Nebula Nights: Love Among The Stars

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Nebula Nights: Love Among The Stars Page 153

by Melisse Aires

  Opening his eyes, Rahuna studied Andi. “I think I know you. From the capital?”

  “Yes, we’ve met. I’m Andrianda Markriss, deputy agent of the Loxton Galactic Trading station. This is Sergeant Mitch Wilson of the Sectors Special Forces.”

  “Glad to meet you, sir.” Wilson finished the last bandage and started putting away his supplies. “You can sit now, but take it slow, okay?”

  With Andi at one side and the sergeant offering support on the other, His Serene Holiness managed to sit upright. “My head spins most alarmingly.” Wincing, he put his hand to his forehead.

  “A normal reaction to a head wound, sir.” Wilson was reassuring, calm as always. “It was a glancing blow. You’re going to have a spectacular bruise but no concussion. You’ve got a couple of superficial cuts and bruises and one flesh wound to the lower leg. Guess you didn’t manage to duck all the shrapnel when the truck blew.”

  “I’m so relieved you’re going to be all right, sir.” Andi smiled at Rahuna. “Bruises and a headache are much better than what could have happened.”

  “I think the captain needs me over there by what’s left of the truck, ma’am. Can you keep an eye on your friend here?” Wilson asked.

  “Of course. Go on.” Andi waved the sergeant on his way, then helped Rahuna to his feet. A bit portly, the cleric was about her height, somewhat short for a Naranti. “Sir, what were you doing way out here without an escort?”

  “I’d been to the meditation pools at Quanjiran. I heard tales of the unrest in the countryside, but I didn’t want to believe the four hundred-year peace had been broken. A few hotheaded young Shentis, perhaps, but nothing the Obati couldn’t solve on their own. So I took my pilgrimage to Quanjiran, as always in this time of year. Then, two nights ago, I received an urgent summons to return to the capital. We…we set out at once.” He put his head down, scuffed one toe at a piece of shrapnel on the roadway. Andi felt him shiver.

  “If you’d rather not talk about it—”

  “I regret to the bottom of my soul that I didn’t listen to those who urged me to wait for an armed escort. Lord Tonkiln offered to send guards. My impatience and foolish belief in my own immunity as Serene Holiness cost three good men their lives today. I’ll bear the burden until I, too, go to my grave.” Rahuna stared at a pile of rebel corpses across the roadway. “Did you see the mob was Naranti?”

  “Yes, sir. The men who attacked the Obati summer colony were all Naranti, too. The ringleader there was Iraku, Lord Tonkiln’s chief of household,” Andi said.

  “Unthinkable.” Rahuna’s voice sharpened. He rubbed at his eyes, then stared at her. “Iraku had been a loyal servant to the Tonkilns for thirty years.”

  Yeah, till he started murdering them. “Iraku is a key figure in this rebellion. I’m sorry to have to add to your distress about the identity of the rebel forces, but the truth is plain.” She gestured at the carnage around them. “An unknown number of your Clan’s people are at the bottom of this.”

  “What drove my Naranti brethren to madness?” Rahuna leaned all his weight on her for a moment, closing his eyes, whether in physical or mental pain, she couldn’t hazard a guess. She staggered a little under the burden, and he stood up straighter.

  Andi put a supportive arm around his waist as he wavered off balance. “They’re trying to make it look as if the Shenti and Obati Clans are committing these crimes on each other,” she explained. “We’re traveling with a young Shenti warrior who’s going to the capital to give firsthand evidence. Abukawal heard Naranti Clan members planning attacks on various outlying areas.”

  “You speak of a massacre at the Obati summer colony? No wonder Tonkiln offered me armed escort,” Rahuna said in a wondering tone. “I hadn’t heard of this fresh atrocity—he didn’t speak of it in his message. How bad was it?”

  Andi shivered, breathing rapidly, pulse skyrocketing. The memories rose all too readily to her mind’s eye, the events still too raw and fresh for her to suppress.Rahuna put his dry, warm palm on her forehead. At his touch, the sounds and sights of the massacre faded. Peaceful calm stole over her, radiating through her body from the center of her forehead where his fingers rested. She’d heard of the ability His Serene Holiness was said to possess, to ease mental or physical anguish with his touch.

  “Sanenre’s Serenity be upon you, child,” Rahuna chanted. “I’ll hear the details another time, when both you and I are more prepared to cope. Thanks to Sanenre for preserving you and your companions from evil.”

  “Yes, thanks indeed,” Andi echoed the common phrase of gratitude. Although she was not a believer in the local religion, she respected the beliefs of the Zulairians. Maybe Sanenre is watching over us, who knows?

  Tom strode back across the transportway, Wilson and Latvik trailing in his wake. Andi focused only on the captain, studying his face, tired and lined, but resolute. His wide shoulders were set, his bearing military. Just the warrior I want at my side when things are going all to hell. He flashed a smile at her, and she knew she blushed a little.

  Turning to Rahuna, she said, “Sir, allow me to present Captain Tom Deverane of the Sectors Special Forces.” Given Rahuna’s exalted position on Zulaire, Andi didn’t want to skip the formalities even in such an unusual situation.

  Tom gave the priest a crisp salute. Rahuna made a small bow in return, holding out his hand. “I can never offer you adequate thanks for risking your men and yourself to rescue me, Captain.”

  Shooting Andi a look that was half teasing, half annoyed, Tom shook the cleric’s hand firmly. “Miss Markriss was most insistent Zulaire couldn’t manage to solve this crisis without you. She gave me no choice—we had to come to your aid. How well can you walk, sir? We have to get away from here before someone sees the smoke and comes to investigate. I doubt if there are any friendlies left in the area.”

  “The trucks?” Rahuna put a hopeful lilt into his question.

  “Useless. We had to slag one during the firefight to keep the survivors of the mob from getting away. The fuel tank blew in the other from the intense heat, so we’re still a foot patrol.” Tom’s brow furrowed as he exchanged a glance with Wilson.

  “Let us walk then.” Rahuna squared his shoulders and adjusted his robes. “Can someone find my hat? Oh, yes, thank you, Sergeant.” Letting go of Andi’s arm, he set the shiny black cap on his closely cropped, dark-red hair. “I used to hike all day when I was a boy in the southern hill country. I won’t delay you.”

  “Oh, my shawl…” Andi had left it, forgotten on the roadway after using the generous length of fabric as a pillow for Rahuna.

  “Right here, ma’am.” Wilson held it out to her. “I grabbed this when I went back to get my medkit.”

  “Thank you.” She took it from the sergeant’s outstretched hand. The afternoon breeze flung the shawl open like a banner while the sun glinted on the intricate patterns of the silver, iridescent green and lavender threads woven through the creamy wool fabric.

  “A beautiful bridal shawl indeed.” Rahuna helped her reel the garment in from the wind’s grasp. “I’m honored you used it to cushion my poor broken head. You and the captain are to be wed, then?”

  Andi shook her head. Look at the appalled expression on poor Tom’s face. Keep it together. Don’t make this worse by laughing at his embarrassment. “No, no, I found this in a destroyed Shenti village where we stopped for food and water. The nights are so cold, and I didn’t have anything to wrap up in.” And I still feel a little guilty about taking it, but, oh—it is so beautiful.

  The priest steepled his fingers. “You’re trying to help Zulaire heal itself. No one could begrudge you a little comfort and warmth along the journey.” The comment had the ring of a blessing.

  Warmed and cheered by Rahuna’s understanding remarks, Andi stowed the now-refolded shawl in her black pack.

  “We need to go. Now.” Tom’s tone sounded crisp, no-nonsense. Hands on hips, he frowned at Wilson and Latvik, who were still smothering wide grins at the
priest’s initial comment about the shawl. “Move out, people.”

  The captain led the way down the slope away from the transportway. Andi guided Rahuna’s descent of the crumbling, brush-covered hillside. When they reached the three corpses lying in the muddy ditch at the bottom, the priest halted. “I must say the prayer for the dying.”

  “Sir, they’re already dead and we need to move. We’ll join them if we don’t get going.” Tom glanced at the bodies and shook his head, mouth turned down. “I don’t have time for burial detail.”

  “A moment only, Captain. It’s for the benefit of their eternal rest in Sanenre’s arms.” Rahuna met the captain’s stern gaze with calm assurance, before falling to his knees in the mud. Thinking at first he’d collapsed from his injury, Andi rushed forward.

  As Rahuna chanted, she drew away a yard or two, standing in silent respect with the others. When the last sonorous, heartfelt syllable of the cleric’s prayer faded away, Tom motioned for Wilson and Latvik to aid the priest in scaling the next hillside.

  Climbing alongside Andi, the captain provided a quick hand to her elbow when she slipped or fell behind.

  True to his word, Rahuna jogged up the steep hillside with incredible agility for a man of his advanced age and recent injuries.

  Tom stopped at the rocky line where they’d hidden prior to the ambush. Pausing beside him, Andi took deep breaths, leaning over, hands on her knees, trying to rest for the remainder of the climb. Her leg muscles were knotted in pain, and she couldn’t catch enough air.

  “His Holiness is pretty amazing,” Andi said between deep breaths. “He’s doing better than me, and I’m probably thirty years younger.”

  “He’s running on adrenaline, I bet. We’ll be carrying him by nightfall.” Tom shook his head.

  Andi straightened, arching her back. She watched the other men climbing the hillside for a minute. “Thanks for changing your mind, for going in after him.”

  “Hey.” Grasping her shoulders lightly, the captain swung her around to face him. He leaned closer. “I’m not a heartless guy, you know. But my orders have to take precedence over anything else. Personal agendas get you killed in a war, which is what we have here. Okay? I can’t go off trying to rescue everyone we find being attacked by these Naranti bastards. We have to reach the capital.”

  “I understand that.” She was mesmerized by his green eyes, so intensely focused on her. “You don’t owe me an explanation. I’d be dead if you hadn’t had orders to come get me. So I’m the last person to quibble with you for following orders.” She didn’t relish the tension between them in the last few minutes. Where did this come from? I wonder if he’s still touchy about the shawl comment. “I’m sorry if His Holiness embarrassed you with his remark about the bridal shawl.”

  “It’s all right.” Blaster raised, he turned and let loose a sustained barrage, sweeping over the dry brush on the opposite hillside. Startled, she withdrew a few steps up the hill as flames licked at the ground cover. “Little diversion,” he said in response to Andi’s questioning look. “Burn the evidence, confuse whoever comes to investigate. Maybe cover our tracks, too. Come on, we’d better catch the others.” Tom headed up the hillside. Andi made short work of the climb to join him and their companions.

  “We’re going to have to travel inland for a while.” He joined Wilson, who was studying a map readout. Looking a bit pale, Rahuna sat on a boulder, blue around the lips and not as spry, despite his earlier boasts.

  “If we stick to the transportway, it’ll be too easy for anyone who wants to find us. And I’m guessing someone will decide to come after us. It’s going to be pretty obvious His Holiness didn’t do all the damage to the raiding party himself. I figure we cut inland a few miles, work our way through this valley between the two foothills and come back out here.” Tom stabbed at a spot close to the black ribbon where the transportway began a straight run across the Mdaba Plains to the capital.

  “No cover anywhere in the Plains, sir,” Wilson said.

  “I know. I’m hoping we can steal vehicles someplace along this route.” The captain released the map, which disappeared in a blink. “How are you in the small-miracles category, sir?” he asked Rahuna with an engaging smile. “Can you conjure up a cargo hauler? Or even a big personal vehicle?”

  Chuckling, Rahuna shook his head. “Sanenre is known to approve of those who don’t ask for much beyond their true needs. I’m grateful for my life, but I can’t promise, Captain. I think your arrival was my appointed miracle for this journey. But I’ll include your request in my prayers.”

  “Fine, then we’ll all be counting on you to get us a ride.” Straightening, Tom lost his momentary air of good humor, his face reverting to a frown. “All right, folks, time to move out.”


  The group hiked all afternoon through a valley between the two foothills the captain had indicated on the map. Even with no sign of any pursuit, Andi couldn’t relax, no matter how peaceful the surroundings appeared. Midway through the afternoon, Tom allowed one break. The soldiers sprawled out in all directions underneath the multiple trunks of an ancient tamaril tree. Lysanda sat, resting her head on Abukawal’s shoulder, and appeared to drowse a bit, while Sadu played with twigs and pebbles, building a fort and knocking it down.

  After Andi and Wilson divided up the combined rations, Rahuna blessed the food as if it were a holiday feast before he would let anyone eat.

  After the meal, as the group moved out again, Andi excused herself to the old priest so she could walk with Tom.

  “Have a nice lunch with His Holiness?” The captain gave her a lopsided grin and a quick sideways glance.

  He noticed. Pleased, Andi smiled. “Rahuna’s an excellent companion. People pay bribes to be his seatmate at state dinners, and here I had him all to myself for an hour.”

  Stumbling, Tom caught his balance again with a jerk. Pausing to collect himself, he hitched the pack up better on his shoulders and resumed walking.

  “Are you all right?” Andi reached out, but he shook off her helping hand.

  A fine sheen of sweat beaded his forehead. There were dark circles under his eyes. “I’m fine. It’s warm this afternoon.” Tom wiped at his brow.

  Lords, he’s shaking like a leaf. What’s going on with him? She grabbed his hand and was unable to still the tremor running through it. “You are not all right. Let me look at you.”

  Fists clenched, red-faced, Tom pulled away again. “I said I’m fine, now drop it. If you have to worry about someone, then maybe you’d better go keep an eye on Rahuna.” He stomped off. As he moved away from her, she saw that sweat had soaked through the back of his shirt.

  That’s not right. Worry nagged at her, jangling her nerves. She searched along their straggling column for Sergeant Wilson.

  He was pulling rearguard this shift. Andi worked her way through the rest of the group to meet him. Wilson was idly whistling another of his endless, on-and-off-key tunes. “Pleasure to see you, ma’am. Seemed like you enjoyed your lunchtime chat with—”

  Curtly, Andi interrupted the flow of remarks. “Something’s wrong with the captain. I want you take a look at him, because he won’t even talk to me.”

  Stopping in the middle of the trail, Wilson craned his head, trying to see the front of the line where Tom was leading. The captain was out of sight, around a bend in the narrow valley. Wilson fired questions at Andi. “Sweating? Got the shakes?”

  How does he know that? Speechless, she nodded.

  Shucking off his main pack, Wilson jerked the medkit out, spilling some of the other contents onto the trail. “Can you stand rearguard until I can send Rogers back to relieve you?”

  Not even waiting for her answer, the sergeant rushed off, running and darting through the group. Andi waited to be relieved of duty, uneasy thoughts welling up inside her. He clearly knows something I don’t. And it doesn’t seem to be good. Taking cover behind one of the broad-trunked trees, she faced the valley they’d hiked through an
d scanned the tree line, blaster at the ready. Thank the Lords of Space, we haven’t had any rebels on our trail. She had her orders. She had to wait and guard, although every instinct in her screamed to go see what was happening with Tom.

  Rogers brushed past her, startling Andi. “I’ve got the lookout, ma’am. Sergeant Wilson’s compliments, and could you join him at the head of the column right away?”

  “What’s going on?”

  “I couldn’t say, ma’am, but the captain had some kind of seizure. He’s down.”

  Feeling like she’d been kicked in the gut, Andi stared at Rogers for a split second then ran as fast as she could toward the head of the column. She skimmed past Abukawal and Lysanda. A short distance farther down the trail, she pushed Latvik unceremoniously out of the way, skidding to a stop next to Rahuna. The priest reached out a hand to steady her.

  Tom lay full-length on the ground on his back, his eyes closed. His hands rested at his sides, twitching from time to time. Beads of sweat rolled down his temples, pain contorted his handsome face, deep wrinkles marking his forehead. Dismay lanced through Andi like a knife as her heart skipped a beat. Wilson sorted through the contents of the medkit. Discarded in the grass, one used medinject already lay by his boot.

  “What’s happened to him?” She fell to her knees next to Wilson. “How could his condition deteriorate in just a few minutes?” Reaching with one hand to touch Tom’s cheek, she was shocked to find his skin cold under her hand. “He was talking to me and walking when I left to find you. And now he’s unconscious?” Andi grabbed Wilson’s sleeve and tugged on it to make him look at her. “How can that be?”

  “Bhengola fever.” The sergeant’s lean frame was tense, his shoulders hunched. He wouldn’t face her. The vein at the side of his throat throbbed as he rummaged through the medical supplies. “The captain gets these attacks from time to time. We were hopin’ to get back to the capital before the next one hit. You know of any local remedies?”

  “Bhengola fever?” Andi covered her mouth with both hands and gasped. “Did I hear you correctly? Bhengola?” Wilson nodded once. Chewing her lower lip, she ran one hand through her hair. “He never caught it on Zulaire. We don’t have that here.”


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