My Bad Boy Biker

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by Sam Crescent

  Pink Petal Books, an imprint of Jupiter Gardens Press, publishes romance novels where the relationship is primary. It doesn’t matter if you want to read super erotic or sweet inspirational books. Pink Petal Books believes that love is a beautiful thing, no matter what form it takes. For more information about Pink Petal Books visit

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, places, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  MY BAD BOY BIKER Copyright © Sam Crescent, 2012


  Cover Art ® 2012 by Winterheart Design

  Edited by EM Petrova

  ISBN# 978-1-938257-39-1

  Originally published in the BOYS OF SUMMER anthology

  Cover Art ® 2012 by Winterheart Design

  Edited by EM Petrova

  ISBN# 978-1-938257-17-9

  Print Publication Date: July 2012

  Electronic Publication Date: July 2012

  Standalone Electronic Publication Date: October 2012

  This book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by any means existing without written permission from the publisher, Jupiter Gardens Press, Jupiter Gardens, LLC., PO Box 191, Grimes, IA 50111

  For more information to learn to more about this, or any other author’s work, please visit

  Also by the author

  Dangerous Place For Love (in the Dangerous Men, Dangerous Places anthology)

  My Bad Boy Biker

  Sam Crescent

  Chapter One

  Mandy Straus slung back another shot of vodka and slid the glass to the bartender. “Fill her up,” she said and tapped her hands on the bar. Tonight was special. In the last five years since leaving high school, she’d been working for a lecherous snake of a man who’d done nothing but hit on her and make her uncomfortable. After all this time, she’d stood up to him in front of his wife and told him to keep his wandering hands to himself and to stick his job up his ass.

  “You’re looking a little out of sorts,” Bill, the barman, said.

  “Not at all. I’m out of a job, but I don’t have to deal with sexual harassment anymore.” She raised her glass and gave him a salute. Mandy intended to get pissed, maybe do something completely out of character like screw the first man she saw. At least a man she could stomach first thing in the morning.

  “I’ll get you another one. On the house this time,” Bill said to her. Mandy gave him a dazzling smile and flipped her long hair over her shoulder. The straight brown locks were a nightmare to keep tidy but she loved having long hair. When she sat on her bed brushing out the strands, the motion gave her a sense of peace not many people could find.

  Bill came back with her drink.

  “Thanks.” She took sips rather than knocking it back. Mandy glanced at the reflection in the mirror and wondered what the hell she was going to do. Yes, she’d quit her job and felt liberated for her trouble. What was she going to do about work?

  A commotion behind her made her turn around. Bill cursed. There wasn’t anything of interest that she could see, and she went back to her drink.

  “Tonight’s going to be a fucking nightmare,” Bill muttered.

  Sighing in frustration, she turned back to the scene. A large man stood just inside the doorway with his arms folded. Tattoos ran up and down both arms, the muscles the same size as her legs combined. He looked cocky, arrogant and dangerous. All three were a combination she despised in a man. Having no interest, she spun in her seat and drank down her shot. Bill stood near her, glaring at the man.

  “What’s with you?” she asked.

  “He causes trouble wherever he goes. A biker. A thug and a pain in my fucking ass,” he growled.

  “Never seen him before.”

  “That’s because you’re a good girl and never come to this part of town on the rowdiest nights. Give it a few hours and you’ll see. Dan Sawyer is a royal fucking pest. I hate the summer. Brings all the fucking criminals out.” Bill handed her another drink and walked away.

  He’s so dramatic.

  Intrigued by the man who’d gotten to Bill, Mandy grabbed her drink and walked over to a booth in the far corner. She wasn’t up for company, and it gave her a decent view of the room. Men and women danced to a country tune as other groups played pool or drank beer. Bill had been right. She didn’t go out on Friday or most of the days that were high-risk for social interaction.

  Growing up in a family with three older brothers and two prettier sisters, she’d felt like an outcast. Being the late arrival in the family, she’d never felt a part of it, as she didn’t achieve as much as the others. Most of her family were high achievers who craved respectability of the highest order. Even though her family did everything to include her. She wasn’t designed to crave attention as they did.

  The only outrageous thing that happened in her family was with her oldest brother, Rick. He’d disappeared a few years back with one of his friends—she couldn’t remember his name - only to return and settle down as best as he could. They’d stayed in touch via letters, and she recalled sending him some pictures to help him with his travels. That was the extent of her family’s blackened name.

  Most of the time, she was happy to lay back, read a good book, and let the world go by. The lecherous boss had been the only interesting thing to happen to her. She sighed and took another sip of her drink. The effects of the alcohol were warming her from the inside out. However, Bill had also been a good friend to Rick, and she’d seen him water down the strong liquor with water.

  At least he didn’t charge her the same rate as a full shot.

  “Stupid,” she muttered to herself.

  “What’s stupid, darling?” Dan Sawyer asked from his position against the booth where Mandy sat. He must have moved closer while she was away with her own thoughts.

  “Nothing,” she said. Putting the glass to her lips, she tossed the contents back with a flick of her head as if she had nothing better to do than get drunk. Without asking permission, Dan moved into the seat opposite her. His presence invaded every corner of her quiet booth.

  “What are you doing?” she demanded.

  He didn’t say anything and just stared, making her uncomfortable. Mandy glanced around the room, but everyone seemed oblivious to her. Even Bill.

  “I wanted to come and sit with a gorgeous woman.”

  She ignored him and made to vacate the booth. Dan reached over and grabbed her arm, stopping her from leaving.

  “Don’t go,” he said.

  “I don’t want you here,” she said.

  “I don’t want to go anywhere else.” The hand holding her arm moved down in a caress to entwine their fingers. “Your skin is so soft.”

  “Do you seriously think I don’t see through this?”


  “The interest. I’m not the type of girl for you, so why don’t you piss off and distract a different girl who’s drinking?” The guy may be gorgeous and sinful but she wasn’t in the mood to be a sloppy second. Who knows where he’s been. “Let go of my hand.”

  “No. I like the way you feel, and I’m not ready to call it a night yet.” He gripped her tighter.

  Mandy gl
anced toward the bar, hoping to catch the eye of Bill, who was busy chatting up a beautiful blonde.


  “Look, I’m flattered you want to spend some time with me but really, I don’t want anything from you. All I want is to have a quiet drink and go home,” she said. As the seconds passed it looked less and less likely she’d be left alone.

  “Can I come and fuck away all your troubles?”

  “Excuse me?” Surely, she’d misheard him.

  “You heard me.”

  ~* * *~

  Dan watched the beautiful, full woman with long, luscious brown hair. He could see himself wrapping her locks around his fist as he fucked her from behind. She had the body that could take a good, hard fucking.

  He moved to ease his cock, which was aching in the tight jeans he wore. Shit, his cock threatened to burst, he was so hard. Who would have thought a Friday night would see little Miss Mandy Straus in one of his places?

  She didn’t know it, but he was best friends with her brother even though it had been some time since he’d last seen Rick . There was a ten-year age gap between them. Their friendship had remained a secret as the Straus family hadn’t wanted Rick hanging out with a ‘bad boy.’ Dan had been the guy who had always been in trouble, skipping class and chasing after the ladies. He doubted if Mandy even recognised him. It had been awhile since he’d last bumped into her in town. She tended to walk with her head down, always hiding away from any attention.

  When Dan and Rick had turned eighteen, they’d hit the road. Two rebels on bikes with the intention of exploring the world. Mandy was the only one of the family to write and send pictures. Somehow, no matter where they were, letters would follow.

  They hadn’t done much exploring. Dan recalled being broke half the time and needing to work to keep gas in the bike and food in his belly. At eighteen he was nothing more than a stupid, immature bloke who was too afraid to admit he liked being in his hometown.

  In his head, Dan knew he should leave this little angel alone. Seeing her sitting all on her own and isolated had struck a chord deep inside him. He didn’t like seeing her like this. Strange, considering he was usually more the bang ’em and leave ‘em type. He’d never cared about a woman’s feelings before.

  “I don’t think you should be talking to me like that.” She sounded outraged, which only made her seem more adorable.

  “What? You don’t want me to tell you how hard I am and how I want to bend you over this table and fuck you?” He watched as a flush appeared on her cheeks.

  “How dare you? You don’t even know me.” her eyes scrunched up as she glared at him.

  I know you, sweetheart. And I want you badly.

  “Then why don’t I take the opportunity to know you now? Don’t you feel it? The need to do something fucking unbelievable?” Dan saw the small spark in Mandy’s eyes as she latched on to his words and processed them. He understood what she was thinking because he thought the same. Mandy didn’t want to spend her days living a lie. She wanted to live, and he wanted to live with her.

  “What do you mean?” she asked. The interest was there, and she’d begun to relax against his hold.

  “Why live half a life when you can live a full one? Come back to my apartment with me.” A niggle of guilt assailed him. Why was he picking up his friend’s sister? Dan could have any woman he wanted. He didn’t need to pick on little Mandy. Shaking his head to rid his mind of the thoughts plaguing him, he smiled and drew her fingers to his lips. He ran his fingers along her knuckles and stared into her eyes. She looked so beautiful as she bit her lip, debating his proposal.

  He saw when she gave in. She glanced toward the bar and then the exits.

  “Let’s go,” she pulled on his hands as she stood.

  His night was looking up.

  Chapter Two

  Mandy glanced over at Dan and couldn’t believe what she was doing. “You want me to get on your bike?” Why had she agreed to spend the night with him? Agreed to do something outrageous and completely out of character with a total stranger. She wasn’t this woman.

  Accepting to go home with him was quite possibly the stupidest decision she’d ever made. Why then, wasn’t she turning away and going back inside to call a cab?

  Hormones. That’s what it was. She finally wanted to live life to the fullest and experience some heart-stoppingly hot sex while she was at it. A bad boy biker should be able to meet all of her expectations.

  She hoped so. The only experience she’d gained while losing her virginity to Ned in the back of his truck on prom night was quite a bit of pain, some panting, and then it was over. Terrible on all points and even worse, Ned had thought he was some rock star in bed. She’d told him to fuck off.

  “Yes, baby. Are you scared?”

  Mandy came out of her negative thoughts as Dan handed her a helmet.

  “I thought this was living dangerously?” She took the helmet and put it over her head. She felt like the most unattractive female ever.

  “We can live dangerously but the point is in living through it.” He tapped her on the head and pulled his own helmet on before straddling the heavy bike between his impressive thighs. “Get on, gorgeous.”

  Mandy stared back at the bar and knew in her heart the moment she got on the bike, she'd made the most reckless decision of her life. There would be no going back, and her only option would be to move forward.

  Closing her eyes and sending a little prayer to whoever wanted to answer her, she grabbed his shoulder and swung her leg round.

  “You’ve got to hold on to me,” he placed her hands around his middle and secured her. Her pussy was pressed against his back and her skirt rode up, exposing a length of thigh.

  Her heart was racing and her pussy creaming. Never in her life had she risked anything quite so dangerous. Dan revved the bike, and she felt the vibration through her body.

  “Hold on tight,” he warned and sped off.

  She couldn’t contain a squeal of excitement as the rush ran through her. Holding on to him was easy. All she wanted to do was pull off her helmet and have the wind blowing through her hair.

  Laughing and smiling, she embarked on the new adventure, feeling crazy at what she was doing.

  “Do you like?” she heard him shout.

  “Yes,” she said with enough volume for him to hear.

  The feel of the wind against her face gave her a sense of freedom she hadn’t known in a long time. Her legs were on either side of Dan, and she liked how powerful he was. Strength seemed to radiate off him in waves, along her thighs and to her pussy. The drive didn’t last as long as she wanted. Too soon, he was pulling up at an apartment building just outside of town. Dan pulled into a parking bay and shut off the engine.

  “Time to get off, gorgeous.”

  Her heart pounded as she thought about what could happen upstairs.

  Mandy pulled the helmet off, handed it to him, and climbed off the bike. Her legs weren’t used to being in the same position for any length of time, and she braced herself on the nearest post.

  “You’ve got to get used to the machine. Aren’t your legs used to being open?” he teased.

  She shot him a glare, and he shut up. Mandy watched him settle the bike. The muscles in his arms got bigger as he moved the bike without any trouble and put it away. A length of his hair fell into his eyes, but he left it. She wanted to reach out and push the strand of hair back. When he finished, he turned back to her. He took her hand and led her to the nearest elevator.

  In no time at all, she was stood inside his apartment and the sound of his closing and locking the door echoed off the walls. She rubbed her arms. What the hell she was doing?

  Mandy glanced around his small apartment. Nothing striking stood out, and she was shocked by how clean it was. The walls were a cream colour, which helped with the lighting of the room. She saw the living area with a small sofa and a chair in front of a large television.

  “Welcome to my place,” he said. Dan
took off his jacket, and the muscles in his arms bulged.

  “It’s a nice place.”

  “Not what you expected from a bad boy?” The deep sound of his voice sent shock waves of pleasure to her pussy.

  Mandy stared at him.

  “I saw you talking to Bill the barman. He doesn’t like me all that much.”

  “You cause trouble,” she said.

  “I don’t go out looking for it. Trouble has a tendency to find me. Take off your shirt.”

  Had she heard him properly? “What?”

  “You heard me. Take off your shirt,” he said as took a step closer to her.


  “No one else is in my apartment and if they are, they better get the fuck out now. I want you out of your shirt.” He gave her a smile that had her heart pounding.

  Mandy couldn’t keep up with his attitude. Did other women just take their clothes off and go at it with him like rabbits? She really was out of her depth.

  “I think I should go.”

  “Do you want to go?” he asked.

  She paused and thought about his question. Leaving would mean she wouldn’t be acting impulsive. By not being impulsive, she wouldn’t be having sex and tonight she wanted to have sex with Dan. For once, after five years with her awful, fucked-up ex-boss—knowing tomorrow she’d have to start looking for work—she wanted one night where she wasn’t Mandy Straus, the innocent good girl. The doormat.

  No, tonight she wanted to fuck—not make love—with a stranger. Dan wouldn’t be in her life forever. The night was about loveless sex. No one would know, and tomorrow morning she could be out of there before he knew it.

  “No. I don’t want to go.”

  “Take your shirt off.” His gaze fell to her breasts, encouraging her.

  Taking a breath she began to unbutton her shirt. The conservative white blouse had been perfect when she’d been at work, but now her fingers shook, and she struggled to concentrate on the buttons.


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