A Christmas Seduction: A Regency Anthology

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A Christmas Seduction: A Regency Anthology Page 2

by Anthology

And since their parents weren’t willing to address such matters, they took said justice into their own hands.

  Which sometimes turned out beautifully, sometimes not so beautifully.

  But what made it so difficult was that it never ended.

  Neither side had won.

  This truth was frustrating in the extreme to a little girl, and undoubtedly to a little boy as well, so each summer when the two families would again meet at Wingham House, the war continued.

  And to this day, neither side could claim victory.

  But that was all going to change. Meredith pulled herself from her inner musings and stepped from the carriage, her dainty boot crushing the gravel beneath it. The Wingham estate loomed before her, and boldly she stepped forward. Soon her sisters flanked her, each studying the large glass windows and stone face.

  “Are you ready?” Meredith whispered softly.

  “Yes,” Louisa answered.

  “Oh yes… I can’t wait,” Sara replied. Meredith turned to her, watching as an evil grin teased her heart shaped face.

  Meredith turned to the stairs leading to the entrance. ”Let it begin.”

  “IT’S FAR TOO PEACEFUL,” Lucas mumbled to himself as he straightened his jacket. Scanning the crowd assembling in the ballroom, he kept his gaze sharp. Something was off.

  He knew the hags had arrived.

  He knew they were staying in the western wing.

  He knew they were attending the ball.

  But as of yet, neither he nor his brothers had seen them.

  Not that this was a bad thing… rather it was unsettling.

  Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

  No. That wouldn’t do. He shook his head slightly. Keep your friends closer and spy on your enemies! That was much better.

  One should never get too close to a hag.

  Heaven only knew what would happen.

  He shivered.

  “Lucas,” Jack whispered as he stood beside him.


  “We have a problem.”

  Lucas turned to his brother, watching as Jack searched the crowd, glanced to the ceiling — anything but make eye contact.

  “What is the problem?” Lucas turned to him more fully, daring him to continue to ignore him.

  “It’s a long story—”

  “Shorten it.”

  Jack took a deep breath and met his gaze, finally. “Hugh and I wanted to get a head start…” He let his tone linger.

  “What did you do?” Lucas grabbed his brother’s arm and led him to a quiet alcove.

  “It was not going to be anything too horrendous, but as we were setting the mouse free in one of the rooms—”

  “Bloody hell, Mother is going to kill you… Mother is going to kill me! I thought we agreed that nothing living would be employed, not after the frog escapade!”

  “Who knew that rotting frogs could smell so bad?” Jack shrugged.”Regardless, while we were in their room… they arrived.”

  “Did they see you?”

  “No. We hid in the water closet and left after they quit the room, but…” Jack glanced away, his expression guilty.

  “But what?” Lucas asked darkly.

  “Uh… actually…” Jack’s gaze darted about then landed on something just outside of the alcove, his eyes widening slightly.

  “See for yourself,” he whispered.

  Irritated, Lucas followed his gaze.

  As if to prove the point, his skin broke out in goose bumps as he studied the creature not twenty paces away.

  Ash blonde hair was curled and swept away from a heart-shaped face, leaving a gentleman divided between gazing at the full, pink lips or fantasizing about the curve of her neck — and exactly how it would taste. Dark sooty lashes outlined almond-shaped eyes that were accented by the frosty color of her dress, which made a man drink in her profile, study it, memorize it. The dress offered only a slight hint of her curves beneath, but it was that hint that set fire to a burning imagination that could easily roar out of control.

  “Ah, I know that look,” Jack goaded.

  “Pardon?” Lucas asked, but couldn’t pull his eyes away. There was something familiar about the woman, but she was turned away just enough that he couldn’t see her full face.

  “That look… the besotted I’m going to ravage you expression that Hugh wore as well.”

  “Hugh?” Lucas questioned, his curiosity enough that he turned to his brother.

  “Ah, dear witless brother.” Jack shook his head. “May I present to you Lady Meredith Bright.”

  “Bright?” Lucas choked on the name, his body freezing.

  “Bright,” Jack enunciated.

  “No.” Lucas turned to the beauty and watched in utter horror as she turned, noticed him, and all warmth in her expression solidified into a chip of ice that seemed to blow a cold wind his direction.

  The beauty was a frigid witch. A hag.

  Hell had officially frozen over!

  But as quickly as his body revolted, it responded, meeting her gaze with a bold one of his own. As if daring him, she raised an eyebrow. Unable to resist himself, he slowly slid his gaze from the top of her crown of hair to the blue slipper she wore, then back up to meet her steely stare.

  Then, as his competitive nature overrode any sense, he simply shook his head as if pitying her.

  And walked away.

  Struggling to appear relaxed, even as every part of his body was tight with a flashing desire that left him smoldering within.

  She might be frozen.

  But he on was fire.

  The house party had just become a lot more interesting…


  “AND HE JUST WALKED AWAY?” Louisa asked, her mouth agape as Meredith retold the events of the ball.

  “Yes. Walked off,” Sara answered from her seat upon the bed where she was hugging a pillow. “Of course that was after he undressed you with his eyes. Meredith, I have never seen anything like it! I was just standing next to you and felt hot all over… how did you stand it?”

  The truth was, Meredith didn’t know how she didn’t react… because the way he studied her… the way his dark eyes had smoldered was burned in her memory. Of course other men had seemed to study her before, but this… this was different. It was as if his gaze was filling a hunger too deep for words, and she was the feast.

  Yet, as soon as he finished, he dismissed her.

  Miserable man.

  For a moment, she wondered if something had changed… but as soon as the thought formed in her mind, she was given her answer.

  And his back.

  A zebra cannot change its stripes, and the spawn of Satan will never be an angel of light.


  She’d best remember that.

  “Did you happen to see any other brothers?” Louisa asked.

  “Yes, there were two of them. Lucas was studying Meredith and the next one… Jack, he was watching his brother.”

  “Sara, we mustn’t use their Christian names,” Meredith scolded.

  “I am not…” She held up a finger, “… calling them Lord Ashbury, or Mr. Mayford… heavens.”

  “Lord only knows what they’ll do with that kind of ego elevation.”

  “And besides, they are Lucas, Hugh, and Jack to us! We’ve seen them in short pants and with bloody noses—”

  “I get the picture… but we are ladies. They might be savage and uncouth natives, but we are not. We will address them as is proper because we are proper… they are simply beneficiaries of our manners.” Meredith folded her hands on her lap.

  “You… are far too uptight,” Louisa sighed. “I’m going to bed. Can you imagine that they gave us all separate rooms? I don’t know whether to be thankful or afraid…”

  “I know.”

  “I’m heading to bed too. Make sure you lock your doors, ladies!” Sara called out as she walked to the door.

  “And put a chair in front just for good measure,” Lou
isa added.

  “Agreed,” Meredith replied as she watched her sisters leave.

  Yet, as the hours wore on, sleep was not forthcoming. As she tossed the covers aside, she grumbled and stood, curling her toes as the cool air assaulted her feet. Her stomach growled, and her gaze shot to the door.

  Dare she?

  At the Wingham House?

  Well, it wasn’t as if she didn’t know every inch of the estate…

  Surely she could make it to the kitchens and back without incident.

  It was the middle of the night, everyone else must be asleep.

  As if her stomach agreed with her logic, it rumbled once more.

  Nodding once, she glanced about for her coverlet. After slipping it on and tying the sash, she slowly opened the door. Candlelight burned low in the hall, offering enough light for her to see, but only just. Silently, she slipped into the hall and started toward the main staircase, but paused.

  She should take the servants stairs. That would lessen the chance of being seen.

  She rolled her eyes at her own dramatics as she started down the lesser-known staircase. Who exactly was going to see her? The house was completely silent, not even a creak. She meandered around several curves and came upon the large wooden door that led to the kitchen. Pushing it open, the scent of rising bread and pheasant from last night’s meal welcomed her. A few low burning candles remained lit, and she glanced about the efficient space.

  A throat cleared.

  Spinning, she searched the darkness for the source of the sound.

  “Damn,” she whispered, as her eyes narrowed toward a dark figure sitting at a table shadowed enough for her to miss upon entrance.

  “Such language for a lady? And here my mother has assured me that you hoydens had matured.” He tsked his tongue.

  “Good evening, Satan.”

  “Ah, pet names? My heart is warm with the thought of it, hag.” He stood and walked toward her. Even in the darkness, Lucas, the Earl of Ashbury was devastatingly distracting. His cravat was missing from his crisp shirt, and he wore no jacket. The candlelight created a delightful silhouette of his muscular legs in his tight breeches, which somehow accented his tall stature and broad shoulders.

  Meredith couldn’t help but swallow and take a step back, even as she scolded herself for doing so.

  “Retreating?” He shook his head. “I’m disappointed.”

  Meredith straightened her shoulders. “Not retreating. Simply taking a step back away from the stench.”

  He laid a hand over his heart.”Now I’m wounded.”

  “If only.”

  Pausing in his approach, he tilted his head slightly. “You know, if I didn’t find you so irritating I might compliment your verbal sparring.”

  “A backhanded compliment? You must be getting soft in your old age.” She turned to walk away, ignoring the protesting clamp of her stomach.

  A warm hand grasped her elbow, sending shivers of awareness up her spine. Cautiously she turned.

  Candlelight illuminated the deep hue of his eyes, making them almost black. His skin was shadowed, making the crisp white of his shirt seem almost otherworldly. The smirk on his face faded slightly as she met his gaze, finding that she was unable to glance away.

  His grip tightened slightly, and he pulled her near. Her body betrayed her as she swayed closer, unable to escape the invitation in his eyes.

  Curiosity burned in his gaze as his hand released her elbow and traced up her arm till his fingers caressed the line of her jaw. In the deep recesses of her mind she noted he wore no gloves, making the touch skin on skin.

  Intimate, seductive, and creating the most feverish sensation breaking out across her flesh.

  “Soft…” he whispered. “I simply didn’t expect…” Then as soon as the attraction flared in his eyes, it was silenced. “So… seduction your weakness?” Roughly he pulled her up against his body.

  The abrupt movement broke the spell he had woven, and violently she pressed against his chest, ignoring the warmth he radiated. “If that is how you seduce women, it’s not a wonder you’re still unmarried at such an… advanced age.” She broke free from his gasp.

  “That sounds like a challenge.” Lucas grinned, his posture once again completely relaxed.

  “A challenge assumes the participant has a fighting chance. You, sir… do not.” She shook her head, straightened her shoulders, and placed her hand on the latch.

  “You’re not as immune to my charm as you pretend to be,” his sultry whisper chased his hot breath across her neck.

  “You’re not as charming as you think,” she retorted.

  Without warning, he spun her around, pressed her against the door, and leaned in.

  Meredith glared, willing her body to not respond to his heat, his attempt at proving some point.

  “Challenge accepted,” he whispered. His mouth was hot against hers, nipping and caressing, ravaging and stealing her affection without permission.

  She willed her eyes to stay open, but they fluttered closed.

  Pressing her hands against his chest, she tried to push him away but found that she rather liked the hard plane of his body against her palms.

  As she tried to pull away from the kiss, he simply pursued her mouth, making a delightful game that threatened to take down her defenses. Yet when his hand reached around and traced up her belly, higher than he ought, she found her resolve and bit his lip, pulling away.

  “No,” she asserted, even as she could feel the sweet ache of her swollen lips.

  “Oh Meredith…” He leaned forward, holding her gaze. “It’s only a matter of time…” With that, he gave a nod, turned and disappeared into the shadows of the kitchen. A moment later a door shut softly, letting her know she was alone.

  The relief of solitude washed over her and on trembling legs, she slid down the door and sat on the cold stone floor of the kitchen. Her mind spun. Had that truly just happened?

  Had Lucas kissed her?

  Had she let him?

  But the most telling question of all…

  Did she like it?

  That was one question she refused to answer.


  LUCAS CALLED HIMSELF TEN kinds of fool as he took the stairs two at a time. Bloody hell, what had he been thinking? Kissing a hag? True, she was beautiful, and strong in a way that few women of the ton would dare to express, but to kiss her?

  He shivered.

  But it wasn’t with aversion; rather, it was a response of desire — by simply thinking her name.

  Damn and blast! This could not be!

  Yet, as he remembered how she’d crept into the kitchen, he had thought she was a fae, with the teasing temptation that was her unbound hair, the way her robe was tucked at her waist, showing off the curve of her figure. As he drank in the beautiful view, he’d been shocked to realize it was Meredith! Steeling himself against her beauty, he had resorted to insults and banter, yet, as always, she didn’t back down, rather met him like a duel.

  And as it had in the past, he’d expected for that to irritate him… yet it did the opposite. Fire danced in her eyes, the defiant tilt of her chin only gave him a tempting view of her neck, and the graceful slope to her shoulders. It was arousing and frustrating all at once.

  And while he foundered, trying to find solid ground upon which to stand, he had made the most asinine challenge.

  Seduce Meredith.

  All of his senses must have taken flight! If it were any other woman, he could seduce her in his sleep, yet… with Meredith he knew that would not be the case.

  Rather, it was a dangerous endeavor… for them both.

  Because when he’d kissed her, what had started out as something to prove, had turned into a burning passion that still smoldered within him. Seducing her would be simple. The difficulty would come from trying to not be seduced in return.

  Because another kiss like that could seal his bachelor fate. Especially if discovered.

mother would be all too happy to marry him off to a hag… yet, as bitter and horrific as the idea had sounded even a mere day before, it wasn’t nearly as offensive now. Waking up with Meredith in his bed? He was painfully aware of how delightful that could be… yet, what insurance did he have that the war they waged would end with a marriage contract?

  With his luck he’d not wake up from their wedding night.

  Or worse, wake up missing specific parts of his anatomy.

  It was a quandary.

  Because he had accepted the challenge… and as much as his head said it was idiotic, an invitation to disaster — he rather liked the idea of seducing the hag that had transformed into the fairy.

  Now all he had to do was find his own magic.

  He paused mid-step.

  Had he actually thought such words?

  Bloody hell, the woman was already corrupting his mind!

  Yet, as he considered the kiss… what a tempting corruption it was!

  Resolve forming in his mind, he entered his room, lay on his bed, and fell into a sleep haunted by the one woman he swore he’d never, ever consider.

  Perhaps hell really could freeze over.

  AT BREAKFAST, LUCAS KEPT an eye on the door; waiting. His torture of the hags for all those years had provided some astoundingly helpful information.

  For example, the Bright sisters did not sleep in.

  Of course, that might be because the one time they had, they’d awoken to worms crawling on their floor, with a nice smattering of dirt for effect. When they came downstairs, huffing and indignant, Hugh had simply smirked and reminded them that “the early bird gets the worm”.

  They weren’t amused.

  Yet, to this day, he and his brothers still found the tale hilarious.

  So, knowing that Meredith wasn’t one to take a late breakfast, he rose early and presently awaited her arrival. Just as it was when the war raged… a new war had begun, and there would be no quarter given.

  Yet if that kiss were any indication, there would be no loser in this fight… only a very enticing prize.

  He lifted a square of toast and bit into the crisp bread, following that bite with one of salty bacon. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw movement. Meredith strode confidently into the breakfast room, but when her gaze caught his, she froze.


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