Chaos_The Dogs of War, a Lost and Found Series Spinoff

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Chaos_The Dogs of War, a Lost and Found Series Spinoff Page 13

by J. M. Madden

  Fuck, he was going to come just lying beside her! Without even touching her!

  Aiden tried to clamp down on the scene in his mind, but it wasn’t happening. His imagination wouldn’t be bound. In his mind’s eye, he watched as Angela reached between their two bodies and pulled his dick from his underwear. Aiden tried to grab her hands but they were ghostly, until they touched him. Then they became all too real, wrapping around his length, squeezing, pulling, discovering what made him squirm.

  His orgasm was close. Embarrassingly close. He rolled up with a hiss to sit at the side of the bed. That was when Angela moved.

  “Wait, Aiden. Was that you or me?”

  Her sexy voice was even huskier with sleep. It took him a moment to respond. “What?”

  “Was that your dream or mine? I’m confused.”

  Her hands rested on his shoulders and her head rested on his shoulder blade. Aiden shuddered at the easy feel of her touch. “I think it was my fault this time,” he admitted. “I apologize.”

  She rubbed her hand across the width of his back and hummed against him. “Hm. It was a very nice dream. Where are you going now that you’ve turned me on?”

  His breath caught in his chest. “I was going back to the couch. It’s safer.”

  “Why is it safer? It might keep your celibacy intact for another day or night, but I don’t think this thing between us is going anywhere.”

  There was a gentle pull on his shoulder and he turned slightly to look at her. Her eyes were luminous in the dim light, her hair hanging along the side of her face. Unable to help himself he reached out to run some of her hair between his finger and thumb. It was soft and warm, just like her.

  “I can’t promise you anything, Angela,” he admitted softly. “I can’t promise you’ll be safe if you stick around. I can’t promise you’ll be safe if you leave, now that they’ve made the connection between us. I can’t even promise you a good fuck tonight, because it’s been so long since I’ve been with a woman.”

  He choked out a laugh even though the truth hurt.

  She caught his hand in her own. “How about we don’t make any promises tonight? And just see where things take us? I’m in a mood to be generous. What do you need from me tonight? If we take away the expectations, we can enjoy ourselves. Tonight I want you to have exactly what you want. So, you tell me Aiden Willingham, what would make you happy?”

  Aiden couldn’t believe what she was offering. No strings sex, with the pleasure focused on him. For a moment he thought about turning her down because no woman would do that without some type of expectation. As he looked into her direct gaze, though, he got the feeling that she meant every word she said. She was a direct person, he knew that, but did he dare reach for it?

  What right did he have to take what she offered? He’d only dragged her into a situation where they were all playing against a stacked deck, with danger around every corner.

  She shook her head at him, her eyes turning fierce. “You’re overthinking this, Aiden. What do you want?”

  The question hung in the air, and there was only one response. “You. Any way I can get you.”

  Grinning, Angela nodded once, pushing at his chest to get him to lie down again. Then, completely mirroring his dream, she lifted one lean thigh over his hips.

  They were both still semi-clothed, but as soon as his dick felt the heat and weight of her crotch his heart began to race and his breathing picked up. Aiden snorted at the affect she had on him. After all the years of training and drilling to be a badass, she shot his control to shit with one single movement. Leaning forward, she cupped his cheeks in her hands as she looked into his eyes. This was a breach of personal space he’d never allowed anyone, but with her it seemed … right.

  “You have sexy dreams, wooly man,” she murmured, guiding his hands up to cup her breasts. Aiden’s fingers tightened around the soft mounds of flesh, cupping, shaping, teasing her tiny little nipples.

  “I want to see them.”

  Without hesitation Angela crossed her arms over her torso and lifted the hem over her head. She wore no bra beneath, but her breasts didn’t really need one. Her dark pink nipples pointed up, her beautiful little teardrop breasts a rich handful. Aiden looked at his hands covering her pale skin, and he had a bit of an out of body experience. He didn’t deserve to be here, touching this generous woman with what he’d come to see as his blood-stained hands. She was too good for him. God, he lived on the streets part of the time. And killed people.

  But I’ve gone without for so long, he thought. I deserve one damn night when I don’t have to worry about anything.

  Shoving all the doubts away, he let his eyes drink in the sight of the woman on top of him. She was glorious. There was a tiny scrap of dark lace low on her hips that he thought he could rip away if she didn’t remove it soon.

  Aiden lost the train thought as her hands moved down his body to cup his groin. His dick was already achingly hard, and when she eased the elastic of his undershorts beneath it, freeing it to the air, he could have shouted with relief. The constriction had been killing him.

  Angela’s warm palms wrapped around his length and he almost bolted up from the bed, it felt so good. There wasn’t even a moment of embarrassment about being naked in front of her the first time, and he didn’t think she’d been self-conscious either.

  Sinking into himself, he took a moment to marvel at how far he’d come. Just feeling something so incredibly pleasurable, especially at another’s hands, was a feat. When every hand raised to you brought pain, it was easy to be trained to expect it. Every subtle glide of Angela’s fingers made him happy to be alive and he wanted to revel in that happiness.

  Heat began to build in his balls. Maintenance orgasms were one thing, but having another person’s touch bringing the pleasure made it that much more exciting. If he didn’t slow her down there was no way he could hold it off. When he tried to push her hands away, though, she resisted.

  “I think you have more than one in you,” she murmured. “Let’s get this one out of the way.”

  For a timeless second he thought about arguing, but he just couldn’t so it. He knew he had more than one in him as well. He stared into her shadowed eyes, looking for pity or condescension, but it wasn’t there. Just gentle coercion, and practicality. If he said no, she would listen, but she was offering him a gift. And she was asking for his trust.

  Closing his eyes, he let his head fall to the pillow and rested his hands on her hips. For the first time ever, he found himself at another’s mercy. But it was a choice he had made.

  Angela’s hands cradled him, then she began a gentle squeezing from the base to the tip of his cock. Aiden heaved out a sigh, basking in the sensation of her warm, strong hands on his body. Then she tightened her fingers and began working him, building a rhythm that he couldn’t deny. Legs flexing, he allowed his excitement to climb.

  He opened his eyes and looked at her. She was stroking exactly as he needed her to, at the perfect speed, and her beautiful breasts were jiggling with her movements. She rubbed the palm of her other hand over the very tip of his cock in a circular motion, and that was it for him. With a panting groan, he allowed the searing heat of orgasm to consume him.

  It took a long time for him remember where he was and for his body to come back to earth. When he looked at her again, she was sitting back on his thighs, hands folded against his replete body. There was a contented smile on her lips, as if she were the one that had just orgasmed. No, it was something else.

  “That was damn sexy,” she said softly. “Thank you for letting me do that for you.”

  He barked out a surprised laugh. “Any time,” he told her, grinning.

  Finally, she moved to get off him. She walked to the bathroom, washed her hands and came back, that soft smile still on her lips. He stared at her, amazed that he’d provoked the expression.

  She crawled into the bed and dropped a kiss to his mouth.

  Aiden turned with her, lett
ing her fall to the mattress. “Now that number one is out of the way, I want you to lay right here and let me explore you. It’s been so long…”

  Angela gave him an understanding look, then arched back on the bed, lifting her breasts high. Groaning, he covered her pert nipples with his hands, then traced down her sides and across her lower belly, just above the line of her panties. Other than the few blemishes where she’d fought the operative, Angela’s skin was a flawless cream, so incredibly smooth he couldn’t resist leaning down to rub his cheek against her. He forgot about his beard, though. She shivered at the feel of his whiskers, and he realized she was sensitive here on her taut belly. Aiden ran a finger beneath the elastic of her panties and she shuddered. It thrilled him to think what other pleasure he could bring her, because they were just getting started.

  Running a finger down the fabric of her panties, he paused. He stroked the wet spot he found, pressing a knuckle deep against her body. Angela gasped and her hips shifted against his touch. Turning his hand, Aiden pressed on the spot with his thumb, spreading the moisture even more, then he began to rub deep circles.

  “Oh, shit,” she said on a breath. “You’re going to bring me just like that. I was already close just from getting you off.”

  Aiden kept up the movement, then pinched her right nipple between thumb and forefinger. Angela jerked in his arms, shifting beneath his touch, her breath coming in pants. When he felt like she was nearing the precipice, he moved his thumb beneath the gusset of her panties to slip between her plump folds. He wanted to rip the panties off of her to look at her, but he would do that in a moment.

  Angela jerked and her hips began to swivel against his movements. She panted faster, then guided his touch where she needed him. It was good to know that she had no problem taking her own pleasure. Twisting his hand deeper, leaning over her, he slipped his long middle finger inside her even as his thumb pressed on her swollen clitoris.

  Crying out, Angela arched up on the bed, raising her hips to meet the thrust of his finger. Her eyelids slammed closed and her breath stalled in her lungs, then she let out a panting moan as pleasure took over her body. She twisted beneath his touch, but Aiden followed her, determined that she feel every bit of bliss he could give her.

  His own dick ached for release again as well, but this was more important to him right now. He knew he could get off, but it was a very different proposition being with a woman for the first time, especially for him. It had been so long since he’d touched a woman like this. He had to make sure to bring her pleasure.

  Eventually, he pulled his hand away. The dark russet curls at the juncture of her thighs were soaked with her release and he took a moment to comb his fingers through them, knowing that he would explore down here again. Maybe not right this second, but soon.

  Then he remembered the situation they were in. Maybe he shouldn’t press his luck by expecting more than tonight.

  Angela sat up in front of him. Cupping his face in her hands, she leaned in to kiss him, her tongue plunging into his mouth. Aiden accepted everything she gave, then demanded more, his control all but gone. His hands roamed from her hair to her breasts to her ass, pulling her to him as tight as he could. Now that he’d gotten her off, he could think about what he needed and right now he needed to be balls deep inside her. It was as if the first orgasm hadn’t even happened. He needed more.

  Pushing off long enough to shuck his underwear, he stared down at her in his bed. She was the most beautiful thing he’d seen in longer than he could remember. Her skin was rosy in places from his beard and her eyes were dazed with pleasure. Her legs shifted, showing him that glimpse of curls and she lifted her arms to him. “Come here, Aiden.”

  His throat tightened and he prayed he wasn’t dreaming again. “I need you to smack me or pinch me or something. I don’t get opportunities like this, ever.”

  She gave him a vicious pinch on his ass, grinning up at him. Aiden couldn’t help but grin too, even though it hurt like hell. “Damn, woman, I didn’t mean that hard.”

  Laughing, she pulled him close, tilting her chin up to meet his mouth with her own. “Sorry, dear,” she whispered, before kissing him.

  He forgot everything as she wrapped him completely in her body. As he sank down into the cradle of her hips, his dick found her entrance as if drawn there. Soaking wet heat wrapped around the head of his cock and he lost all train of thought, drowning in sensation. The skin at the tip of his prick tingled, orgasm mere seconds away. “Don’t move,” he gasped. It couldn’t be over this fast. He refused to let it be over this fast. That had been the whole point of letting her get him off the first time, to give him more stamina.

  Then something occurred to him and a chill ran through his body, totally slowing his roll. “Are you protected? ‘Cuz I’ll be honest, I have no condoms. I never thought…”

  Angela gasped in a breath, her head turning to the side. “I have condoms in my makeup bag. I’m on the pill, but…”

  Aiden levered up on his arms and rolled away from her to stare at the dark ceiling. “There’s no risking it. Can you get it please?”

  She rolled up and out of bed and strode into the bathroom, her back straight and tall, her ass rounded perfection. Damn, where’d that come from? She was lean and sculpted everywhere else, but her ass was definitely more lush than he’d expected.

  He grinned at her as she walked back into the room.

  “What?” she demanded, pausing.

  “Nothing. You just have a beautiful ass.”

  She snorted, ripping open a little square package. She tossed a few more on the floor beside the bed, then crawled across the mattress toward him. Giving him a beautiful sense of déjà vu, she straddled his hips and took his length into her hands. Aiden gasped because he hadn’t expected her to be so direct. Her touch on his cock thrilled him, even as her fingers rolled the condom down over his length. As soon as he was sheathed, she lifted a thigh, positioned him at her entrance and sank down.

  Aiden gripped her luscious ass in his hands as she settled onto his groin. She sighed and twisted her hips, settling as deep onto him as she could. Aiden could have died right then and there, and he would have been a happy man. Looking up at Angela poised above him, backlit by the faint glow from the windows, he knew he had never been in a better place, or with a better woman. She had rocked his world repeatedly, and now she was about to rock it even more.

  Bracing her hands on his chest, Angela began to move. Moving his own hands up to her breasts, he gently squeezed their weight, tickling her nipples with the tips of his fingers. Gasping, Angela moved more sharply, her athletic ability serving them both well.

  Aiden gripped her hips again, guiding her where he needed her. It seemed to be where she need to be as well, because her breath started coming hard again, like she was about to orgasm. Feeling her so close to the edge allowed him to release the tight grip he had on his control, and as soon as he did that he could feel the weight of his second orgasm rolling toward him. Digging his heels into the mattress, he tightened his fingers on her hips, trying to get as deep into her as he could. With a high, keening cry, Angela jerked, then arched into him, her pussy contracting around his length as she found her pleasure.

  That rolling heat crashed into him with the weight of a freight train. Aiden slammed into her faster and faster, his body driven to release into her as deep as possible. With a final surge, every muscle in his body contracted with blinding joy. His vision went white and he damn near passed out from the burning in his lungs before he remembered to gasp in a breath. His body shuddered as it released into her, then gave out, aftershocks rippling through him.

  There was a weight on his chest, and something tickling his face. Oh, Angela had fallen forward, her hair hanging over them both. Her pelvic muscles continued to spasm around him, and he could only savor weakly.

  Fuck, that had been hot.

  Aiden knew he needed to get up and dispose of the condom, but he had no energy whatsoever in his bo
dy. A somnolent heat had moved in, tempting him to sleep, but he didn’t want to miss any second of this night with her. Even the hair in his face was cute. He pushed it out of the way enough to breathe, then wrapped his arms around her.

  “I know I need to move but I don’t want to,” she whispered, her voice hoarse.

  Aiden smiled slightly. “I don’t either. You’re fine where you are.”

  She stayed there for several minutes as he ran his hands up and down her body, his knees bent behind her to keep them connected. Eventually, though, they had to part. He needed to dispose of the condom.

  She sighed as he nudged her over. “I’ll be back in a minute. Promise.”

  Angela let him go, then, but it was still hard to tear himself away from her. He disposed of the condom, used the bathroom and washed his hands, returning to her within just a couple of minutes. She’d pulled the sheet up over top of her but as soon as he climbed into the bed she pulled him tight against her, nestling her head into the cup of his shoulder.

  “I know you haven’t done that for a while, but just FYI, you were damn good.”

  He chuckled in surprise. “Well, thank you. Give me a little while and we’ll be going for round two.”

  “Okay,” she whispered.

  Within seconds her body relaxed into him and he knew she was asleep.

  His eyes heavy, his mind clear, Aiden allowed himself to bask in the moment before he closed his eyes as well.

  Chapter Fifteen

  They slept for a couple of hours before rousing for more loving. Angela didn’t know who reached for who first, she just knew that he’d barely sheathed himself before he was gliding into her again. This time he stayed on top. Standard missionary didn’t usually get her body going as well as other positions, but this time it did. Or maybe she was still aroused and sensitive from the last time. Or maybe it was the skillful smooth, hard rhythm. Regardless, it only took him a couple dozen good strokes, her knees curled to the sides, breast deep in his mouth before her body was quaking with orgasm. She thought that would be the end of it, but he continued to tease and play, prolonging the moment.


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