Nebula Nights: Love Among The Stars

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Nebula Nights: Love Among The Stars Page 111

by Melisse Aires

  Palrion glanced at the older cadet, “Nessa, keep this quite.”

  Henessa nodded, and watched as the Lieutenant led Kala out of the room.

  Before leaving ‘Blackout Corners’ he turned to Kala, “We are Lieutenant or trainer and Cadet out there.”

  She acknowledged his words, and followed his lead explicitly. He walked out of the dimly lit section to his left. The corridor appeared to be much better lit than the one they’d came from. It stretched beyond the eye’s limit. Lieutenant Palrion led her with a concerted purpose to his steps. She mimicked him wherever possible.

  When they had passed three lengths, measured out by large protruding bulkheads, they turned left again. He closed his eyes and continued down the hall. Kala watched him, confused by the action and movement without his sight. It seemed like a random choice.

  He stopped short, and projected, ~Enter the door on your left. We have a long night ahead.~

  Even more confused than she was when she started, she turned toward the door, and it slid open for her. She stepped inside, and realized this was his personal quarters. Looking around the room, she took note of the size difference from her own. The bed was in its own room and she was standing in a living room area.

  ~Why am I here?~

  Lieutenant Palrion stepped into the room behind her, and placed his hands on her shoulders. ~Because you have much more to learn than the others do. We need to begin tonight if you are going to make this work for you.~

  ~Aye Sir.~

  He turned her around. “No. Out there we are formal. In here will become mentally intimate. I am just Dak here. You are not Cadet, but rather, Kala.” She nodded. “Good. Come sit with me. We are going to begin to assess exactly where you are, and what I need to teach you.”

  He moved toward the coffee table, and sat on the floor. He curled his legs, one over the other, and sat comfortably waiting for her to do the same. Kala attempted to mimic him, but found it difficult at first. With some concentration, she ultimately reached the same position as the trainer before her.

  ~Ok. I’m… ready I suppose~

  “You are. Now, I need you to clear your mind, carefully.”

  ~How do I do that?~ Her projection was solid and more confident than she expected it to be.

  ~Focus on one thing. Let’s start with relaxing all of your muscles. Focus all of your thoughts on that.~

  She took a deep breath, and looked at him, trying to focus on her own body. She found the effort trying but not impossible. It took significant concentration for her to finally realize that her mind was clear of other thoughts.

  Once she did, she projected, ~I am relaxed.~

  Dak smiled, ~Yes, you are. Stay in that state, keep your mind focused on one thought. Whatever it might be that brings you peace and comfort. Think about and feel nothing else.~

  Kala struggled to find something that brought her either comfort or peace. Soon, she found herself returning to the stone and to home. Eventually she settled her focus on her home. She allowed her mind to recall every aspect of it.

  She calmly recalled the way her door creaked slightly when she moved it. She relaxed more as she recalled her bed in the calm summer evening. The window would be open and a warm breeze would blow through. She always found it to be the best time of the year to rest. She enjoyed the calming sensation as the wind blew over her skin as she slept on top of her bed sheets.

  She remembered how beautiful the moons and stars looked from that bedroom window at night. How much those beautiful balls of light danced in her mind and thoughts when she watched them against the deep darkness looming behind them. She listened to the soft rustling of the wind in the trees by her home, and the sounds of the night insects singing to one another.

  Gently Dak telepathically pushed her, ~Kala. Kala it’s time to go.~

  Her eyes opened and looked across at the trainer, ~Go? You said it would be a long night.~ Kala was clearly confused by his statement.

  ~You’ve been here for hours now.~ He smiled at her, ~Didn’t feel like it to you though. Meditation rarely does.~


  ~Yes, that is a state of thinking that separates you from the chaos around you and allows the telepathic mind to find focus and rest.~

  For the first time since arriving she smiled warmly, ~Thank you.~

  ~Don’t thank me yet. That’s the easy part. We still have so much to go over. Tonight, you require rest and meditation. You are not ill, Kala. Dismiss that thought. You are simply much stronger, telepathically speaking, than any one of us on this ship, and likely in the fleet. I’ll teach you as much as I am able, the rest…You will learn.~

  Dak stood and waited for her. Kala took a few moments to stand, and return to proper attention before being led from the room back to Blackout Corners. At the threshold into the area, she turned to face her trainer.

  Dak met her gaze. “Remember this, I am not a natural telepath. I project, and hear projections. I will teach you what I know, and how to focus on your skills. From there it will take your own dedication. Focus, and you will find you can achieve things few others will ever be capable of.”

  She comfortably found her way back to her quarters. She unlocked the door, and entered the room. Henessa was sound asleep. She walked quietly to her own bed, and lay down. As she lay in the bed she stared at the ceiling thinking about how relaxed she felt for the first time since she was a child. Her mind soon faded into sleep.


  Three weeks passed before Yatrell was on his feet again without pain. In that time, the ship was reassigned from the front lines to the defense forces. The assignment sent them to a Dentonian colony not far from Cybernetic space. Due to this concern, the captain called his team leaders together to discuss the situation.

  Yatrell arrived at the meeting a few minutes early, and took his normal seat. When the captain entered the room he ordered Lieutenant Commander Jae to stand and move to alpha team’s chair. Yatrell smirked as he complied with the order in silence. When the other team leaders filed into the room, the previous alpha team leader scowled, and moved toward the chair he previously claimed. The captain stopped him.

  “Cal you’re on beta now. You’ll report to Lieutenant Commander Jae.”

  Cal started to protest but decided it would be better to do in private. Yatrell simply smirked, and waited on the announcement. It came only moments after the remaining team leaders arrived.

  “Alright, listen up people. We’ve had a change in command structure. Due to the constant cybernetic threat, we’re changing team organization, too.” The captain looked at each of his team leaders, waiting for it all to sink in. “As of this moment, Lieutenant Commander Yatrell Jae is in charge of the previous Alpha, Beta and Gamma teams. They will become a singular Alpha team.”

  The room audibly groaned.

  Captain Rex chastised them for it. “Don’t complain until all of you have achieved and risked what he has. Now, this will follow in succession. Beta team will make up the equivalent of Delta, Epsilon, and Zeta, and will be on the second shift in daily cycles. Eta, Theta and Iota will create Gamma team and will take Gamma shift. You see the pattern, so work with it.”

  Lieutenant Commander Cal Rusik spoke up, “We’re runnin ‘round da clock cycles now?”

  “Yes, Lieutenant Commander. We can’t afford the window for the Cybernetics to take our people. This planet has been targeted many times.”

  “Captain.” A young man, who was a new team leader with sandy colored hair and a lanky appearance, said, “How long has this planet been targeted for amalgamation? How many citizens have they taken recently?”

  The captain shook his head, “You need to read your reports thoroughly Lieutenant Commander. This planet has been targeted on and off since the start of the Great War. This colony was once the size of Dentonia. It’s not now. It’s just more than the size of a large colony. Most recently they took one of our ships and altered them completely. No survivors.

  “Remember, with the
m, it’s more than just physical augmentation and enhancements. They wipe the minds of our people. If you see one, don’t think you know them. Once the cybernetics alter our people, there’s no getting them back. Don’t get any heroic ideas.” The captain directed his next statement directly to Lieutenant Commander Jae, “Understood?”

  One leader after another acknowledged or agreed with the captain’s sentiments.

  “Aye, Captain. No heroics here,” Yatrell assured.

  “Good. Does everyone understand the change of assignment?” The team leaders indicated they did. “Glad to hear it because we start now, not when we get to the planet. We’ve entered the space that our previous ship was taken. We will meet up with the rest of the defense fleet by this evening, and be at the planet by mid Gamma shift. I won’t entertain one person with a complaint about the new structure. Lieutenant Commander Jae will organize the first three shifts and every rotation after that will follow his lead. No questions.” The room groaned again. “Dismissed.”

  The captain waited for the room to empty, before he walked into his office, to the left of the conference room. As he crossed the threshold, his outside office door buzzed. Without a word, he walked around the table to his desk, and sat down. The door buzzed again. Reluctantly, he told the computer to open the door. Lieutenant Commander Rusik entered in formal presentation.

  “At ease Cal. What do you want?”

  “Sir, I’d like ta address a concern. One that may put da security of da ship at risk.”

  Cal stood at least four lengths tall. His build proved he had both seen battle, and the inside of a gym because of it. When he stood at ease, his dusty brown hair fell to one side of his face. Although he was only thirty he was already a twelve year war veteran. He spoke with conviction and confidence, alongside the under lying tone of anger.

  “Cal if this is over the command structure changes then file a formal protest because I’m not entertaining this.” Captain picked up a data tablet from his desk and started to review the latest communications from the planet.

  “Captain, permission ta speak freely? Sir.”

  The captain sighed heavily, and hoped that if he just heard Cal out he’d go away. He looked up at his Lieutenant Commander, and responded, “Fine. Speak your mind.”

  Cal looked over at his commander, and spoke in a slightly more relaxed, albeit annoyed, tone, “Captain, Lieutenant Commander Jae is a threat ta this ship. He has been since he came on board an yet you indulge his whims an’ his outlandish behaviors.”

  The captain chuckled. “You’ve argued that every time he’s been promoted since he came on board. He was sixteen and he took out two Ven who were attempting to abduct one of our own. Even if she was just a woman, we need everyone we can get on this ship. We always have. He earned the first one, and he’s fought for every one of them since. He’s the only team leader with the ability to bring a woman into proper level to operate as his second. Have you? No.”

  Cal blinked, stunned that the rescue of a lesser gender would justify a promotion, “Because he can work well wit women you’re justifyin da promotion?”

  “Because he’ll take risks others won’t. Risks that are calculated, and work effectively for him and his team.” The captain’s tone became frustrated as well, “Your alpha team has had two friendly fire causalities in three months. You did nothing to stop the first and the second we’re investigating you for. So we have one of your team in the brig over a fight over a woman, and we have to ascertain if the battle accident was just that. Now, tell me Cal, when Yatrell has risked his life, time and again for his team, how I could have picked differently?”

  Cal’s anger flared to the surface as he leaned on the desk. In a near growl, he said, “Captain, you’re trustin’ a no good telepath wit security operations dat should be handled by someone more aware of da situation. Yes, I willa be filin a complaint on his promotion an’ one on your position too.”

  The captain’s face became a blank expression at the threat. He lifted an empty data tablet from his drawer, and handed it to Lieutenant Commander Rusik, “Here is a secured communication tablet. The senate frequency is already programmed into it.” As the tablet clattered on the desk in front of the Lieutenant Commander he continued, “My choice was made. You are dismissed.”

  Cal stared at the older man hard for several minutes. He took the tablet, and left in a huff. Once the captain was confident that he was physically alone in the room he leaned back in his chair, and thought about the new position Lieutenant Commander Jae was just given. He muttered under his breath, knowing the man would be listening from somewhere on the ship. “So help me Jae if you screw me once I’ll take more than your promotion.”

  Yatrell leaned back on his chair in his quarters, propped his feet up and put his hands behind his head, he projected back to the captain, ~Have I ever let you down?~

  After a short pause, Yatrell smirked and spoke out loud, “Well, that was an interesting conversation. Glad I wasn’t in it.” He laughed to himself. A few minutes later Anara entered the room with several data tablets, “Thanks Lieutenant. Just put them down over there.”

  Anara lingered in the doorway, watching him for a long moment before she chuckled. “You know how to relax on duty now, hu? Must be a rank thing.” After putting the tablets down on the desk near his feet, she took another chair, spun it to allow her to lean on the back while she sat down. “So, now that you’re the big man on the ship…Well, with security anyway, you gonna put in a good word for our promotions?”

  “Senior Lieutenant Commander Jae does sound nice.” He smirked and looked at her, “Yea, Seth, Canith and Set shouldn’t have a problem getting it either. Seth is transferring though. You, however, handicap yourself.”

  She shifted in her chair, “I do? How?”

  “For starters, you keep forgetting you are dealing with gender obstacles on this ship.”

  She scowled, “Ya know, I thought you weren’t one of those people. I can’t forget the gender issue. I have to work twice as hard as anyone else on this ship to get anywhere, let alone my rank.”

  “Yep you do. They expect you to prove yourself twice over before they think about promoting you. I’m aware of this and how it works.” He tapped his head, “I’m more aware of it than people like me to be. Why do you think we are on the same team? I worked to make it that way. I know you’re a fighter, and a better one than most of these men.”

  “That’s a given.” She scoffed and her eyes narrowed, “Look, are you goin to put in the suggestion for me or not?”

  “Yes. Under one condition.”

  Anara had to will her jaw to relax, “What?”

  “Stop sleeping with the captain at his whim. He can’t promote you from his bed.” Yatrell kept his voice even, knowing his words wouldn’t be taken well. He could see the anger in her deep blue eyes.

  “How do my bed partners come into this?” She stood, and refastened her long brown hair behind her head. She stood merely three and a half lengths tall. This made her a half length shorter than Yatrell, but she clearly maintained a strong body and mind. None on this ship ever tried to confront her directly, but that didn’t change her difficulties.

  “Because you are a woman,” Yatrell responded.

  “Yes, I am. It’s nice to know you’ve realized this.”

  “Look, we both know you don’t hold attachments, however some of your bed partners do. The captain isn’t one who holds an attachment to you, beyond you’re a member of his crew. Stop doing sleeping with him and you’ll avoid the rumors, questions, and complaints about your promotions. Pick your activities from those below you in rank or better yet, even.”

  She folded her arms across her chest, and looked Yatrell in the eyes, “So, you’re higher rank now. Puts you out of the question now hu?” She smirked, realizing what he said was likely accurate. She was annoyed she hadn’t considered it part of her obstacles earlier.

  Yatrell just rolled his eyes, and lowered his feet. “Anara, I will g
ive you that much, you are also persistent. I haven’t changed my stand, though. I don’t sleep with other crewmen on this, or any ship, I serve.”

  She shrugged, “Eh, it was worth a try.” She adjusted her uniform and stood back at attention, “Senior Lieutenant Commander, I request permission to return to rounds.”

  Yatrell chuckled, and nodded. “Request granted.”

  He knew on the battlefield, there was no one better to have his back. He hated that she wanted to be in his bed too. That was something that never felt right to him.

  He picked up one of the data tablets, and started to read the reports filtered down to him from communications. As he did, he noticed that a small Xenonian fleet was making some headway with a new shielding technology. While he read the warnings about this, he recalled the young girl he knew from there and leaned back in his chair. It had been more than a week since he contacted her last, and three weeks since he first learned she was sold for military use. He half hoped to hear she’d been washed out.


  She came out of meditation, having skipped lunch to do so. She smiled when she felt his link activate, ~Hello, Yatrell. Are you well?~

  He was startled that she projected first with such confidence. He smiled and felt relieved when he realized how calm she was, ~I’m doin well er… ah good. How’s training?~ He just knew they washed her out. She was too calm to still be in training.

  ~It’s goin well. We are focused on weapons training right now. Although most of my trainers aren’t pleased with my method of learning, they are very pleased with the results.~

  He became very concerned and confused. The last time he had spoken to her, she was still struggling, at times, to march straight, and was crying over the trainer’s approach. ~What approach and result is that?~

  ~I read their minds now, before I start a session. It is still a bit of an adjustment but by reading their expectations before they enforce them, I’m able to properly comply and achieve what I need to.~ Kala stood and pulled her curly dark red hair back into uniform requirements then returned to her assigned team.


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