Truth or Demon nov-5

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Truth or Demon nov-5 Page 21

by Kathy Love

  “Poppy, I know this sounds crazy,” he said, taking a step toward her, then stopping, “but it’s clear we’re both very attracted to each other.”

  Poppy realized her eyes must be the size of saucers. She was attracted to him. Absolutely. And she couldn’t deny a part of her was thrilled that he was saying he was attracted to her too. But the way he was approaching it was more like a business arrangement than a love affair.

  “You see,” he continued, “we’ve both been too hurt from our past relationships to jump right into something committed again. In fact, I think that would be a disaster.”

  She waited.

  “But,” he said slowly, “I don’t think we can ignore our physical attraction. And maybe we could help each other gain some confidence again.”

  By some miracle, she found her voice. “You didn’t seem particularly insecure last night.”

  Killian actually smiled at that. Apparently he didn’t find this proposition strange at all.

  “Believe me, you are the only one who has been able to make me react like that.”

  Poppy’s heart fluttered at his admission. Was that true? He didn’t do things like that on a regular basis?

  “I—I’ve never done something like that.”

  Killian’s smile broadened, making him stunningly beautiful. His eyes glittered, filled with pleasure and what Poppy thought looked like possessiveness.

  Her whole body reacted, skin tingling.

  “So you can see, we have something special happening between us.” He closed the space between them, stopping inches from her.

  “I don’t know if this is wise,” she said, even as she wanted to press herself against him and let him kiss her senseless. In fact, senseless sounded wonderful. No more thinking, just feeling. Just letting go.

  But she managed to finish voicing her concern. “I still think there is the potential to really get hurt.”

  He nodded. “I’ve thought about that too. But we have started this great friendship, so if we are just up front with each other, then things should be fine. We need to learn to trust again.”

  She still didn’t answer. To her, this sounded like a recipe for disaster.

  “I don’t think we’re going to be able to ignore the attraction here.” His eyes caught hers, holding them. Heat flared between them.

  No, she couldn’t argue with that, but she just wasn’t sure.

  “So what do you see as the final outcome?” she asked.

  He shrugged, the muscles of his shoulders rippling under the cotton of his shirt. “We have fun, keep it light, learn how to be comfortable being ourselves and being with someone else.”

  She studied him for a moment. His eyes were filled with sincerity and hopefulness. He really thought this idea could work.

  “I don’t know,” she finally said. “I’ve never seen myself as a casual affair kind of girl.”

  “No,” he agreed immediately. “But this isn’t exactly casual. We’re friends. We will remain friends no matter what. I’m suggesting … I don’t know, a relationship with training wheels.”

  Poppy raised an eyebrow at that analogy. She was more inclined to see it as a relationship on a unicycle. On a tightrope. Someone was bound to fall hard.

  And she was afraid it was going to be her.

  She crossed her arms around herself, then moved to sit on the sofa. What did a person say to a proposition like this? Part of her wanted to say yes. Unequivocally yes. But another part of her, the rational part, the part not driven by her libido, knew she should absolutely say no.

  The couch dipped as Killian joined her, his knee so close, it nearly brushed hers. Just the possibility of an innocuous touch like that and her body pulsed with longing.

  Saying no would be so difficult. But saying yes could lead to much harder times ahead.

  Even as she thought that, her head nodded as if the other part—the libido part—was answering without her consent.

  Killian paused. Had she agreed? Even though he’d thrown the idea out there, he realized he hadn’t expected Poppy to agree. Of course, he wasn’t sure that slight nod was truly agreement, much as he wanted to see it that way.

  “I—I just don’t see how.” She paused, clearly struggling with the idea. “I just don’t see how this works. I mean, I’m not comfortable with you just showing up to—hook up.”

  That wasn’t how he’d imagined it either.

  “I think we simply go on like we have been, except when it seems appropriate to both of us, then we …”

  This sounded kind of weird now that he was saying it out loud.

  “We …” How did he say this with any finesse?

  “We fool around,” she supplied.


  Damn, what must she be thinking? About this suggestion? About him? That he was some weird lecher or something.

  He sighed. Perhaps laying it out like this wasn’t the brilliant idea he’d thought it was while wandering the streets of Boston in the wee hours of the night.

  Maybe he should have just let an affair happen on its own. Or not happen. Now he was back to not being so sure why he was here.

  “Okay,” she said, standing.

  He waited for her to ask him to leave. Or to tell him that it was the most offensive proposition she’d ever heard.

  Instead, she walked toward the kitchen, pausing to ask, “Would you like a cup of coffee?”

  Wait, the “okay” had been her answer. She’d agreed.

  “Um, sure,” he said after a second. “That would be great.”

  She nodded and disappeared into the kitchen, and he fell back against the couch cushions. She’d agreed. She’d agreed to an affair.

  His cock leapt in his jeans as if in an attempt to give him a high five.

  And he groaned. What was he doing?

  Poppy took down a mug from the cupboard, then stopped, bracing her hands on the edge of the countertop. What was she doing? She felt like she’d just made a deal with the devil. An affair with Killian?

  Could she really do that?

  She snorted quietly to herself. Oh, she could do it. Last night proved that. But could she do what he was suggesting? Sex without attaching to him? Nothing more than friends?

  She couldn’t deny that she had chemistry with him. And clearly he felt the chemistry too, or why else would he suggest the arrangement?

  She pulled in a calming breath and reached for the coffee carafe. She refilled her mug and then poured his. As she stirred in her cream and sugar, she realized one thing. The fact they were going to have sex, or rather more sex, was kind of inevitable.

  So maybe having an up-front, discussed agreement was better. She would go in with her eyes wide open and enjoy this for what it was. And maybe she needed to take a risk and do something a little wild.

  See, there already was a change in her. A change that might let her open up to other opportunities in the future.

  She picked up the mugs and carried them back to the living room. Killian lifted his head from the back of the sofa as she entered.

  Lines pulled at the sides of his mouth. She hadn’t noticed them before, and she wondered if he was already regretting his suggestion.

  Then he smiled when she held out the cup to him. His fingers brushed hers as he took the handle. Jolts like electricity snapped between them.

  No, she decided, this wasn’t wrong. It was inevitable.

  “So what’s the plan?” she asked, feeling nervous.

  He took a sip of his coffee, looking the picture of calm, which seemed hardly fair, then said, “Well I know you need to work today. So I’m going to actually let you do that.”

  She frowned. She did need to work, but this didn’t sound like the setup to a torrid affair to her.

  “Then,” he continued, “you are going to get all dressed up.”

  “Dressed up how?”

  He smiled, the curl of his lips utterly naughty. “Are you expecting me to ask for a corset, stockings and high heels?”
  She shrugged, offering him a look that stated she had no idea.

  “Well, I’m definitely not opposed to that, but tonight, you are going to get dressed up in your best dress. The high heels are optional, because I know you hate them. For both outfits,” he added, his naughty smile widening.

  She couldn’t help smiling back. “Thank you.”

  “Then I’m going to come pick you up at six.”

  She waited for him to continue, but instead he took another sip of his coffee. He set the mug down on the table and stood.

  “Wait,” she said, when she realized he was planning to leave. “That’s it?”

  He grinned, his golden eyes flickering with inner light. “Impatient, huh?”

  Poppy blushed. Did she seem too desperate? She probably did.

  Then he walked over to her, reaching to take the coffee cup from her hands. He placed it on the table, and turned back to her, taking her hands, his larger ones enveloping them. He pulled her to her feet.

  Their eyes locked, and she could see desire flashing in his eyes’ depths. Heat filled her.

  He leaned in and kissed her. His lips clung to hers. A sweet, lingering, wonderful kiss.

  He pulled away slowly as if he didn’t really want to end the embrace, but he did, his gaze returning hers.

  “I want to stay, but I’m going to leave. You work. I’ll—work. And we will have tonight.”

  She nodded. Waiting did seem wise, even though her body thought it was the dumbest idea ever.

  He kissed her again, this one a quick peck.

  “See you at six.”

  She nodded, still speechless.

  He left the apartment, and she remained rooted to the spot.

  Six. Part of her was eager and excited. And part of her was terrified.

  This was going to be a long day.


  “You are attracted to her.”

  Killian frowned, looking around, wondering if he was somehow hearing his own voice, aloud.

  Then the mangy white cat leapt up onto the kitchen counter.

  “Vepar,” he muttered. “You really need a hobby.”

  “A hobby like your little mortal perhaps?”

  Killian gritted his teeth. Damn, he really disliked this jerk—a dislike that was intensifying with each of these unorthodox visits.

  The cat paced the kitchen counter, its mangled tail flicking.

  “Poppy is her name, right?”

  Killian didn’t answer, not seeing any point. Why was Vepar here? Killian knew he did have to go back to Hell at some point, probably sooner rather than later, but that wasn’t Vepar’s call.

  “She’s quite lovely. I can see where she’d be a delightful little hobby.”

  Killian immediately tensed, glaring at Vepar. “When have you seen her?” He’d assumed Vepar knew Poppy’s name from him, not that he recalled saying it, but there was no way he should have seen her. Not if he’d only been possessing this awful cat.

  Then Killian recalled the man from the art show.

  “You were there last night.”

  Vepar pulled back the cat’s lips in a sneer. “I was. She was delightful. And so tempting. But I doubt Satan would be as understanding.”

  Killian growled low in his throat and lunged for the cat. Vepar jumped away, darting past Killian’s legs and out of the room.

  “Satan would love to hear about the dalliance that’s keeping you from your work, now wouldn’t he?” Vepar called from somewhere in the living room.

  Killian stood in the middle of the living room, scanning the room for grayish-white fur.

  “Vepar, you stay away from her. Or I’ll—”

  “You’ll what? Satan is not pleased. I’d be more worried about that, if I were you.”

  Vepar purred, the sound loud and oddly perverse. Then the room fell silent.

  Killian growled again. Was Vepar telling the truth? Was Satan that angered by Killian’s absence? Killian didn’t quite believe him. But at the same time, Vepar had been at the art gallery. That was why Killian hadn’t been able to use his mind control, and that was why he’d sensed something off about that man. The guy had been possessed by Vepar.

  “Just kill her,” Vepar’s earlier words echoed through Killian’s head. Would Vepar do that? He would if Satan ordered it.

  The only thing Killian knew for certain was Poppy had to be guarded.

  Poppy made a frustrated sound low in her throat as she tossed down the mascara wand and reached for a tissue. So far, getting ready for the evening had been nothing but an exercise in frustration.

  Much like the day in general. Killian had been mostly true to his word, letting her work, although he’d stopped by twice. Just to say hi, he’d said, but she’d sensed a tenseness about him.

  Maybe he was honestly as nervous about all this as she was.

  She swiped at her watering eye and the smudge of black that now marred her cheek. And her nerves were taking their toll. So far she’d managed to cut herself shaving, burn a lock of her hair with the curling iron, and now poke herself in the eye with the mascara.

  She looked worse than when she started getting ready.

  “What are you doing?”

  Poppy looked in the bathroom mirror to see Daisy behind her. She had on a baseball cap and Windbreaker. A backpack was slung over her shoulder.

  “Getting more makeup in my eyes than on my lashes.”

  Daisy smiled, excitement on her face, which Poppy knew wasn’t related to her trip with Emma. “You look great.”

  Poppy didn’t feel like she looked great.

  “What time is he picking you up?”

  “Six,” Poppy said, although the he Daisy was referring to wasn’t the he who was actually coming. Poppy didn’t feel good lying, but she wasn’t about to tell Daisy she was going to all this fuss for a date with Killian. Poppy still suspected Daisy had wanted to matchmake her and Killian, and she didn’t want Daisy getting any false hopes about that.

  She certainly couldn’t explain that she was just having a fling with the man. No, Daisy would never know about that.

  “Okay, well I have to head down to Emma’s. They are leaving in like fifteen minutes or so.”

  “What time is it?” Poppy asked.

  “Only five-fifteen. You have plenty of time.” Daisy grinned again like a kid finding out that Santa had left the very gift she’d asked for under the Christmas tree.

  A pang of guilt tightened Poppy’s chest. But she took a deep breath and forced the remorse aside. After all, she was taking steps in the right direction.

  Sort of, anyway.

  Poppy turned as Daisy stepped into the bathroom. They hugged, and Poppy kissed her cheek.

  “Be good.”

  Daisy rolled her eyes. “I’m always good.”

  “I know,” Poppy said, not holding back an ounce of the love and pride she felt for her little sister. Daisy was a great kid. She probably would have been no matter what, but Poppy allowed herself a moment of satisfaction. She had done a good job raising her sister thus far.

  “Text me when you get there,” she told Daisy, hugging her again.

  “Of course.”

  “Actually, text me when you get on the road too.”

  Daisy shook her head. “Don’t be such a worrywart. Just enjoy your evening.” She started to leave the room, then paused. “You haven’t even told me this guy’s name.”

  The question caught Poppy off guard. She hesitated, then she spotted the shampoo on the edge of the tub. Herbal Essence.

  “Herb,” she said automatically.

  Daisy wrinkled her nose. “Herb? That’s not a hot name.”

  Poppy made a face. She couldn’t disagree.

  “Well, have fun with Herb. I hope he’s cuter than his name.”

  “Oh, he is,” Poppy assured her. Killian was much cuter than the imaginary Professor Herb.

  Daisy left then, off for her weekend of seaside fun.

  What kind of fun was sh
e going to have tonight? Poppy wondered as she returned to the mirror to repair the damage done earlier.

  * * *

  Killian had lurked in the hallway outside Poppy’s door most of the day—making sure Vepar, in any form, didn’t appear at her apartment. Now Daisy was gone, and he couldn’t wait any longer to see Poppy. Both to be sure she was safe and also just to see her.

  Since his run-in with Vepar, he’d debated going back to the original plan of just finding Poppy a man and returning to Hell—tonight if possible. But he still wasn’t sure. Something kept telling him he had to stay. Something beyond this spell.

  One thing was for sure, he had to keep Poppy safe.

  He pounded on the door with more force than necessary, his nerves and protectiveness making him agitated, anxious.

  What was taking her so long? He lifted his hand, ready to knock again, when he heard the knob rattle. Then the door opened to reveal a Poppy he’d never seen before.

  And all other worries left his mind, as his gaze roamed over her. She looked … gorgeous.

  She wore a Chinese-style dress with a high collar and ornate cloth buttons. The black brocade with bright red flowers brought out the paleness of her delicate features and the darkness of her wide eyes. Her brown hair was swept up into a loose chignon, tendrils escaping to frame her face. The dress stopped mid-thigh, revealing a long expanse of shapely legs and tiny feet encased in strappy black heels.

  Her weight shifted from one of her small feet to the other, and Killian realized he was doing nothing but staring. He looked up at her face, only to realize she was staring at him too.

  Once he’d formulated this “affair plan,” he’d purchased some new clothes just for this date. A Kenneth Cole suit coat, black tie. He’d also bought a Kenneth Cole shadow stripe dress shirt, which he wore with jeans. He’d even bought a new pair of black shoes. Bruno Magli.

  He suspected not a single thing Poppy wore was designer, but her look blew him out of the water.

  She obviously didn’t agree.

  “You look amazing,” she said, smiling tentatively. Just a hint of the dimple he found so appealing appeared. A little tease.


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