When I Fall in Love

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When I Fall in Love Page 12

by Bridget Anderson

  She stopped and stood up. “What?”

  “You know, last night, when you screamed my name and something that sounded like you were speaking another language.”

  “Oh, please, stop flattering yourself.” She rolled her eyes and continued picking berries.

  “So, you didn’t scream my name?”

  She shrugged. “Maybe once or twice, but—”

  “But nothing,” he cut her off. He reached over and dropped a handful of strawberries in her bucket. “This last week has been a new experience for you. I know, baby, just call me your professor.”

  She laughed. Tayler hated to admit it, but after the exquisite orgasm he gave her on the couch, he was her teacher.

  She held a strawberry toward the sky. “Okay, I was not speaking in tongues, more like gibberish or something,” she said with a laugh.

  He walked over and dropped another handful of strawberries in her bucket. “Whatever it was, I loved it,” he said between clenched teeth and then took her face in his hands and bent down for a kiss. “We need to repeat it tonight.”

  His kisses were irresistible to her now. They stood there kissing like two high school sweethearts until she reluctantly pulled away from his spellbinding lips.

  “Stop, we have to get back to the house.”

  “I know. Rita’s waiting and I’ve got some ’splaining to do.”

  “Okay, let’s head back.”

  They walked back to the truck, where Rollin dumped the berries into a waiting cooler. During the short ride back he entertained Tayler with one joke after another. When the house came into view, Tayler saw a small car parked next to hers.

  “Looks like you have guests,” Rollin said.

  Rollin dropped Tayler off at the front door while he drove his truck around back. Tayler opened the front door and heard a familiar laugh. She stopped dead in her tracks. She backed out onto the porch and closed the door.

  Shit, what is she doing here? Tayler paced around the porch for several seconds in order to pull herself together. Rollin had driven around back to empty the truck bed. She needed to talk to him before he came in, but it was too late. She took a deep breath and entered the house.

  Inside the library, Rita and Nicole sat chatting it up.

  “Surprise! There’s my girl.” Nicole jumped up from the couch when she saw Tayler. She threw her arms up and met Tayler in the doorway, giving her a big hug.

  Tayler’s posture stiffened as she hugged her back. “What are you doing here?” she asked, her voice rising in pitch.

  “I flew in for my mom’s birthday.” Nicole placed her hands on her hips and gave Tayler a thumbs-up. “Well, don’t you look like a new woman, good and rested. Country life suits you, huh?”

  “It does. I love it,” Tayler answered with a big smile.

  Rita cleared her throat. “I’ll let you girls talk.” She eased out of the library.

  Tayler tried unsuccessfully to make eye contact with Rita. She didn’t know if Rita knew she’d been sleeping in Rollin’s room, but the last thing she wanted was for Nicole to find out.

  “That’s great. Didn’t I tell you you’d like it here?”

  “You were right.” Tayler walked into the library and sat on the couch. Nicole joined her and she smiled up at her friend, thinking about the good times she and Rollin had had the last couple of nights.

  “Rita said Rollin’s really been showing you around the farm.”

  Tayler’s voice cracked. “Yes, he has. The house, the barn—I even went to the market with them once.”

  Nicole playfully reached out and whacked Tayler on the arm. “So, how you feelin’, chick? Are you all rested and ready to get back to work?”

  Tayler laughed. “I’m rested and reenergized, that’s for sure. But I’ve only been here three weeks—the vacation’s not over yet.” She wasn’t ready to discuss work. All she wanted to do was crawl back in bed with Rollin.

  “There’s my long-lost cousin.” Rollin came through the door with a big smile on his face.

  “Hey, cuz.” Nicole jumped up and ran over to throw her arms around him.

  “What’s been up, girl?”

  Nicole stepped back and gave him an admiring glance. “Man, you’re lookin’ good. Farmwork definitely agrees with you.” She squeezed his arm. “Look at those guns.”

  He flexed his arm. “Yeah, it’s a real workout.” Then he stepped back. “But look at you. You’ve lost weight and everything.”

  She sashayed around in a circle. “I lost a few pounds, but you know, a sister always has looked good.”

  Tayler laughed and shook her head. That was Nicole, always complimenting herself in the third person.

  Rollin laughed as well. “You haven’t changed one bit.”

  “Nope, and I don’t plan to, either. Thanks for taking such good care of my girl here.”

  Rollin glanced over at Tayler and grinned. “It’s been a pleasure.”

  Tayler crossed her legs and lowered her gaze to keep from blushing.

  “Don’t tell me you came all the way down here to check up on her,” Rollin asked.

  “No, it’s Mama’s birthday. I flew in to surprise her. Then I had to ride over and see how my girl’s doing, especially after the frantic phone calls I received when she arrived.”

  “Oh, yeah?” Rollin arched one curious brow. “What did she say?”

  “That was weeks ago,” Tayler protested.

  Nicole went on. “She did everything but curse me out.”

  “Nicole, you don’t need to tell him—” Tayler held out her hand, trying to shut her up.

  “Especially after she became the only guest, she freaked out. Man, she did not want to stay here alone with you.” Nicole was the only one in the room who laughed at that.

  Rollin stood there with his arms crossed and his stance wide, grinning at Tayler.

  Oh, how she needed Nicole to shut up or change the subject. Then she realized their body language must have given something away, because Nicole shot a glance at Rollin first, then her. “So, what have you done to my friend here, because she hasn’t called in over a week.”

  He shrugged. “Why don’t you ask her?”

  Nicole’s eyes widened and Tayler came to her feet. “He’s taught me about organic farming. I’m learning to appreciate what I eat, for one. This place is a real education.”

  Nicole sucked at her teeth and nodded. “Mm-hmm.”

  Tayler knew Nicole too well. She wasn’t buying it.

  “Well, I need to clean up. I’ll let you ladies talk. Nicole, you’re sticking around for a while, aren’t you?” Rollin asked.

  “Not taking off till me and my girl here have a little chat.”

  He left the room and Tayler eased back down on the couch. Nicole stood over her with her arms crossed.

  “You know I didn’t buy that educational BS, don’t you?”

  Tayler shrugged. “I can’t tell you what to believe, but this place is a real find.”

  Nicole flopped down next to her. “Damn, I know he’s my cousin, but Rollin is looking fine as hell. I don’t remember him having all those muscles. Anything happen between you two?”

  Tayler shook her head and tried to look casual.

  “You lying hussy.”

  Tayler held a hand to her chest. “What? You think I would get involved with your cousin?”

  “Why not? He’s not my man or anything. Hell, if he wasn’t family I’d go a round in the sheets with him myself.”

  Tayler laughed. “You are notoriously horny, aren’t you?”

  “Girl, you know me, so don’t lie.” Nicole jumped up again and dashed over to the doorway and peeked out. Then she returned to the couch. “Tayler, it’s me, Nicole. The friend you tell everything, remember? Like
how your ex had such a small—”


  “I was going to say a small appetite for—you know,” Nicole continued with a laugh.

  Tayler crossed her arms and nodded. “You don’t have to remind me.”

  Nicole stretched her arm along the back of the couch. “Come on, Tayler, I want the truth.”

  “Girl, you can’t handle the truth,” Tayler teased.

  “Ew, no, you didn’t!”

  “Ladies, help yourselves to some fresh lemonade,” Rita called out from the dining room.

  Tayler and Nicole left the library for the dining room.

  “That’s what I’m talking about,” Nicole said. “Miss Rita, summer just isn’t summer without your lemonade.”

  “Yeah, Rita, I tried to duplicate your recipe when you were sick, but I didn’t do you justice,” Tayler admitted.

  “Well, thank you, ladies. It’s actually pretty easy. I’ll write down the recipe for the both of you. Nicole, are you staying for dinner?”

  “I would love to, but we’re taking Mama over to Springfield to that new steak house for her birthday.”

  “Oh, I heard that’s nice,” Rita said.

  “So have I,” Nicole added.

  Tayler poured herself a tall glass of lemonade.

  “Who ran things while you were sick?” Nicole asked Rita.

  “You know Corra steps in when she has to.” Rita glanced over at Tayler. “But Rollin did a good job of handling things, too, didn’t he, Tayler?”

  Tayler caught the twinkle in Rita’s eyes and was sure she knew exactly what had transpired between her and Rollin while she was sick. “Yes, he did.” She turned away from them and took a big sip of lemonade.

  Rita went back into the kitchen and Nicole cleared her throat. Tayler sensed her start to stay something.

  “Drop it,” Tayler said, pointing to Nicole.

  Nicole held a hand up. “Okay, dropped.”

  Tayler turned and walked out of the dining room. “Let’s get some air.”

  Nicole followed Tayler out to the front porch and then proceeded to fill her in on everything going on at work since she’d left.

  “Which brings me to another reason I drove out here today. Do you remember that women’s group I started working with last year, Ladies of Distinction?”

  “I think so. Several local news anchors are members?”

  “Yes, that’s the group. Well, they’re planning an empowerment conference next year. And they want the Color of Success to host. With the new director of strategic alliance at MesaCom as the keynote speaker.”

  Tayler furrowed her brows in confusion.

  “Girl, that’s you. You know Dustin all but promised you that promotion when you get back. You’ll be the first black female director for the company. I think that probably excites Dustin more than you.”

  Tayler’s boss had encouraged her to go for the position as soon as the present director informed him of his plans to leave. The search for a new director had begun, only the results hadn’t been announced.

  “Nicole, what if I don’t get the position?” She’d never doubted herself until today.

  “Are you kidding me? You’re Dustin’s girl. That man loves your ass, and if he wasn’t married he’d be all over you and you know it. He agrees with everything you say and do. Who else gets to take two months off, no questions asked?”

  “He gave me the time because he feared I’d have a nervous breakdown, not because he likes me.”

  “Whatever. I still say you’re a shoo-in for the position. How about it, though? We can even enlist some of our girls as volunteers. They also want the Color of Success to lead a session.”

  The front door opened and Rollin strolled out.

  Chapter 16

  A smile spread across Tayler’s face. Rollin’s mere presence excited her. Everything about him made her want to be with him, under him and in his arms.

  “Tayler,” Nicole called out.

  Tayler turned back to Nicole. She didn’t remember what they were talking about. “What?”

  Nicole laughed. “The conference.”

  “Oh, ah, let me think about it. When will you start working on it?”

  “I’ve already started. That’s why I need you back in Chicago now so you can help me.”

  Rollin had started down the steps, but stopped. He looked at Tayler and she saw a flash of concern cross his face.

  “Nicole, I need a few days to think about it.”

  “Come on, Tayler. This is an opportunity for our organization to get more exposure, which translates to more sponsorships.”

  “What conference is that?” Rollin asked.

  “I’m trying to get my girl here to come back to Chicago and help me with a woman’s empowerment conference. We’ve run a lot of small community workshops all over the Unites States, but this organization can take us to the next level. I’m talking international.”

  She turned to Tayler. “Who can talk to these young girls and help steer them in the right direction better than you? Tayler, I know how passionate you are about things like this. I just think...”

  Nicole kept yapping but Tayler was checking out Rollin’s facial expression to see if he seemed to care if she left or not. If she stayed the full two months, she’d still have several weeks before she had to leave. But was she ready to leave him?

  “I don’t see why this can’t wait another month or so,” Tayler said once Nicole finished.

  “Sounds like she needs you,” Rollin added.

  Tayler and Rollin locked eyes. His face was expressionless. Did he even care?

  “Yes, I need you,” Nicole pleaded. “Besides, you look so relaxed now—what will a few more weeks do?”

  Tayler had submerged herself into this slow-paced life and wasn’t ready to get back to the rat race. She turned to Nicole, who’d talked her into this vacation in the first place.

  “This place was your idea. I’m down here out of the fire, but you want me to jump back into the flames.” She shook her head. “I’ll think about it and let you know before you leave.”

  Nicole stood up. “Okay, do that. I need to run and get with the family. You know how it is. I’ll holler back at y’all.”

  Tayler walked over and gave her friend a hug. “Nicole, don’t get me wrong. It does sound like an exciting opportunity.”

  “Think about the publicity after you’re promoted. It’s a win-win situation.”

  Nicole gave Rollin a hug as she stepped off the porch. “Later, peoples. Y’all have a blessed day, and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

  Rollin’s arms hung at his sides as he continued down the stairs with a slack expression on his face. He headed around the side of the house. After Nicole pulled off, Tayler called out to him.

  “Where are you going?”

  “I’ve got work to do,” he muttered.

  * * *

  The next morning after breakfast, Rollin and his crew went to the farmer’s market, but they didn’t ask Tayler if she wanted to go. She’d enjoyed her last trip and had wanted to see what the Saturday morning crowd was like. However, ever since Nicole’s visit, something in the air had changed.

  Later in the evening, Tayler brought her laptop into the library to look up the Ladies of Distinction organization.

  A few minutes later, Rollin walked in.

  “Are you ready to eat?”

  She looked up. “Are you cooking tonight?”

  “No, Rita is, but if you’re ready she can prepare everything and go home early. I don’t want her to overdo it.”

  “Sure, I’m ready.”

  He stared at her for a few seconds before saying, “Nicole shows up and you start working again.”

“I’m not really working. Just doing a little research.”

  He walked over to her and looked down at the computer screen. “You’re ready to get out of here, huh?”

  “No, that’s not it. But I’m leaving in a few weeks, anyway.”

  He reached out and stroked her cheek with the back of his hand. “Don’t remind me.”

  “But if I decide to help her, I should leave on Monday.”

  He dropped his hand and looked away. “You’re going, aren’t you?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t know. Do you want me to stay?”

  He crossed his arms and cocked his head. “What do you think?”

  “I think if you want me to stay, you need to say so.”

  He shook his head and backed away. “It’s not my place to tell you to stay or go. You’re a grown woman.”

  “I know I’m grown. I didn’t need you to tell me that.”

  He held up his hands. “Do whatever you want. Like you said, you’re leaving in a few weeks anyway, right?”

  She watched him back out of the room, shrugging as if he didn’t care what she did. She’d wanted him to ask her to stay. No, she wanted him to beg her to stay. She needed to know that the love they’d made meant something to him. As it had to her.

  * * *

  Rollin walked back into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator. He closed the door harder than he’d intended.

  Rita turned from the sink, where she stood washing dishes. “Don’t take it out on the refrigerator.”

  He swallowed a gulp of water. “Don’t take what out on the refrigerator?”

  “You know what I’m talking about.”

  He backed against the counter and crossed his ankles.

  “She’s a guest, Rollin.”

  “I know that.”

  “Then why are you trying to beat up the refrigerator?”

  He laughed. “I’ll never understand women.”

  “And I’ll never understand why you moved her into a room next to yours when you knew you were attracted to her.”

  He snorted. “It wasn’t my idea.”

  “Then you let her set you up.”

  “Yeah, like a fool.” He took another swig of water.


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