Handfuls of Shattered Pieces

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Handfuls of Shattered Pieces Page 23

by Kerry Taylor

  “Get off me!” I yelled, only half of the words coming out with my weak, panicked voice. In a matter of seconds I felt another hand around my waist, just as a fist flew from beside me at Steve. I turned, confused and terrified, and found Matt holding me up in one arm, the punch thrown with his other.

  “MOTHERFUCKER!” He raged as he swung me behind him and looked down at Steve who was sprawled on his back, blood pouring from his nose. The rage pouring from Matt completely changed him from my soft, kind, understanding guy, into someone dangerous and wild. I guessed it made me odd, but I found it kind of sexy, even in my panicked state.

  “Matt?” Cole walked out of the glass doors and instantly ran to me, pushing me behind him too. “What the fuck?”

  “Sonofabitch grabbed Livy and started trying to grind up against her.” Matt spat, not taking his eyes off of Steve, who had now sat up and was wiping away blood from his mouth, a sneer on his face.

  “What’s the problem boys? I thought after the show she put on in there, she’d be more than up for it.” He laughed.

  “You better watch your fucking mouth dickhead.” Cole growled.

  “Oh, sorry. Is it cash up front? How much is it, sugar?” I was confused by his comment, but Cole and Matt clearly weren’t. They both lunged and started in on Steve. Matt bent down and punched him again while Cole kicked his side hard. The anger on both of their faces was in complete contrast to my gentle guys and it shocked me, but also reassured me. I knew they would protect me.

  I was shaking so hard I could barely stay upright, traumatised at the thought of Steve’s hands on me, but also having triggered memories of other unwanted hands on me, The Shadow’s body rubbing up against me.

  “STOP!” I screamed, to all of it, and to Matt and Cole. I needed them beside me. I needed them to be my good guys again. The sound of fists on flesh was bringing back memories I couldn’t handle.

  I forced myself to open my eyes and thankfully Cole and Matt had stopped. Steve was laid out, a cut on his eyebrow and his nose still bleeding, but he looked to have gotten off lightly.

  Cole started toward me, but he had blood on his fists and all I could see was The Darkness and blood, my blood, everywhere. I ran into the garden, darting around groups of people who had been watching the scuffle. I ran into the pergola, which was empty and dark. I needed the dark. I was safe in the dark. Only the light ever brought The Shadow.

  I fell into the back corner and curled up. I was crying and the shaking wouldn’t stop.

  “Carina?” Matt knelt on the wooden floor before me, leaving a little space. I had my knees pulled up to my chest and my face buried in them. “I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have let that happen.” He whispered.

  “And we shouldn’t have reacted like that.” Cole added. I guessed he was somewhere on my right, though further back than Matt.

  “I just saw red. We both did. You’ve been through so much, we won’t let anyone hurt you again.”

  “Cole’s right. You mean so much to us. I know we get overprotective, but that asshole deserved it. He had no right to put his filthy hands on you.”

  “I-is this m-y fault…...is it b-because of the dancing?” I asked, my voice trembling and hard to get out between gasps for air.

  That’s what Steve had said, that I put a show on. Was the way I was dancing bad? Did I provoke him? I didn’t think I did anything wrong, but all of the people had been glaring at me before.

  “No Olivia! That guy is a complete douchebag! He was just mad because you sent him on his way earlier. He’s rich and a footballer. He isn’t used to being turned down.” Matt explained.

  “You did nothing wrong, beautiful. What we do to enjoy ourselves is no one’s business but ours.” Cole agreed. “Besides, even if you were stripping on that dance floor and dancing around naked, it doesn’t give anyone the right to lay hands on you like he did.”

  I took a deep breath and looked up. My face was soaked with tears and I knew I was a mess. But I felt better, what Cole said made sense. Steve had no right to grab me like he did, and I was kind of glad the guys hurt him.

  “C-an we g-go home…..please?” I asked as calmly as I could.

  “Yes please. I’ve been danced to a freaking near heart attack! I’m beat,” Matt joked, making me smile through my tears.

  “Come on, Babygirl.” Cole said as he held his hand out to me from where he stood beside Matt. I took it and he pulled me up. Matt wrapped his jacket around my quaking shoulders, then they both wrapped an arm around me, holding me between them. I was shaky and exhausted, but Cole’s arm around my shoulders and Matt’s around my waist gave me the support I needed to walk through the gardens and down the side of the house.

  “I r-really did love all of the dancing.” I told them once I felt a little calmer.

  “So did we Carina. We will definitely do that again, but next time we’ll take you to a club and Kade and Kyle can come with us.”

  “Really? That sounds great. Can they dance?” I asked.

  “Kade can. I don’t know about Kyle.” Cole replied.

  “I bet he’s t-too grumpy to dance.” I laughed, my shaking calming, and my tears finally stopped. They both laughed as they ushered me through a tall metal gate that I assumed led to the front where we left the truck.

  “Don’t let him hear you say that.” Cole warned. I turned to him with a smile, but his face dropped and he and Matt both stopped me. I looked up, alarmed and found Steve before us, surrounded by six other guys, three on each side of him.

  “Not so cocky now are you, Davis?” Steve laughed. Cole and Matt, in sync, pushed me behind them and closed the gap between them, completely blocking my view of what was going on with their huge frames.

  “You not man enough to face me one on one, motherfucker?” Cole spat. Were all seven of them going to hurt Cole and Matt? I was panicking, but I knew I needed to do something. I reached into my back pocket of my jeans and pulled out my cell which I put there when I took off my jacket earlier. I knew there wasn’t time to fall apart. Matt and Cole were really in trouble and I wouldn’t let them be hurt, not if I could help it.

  “What? You mean like you two attacking me earlier?” Steve growled. He was really pissed off. This was all my fault.

  I swiped my cell open and sent a group text to Kyle and Kade.

  OLIVIA: C & M in trouble. 7 against 2. Come quick pls.

  I was slow to text so I kept it as short as possible. I was sure they would come. I just hoped they saw it in time.

  “You grabbed our girl and started rubbing your nasty ass self against her. You had it coming, you dumb fuck!” Matt hissed.

  “Nah! It was your girl who had it coming, and she’s gonna get it once you two fuckers are dealt with!” Steve was laughing, like a maniac and I knew I was screwed if these seven losers got my guys down.

  My cell phone vibrated in my hand and I actually cried in relief, tears trickling down my cheeks. I unlocked it quickly and as I opened the first text, a second came in.


  KADE: Im coming love x

  I took a deep breath and fought to calm myself.They were coming. Kyle would be there in minutes. We just needed to stall.

  “Try it dipshit and we’ll end you!” Cole roared. Great! Way to stall Cole!

  I don’t know who attacked first, but Cole and Matt started throwing punches as six guys launched at them. In seconds three guys surrounded each of them. I whimpered, terrified for them as Steve’s sidekicks started trying to lay into my guys. Matt and Cole held their own. Cole threw a punch, hitting the biggest of his three so hard he dropped to the ground. Matt started kicking out behind him like a ninja as he pushed back another guy who tried to grab him.

  “Livy, go! Get inside to Charlie!” Cole yelled, but I couldn’t leave them, especially when I saw Steve moving toward Matt who already had two of his guys down.

  The last one Matt was fighting was fast and he moved like a boxer. He punched out at Matt’s head, but Matt managed to move
to the side swerving the hit, only for the guy to hit with his other hand, catching Matt hard in the side. I knew it was a hard impact, from experience, and images of me being hit just the same way, just the same sound of fists impacting flesh tried to push into my mind, but I pushed it away. Matt was doubled over trying to catch his breath and Steve was moving in while he was down.

  I glanced over to Cole, but he was still dealing with two of his attackers, and he was favouring his left side, obviously a damaged rib. They’d both taken too many hits and they were bleeding and waning. I wouldn’t let Steve lay into them, now that they were easy targets for him. The guy was a coward, too scared to face the both of my guys when they weren’t hurt, but going for them while they were weakened. He was a bully, and I hated bullies.

  I shrugged Matt’s jacket from my arms, letting it fall to the floor and then I dropped my phone on top of it. There were a dozen or so people who had come around the corner to watch, but no one was stepping in or doing anything. I knew I had to help. I’d be little more than useless, but I would damn well try for my guys.

  Steve was bent down, about to throw a punch at Matt’s exposed back. I knew the move, had it used on me enough times. A punch to the kidneys was agony, and incapacitating. I felt the anger of every hit I had taken, every session of torture and abuse I had endured, but most of all, the anger of these idiots attacking my guys, and I channeled it for Cole and Matt.

  I let out an angry cry as I ran at Steve as hard as I could and leapt at him. He was bent enough that I landed on his back and clung on like a wild animal. I climbed up him as he tried to throw me off, until my hands were around his sweaty, disgusting face and I just started scratching and grabbing at anywhere I could touch.

  “Fucking crazy whore!” Steve yelled, but I was holding him so tight he couldn’t shake me off. He tried to grab my legs to unclamp them from his sides, but I just reached down and scratched at his hands instead.

  Eventually he got a hold of my arms and ripped me off of him, throwing me down with force, but it was nothing I wasn’t used to. My arms scratched on the gravel as I spun to my back and flipped up to my feet.

  “You’re going to regret that you little bitch!” Steve spat as he ran at me. I waited until the last second, then feigned right. He dove for me, but missed and went stumbling forward. I ran behind him and got low, ready to jump at him.

  “Olivia, get the hell out of here!” Matt yelled. I looked round to him just as the guy he was fighting hit him square in the face. Matt went down and stopped moving.

  “Matt!” I cried. I looked to Cole, who was barely standing and panicked. There were two of Steve’s sidekicks still standing, two on the floor, and two had run off. Hearing the growl coming at me I turned back to Steve in a panic, but he was closer than I thought. I tried to swerve away from him, but he grabbed me by the front of my top, tearing it in the process. I started hitting out and kicking, anything to get out of his hold, but he now had hold of my arms and he was strong.

  “Good job I like ‘em fiery.” He hissed as he lifted me clean off the ground and glared at me.

  I wanted to freeze, or scream, or something, but instead I tried to focus. I wasn’t alone and I wasn’t locked away. Fighting wasn’t pointless here.

  I reached out my hands and started clawing at his face again. My nails were long and I dug them into his eyes, scratching at him. He wailed and threw me hard at the ground again, this time even more violently. I landed so hard it knocked the breath from me, but I knew I had to get up. I rolled to my front, my back throbbing badly from the impact. I took a deep breath and pushed onto my hands and knees to stand, but then I heard him, Kyle!

  His car screeched to a stop just metres from where I knelt and he leapt out of the car looking like some dark angel in black jeans and a fitted black henley.

  “You’re dead fucker!” He said it so calmly, he sounded deadly, as he glared at Steve.

  Steve and his two sidekicks still standing started to run away, while the two on the floor fought to stand.

  I looked to Matt, knowing Kyle would handle Steve. Matt was still knocked out on the floor and Cole dropped too, though he was conscious, but bleeding.

  “Matt!” I gasped as I started crawling across the gravel to him. Cole was moving to him too and we both arrived at either side of him together.

  “Fuck Livy! Are you ok?” Cole asked.

  “Yes. Forget me!” I cried. “Look at Matt and you!”

  I turned when I heard more punching and found Kyle over Steve, landing a hit to his face, which was already bleeding from my attacks.

  “Kyle! Stop!” I hadn’t even seen Kade pull up, but he was getting out of his SUV, wearing his CPD t-shirt and a badge around his neck.

  “Look what he’s fucking done! I’m gonna kill him!” Kyle roared, and the anger on his face was like nothing I had ever seen, yet it didn’t scare me because I knew it was anger for us, anger he would never use against me or the people he loved. He was just fiercely protective.

  “We’re pressing charges. He’ll get what he’s due.” Kade said as he shoved Kyle off of Steve and dragged the rather sorry looking asshole to his feet.

  “This isn’t over Davis!” He spat blood on the drive, but he was too weak to even stand properly, having received quite a beating from Kyle.

  “You go near my family again and you’ll be wishing I ended you today you little shit!” Kyle raged as he stood menacingly.

  “Check on them Kyle!” Kade ordered as he dragged Steve toward a patrol car that was just pulling in.

  “Matt? Matt, wake up!” I said as I tapped his cheek gently.

  “Olivia?” He groaned.

  “I’m here. We’re all here. Kade and Kyle too.”


  “I’m here. I’m good. Olivia went all homicidal chick, and kept Steve busy until Kyle arrived.” He laughed, then grimaced in pain.

  “Your ribs?” I asked as I looked him over with worry. He had several cuts and bruises on his face and he was knelt favouring his right side.

  “Liv! What the fuck? Where are you hurt?” Kyle demanded as he dropped to his knees beside me.

  “I’m fine, but Matt was unconscious and I think Cole has cracked ribs.”

  “I fucking told you guys this was a bad idea.” Kyle growled as he pointed at the guys.

  “Thanks bro. That’s just what we need to hear after a seven on three fight.” Matt groaned.

  “It would have been seven on two, but Livy went all badass warrior on us.” Cole laughed, then winced again.

  “Don’t start on them Kyle!” I snapped. “They almost got themselves killed because of me!”

  “No beautiful, not because of you. Because Steve is a pussy who can’t take no for an answer, and isn’t man enough to fight fair.” Cole corrected.

  “Did that fucker touch her?” Kyle asked and he was already half on his feet again.

  “Kyle!” I yelled as loud as I could. “Stop being an ass, and take care of your brothers!”

  When I looked back at Matt, he, Cole and Kyle were staring at me open mouthed.

  “What the fuck have you guys awoken in our sweet little Liv?” Kyle asked, making me smile. I did feel stronger. It had been a crazy night, but in the end I had stood up to my fears and protected my guys a little. It felt good to be strong.

  “Guys, are you ok? Do I need to call an ambulance?” Kade asked as he came hurrying over.

  “I’m good. I’ve had worse.” Cole groaned and I winced at the thought of him being hurt worse than he was now.

  “Me too. Just help me up. My head’s fucking killing.” Matt tried to sit up and Kade hurried to help him to his feet, holding him up with an arm around his shoulders.

  “So, good night kids?” Kade laughed as I helped Cole stand with Kyle at his other side.

  “Fucking fantastic!” Cole grouched as he stumbled, then cursed because he shook his side.

  “Hey! I did have a nice time before all of this actually!” I cried.
br />   “Yeah. Turns out Livy loves the dance floor.” Matt smiled as he told the others, telling me he had enjoyed that part too.

  “Well it might be a long while before you see another one Princess. Mom and Dad are never letting you guys out again after this. They’re gonna freak!” Kyle pointed out and both Matt and Cole groaned.

  “They shouldn’t get in trouble. It was my fault.” I argued. “I was dancing, and I made them both dance with me. Steve thought it was a show, or something….and he wanted his turn. He thought he could grab me….touch me. The guys were just looking out for me, then those guys jumped us. The guys protected me. They didn’t do anything wrong!”

  “Hey hey! It’s ok Love. We know. No one is going to be in trouble. Mom and Dad will just worry about you all, and want you all to stay home to be safe.” Kade said as he took my hand and squeezed it reassuringly.

  “He fucking grabbed you?” Kyle asked, angry again.

  “He thought his guys would get us down so he could do what he wanted with Livy. He’s a fucking psycho!” Cole growled.

  “Motherfucker!” Kyle spat angrily. Kade threw him a chastising glance, then turned back to Cole.

  “Good job he underestimated you two then, isn’t it?”

  “Three. Livy kicked some ass herself tonight.” Matt threw me a wink as he spoke and I blushed as usual.

  “You should have gotten yourself the hell out of there as soon as it kicked off. You could have been hurt.” Kyle warned.

  “There was no way I was leaving them. I wasn’t really much help, but I had to try. I’d do anything to keep all of you guys safe. I spent eight years rolling over and hiding. Not anymore. Tonight I found out that the new me, fights back.” I said firmly.

  Cole cried out as he lifted his arm, but did it anyway and wrapped it around me. I opened my mouth to ask him what the hell he was doing, but he pulled me into his side and kissed my head.

  “I’m so proud of you, Babygirl.” He whispered and I couldn’t help but smile. It felt good to earn his praise. I was pretty proud of myself too. And I loved the cute new name he seemed to have for me.


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