Nebula Nights: Love Among The Stars

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Nebula Nights: Love Among The Stars Page 249

by Melisse Aires


  When Maddie woke up, she had to remind herself once again where she was. The sky was still purple so she was not sure what time it was. Mack and Jackson were still asleep, curled up in a sleeping bag together.

  Maddie walked a few yards away from the campsite and found a water stream. She threw the cold water on her face and filled a canteen. She swallowed an orange pellet that had been labeled "breakfast." When she looked up, Maddie saw a large, heavily armed group heading her way.

  She rushed back over to the campsite, tripping over her sleeping bag on the way. She nearly fell onto Mack but caught herself just in the nick of time.

  "Wake up!" Maddie called to the sleeping couple. She shook the sleeping bag, careful not to make contact with Mack.

  "What's going on?" Jackson's voice asked roughly.

  "I think there's trouble," Maddie told them, shaking him by the shoulders.

  "Trouble?" Mack asked groggily, rubbing her eyes.

  Before Maddie could explain, a laser blast struck the ground near her feet, launching her in the air. She landed on her back several feet away.

  Mack and Jackson jumped to their feet, instantly drawing their guns.

  "Get in the pod," Mack ordered Maddie.


  "I said get!" Mack yelled, ducking another blaster shot.

  Maddie scrambled to rush into the pod, barely making it in time. If she had been a few seconds slower, she would have been hit with the blaster fire instead of the pod door.

  She peeked through the protective glass, watching the scene unfold in front of her.

  Mack and Jackson were hiding behind a group of trees that were several yards away from the pod. A strange looking group were in a distance, firing at them.

  Maddie had never seen anything like the attackers before. She realized this had to be the Gorium that everyone had talked about. This was the first time she had actually laid eyes on the species. When she was shot at outside of work, the attackers were in vehicles. Mack held the comforter over her when they were attacked at the agency.

  Even in the distance, Maddie could clearly see that the enemies were taller than anything else on the planet, with green skin and protruding jaws with teeth sticking through the lips. Their thick bodies were covered in hair she could see sticking out of their protective armor. Each of them had long black hair that went down past the waist.

  Mack and Jackson used the trees as a barrier as they returned gun fire. Maddie marveled at the skill displayed by both of them and how well they seemed to work as a team.

  After taking down several of the tall, green enemies, Mack threw a flash grenade which temporarily blinded their attackers. They ran over to the pod, threw open the doors, and Mack began to take off.

  "Was that the Gorium?" Maddie asked.

  "No time for questions," Mack curtly responded, getting the pod successfully up in the air.

  Maddie sat back and watched the purple sky fade in the distance.

  "That was a little too close for comfort," Jackson stated.

  "How could that ever be comfortable?" Maddie asked but both agents ignored her.

  "Okay, now with the questions," Mack encouraged Maddie after several minutes of silence.

  "Was that the Gorium?" she asked.

  "Yes," Jackson confirmed.

  "I thought you said the planet was neutral?" Maddie asked.

  "It is," Mack replied.

  "Then, how-"

  "The Gorium must have found out where we are. Or they could have also just been resting on the planet and found us," Mack explained.

  Maddie shuddered in response. It was hard for her to imagine a living thing with as much hatred as she saw on their faces today.


  Mack received the coordinates for the new space station Commander Westlake had mentioned the night before. Because of their limited engines, it took them several days to reach the base. Until the ISC was back up and operational, this would be the new base. The agents who had escaped the destruction of the ISC had arrived several days before them.

  Mack landed without any further issues. Maddie was left alone in a different dorm room than before while Jackson and Mack met up with the Commander. Thankfully, this one had a window. Maddie sat looking out through a window, staring at the endlessness of space in front of her. She longed for the simplicity that used to be her life.

  Her life? Mack's former life? Her head was spinning with contradictions. Not Mack's former life, she thought to herself. The life that was created for me, her clone. The thought alone made her sad. Nothing was hers. Maddie couldn't help but admire her counterpart for her strength and resiliency. Mack was cool under pressure and fast on her feet. Nothing seemed to faze her. Silently, Maddie wished she could be more like the agent.

  The thought hit her in that moment that she could. Maddie was created from Mack. The same attributes Maddie contributed to the other woman was inside her as well. Sure, she didn't have the experiences her counterpart had, but why should she cower in fear? She could be just as strong and brave as Mack. The realization made Maddie sit up a little straighter.

  A sound of a gentle knock at the door pulled Maddie's attention away from the window. She had expected it to be Jackson and Mack. To her surprise, John, Logan, and Seth Brooks were there when she opened the door, seemingly bickering at each other. Maddie cleared her throat, getting their attention.

  "Sorry," John bashfully said.

  "I'm not sure for what," Maddie said.

  "We just wanted to make sure you were okay," Seth apologetically said.

  "I'm just fine," she told them.

  The three brothers looked relieved. "We were worried," Logan said.

  "That's very sweet of you." Maddie smiled at them.

  Maddie noticed Logan seemed to have a vice grip on his younger brother’s shoulder. She searched John's face for a moment, watching the different emotions play out in his eyes. Before she could stop herself, she flung herself into John's arms.

  "Oh, Maddie," John moaned, burying his face in her hair.

  "I was so scared," she admitted.

  "I know. I was, too." His arms held her tight to his body.

  She was only slightly aware of Logan's hand on her right shoulder. She pulled slightly away from John and looked into Logan's eyes. She was touched by the emotion she saw there. She didn't need anyone telling her that Logan rarely showed such emotion. She smiled and nodding toward him, wordlessly giving her gratitude.

  "I'm sorry, but we've got to go. Commander Westlake is waiting for us," Seth gently said.

  Maddie was expecting John to drop his arms. Instead, he kissed her, taking her completely by surprise. The kiss sent waves of shock and need through her system, making her insides quiver slightly. Then, just as quickly as it started, it was over.

  "I'll see you later," John promised.

  Then, without saying another word, they left the room.

  Maddie brought her fingers to her lips, still reeling over the kiss. In a daze, she walked back over to her table, leaving the door to her room wide open. The two agents walked in without knocking, joining Maddie at the table.

  “You okay?” Mack asked.

  “Yeah.” Maddie slowly nodded, still feeling the effects from John’s kiss.

  Jackson and Mack exchanged a grin, but didn’t say anything. Maddie composed herself, taking the opportunity to really study Mack for the first time.

  They both had the same hair color. They both had blue eyes but Mack's shade was a little darker than Maddie's. Maddie could see the scar that was right under Maddie's lip from a bicycle accident when she was six, the same scar she had. But it was the first time that Maddie could see the other scars, ones they did not share. The signs of Mack's hard life quickly became obvious to Maddie; the last few years were written on her face.

  Mack's nose appeared to have been broken, possibly several times; its shape was different than Maddie's. There was an indentation on her left cheek, possibly the sign of anot
her broken bone. A prominent scar was above her left eyebrow. Signs of gashes were all over her forehead and cheeks. It surprised Maddie how, upon closer examination, Mack didn't really resemble her much at all.

  Mack raised an eyebrow, smirking slightly.

  "See something interesting?" she inquired, breaking Maddie's concentration.

  Maddie flushed. "I'm sorry. I just haven't really looked at your face before."

  "Shocking, isn't it?" Mack asked.

  Maddie nodded, feeling the heat rise to her cheeks.

  "Evidence of battles long ago that never quite ended," Mack murmured, sighing lightly. Jackson rubbed her shoulders in response.

  "It couldn't have been easy for you." Maddie's voice was low.

  "Easy? Honey, there is no such thing as easy." Mack snorted.

  "But we knew that when we signed up," Jackson stated.

  "I wouldn't trade a single scar. They're all a reminder of what we fight for," Mack said.

  "So, now what?" Maddie asked, quickly changing the subject. She suddenly felt uncomfortable.

  Jackson and Mack exchanged nervous glances.

  "We’ve got our orders from Commander Westlake. We're going to take the fight to Gatewood," Mack begrudgingly stated.

  "How are we going to do that?" Maddie's eyes widen with fear.

  "We are not doing anything," Mack signaling at Maddie emphatically. "Jackson and I are. You-" Mack pointed at her clone. "-are staying here under a protective detail."

  "Oh, come on!" Maddie protested.

  "Clones are not equipped for fighting. You are not trained for this. You'll just get me killed," Mack informed her.

  "I can help." Maddie offered up. "Jackson, tell her about paintball."

  "Maddie, paintball is not the same as a real fight. You merely saying that proves you aren't ready. I have to side with Mack on this," Jackson said.

  "You'll only get yourself killed which, in turn, will get me killed," Mack repeated, shaking her head.

  "I'll listen. I'll do whatever you say," Maddie said.

  "Glad to hear it. Stay put," Mack ordered sternly.

  "Don't worry. Your detail will consist of people you know," Jackson comforted.

  Maddie thought about protesting but the look Mack shot her told her it was no use. She leaned back in her chair in defeat.

  Mack ordered a security detail for Maddie which had strict orders to keep Maddie under guard at all times.

  Maddie sat on the bed in her dorm, mindlessly flipping through channels as she waited on her protective detail.

  "It's open," she said to the knock at the door.

  "Pizza delivery," she heard Seth's voice as the door swung open.

  "Seth!" Maddie jumped up in surprise.

  "Maddie, I'm hurt that you are shocked to see me," Seth teased as he came in her dorm. In his hands was a pizza box.

  "You volunteered?" she asked.

  "We both did," Logan said as he entered the room.

  "Wow, guys. I don't know what to say," Maddie said.

  A part of Maddie was surprised that Logan gave up the opportunity to fight to guard her. Another part was slightly disappointed that John hadn't.

  "I really don't know why you are so surprised. It's not like we haven't spent the last week at the ISC hanging out with you." Seth sounded a little defensive.

  "That's true." Maddie nodded.

  "Are you not happy to see us?" Logan asked, opening up a beer.

  "No, of course I am. I'm just surprised you would rather hang out with me than join the fight," she pointed out.

  "We just thought you would rather have someone you knew.” Seth shrugged.

  "I would. Thank you both," Maddie sincerely said.

  "Think nothing of it," Logan told her.


  Feeling that Maddie was secure, Jackson and Mack began to plan their assault with their team.

  "We have reports that Megan has a crew holed up in an asteroid belt." Mack pulled up a holographic projection, illustrating what she meant.

  She punched a few keys on her laptop, enlarging an asteroid.

  "We believe a base has been created here, though it's difficult to be certain. Due to the asteroids chemical compounds, there is a lot of interference," Mack explained.

  She gestured to the picture and continued. "Here is a picture of what we believe is the base. Thankfully, it was transmitted before the scout detail was destroyed."

  "So we don't know for certain?" One of their teammates, Robert Morgan, inquired.

  "There is no way for there to be one hundred percent certain, Robert." Mack shook her head.

  "You are asking us to walk into what could potentially be a trap or certain death without real confirmation?" Robert asked.

  "It's the nature of the venture. We can't be sure this is accurate information or it was once or if Megan has moved her base by now," Jackson stated.

  "Of course, everyone in this room has the ability to say no. This situation has turned into a very personal one. Knowing the risks involved, I'm not going to ask you to risk your life. I will not hold it against you," Mack told the team.

  "I'm in." A raspy voice from the back of the room rang out clear.

  Mack knew without looking who it was. She tried to suppress a smile. Of course John would be on board. She had suspected he had fallen for her counterpart. After his brothers volunteered as Maddie's protective detail, she pressed him about the extent of his feelings but he wouldn't answer her. All he would murmur was something about self-preservation.

  "Thanks, Brooks. Anyone else?" Mack asked.

  Everyone murmured in agreement with John.

  "Good. We're going to pair up in twos. There will be one pilot and one gunner for each ship. John, you’re with me. Phil, you’re with Jackson. Everyone else pair up. Afterward, pilots see me for the flight plan," Mack instructed.

  "How is she?" John asked after the strategy meeting concluded.

  "Still freaked out, I bet. She's not happy with me making her stay here. I'm sure having Logan and Seth volunteer as her security helped. I was surprised by that. I didn't think Logan missed an opportunity for battle," Mack commented.

  "This is different. Protecting her is just as important as fighting. Besides, they like her. Seth said he looks at her like a little sister. Even Logan, as emotionally closed off he is, is crazy about her. They aren't going to let anything happen to our girl. Just consider them her shield," John said with a sly grin.

  "Glad to hear it." Mack relaxed a little.

  The assault had been well-planned. The fighters would destroy the surrounding, protective asteroids, opening up the base. Once infiltrated, Mack would lead a team to find Megan Gatewood and, hopefully, bring her to justice. What would happen after her victory...she couldn't answer.

  "Hey," John's raspy voice snapped Mack back to reality. "It's going to be okay. Maddie will be alright."

  "I'm glad you sound so sure. Maddie's whole life has been turned upside down. Everything she knew, she now knows is wrong. And that's my fault."

  "Stop." John's voice was slightly rougher than he had anticipated. "It's not your fault. There was no way for you to have known this. And there was no way for you to have prevented it."

  Mack slowly nodded, knowing he was right but still feeling terrible. Mack had been on countless missions, each time knowing she might not come back alive. But this was the first one in a long time that made her feel nervous. Meeting Maddie put a lot of things into focus for her. It wasn't just her that she was fighting for. It was also Maddie. She had gotten to know her duplicate and, in the process, gotten to know the part of herself she thought she had lost. Mack wasn't ready to lose that again.

  There was also a part of her that worried about her once the mission was successful. She couldn't see Maddie just going back to her safe existence like before. The fear crept up on her that, due to Maddie's knowledge, she might be destroyed or she would be under guard the rest of her natural life. Both thoughts made her shudder.<
br />
  John pulled Mack into his arms, holding her tight against his chest.

  "She'll be okay. Seth and Logan will see to it. And you know the agency has a way of making these things right again without hurting her. You'll see," John comforted, seemingly echoing her thoughts.

  "Is that what you want?" Mack questioned.

  "It's not about what I want, Mack. I'm not going to answer that. You and I both have to have faith that everything will work out."

  "Thanks," Mack said, her voice choking with emotion. "Are you okay? I know you care deeply for her."

  "I'm going to pretend to not know what you mean. Self-preservation."

  "I understand."

  Jackson cleared his throat, causing Mack to pull away.

  "Maddie is secure. The other pilots are beginning their checks. We should be ready to get underway within the next twenty minutes," Jackson informed her.

  "Thanks, Jackson," Mack replied.

  Jackson stared at John until he made an excuse to leave.

  "What's your deal?" Mack grabbed Jackson's arm, forcing him to look at her.

  Jackson only shrugged his shoulders and didn't say anything.

  "Please tell me that you aren't jealous." Mack studied Jackson's face.

  "Of what? John? Please." Jackson grimaced and rolled his eyes.

  "Then what's wrong?" Mack asked.

  "You know me. I always get nervous before a mission. There's much at stake here. So much more than usual."

  "Believe me, I feel it too."

  "Wow, so did he admit to being in love with Maddie?" Jackson asked, breaking the tension.

  "Of course not. Because he's an idiot."

  "I wouldn't be so quick to call him that. None of us can say for certain what will happen to her once this is all over. There is more than one possible outcome here, Mack. He may be trying to protect himself in the worst case scenario."

  "He doesn't seem to be ready to admit it. John said something along those lines earlier tonight. He thinks Charlie is going to wipe her memory and send her home once we're done. When I asked him if that's what he wanted, he refused to answer. He told me he's not going to answer me as an act of self-preservation."


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