A Christmas Seduction: A Regency Anthology

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A Christmas Seduction: A Regency Anthology Page 6

by Anthology

  His grin widened as his gaze traced her outline from the top of her head, to the bottom of her bare toes, then back. Heat pooled in her belly and warmed her cheeks. He was still fully clothed, but like the night before, his coat was off leaving him only in his breeches and white shirt.

  He glanced behind him, then to her once more, crooking a finger for her to come to him.

  Did she dare?

  Oh, yes…

  With a grin, she tiptoed towards him. “And what are you doing at this time of the night?” she asked in a hushed voice as she approached him.

  “Wicked things,” he whispered. Reaching out, he clutched her hands and tugged her closer. Immediately he released hers, and moved his hands to her hips, pulling her into him and meeting her lips with a driven, confident kiss. Melting into him, she kissed him back, savoring the delicious warmth of his embrace, and the searing heat of his hands at her hips, at her waist, roaming, and caressing.

  “I have something to show you,” he said softly between kisses, nipping at her lips playfully.

  “Oh?” she murmured, unable to restrain the smile teasing her lips.

  “Yes. Come with me.” He kissed her soundly once more, then released her hips, grasping one hand and leading her down the hall.

  “Where are we going?” she asked, feeling the chill of the air anew at the loss of Lucas’ warm body embracing hers.

  “You’ll soon see,” he whispered mysteriously, leading her along the hall, down the stairs and into the library. A crackling fire simmered in the hearth, causing shadows to dance against the book-lined walls.

  “The library?” Meredith asked, shivering slightly at the warm air within the room.

  “In part. Close your eyes.” He turned to face her, smiling and lifting a hand to cover her eyes.


  “You always were a curious one.” He chuckled slightly. “I’ll lead you.”

  “Into something?”

  “No. Though if you continue to ask questions, I’ll consider it.”


  “Nothing of the sort, you’ll be shocked to know I’m attempting to be romantic.”

  “Pardon?” she gasped mockingly. “I thought I heard you utter the word romantic.”

  Her foot grazed something hard, like a leg of a chair.

  “That was a warning.”


  “Don’t you forget it.”

  “As if you’d ever let me.”

  “As if you’d ever want me to cease being my charming self,” he replied. “Now, if you’ll please just wait right there. Brilliant.” He continued to keep his hand in front of her eyes. The scent of spice and peppermint rose from his skin and wove a spell around her. They paused, and a distinctive chill spread over her as he moved to stand behind her, keeping his hand in place.

  “Now?” Meredith asked, partly from curiosity, partly simply to annoy him.

  “Ask again, and I shall make you wait longer.”

  “Must you always try to have the upper hand?”

  “Yes, yes I must.”

  “Why am I not surprised?”

  “Ah, Meredith.” He spoke her name like a caress. “That is actually a telling question. One I’ll answer once you open your eyes.” He removed his hand, and Meredith blinked, focusing on the scene before her. The large window at the far end of the library was in front her, close enough to touch. Fat snowflakes tapped the leaded glass, accumulating in the corners and as she looked into the distance, she could see the ground silver with new fallen snow, even in the darkness.

  She gasped, leaning forward and pressing a warm hand against the cold glass. “It’s snowing!”

  “It’s snowing,” he repeated.

  “I love the snow.”

  “I know.”

  “It’s my—”

  “Favorite precipitation,” he finished. “You said that quite often when you were younger, though I imagine you were more or less thrilled with the large word than the actual white fluffy snow.” His voice was thick with amusement.

  “It was an equal fascination,” she said, still studying the falling white flakes.

  “You would wait and pester your father to pray it would snow every Christmas as a child.”

  “I would, and your father would chuckle and be sure to remind me he would add the request to his prayers also.

  “He loves the snow as well.”

  “What’s not to love?”

  “The cold part.”

  “Ah, you’re cold-hearted, and I still like you.” Meredith turned to face him, warmed by the memories.

  “Do I feel cold Meredith?” He pulled her into a tight embrace, his mouth grazing hers, then retreating.


  “Your lying is becoming a problem.”

  “Kiss me again, and I’ll repent.”

  “Ah, and the solution presents itself.” He kissed her once more as he wrapped his arms around her and enveloped her with his warmth.

  “Thank you,” she whispered against his lips.

  “I told you I could be romantic.”

  “Though it pains me to admit this, you are indeed correct.” She kissed him once, twice.

  “Music to my ears.”

  “Don’t get used to hearing it.”

  “Rather, I see it as a constant challenge to provoke such truth from your lips.”

  “You would see it as a challenge.”

  “Perhaps you’ll consent for it to be a long term challenge?” He drew away from her, his affectionate gaze searching hers.

  “What exactly do you mean?” she asked, her heart pounding.

  “Meredith, I have known you my whole life. I’ve seen you in braids and with leading strings. I’ve seen you in the most lovely of circumstances, and when you’re dreadfully ill.

  She giggled slightly at his words, even as tears prickled her eyes at the warm adoration in his gaze.

  “Meredith, you know what I hate, what I love, you know I’m a terrible loser, that I hate all forms of fish and can be the world’s most despicable man when I’m unwell.

  “This is true.” She nodded, causing a tear to slip down her cheek.

  “With us, there is no need to get to know the other, to discover maybe if the other is loyal, or honest, or kind.” He grasped her hand, held it tightly. “Life with you will never be dull, boring, or passive. It will be an adventure, full of competition, and a need for sharp wit and sharper intelligence. But most of all, it will be full of love. That is, if you’ll have me.”

  “Love?” Meredith whispered, searching his gaze.

  “Love. Why would I settle for anything less?”

  “Why indeed…? To think, all those horrid tricks you did to me… all because you were in love with me the whole time,” she teased, pulling on his shirt with her free hand, leading him in closer, his warmth calling to her.

  “In my defense, I didn’t know it. And I could say the same for you…” He released her hand and wrapped his arms around her, a smile teasing his lips.

  “I was blissfully unaware myself.”

  “And now?” he asked, and she could have sworn he held his breath.

  “Now I’m far less ignorant… you truly want me?” she asked. Now it was her turn to hold her breath as she waited for his answer.

  “No one else would ever compare.” He relaxed and kissed her once, his warm lips sealing his love upon them.

  “I feel exactly the same way,” she whispered after he finished the kiss. She could taste his smile as he resumed the kiss, his lips caressing hers, making love to her with his mouth, with his very soul as he lifted her in his arms and carried her, his lips never once leaving hers. Slowly he laid her on the chaise they had used for hide and seek many times as children. His warm body covered hers; her thin robe an insignificant barrier. “The ball. Say you’ll marry me the morning of the ball,” he demanded, his kiss trailing down her neck to the sensitive hollow at her throat.


Yes, Lucas,” he stressed.

  “Yes, Lucas,” she mimicked obediently, and then she gasped, bucking as his hands wove through her hair, and his tongue teased the flesh just below her ear.

  “After all, we are the King and Queen of Frost. It would only be right.” He trailed kisses back to her lips, where she eagerly returned his affection. Her hand roamed his back, threading through his dark hair and caressing every hill and valley within her reach.

  “Your mother will be shocked.” She giggled slightly, a tinge of worry creeping in.

  “She will be thrilled, and shocked… though not entirely. I did have to ask for permission before I spoke with you, you know. My mother happened to be in the room when I spoke with your father.”

  “What?” Meredith blinked at him. He shifted slightly so that his weight was not as heavy upon her.

  “Your father assured me that any question I had, pertaining to his daughter, could be asked in the presence of my mother. And I quote, ‘Lord only knows what they’ve done this time.’”

  “He did not.”

  “He most certainly did. And when I asked—”

  “What did he say?” she interrupted.

  “No,” Lucas answered, his face completely void of emotion.

  “What?” she gasped, her heart-pounding.

  “I jest. He said it was about time.” Lucas broke out into a wide grin, his warm body still covering hers.

  “You are miserable.” Meredith glared, but then couldn’t resist the smile that teased her lips.

  “As you’ve been sufficiently warned.”

  “This is true.”

  “So they know,” she stated, slightly shocked and entirely enchanted. The crackling fire cast its illumination across Lucas’ face, warming her from the inside out.

  “Yes.“ He kissed her lips quickly, then again as if he couldn’t quite satisfy his hunger for her.

  “What about your brothers?”

  “What about your sisters?” he parried, raising a dark brow.

  “They suspect,” Meredith confessed.

  “As do my brothers, though, if I were placing bets at Whites, I’d say they are not far behind us in coming to a similar realization.”

  “Perhaps not. It will be entertaining to watch for sure.” Meredith smiled.

  “Not nearly as entertaining as watching you, however.” Lucas grinned wickedly and captured her lips with his own, his kiss searing, devouring.

  Lost was all the levity of the moment, in its place a smoldering passion grew within her. He shifted so that his body covered hers once more, her legs tangling with his, glorying the intimacy of being so close… yet not nearly close enough.


  Voices broke through the haze of desire and Lucas broke the seal of their lips, lifting his head and glancing to the door.

  “Hugh!” Louisa scolded quietly as he pulled her into the library and kissed her soundly.

  “The library is quite eventful this evening,” Lucas murmured, his voice thick with amusement.

  “And not so secret,” she whispered mostly to herself, amused.

  “Well the moment is gone. I shall have to seduce you some other time.” Lucas winked and rose from their reclined position. He cast a glance to the couple, still locked in their own passionate exchange, and then offered a hand to Meredith.

  “Thank you.”

  “I’m always the gentleman… except for when I’m… not.” He winked at her.

  “I’ve always thought gentlemen were terribly boring.”

  He leaned in, a secretive smile on his face. “I assure you I am anything but boring.”

  “So it seems.”

  “Do you think we should let them know that they aren’t alone?”

  Meredith glanced to her sister, blushing as she watched Louisa rake her fingers through Hugh’s hair. “Would be wise.”

  Lucas cleared his throat, loudly.

  It was almost comical, how Louisa froze. Then as quickly as she froze, she shoved Hugh away, causing him to almost trip over a footstool.

  “Louisa… is that any way to treat a suitor?” Meredith placed her hands on her hips and shook her head, scolding her sister.

  “You!” Louisa glared, then relaxed. “I thought it was someone important.”

  “Just me.” Meredith shared a glance with Lucas, who was appearing exceedingly entertained.

  “Need help, brother? With the way she shoved you I can’t exactly tell if you were doing something very wrong or very right.” He walked over to his brother and slapped him on the back.

  “Something very right.” Hugh shared a grin with his brother, even as Louisa rolled her eyes.

  “I’m afraid that they have never outgrown their overconfidence,” Meredith teased as she approached her sister.

  “Indeed.” Louisa glared at Hugh.

  “Well, would you two like to be the first to know?” Lucas asked, joining Meredith and wrapping his arm around her waist, drawing her close.

  “First?” Louisa asked, her eyes darting between her sister and Lucas.

  “The first… aside from all of our parents, of course. I have to do a few things according to decorum, you understand. Can’t be a rebel all the time.” He shrugged.

  Meredith jabbed at him with her elbow.

  He sidestepped and she missed.

  “I’m going to work on that,” she whispered, only for his ears.

  “You can try.”

  “You can tell us now,” Hugh interjected, his tone alarmed yet interested.

  “I’ve decided that the best way to make peace was to simply make love.”

  “What?” Louisa and Hugh exclaimed, their faces full of disbelief.

  “Lucas!” Meredith scolded, shocked he’d be so bold.

  The rich sound of Lucas’ laughter filled the library. “I’m simply stating that Meredith has agreed to bless me with the honor of being my countess.”

  “Meredith!” Louisa moved Lucas away so that she could hug her sister. “I am both shocked and yet… not.”

  “Sara is going to be in a fit,” Meredith said flatly.

  “Perhaps… but it will be entertaining to watch at least.” Louisa giggled then released her sister.

  “Well, I must say I’m impressed with how quickly you work, old man.” Hugh shook his older brother’s hand, a wide grin on his face.

  “You’ll be even more impressed when you discover that she agreed to marry me at the Frost Ball.”

  “Don’t tell me you’ve already secured a special license as well!” Hugh asked.

  “Not yet, but I’ll make quick work of that.” Lucas simply shrugged.

  “Then we will leave you to your… celebrating.” Hugh grasped Louisa’s hand and tugged her away.

  “No, no, why doesn’t Louisa come with me? It’s time we retired.” Meredith reached out and grasped Louisa’s other hand. It as a moment of tug of war, then Hugh slowly released her hand.

  Lucas chuckled.

  Hugh glared at his brother.

  “That means you don’t get to celebrate either,” Hugh grumbled with disappointment.

  “I have a life time of… celebrating,” Lucas shot back.

  “And with that, we bid you goodnight.” Meredith tugged on her sister’s hand till she finally had no other option but fall or follow, and thankfully, she choose to follow. But before they exited the library, Meredith turned and winked at Lucas, grinning when he winked back.

  A lifetime of celebrating indeed.


  EACH DAY WENT BY with exaggerated longevity. Lucas had no issue convincing his or Meredith’s parents concerning a Frost Ball wedding, but that was not the problem.

  The issue was waiting.

  The Frost Ball was two days away.

  The first day, he secured permission.

  The second, he secured a special license.

  That left two more miserable days.

  Which would have been much less miserable if Meredith hadn’t been sequester
ed by his mother and hers, going over a million trivial and minute wedding details.

  As if they weren’t already having a bloody ball, wasn’t that celebration enough?

  Champagne enough?

  Not that he wished to deny his bride of any luxury, he just rather wished those luxuries could be decided on by someone other than his bride.

  Which would mean that she would have more time for him.

  And the things he wished to… celebrate.

  It was torture, watching her from the breakfast table, only able to hold her hand, or sneak a quick kiss between fittings and meetings and debates over what to wear.

  He rather liked the idea of her wearing nothing.

  Of course, wearing nothing in his bedroom.

  Damn it all, how was he ever to survive the wait?

  To think, he had once dreaded her company, planned ways to wreak havoc on her person, only to now be so captivated by her presence that he lost sense of all else around him.

  Love was a blasted, damnable, and wonderful thing.

  And bloody impatient.

  Which was why he was watching the clock.

  The evening had ended, its lovely diversions wasted on him because while all the men congratulated him, all the women buzzed like bees around Meredith, and all he could do was watch her, never once having an opening to steal her away.

  It would be scandalous.

  And his mother had made him promise not to cause a scandal.

  He simply promised not to make a spectacle.

  She glared.

  He stood firm.

  And now he was going to execute his well-laid plans.

  At the chime of midnight, he slipped from his room and stole silently down the hall. Candlelight flickered in the dark corridor as he found his way to Meredith’s door.

  He lightly tapped on the heavy door, glancing up and down the hall lest he be discovered. He listened, at the sound of footsteps from within the door, he held his breath.

  Meredith cracked the door. ”Yes?”

  Without an invitation, he pushed the door open farther, letting himself in.

  “What in heaven’s name took you so long?” Meredith pulled him in the rest of the way, shut the door firmly, and all but leapt into his arms, meeting him in a frenzied kiss.

  “Apparently I’m late, a thousand apologies,” he mumbled against her lips, then adjusted his grip so that he was carrying her towards her bed. ”I promise to make it up to you.”


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