Nebula Nights: Love Among The Stars

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Nebula Nights: Love Among The Stars Page 251

by Melisse Aires

  "You don't know what you are talking about, Megan," Mack roughly said, regaining consciousness.

  "Don't hurt her," Seth pleaded, only to be ignored.

  Instead, she turned her attention toward Mack, giving the agent a foul look. She walked over to Mack and slapped her with such force she fell over onto her side.

  "Leave her alone!" Jackson yelled out, suddenly waking up.

  "Yell all you want, Gray," Megan said through gritted teeth.

  Megan snapped her fingers, and two guards dressed in gray picked up Mack's chair and set it upright.

  "You think you are so almighty. If only everyone at the ISC could see you now. The great Mack tied down and defenseless. I've got your team locked up, Mack. Anyone else willing to give their lives for you is light-years from here. No one is going to be able to save you this time," Megan sneered.

  She then crossed over to Jackson, leaning down to eye level. She gently caressed Jackson's face, infuriating Mack.

  "Don’t you touch him!" Mack snapped.

  "Come on, Jackson," Megan crooned, ignoring the agent. "Let's have a little fun."

  Mack tried to stand up, but the ropes kept her tied to her chair. Megan laughed manically as Mack struggled.

  "You are going to watch as your love dies. You are going to bear witness to the deaths of your team. And you are going to know, deep down, there isn't anything you can do to save any of them. Just. Like. Me. But, unlike me, you are not going to live knowing that you are the cause of it," Megan said bitterly.


  The two guards removed Jackson from his chair and chained him against the wall, putting his arms above his head. He was hit several times with heavy clubs across his chest then stripped of his clothing. Jackson dangled naked and lifeless, his feet not touching the ground.

  "Stop it!" Maddie cried out. She twisted and pulled at the binds until the rope started to burn her skin.

  Mack was still trying to frantically struggle from her ropes. Megan walked back over to the long table, trailing her fingers over the array of knives before deciding on one.

  "This is going to be fun. Well, for me at least. Not so much you," Megan promised as she started walking toward a defenseless Jackson.

  "Leave him alone! You leave him alone!" Mack cried out hysterically.

  Maddie's eyes darted from Jackson's helpless body to Mack's frantic motions as she worked to free herself from her binds. Hope filled Maddie’s heart as her ropes started to loosen. She glanced over at Seth as she continued to twist her wrists.

  "Please, God, no," Maddie prayed.

  Megan stuck Jackson with the knife on his left side, causing a painful moan to escape Jackson's lips as his body twitched in response. Mack cried out toward him. Maddie watched in tears as blood started to drip down the side of Jackson's body, pooling underneath his feet.

  "You're a sick bitch, you know that?" Jackson asked, slowly opening his eyes.

  In response, Megan twisted the blade still lodged in his side, causing him to groan once again. Blood flowed freely as she removed the knife. Megan grabbed a club from one of her guards, hitting Jackson's body several times across the chest, stomach, and legs. Twice, she hit the open wound, causing more blood to gush from him.

  "Stop it!" Mack cried out.

  The color left Jackson's face as the beatings continued. Slowly, he lost consciousness. Megan stabbed him again, causing blood to pour from his limp body. He wouldn't be able to take much more.

  Unable to witness anymore, Maddie was able to finally twist her wrists free from the rope and slide out of her bindings. She launched herself at Megan, knocking her to the ground. The two women wrestled for a moment before Megan was able to get the upper hand, pinning Maddie to the floor. Megan straddled Maddie, pointing the bloody knife at her face.

  "Maddie!" Seth shrieked to her left.

  "That was incredibly stupid," Megan spat, slicing her face with the knife. Maddie felt the blood start to run from the new open wound.

  Maddie successfully bucked Megan off her, and sent the knife sliding across the floor to Seth's feet. Maddie couldn't hear Mack's cries. Any sounds the restrained teammates made fell on deaf ears. She was all too focused on Megan. She rammed her body into Megan's mid-section, falling to the ground once more. The two women punched and clawed at each other, trying to get the upper hand. Many of Megan's punches connected, causing more blood to pour out of the cuts on her face. When they came to a stop, Maddie had Megan pinned to the floor. Maddie wiped the blood from her face as she peered down at her restrained enemy.

  Her victory was very short lived. Two guards were by their side at once, pulling Maddie off their boss. She kicked and screamed for her release. Megan wiped the blood from her mouth caused by one of Maddie's punches. She picked up the whip again and advanced on Maddie.

  "Why you stupid, little bitch!" Megan exclaimed, slashing Maddie across the face with the weapon.

  The strike made Maddie's vision blur temporarily. It deepened the open wound on her face, causing more blood to gush from it. The rogue agent grabbed Maddie's left arm and in one swift motion, dislocated it from her shoulder. Maddie screamed out in pain. Feeling victorious, Megan motioned for the guards to grab Mack, forcing the captured agent to her feet.

  "I had wanted to wait until Jackson was dead to do this, but I'm getting impatient. Besides, he's not going to last much longer. I think it's time for you two to become better acquainted," Megan stated, grabbing Maddie by the shoulders.

  "No, wait, you can't," Maddie pleaded.

  "You know, the same matter can't occupy the same space," Megan reminded.

  "Keep her away from me!" Mack yelled, trying to pull free from the guards.

  "Maddie! Mack!" Seth shouted, trying to break free of his ropes.

  "If you have a weak stomach, now is the time to look away. This will not be pretty," Megan warned.

  Megan and the guards pushed the two women toward each other at the same time. The momentum carried them forward, both unable to stop themselves. For a moment, time seemed to hold still. The two women collided together, knocking heads. They fell down on the floor in a heap.

  "Ow," Maddie said, rubbing her head. Blood dripped down from her face and splattered on the floor.

  "That's not possible!" Megan exclaimed in disbelief.

  "Wait. We're both still here," Mack said, eying Maddie suspiciously.

  "You know more than I do." Maddie was equally as dumbfounded.

  Cautiously, Mack reached out her hand, grabbing Maddie's. They held hands for a moment before intertwining their fingers together.

  "No, no, no! You're supposed to be a bloody mess on the floor!" Megan exclaimed, stomping her feet.


  In the commotion, no one noticed Seth had used the knife that had been at his feet to free himself. The image of his twin brother's final moments played out in his mind. Jackson’s blood had begun to congeal under his body and the sight sent Seth over the edge. He couldn’t lose another person because of the rogue agent. He came up behind Megan, murder reflected in his eyes.

  Maddie's eyes were wide as she saw Seth grab Megan and, in one swift motion, slit her throat. Maddie cried out in terror, turning away as blood splattered all over the floor. Mack pulled Maddie to her chest, covering her eyes.

  Color drained from Megan's face as she slumped to the floor, life leaving her eyes. Seth wiped the blood clean from the knife and tossed it to the floor. Seth carefully pulled Maddie to him as Mack released her hold so she could get to Jackson.

  "Hey, it's okay," Seth soothingly told her. "I'm sorry you had to see that."

  "Please don't tell me that it was part of the job." She sobbed.

  "No. That was payback for my brother," Seth admitted. "How's the shoulder?"

  "Hurts like hell."

  "Brace yourself against me," Seth gently ordered.

  Maddie pressed the right side of her body against Seth's muscular chest and grimaced.

  "I'm sorry," Seth said before popp
ing her shoulder back in place.

  Maddie cursed loudly as she slumped into him. Her shoulder still hurt, but she could move it now.

  "Thank you," she said, massaging her shoulder.

  Suddenly, the rest of Mack's team broke through the locked door and converged on the armed guards. A small fight erupted between Mack's team and Megan's guards. Most of the guards fell under the gunfire. The rest lowered their weapons in surrender. They bowed their head in defeat and threw their weapons on the floor.

  Seth released Maddie as his eyes locked on his girlfriend. Tamma knocked over one of the surrendering guards as she crossed the room to get to Seth. The two embraced, not letting go for several moments.

  Maddie scanned the room, looking for John. Relief washed over her as she saw him push through the crowd.

  "John," Maddie whispered.

  They rushed toward each other, meeting in the center of the room. John wrapped his arms around her, kissing her lips, forehead, and hair.

  "I thought I had lost you," he said.

  "I was so worried." Tears streamed down her cheeks as she hugged him.

  The salt in her tears irritated the cuts on her face. John pulled back enough to look at her, wiping the blood and the tears away.

  "Are you okay?" he asked.

  Maddie nodded. "What happened?"

  "We were separated out in the hangar. I wasn't able to get to you in time before you were captured. The rest of us were taken into a holding cell. Phil managed to break the cell door. And here we are," John explained.

  "Phil?" Maddie asked.

  "Jackson's pilot," John answered, nodding toward the man in question.

  "Thank God." Maddie breathed.

  John tightened his hold on her for a moment before releasing her, turning his attention over to the injured Jackson.

  Jackson slid down into Mack's arms, covering her in his blood. Mack removed her outer jacket and wrapped it around him, putting pressure on his gaping wound.

  "Please, Jackson, stay with me. Don't leave me, baby, please." Mack's voice pleaded.

  Blood gurgled from Jackson's mouth in response. Mack wiped the blood bubbles from his lips.

  "I'm so sorry. Can I get some help here?" Mack pleaded.

  John and Maddie walked over to Mack, kneeling beside her. Quietly, Seth and Tamma joined them.

  "We've got to get out of here," Maddie whispered to Mack.

  "No!" Mack shouted. "If we move him, he'll die."

  "He's already dying, Mack," Maddie stated, sympathetically.

  "No! Someone help me, please!" Mack's voice cracked under the strain.

  Maddie was surprised as her old friend, Will, knelt down beside Mack.

  "Here, allow me," he cautiously said.

  Mack's eyes went wild, so many emotions rising to the surface at once. Grant and Nick, whom Maddie from their paintball game, assisted. Seth, John, and Maddie moved out of the way as a team of medics came to assist them. John protectively slid his arm around her thin waist as they watched the medic team try to save Jackson.

  “Where did this medic team come from?" Maddie asked.

  "I'm not sure," Seth said.

  "You really don't have to hold me, John," Maddie whispered.

  "I think I do. You look like you could faint. Besides, I like holding you." John grinned.

  "He's bleeding internally, Mack. He needs surgery. I can't do anything here." Maddie heard Will tell her.

  "Is he going to make it back?" she asked.

  "He won't make it back to Earth, but I think he'll make it to the base. He doesn't have a lot of time."

  "Thanks, Will."

  "He needs to lay flat. Take my ship," Will informed her.

  "You sure?" Mack eyed him carefully.

  Will nodded. "It will get you there fast."

  Maddie had expected Mack to argue, but she nodded in agreement. Several men used the nearby table to carefully pick up Jackson and carry him toward the hangar.

  "You go back with Seth. Listen and do what he says," Mack ordered.

  "I thought the danger was gone?" Maddie questioned.

  "Do as you are told!" Mack glared, following the escort out. "John, you're with me."

  John mouthed sorry to her and followed Mack. Maddie rolled her shoulders and sighed.

  "Just you and me again, kid." Seth grinned, nudging her.

  Maddie rolled her eyes. Seth's grin was contagious, so she couldn't help but smile at him. He reminded her of Noah in some ways. The thought made her like Seth a little more and miss home as well.

  "Can you take me home?" she asked solemnly.

  "My pleasure." Seth nudged her toward the door.


  "What the hell is taking them so long?" Maddie impatiently asked Seth and John as they played cards while she paced in the living room of John's apartment. Mack sat quietly in a chair, gazing out the window.

  "You'd feel better if you joined us," Seth encouraged.

  "I don't want to play." Maddie shook her head.

  "Come on, a little distraction?" John asked enticingly.

  "I said no, thank you."

  John gave a noncommittal shrug as he dealt the cards.

  Mack had been silent since they returned from the asteroid belt a week ago. Any attempts to talk to her were in vain. She hadn't eaten and refused medical treatment. She sat motionless, with no emotion reflecting in her eyes. Any attempt at physical contact with her had resulted in getting punched in the face. Maddie wondered if Mack was in shock over everything that happened or if she was going out of her mind, worried about Jackson.

  Jackson had been placed into a medically-induced coma when they returned to the base. Once he was deemed stable enough to move, the team joined the rest of the ISC agents back on Earth since the building had been successfully repaired.

  Maddie's cuts required stitches and she was told that she would have a scar. She had full mobility back in her arm and shoulder. Seth and John stayed by her side almost constantly which Maddie didn't understand. If Gatewood was dead, surely the danger was as well? She felt as if she didn't have all the information, but Seth and John didn't seem to know any more than she did.

  Her requests to speak with the Commander kept being denied. She had so many questions that needed to be answered. It was beginning to drive her crazy. She looked over at Mack, who still looked to be mentally checked out. A part of her was envious. The other part wanted to shake Mack until she snapped out of it.

  Maddie desperately needed some good news. She stopped her pacing and prayed hard that Jackson would be okay.

  From behind, she felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her waist, and she closed her eyes. She felt the familiar nuzzle against her neck as she took a deep, calming breath.

  "Jackson is going to be okay. As soon as he is awake, Mack is going to snap out of this. Everything will be okay, one way or another," John murmured.

  "I hope so."

  Maddie caressed John's hands, feeling increasingly grateful for him. They had grown closer in the past week. They hadn't had sex, but their connection felt incredibly intimate. John had been the glue holding her together this past week. But it couldn't last, Maddie knew this. She figured once things settled down with Jackson and Mack, she would be gone, somehow, some way. She didn’t need to be reminded of something John had told her once. The ISC had ways that would make it seem as if everything that had happened to her since the shooting at work would feel like a dream. She wasn't sure if it was supposed to be comforting or not. She didn't want to think about it or ask for details.

  "It's going to be okay," John repeated.

  "I know," Maddie softly said.

  "Are you sure you don't want to play?" John asked.

  "I want to stay right here if you don't mind."

  John kissed her gently below her ear.

  "Whatever you need," he said softly.

  Maddie squeezed his hand in response.

  John's doorbell buzzed and one of the surgeons that had be
en working on Jackson came in.

  "He's going to be fine. We were able to repair the bleeding and the nerve damage. Agent Gray is expected to make a full recovery when he wakes up," the doctor informed.

  "When can we see him?" Maddie asked.

  "He's in recovery. Give it about an hour," the doctor said, leaving the room.


  An hour later, Maddie grabbed Mack's hand and, after blocking her punch, led her to the hospital wing. The other woman still appeared to be in her daze until her eyes locked on Jackson. She seemed to come out of her trance at the same time that Jackson began to open his eyes.

  "Hey," Mack murmured.

  "Hi," Jackson groggily said.

  Mack sat down on a stool beside the hospital bed and brushed some of his hair away from his eyes.

  "You gave me quite the scare there."

  "I know."

  "Do that again, and I'll kill you," Mack said, smiling.

  Jackson gave her a weak smile. "That's my girl."


  John and Maddie walked hand-in-hand into the conference room. Today, she was supposed to finally see the Commander to answer her questions and decide her fate. Commander Westlake sat at the head of the long table. Mack was already sitting to his left.

  "I do apologize, Agent Brooks, but this is a private meeting between the three of us," Commander Westlake stated.

  "But, sir..." John protested.

  "You object?" the Commander raised his eyebrow.

  "Sir, I would really like to stay," John quietly said.

  Instead of replying, the Commander folded his hands in front of him on the table.

  "Understood," John said, snapping to attention.

  Maddie stood silent, her eyes pleading for him not to leave.

  "It's okay. I'll see you later," John whispered before leaving.

  Once the door had closed behind John, Maddie took a seat opposite from Mack at the table.

  "I'm sorry to have kept you waiting, Ms. Rhodes. I'm sure your mind is filled with questions," Commander Westlake stated.

  "You could say that," Maddie nodded.

  "Where do we begin?" the Commander asked.


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