Nebula Nights: Love Among The Stars

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Nebula Nights: Love Among The Stars Page 115

by Melisse Aires

  Her sad green eyes must have spoke volumes because Palrion and Henessa exchanged looks before the Lieutenant spoke to her again. “Kala, I’ve put in a request to be assigned to your ship for further training purposes. I, like Maddux here, do not pose their expected threat. I am confident, under the premise of being able to further contain your abilities as well as, Cadets Sar, Crex and Tol, my request should be approved. Assuming so, there is much more that we’ll sort out. Until then, you need to rest. We will be back to check on you. Your telepathic action overexerted the reaches of your psionic lobe. Your mind has been active, even while you’ve been unconscious. Rest and recover, and we can resume our lessons.”

  She found comfort knowing that both Phil and Merx were transferred with them. She reached for Henessa’s hand. “Nessa, are my things here?”

  She smiled, “Yes. From one Blackout Corners to another. All of your stuff, even your most prized possession, is here.” Henessa squeezed her hand. “Four of us are together in the same resting quarters. I need to get back. The duty cycle will begin again shortly and I was asked to catalog the most essential weapons for our small team.” Henessa Sar looked to PFC Maddux and Lieutenant Palrion then back to Kala, before releasing Kala’s hand.

  Kala let go of her friend’s hand. As she did, the field around the bed dropped and the privacy was gone as a nurse re-entered the room to check on her. Then a thought crossed her mind.

  “What happened to Greshna?”

  Henessa lingered several moments.

  “The Ven prisoner?” When Kala nodded, Lieutenant Palrion explained, “She’s being dealt with. They have moved her to a tighter security holding cell on the flag ship, Reverence. The same we are on. You and your friends have received the best possible assignment. There are those who train for years in various stations, and never reach the Reverence. For you, this is your first duty station, and we’ll make sure you are strong enough to live up to its name, Private.” Palrion gestured for the nurse to move on.

  Kala smiled softly hearing her rank. She closed her eyes once her friends left. For several minutes, the doctor and nurses asked her question, after question, after medical scan, after question. It felt like an endless barrage, of tedious questions seeking details they couldn’t achieve through medical equipment.

  It was obvious the doctor knew little to nothing about telepaths or the psionic lobe. Telepathy was not uncommon among the psionic minority, but it was the most untrusted psionic ability. Those who possess the ability, like Kala, were acutely aware of the anger, hatred and fear that was directed toward them. Although, Kala always fought to avoid listening to other’s thoughts, their actions and gestures showed how little they knew about people like her. This doctor was no exception. Although, she couldn’t identify malice in his intent, his approach was one that was still obtaining information, and researching as opposed to someone resolving the medical issue.

  Listening to and interacting with the nurses and the doctor reminded her of her childhood. She recalled a time when her mother held her close, after realizing Kala was empathic. Her vague memory of her mother included the fear that Kala’s empathy would have forced them from their home and the family to whom their debt was owed. For Kala, that started her struggle to hide her abilities as they developed, and to deny them, at times, even to herself. That changed when she was sold. Briefly she considered asking after her new master, but dismissed it as the nurses began another round of treatments for her.

  After what felt like hours, Kala was alone on the bed. Her hearts tugged at her, and she felt lonely. Curling up on her side, she shoved a hand under her pillow and smiled when she felt a smooth hard object. She clutched it, and even with the dampening field in place, Kala’s mind searched out Henessa’s. She projected her thanks to her friend, and returned to her own mind so as not to disturb Henessa’s assignment further. She focused inward, trying to sort out the images and thoughts she was seeing, hearing, and feeling.

  Kala drew the memories she retained from her connection to Greshna to the surface. With effort, she tried to focus on different bits and pieces of them and realized why Palrion had arranged for her to train further with this new skill. The information she retained from the violent and forced connection was astonishing.

  She was able to identify the Ven man in her memory as Greshna’s twin brother, Gardesh. She identified their mutual rank as Turaant Level Red, both having a focus in science, and natural psionic abilities. She also learned about a distressing aspect of their mission. The two were involved in the recovery of an old experiment. The original experiment was designed to encourage the development or enhancement of psionic abilities in species deemed less valuable than their own. For the Ven, that would be any species they could obtain to experiment on.

  Greshna and her twin brother were caretakers in the original children in the experiment. They took care of children who were kidnapped from their parents at or before birth. The twins aided in the training and experimentation in other ways. The experiment came to an end when a Xenonian captain rescued the living children, most of whom showed promise for success. Twenty years after the children were returned to their home worlds, the science sector tasked Greshna and Gardesh with the retrieval of the Children of Promise.

  Kala’s hearts started to race as she compared that knowledge to her own history. It didn’t take much to connect the dots. She was told, by her previous master, that it was her ship that freed Kala and many other children from the clutches of a Ven lab. Her master also explained that she then took the children home, or at least to their home worlds, ships and hopefully to their families.

  Some, unfortunately, didn’t survive the trip. From what Kala had been told, she knew for sure a Dentonian, a Xentue and another Xenonian child made it into their people’s arms. Her master never followed up with the other children, so Kala didn’t know what came of them. Kala’s mother, in the despair of having lost Kala before birth, sold everything they owned and was trying to get on a ship to look for her child when the previous master finally located her to return Kala. Her mother was grateful but unable to care for her now. After extensive conversations, her previous master had took pity upon the woman and child, and offered them a warm bed, food and all the things needed as long as they served the house of Andor as slaves.

  The information matched enough that Kala’s hearts told her she was one of the Ven’s Children of Promise and Greshna was looking for her. Thankfully nothing she could pull from Greshna’s memories indicated she knew that she was one of the Children of Promise. This reassured Kala, but she knew she’d have to be selective about what she revealed and to whom.

  Remaining on her side, clutching the listening stone, she telepathically reached beyond the confines of the ship, beyond the fleet, and further into space, seeking a mind familiar and comforting. With some great effort, she found Yatrell. Her hearts ached the moment she linked with him. She realized he was still unconscious from the attack several nights prior.

  She tried to listen to his mind, but it raced along like hers. His thoughts and emotions were badly fragmented. His disjointed connections were hard to identify, and his thoughts were ever violent and angry. The activity was comforting to her, but the lack of full awareness and coherent thoughts distressed her. She moved about in his mind for a long while, hoping something would come to her that could help him. Then she was caught off guard from the sound of his voice around her.

  ~Why are you here?~

  Gently and tenderly she projected back to him, ~To see if you are well. You are my friend.~

  At first, his mind curled back, and angrily he projected, ~I am not friend of a Xenonian.~

  His voice seemed to surround her completely. The angry tone scared Kala, and he felt comfortable with this.

  ~You are a very dear friend of this Xenonian. Yatrell, it’s Kala. We’ve spoken many times throughout the expanse of nearly two years. You are one of my dearest and most trusted friends, and the impression I got from you, is that was mutual.
You have been my mentor. You have been my trainer and friend.~

  Kala stood in the darkest recesses of Yatrell’s mind, hoping his confusion didn’t turn on her.

  His voice became almost gentle, a tone she rarely, if ever, heard from him, ~Kala? The girl from Xenonia?~

  ~Yes, Yatrell.~

  In the same gentle tone, ~I’m happy you’re here. I know you can help me. These around me don’t know what happened. You do though, don’t you?~

  Sadly, Kala knew all too well, ~Yes, Yatrell. I know how Gardesh stabbed you and how you attacked him telepathically. I know this happened several days ago. I also know, my friend, that you’re injured, physically and telepathically. I know the Ven man is to blame for this.~

  ~Yes, a dagger. He cut an organ inside, and skewered another, I think.~ Yatrell’s voice started to sound lost, confused and uncertain of where he was going. His mind raced once more, and he fell silent around her.

  The silence concerned Kala more this time and she reached further into his mind, ~Yatrell, my friend, please don’t leave. We can work together to sort this out for you. Maybe we can talk? Maybe together, we can find the telepathic damage the doctors don’t. Maybe we can figure out how to mend it, or how to help the doctors do so.~

  Suddenly, as if her mind’s eye could see him, he appeared before her. ~Yes, let’s see what we can do. I know few others understand. None of my crew gets it. Too much pain, distrust and more. Please, Kala, help me. I don’t want to succumb to that Ven. He doesn’t deserve victory.~

  Kala’s image reached for and took his visual hand, ~I’m here Yatrell. I’ll stay here to help you, by whatever means possible.~

  His image smiled briefly, then it flickered and just a moment before it disappeared she heard, ~I trust you Kala. I know you’ll help.~

  Kala sat there in the full silence, not even confusion was present now. Without a doubt, she knew they had done something to his body.

  She whispered, ~I promise to return daily, Yatrell. We’ll learn what’s wrong and how to fix this.~

  She returned to her own mind and looked up to see a new face sitting by her bed. Kala resisted the urge to reach for the woman telepathically, as she wasn’t supposed to have the stone in the first place.


  The woman smiled at her warmly, “Hello, Private. How are you feeling?”

  Her new companion sat upon a chair, but it was clear by her uniform she held rank, awards. Her stature was clearly that of a woman in command. The dark salt and pepper hair was tucked back tightly, and above the collar of her uniform. The woman folded her hands on her lap, and patiently waited for Kala to respond.

  “I…am… tired, but ok.” Kala’s voice shook a little, still thirsty, but she dared not say such.

  “I’m Captain Tangl. As Captain of the Reverence I’m also the Fleet Commander.” She smiled warmly, “I wanted to check on my new private with promise. You seem to have stirred up a bit of concern from many others trying to do your job on the training ship.”

  “Yes, Ma’am.”

  “You put yourself in harm’s way. Palrion said there was an ongoing telepathic attack he was enduring and that you protected him from it.” Kala nodded slightly. Captain Tangl continued. “I appreciate that kind of willingness from my team. Shows your fiber. The core of who you are. This … situation… is a minor setback.” She gestured to the medical bed. “Have you given thought as to where you’d like to be assigned? Security, perhaps?”

  Kala lay on the bed in silence for a moment then looked back at the Captain, “I’d like to learn everything you can possibly teach me.”

  This impressed the Captain. She knew the young woman couldn’t hear her thoughts with the dampening field in place and yet the girl knew the best approach without question.

  “Everything, hu? Well, the teams that will be departing the ship for various attack or scouting missions need a medic. Would you be up for starting there? You could begin training for it, even before you leave the medical bed. Once you’ve learned that, we can evaluate where the need is for your daily assignment. Does that sound agreeable?” Kala nodded, but her face clearly showed concern. “What is it, Private?”

  “If I’m not behaving impolite, Captain, why are you here? Why are you offering to use and train me in this manner?”

  “Your teammates, teacher, and evidently a Senator, believe you have much potential. I only came down here to see it for myself. You have the right attitude, even for one who was only a slave not long ago. You may have no house, Kala, but you have many who see something in you that isn’t common. In war, even among those of the same crew, out for yourself is the most common attitude.

  “They have told me that you aren’t that way. It’s refreshing because those who are close to you have taken on a similar disposition. Now, Doctor Ze said you need your rest. As such, I’ll take my leave from you. Keep in mind though, Private, I will be watching you closely, and we’ll find the best fit for you possible on the Reverence.”

  The captain stood, and walked away in a simple, fluid motion. Once she was alone on her medical bed again, Kala’s mind returned to Yatrell. Her friend’s mind was disjointed, uncomfortable, and in pain. She wanted to do everything she could to help him through this, but she knew the distance limited her significantly. Taking a deep breath, she dismissed it for now. There was nothing she could do while he was in a forced comatose state. Instead, she decided to revisit Greshna’s memories, and see if she could learn more from them. As she focused, she felt pressure against her skin, and she looked up to see a nurse retracting the hydro-press. She fluttered rapidly into sleep.


  When Kala woke the next morning, she was greeted by the doctor’s smiling face. She looked up at her, slightly confused, but she tried to sit up anyway.

  Doctor Ze quickly assisted her, and once she was comfortable he began, “I understand you are to begin training as a field medic?” She nodded in confirmation. “Good to hear it. I’ve got some reading tablets for you to review. We’ll begin discussing things after you’ve had time to eat.”

  Very softly, Kala’s voice crept from her throat, “Th...Thank you doctor.”

  She accepted the reading material and started to search through it, looking for information on the telepathic mind. She was happy to find many whole sections among her reading material dedicated thereto. The doctor set up a tray table next to her with food, water, and the rest of her information tablets, commenting on how excited he was to see Kala’s zeal for the subject. She smiled in response, and returned her focus to her studies. The doctor left her for now and this began an ensuing cycle.

  Every morning over the course of two weeks, she would study her data tablets. Her afternoons were spent being tested or questioning the doctor relentlessly before meditating. During what others perceived as meditation, Kala reached to Yatrell and helped him with his damaged mind. What she couldn’t help him do, she helped him find ways of communicating with his doctors, so they could treat him. Daily, her withdraw from his mind left behind improved results.

  Kala would then spend her evenings studying over dinner, cherishing what she could learn about the psionic lobe. The lessons she received for this section of her medical studies came from the rare doctors who were able to learn about the psionic lobe and how to treat it. Because there were so few researching physicians interested in the psionic lobe and the health there of, those who were cataloged their data and research extensively. This made Kala’s lessons easier, and gave her the needed resources to prepare for her next treatment plan for Yatrell’s mind.

  When she was released to her quarters, the captain visited her briefly to make sure she had fully recovered. During the course of the conversation, Fleet Commander Tangl inquired about the exchange with Greshna. Kala shared the less sensitive information she was able to recall. She explained to her commanding officer that the prisoner was Turaant Level Red. She also detailed her family connection, natural psionic ability and the scientific background wi
thout giving indication as to what specific mission Greshna was on. The captain was very pleased with the information obtained, and asked her if she was willing to try that again, intentionally and with training first.

  Kala considered the experience carefully. Understanding the need for information, and the fact that Greshna may hold bits of information about herself, she agreed. After further discussion, they decided that a couple more weeks of training specifically on the touch telepathy would be valuable. Once that was settled, the captain went on about her day, and Kala returned to her visibly meditative state.

  This time when she reached out to him, something felt different. Gently, she projected into his mind, ~Yatrell? Can you hear me? Are you well?~

  She was met with an uncomfortable silence. With intense concentration, she focused all of her energy on this link, and upon hearing him.

  ~You are strong.~ His voice echoed around her, encompassing the silence as if it were never there. ~You made our connection stronger. You’ve come a long way.~

  She smiled, and worked to generate a visual image for his mind’s eye, ~I have come only this far because of your help. How are you?~

  ~I’m getting better, thanks to you.~ His visual image appeared in front of her, and he reached for her hand. ~I’m grateful for everything you’ve done to help me.~

  Kala’s smile grew wider. ~You are very important to me, and I am happy you’re so much stronger now.~

  His image moved closer to hers. He reached up, and gently touched her face. Looking into the Kala’s eyes, Yatrell smiled warmly. ~You have become more than I thought possible. You are more to me, than anyone has ever been. You’ve done more than anyone else has. I don’t have the words to thank you, Kala.~

  Even in the mind’s eye, she could feel her face warm, and her pulse quicken while he spoke. ~I’ve only done what a friend should for another.~

  He cradled her face, and savored her presence. ~ I hope one day I will actually see this face, actually touch your skin. I am looking forward to being near the woman who fought to keep my mind together, and taught me more than I thought possible.~


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