in my favorite chair.

  “Good. Now place your hands on your knees palms up. Close your eyes and focus on nothing but my voice... Now begin to breath very deep and slow. Inhale with your nose and exhale through your mouth.” She did so.

  “As you breathe in picture breathing in a thick white fog. This fog is pure clean energy filled with peace and healing. As you exhale picture yourself breathing out a thick black fog filled with all of your negativity and all the bad toxins of your body. All the doubt. All the hat
e and pain leaving you with every breath you release.”

  Following her instructions wasn’t as easy as one would think. For what felt like several minutes, she continued guiding me through this process. It took a while but suddenly my body felt lighter. The pain in my hands and knees all but forgotten.

  “Your palms up will begin to absorb pure energy like two white beams of light being sucked into your body through your open hands,” her voice was thick as honey. Slow and soothing. “This energy is the purest energy you have ever felt. It’s regenerating your every cell as it flows into your hands and through your entire being.

  “Now think of your soul as a physical ball of a deep golden light radiating the most soothing warmth. The light burning in the center and flowing out like the sun. Now this light has filled you to the point it’s bursting out through every pore of your skin. You’re now experiencing all of this simultaneously.”

  There’s no telling how long we sat in silence just like this- breathing in the good and out the bad mojo. The beams of energy flowing into my palms and running through me were mingling with my own blood. The imagined golden light warmed my entire body from the inside out.

  At long last, Neesa’s voice broke into my thoughts again. “Excellent. Now we may begin your reading. Open your eyes, Anna.” My eyes fluttered open slowly as if waking up from the most restful sleep.

  “Whoa.” There were no words to describe how wonderful and light I felt.

  “Yeah. Tell me about it.” Neesa’s expression mirrored my euphoria.

  “How did you do that? I mean what was that?” My head, no, my entire body still felt so wonderful and clean and just so light. It was as if I was floating.

  “It’s just energy meditation. You should try to meditate before you go to bed and soon as you wake up. There are a lot of things I could show you but not now. Now we can begin your reading. Go ahead and cut the cards into three and then restack them in any order you feel is right.”


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