MC: LaPonte-Karr: Book Three

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MC: LaPonte-Karr: Book Three Page 8

by L. Ann Marie

  "Then I'm excited I can do this. I can't wait until I can get a job too."

  "Give yourself some time to get caught up on what you missed. The job will be there when you're ready." Danny says to me but looks over at Patches.

  "She's waiting Danny; we're working off a list of everyday tasks. The classes at the Center will help."

  "Good. It will help you more than you can imagine in the future. That investment in the future is the most important part of who you're going to be. Take the time to do this part right." He says while looking at me, his eye is smiling. I nod. I need to remember to take my time and learn everything they're teaching me so my future is good.


  We make it up the hill to the trail. The kids are excited for Tess to see everything. She gets winded easily. I keep them at a pace that she can keep up with. Luckily there are lookout stops along the way.

  I can't get what Danny said out of my fuckin head. I always saw myself like a nanny. He doesn't see it like that. I do have the trust of the parents. Even Pres and VP trust me. I'm fuckin shocked that all these years I missed seeing what's been right in front of me. Fuck! I smile. Tess thinks my job is the most important one out there. That feels fuckin good.

  As I come around a bend behind Aaron I see the kids surrounding Tess. Moving faster I ask what's wrong. Darren signs 'she just stopped she's shaking', they move away so I can get to her. She has her arms around Ally. I touch her arm and wait for her eyes to clear. She squeezes Ally then holds on to me. Jessie holds Ally's hand. I wrap my arms around her; her whole fuckin body is shaking. Ally signs 'it will be ok she will make it ok'. "What?" 'The dream'.

  Fuck! I can't ask in front of the kids, even though they seem to know. I'll have to wait until we're alone. "Tess are you ok now?" She nods yes.

  "We're here with you Tess. We'll help when you need us to. Together we have a lot of strong." Little Ben tells her. How the fuck do these kids always do this? Tess looks at him, he puts his hand out and she holds onto it. Darren takes her other hand. They start walking again.

  I'm standing here watching them walk away. What the fuck just happened? I shake my head and follow. After a while they get back to being kids showing Tess all the cool wooden statues and the views overlooking the bay. Jessie is snapping pictures as if he's photographer of the day. They're always so good but today they're focused on making this good for Tess. I'm so proud of them doing what needs to be done but I'm wondering what the fuck happened and what the fuckin dream is about.


  I'm glad VP pushed back training. The security breach is keeping me busy as fuck. Kevin Baxter is working with Geek and Digs. He's impressed with their ability which says something about how good they are. He tells them Mitch is the ultimate hacker. She has no idea how valuable that is. He also reminds us of how important it is that the club keeps the geeks on high security. Something that I'm just coming to appreciate. I talk to VP about getting tracking on them and cameras on their houses, we already have it on their vehicles.

  They work and get free from the hackers but can't follow the trail of origin. Our computers aren’t fast enough with the bugs and anything we do can be traced. He promises to come back next week on a day when Mitch can work with them from the big batcave. We crack up about the ‘batcave’ but VP says it's the ultimate control center. They have computers set up just for this type of problem and a clean satellite to work off of. We all shut up. For now he wrote a firewall into the programs. He warns us that we have at least two hackers and they have skills. We have to keep watching, if they did it once, they'll keep looking for a way in until they get what they want.

  Geek and Digs work the rest of the day to get all the cameras and programs running.

  Security for a concert in Providence is taking extra Brothers leaving us with a shortage for the nights regular jobs. I use four high security guys and hope for a fuckin peaceful night.

  I'm relieved when I see Patches pull back into the yard with the kids. They all pile into the Bakery. Tess comes out with an iced coffee making me thirsty. She's smiling. Darren, Jessie and Little Ben walk her over to the Women's Center. I see their guard move to the side of the building, he throws chin to Patches. I ask the guys if they want anything from the bakery, they give our Prospect their order. I take a picture of the list and send it to Peg warning her before he gets there. She'll be happy; it's been a little slow over there today.


  I had therapy again today. I like going, she answers all my questions and asks easy things. I told her about my dream. She thinks I need to tell Rich and Patches so they can keep me safe but if I do Ally will get hurt. Her body should stay hers until she’s ready to share it like the guys keep telling me. Even the women in the class say that. I can’t tell them but I feel bad. I told them I wouldn’t lie. I have to break a promise too. I wish I could see me in this dream. Then I’d know what to do.


  Two days


  It's going to be a fuckin hot day again. The kids want to swim. I call Tiny for a Prospect for beach duty. They get the beach gear ready while I get Tess. I'm smiling as I drive to get her, she loves her classes. She's talking to Karen when I walk in the Bakery. She shows me her iced coffee and pulls my shirt down so she can kiss my cheek. She started this yesterday stunning me and Rich, again. My dick jerks. Fuck I'm never going to fuckin make it seeing her in a fuckin bathing suit. I ask Karen to make a double shot with no ice. Tess looks confused. I tell her about the beach day the kids planned. She doesn't look happy. I wait until we're outside before I ask. As I buckle her in she tells me she doesn't want the kids to see her scars. What fuckin scars? "We'll figure something out at the house." She just nods.

  In her bedroom she pulls a bathing suit. Fuck! Who the fuck bought a bikini for her? These fuckin women are trying to kill me. She goes in the bathroom and changes, I wait with a shirt and shorts to cover her the fuck up. As soon as she walks out I know it won't be enough. I look away. "You look perfect Tess." I say fighting my need to stare at her fuckin tits and look in her eyes. She looks down and turns around. I suck in a breath and feel tears on my face. "Fuck baby." She has fuckin whip marks down her back. She's shaking. I hold her from behind. "It's ok Tess we can put a shirt on you and no one will know. Lots of women wear shirts on the beach so they don't burn." She turns into me. I wipe my face while holding her against my chest. Fuckin Outlaws! This is going to fuckin kill Rich. I need to tell him before he's fuckin blindsided by it, he's going to go fuckin ballistic. I need to talk to Danny. I help Tess get her shirt on with her top. I get us some towels and walk her over to the house.

  When the kids are set I eye the Prospect, he nods. I step back a couple of paces and call Danny.

  "I need to talk to you. It's important. I'm afraid of Rich's reaction, I don't want him to do anything stupid." He tells me he'll be over tonight with some Brothers. He already fuckin knows. Fuck. Kate should have told me.

  I sit under the gazebo roof watching Tess and the kids. Kate comes up behind me saying hi. "Thought you'd be at work?" I'm surprised to see her.

  "I was. I got a call that said you had pain in your voice asking for help." She stands in front of me wrapping her arms around me. "She didn't deserve one bit of what happened to her Patches. We need to fill her head with good so it pushes all the other shit out. The people around her will feel her pain with her. I just want you to know you have us to help you through it."

  I hold on. "Thank you Kate. She was afraid the kids would see her scars. They’re from a fuckin whip Kate." I finally say. She nods, squeezes me, hands me a face cloth and walks away. Fuckin Kate. I clean my face and turn back to the beach. Pres turns and walks down the beach. He fuckin kept watch while I wasn't. Fuckin Pres. I smile. They always have my back. We can do this because they have our back. I try to relax, putting more sunscreen on everyone then help Aaron with a castle. Little Ben, Darren and Jessie make the MC logo. I take a picture of it and send it to their phones.

  We have dinner with Tiny and a very pregnant Nancy. She looks like she's going to pop. Danny eyes me. "We're going over to Pres'. We'll have a beer on the patio. The women and kids will stay here." I follow but Kate stops me. She hands me an iPad with the pictures of Tess' back. I nod trying to keep it together and carry it to Pres' house. This is how Danny knew.

  Everyone is on the porch. They move to the sides so I can sit by Rich. "What's going on?" He looks from me to Danny.

  "We took the kids swimming today. Tess was afraid to show her body to the kids."

  He cuts me off. "Why she's fuckin perfect?"

  "From the front she is." I open the iPad and swipe to show him the pictures, he stands up and drops it. He drops his hands to his knees and deep breathes. "I’ll fuckin kill every fuckin one of them." He stands pacing back and forth. So quick he's at the fuckin stairs. Danny and VP are holding him back.

  "Been right here where you are Brother. Take a minute, breathe. We can do this, has to be together." VP says.

  "Fuckin whipped her VP. I don't need a fuckin minute. I need my fuckin gear!" I've never seen him yell at anyone. I've never fuckin seen anyone raise their voice to VP. He's fuckin out of his mind.

  Pres comes in standing in the doorway. "Prospects walking Tess and the kids to the Cone. We need to plan this just like with the gangs." VP and Danny relax. Tiny moves to the back door. Rich walks back in and paces the end of the porch. I walk up to him and pull him to me.

  "We can do this together Rich. That's what the Brotherhood is for." He nods, drops his hands to his knees and breathes deep again. This must be a military thing. I see VP do this when he's pissed. I step back and hear shots. Fuck! Not fuckin now! It's automatic and there's a fuck of a lot of them.

  Pres answers his phone then looks at me. "Patches collect the kids at the Cone and coordinate at the club. Lock it down." I run through the door calling Sam.


  I hold onto Ally. Brenda is crying sitting on the side of me. Holding her hand I tell her to stay quiet. I know how to do this with no help. The truck stops, I don't know where we are. The men move us into a car and drive to a house with trees all around. We didn't go far. We have tracking devices. Rich will find us. Keeping calm helps the girls keep calm. Little Ben said we take care of our own. I need to take care of them for the boys.

  An Outlaw pulls Brenda out of the car causing her to scream. He slaps her. I get out and pull Ally with me. "We'll go in quietly." I pull Brenda up keeping her hand. The Outlaw pushes me toward the house. I never saw this guy before. We walk through the house with him pushing us. At a door he moves in front of Brenda and opens it flipping a switch, I see stairs. He points and I take the girls down into the basement. All I can think is at least it's cool. I hear the door close and lock above us. Brenda starts crying. I hold her and Ally takes her hand. "They'll find us. I have to give them the time but they'll find us." I tell her softly.


  Fuckin Digs is quiet in my helmet. What good is the fuckin Bluetooth if you don’t fuckin use it?

  Me: "Talk to me Digs." I'm sitting on the fuckin bike and have nowhere to fuckin go. I have fuckin rage building. It needs a release.

  Digs: "Pres just got in. I have nothing on the road. The cameras were hacked again."

  Me: "Fuck! Track them!" We just got this fuckin shit fixed.

  Digs: "GPS isn't responding. It’s frozen at the Cone. Prospects aren't finding the devices. The boys are on their way up to the Club and they show still there. So I'm going with hacked. Geek just came in Brother."

  Pres: "LP1&2 Outlaws coming up from 95. Eight bikes two trucks with guns mounted. High Security is on its way. VP, Geek’s got a lock on the location, come in to Security."

  I stay to my dad’s right flying down Main road at one ten. He's fuckin nuts on a bike. Bob and Driscoll fall in behind us at the turn. Casper's got his detectives out stopping traffic. Fuckin useless uniforms must still be giving him trouble.

  Security has the highway blocked. No traffic running has us at one twenty five. A break in the trees gives us our way in. I jump off pulling my rifle and scope. Setting it up I wait for my shot. I hear them before they round the bend. My brothers wait them out. They're moving fast. I hit front trucks tires with four shots. My brothers watch them flip while I stow my gear. Back on the bike Digs tells me a bike went down with them. Seven bikes fly by. My dad signs us to roll. Gun at the ready I hear a shot on my side and fire at two in front of me. My fuckin father laughs. The four bikes are zig zagging. He hits two, Bob hits one that zags right off the fuckin road, I hit the last sending him over the bars.

  Digs: "Cleanup is behind you. Pres says to get the fuck back." His voice flat.


  The worst thing that can happen is happening. The door opens and heavy boots are coming down the stairs. Rod and the guy I don't know walk to us. I hear more boots walking around upstairs. The girls are huddled against me. Rod pulls Brenda away from me looking her up and down. The other guy pulls Ally. She won't let me go. "This one’s a fuckin retard." He pushes her down.

  'Stay down Ally.' I sign to her. She stays down crying softly.

  He grabs my hair. "Got forty for this?" Rod nods. "Bet that sweet pussy can bring more." He points to Brenda.

  "She's the police chief’s daughter and niece to Ben." I tell him. He punches my face. My body sags but he keeps me up by the hair. Ally cries out. I sign ‘no’. My face hurts but I keep my eyes on Ally.

  "We'll wait for Pres. Why the fuck did you take a cops kid, not just any cop the fuckin Chief?" Rod asks him pissed. I know what's coming and try to get my feet set. He hits the guy sending me flying. On my hands and knees I crawl to Ally. "First fuckin job and you fuck it up. Tie the girl and retard. I feel the need; the retard's got a hole that I can fill." I hold Ally tight. Rod unzips his pants. "Slave, get over here." Brenda starts crying.

  'Turn around, keep Ally looking at the wall.' I sign then crawl over to him. He slaps me right over my ear. The ringing makes it hard to hear him. I open my mouth doing my best to make him happy so he won't use Ally. I hear them crying and try to block it out. I just need time.


  The fuckin club is buzzing. It's like watching fuckin ants moving. I check the list, Mary isn't here. I hear shots outside. Looking out the door I see Brothers firing out the gate. Fuckin hell! Doug comes to me. "Chet's on the other side clearing from the road up." I nod.

  What the fuck is taking so long. Ally, Brenda and Tess should be found by now. They all have tracking and it's been three fuckin hours. I check my phone again. Jess comes out of the kid’s room looking at me. I shake my head no. I see her tears and go to her. She puts her head on my chest and cries. I hold her until she stops. "Thank you Patches. I need to get back to Kate. I don't know how she's keeping it together." I nod. Fuckin Ally is with the Outlaws that made Tess a slave.


  We've circled the fuckin town dropping Outlaws but there's not many.

  Me: "Digs I'm losing patience here."

  Digs: "Brother, VP just took out the hackers. Geek is working to get everything back up. Give him a couple of minutes to clear the tracking." Fuck! "Casper in."

  Casper: "Knights clear, GPS is showing them on Lucas toward the reservation." I spin the fuck around. Bob follows.

  Me: "Get me a truck to transport us closer. They'll hear the fuckin bikes a mile away."

  Digs: "Tiny's on his way." I pull off to fuckin wait again. Thank Fuck! Tiny shows. We jump in the back of the truck.

  He drops us in a driveway two houses away. I sign to my team and we circle the house. Bob looks in the basement window. He sucks in a breath. Fuck! Chet has a window open. He's sliding in. Bob stands walking up the porch steps. All hell breaks loose when I get to one. I slide through the basement window. My breath catches. Chet has an Outlaw hanging on the side of Ally. I run to her and untie her careful of her cut wrists I rub her shoulders. Fuckin Outlaws hanging her by her wrists. She holds on to my nec
k not making a fuckin sound. It sounds like a fuckin rumble is going on upstairs. I'm looking for Tess. Chet lifts Brenda up. "Where's Tess?"

  "She fought them all so they wouldn't hurt Ally. The big man dragged her up the stairs by her hair. She's hurt." Brenda says almost at hysterical.

  "Look at me Brenda." She looks up at me. "Did they hurt you and Ally?"

  She shakes her head no. "She wouldn't let them. She made us turn around so we didn't see, there were so many of them. They hurt her." I run up the stairs with Ally in my arms. Bob is at the door. VP comes up behind him. My dad takes Ally, he holds her tight then kisses her head and gives her to Tiny. He walks away with her. Fuckin NO!

  "Where is she?" They're blocking my path.

  "Doc's with her. Give him a minute." Bob says. Fuck that. I try pushing my way through.

  My father comes to me, he pulls me to him. "No dad! She's ok!" Our foreheads meet before he talks.

  "Rich she's alive. Doc is with her. You need to get your head together and be calm so she stays calm. Yeah?" I hold on to him. Fuck.

  "Yeah." He lets me go. They step back. I pace and breathe.

  Chet comes up with Brenda. She looks at Pres. "She saved us Ben. She made sure they didn't touch Ally. Made us turn around so Ally didn't see but we heard. We heard what they all did to her. You have to help her. She saved us." She's hysterical now. Pres nods then hugs her to him.

  VP grabs me when I try to get by. "It can't be worse than what I'm fuckin imagining, get the fuck out of my way." I growl at him.

  Pres comes to me. "As soon as Doc opens that door you can go in Rich. No one will stop you. Give him a fuckin minute to help her."

  I stop fighting and lean my hands on the counter. I'm fuckin shaking, adrenaline running through me. The fuckin door opens and Doc comes out. He walks right up to me. "I gave her a shot to calm her down. She's worried she didn't keep her promise to you. She keeps repeating it. You need to let her out of that promise." Hands on my knees I'm trying to pull in enough breath to clear the fuckin rage clouding my head. She gave her body up.


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