Age of Vampyre Series Box Set

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Age of Vampyre Series Box Set Page 14

by Sophia North

  "Dante does have excellent taste when it comes to the classics," he commented admiringly, joining her.

  "Have you known him long?" Simone asked while splashing a respectable amount of milk in his cup, followed by a stream of tea from the porcelain china pot.

  Horatio leaned his umbrella against one of the two wing-backs, removed his overcoat and meticulously arranged it to hang gracefully over the back of a chair. Once satisfied with his work, he sat in the opposite one, so as to not disturb his handiwork.

  "I've known his father, Alessio, for nearly thirty years now. In terms of my friendship with Dante, I would be inclined to classify it as a...slow burn. We have known one other for as long as Alessio and I have, but it has only been over the past few years I would say it has flourished. You?"

  Simone's teacup faltered slightly, half-way to her lips. She'd known Dante for what, less than a week? Not exactly the best impression to make. Taking a longer than normal sip, Simone returned the cup to its saucer.

  "Considerably less than thirty years," she responded evasively, "seeing as I have yet to reach thirty myself. Although come September, that will change."

  "Virgo or Libra?" Horatio inquired as if it was an everyday sort of question.

  "You study astrology?" she asked incredulously. He looked more a man of reason than superstition.

  "Shouldn't everyone?" he returned, his light blue eyes twinkling in delight.

  His amusement was infectious. Simone warmed to him immediately. "I have no idea what I am," she confessed. "I was born the eighth of September, if that helps."

  "Ah, a fellow Virgonian down to the day. I too was born the eighth, and remarkably will turn sixty this year as you turn thirty - a new adventure for us both, I would say."

  A new adventure indeed, she mused. As fascinating a discussion about astrology may have been, Simone wasn't going to miss her opportunity to glean more valuable information.

  "Forgive me for being so blunt Horatio, but I understand you are testing the tainted blood. Are you here to update Dante? You see, I am a doctor and anxious to know the results."

  Horatio stirred nervously in his chair. "It is a delicate matter, my dear. Best left for discussion when Dante returns. Can I not entertain you with some other equally fascinating topic? Perhaps you would like to know more about astrology."

  Disappointed at being out-foxed, she muttered: "Not especially."

  "Come, don't be so particular - it is one of our more challenging traits. Virgos may be an earth sign, but the flow of life runs smoothly for us when we go with it."

  "Very well," she sighed. They needed to talk about something.

  "Jolly good. Now where is my mobile ...?" He patted along the front and breast pockets of his tweed jacket. "Ah, yes," he announced, slipping his hand inside and removing his phone. After a few taps, he asked: "Place of birth?"


  "An Essex lass? Not my first choice, your accent sounds more Northern to me."

  "After my mother died, I went to live with my aunt in Whitby. I suppose it did change the way I speak, the local children made fun of me for my 'posh' ways so I adapted to fit in."

  "It is tragic to lose your mother when young. What about your father?" Horatio asked.

  "I never knew my biological father, he abandoned my mother before I was born. But I did have a wonderful step-father, but sadly he also perished in the accident with my mother, along with my baby brother."

  "I'm sorry to hear it. I did not mean to stir up painful memories with my queries."

  "No, not at all. It is all water under the bridge for me. What else do you want to know?" Simone asked to demonstrate her openness.

  Horatio kept his queries to astrological matters. "Your birth time, if you know it."

  "Hah, amazingly that is the one bit of information I do know - my mother was incessantly telling me I was born at the true witching hour ..."

  "...three, thirty-three in the morning." Horatio finished for her.

  "Yes, how did you...? Ah, never mind - stupid question."

  Horatio dramatically circled his finger over the screen of his mobile. "And now, your birth chart," he proclaimed. "Damn, I forgot Dante does not allow mobile signals in here. My apologies, it looks like you will have to wait until I go groundside again."


  "We're underground?" she gasped.

  Horatio raised a questioning brow at her. "You were unaware? Simone, are you here against your will?"

  Oh dear, things were going south fast.

  "No, of course not. I come and go as you do."

  "Through the Underground system?"

  One took a tube to get here - how fascinating.

  "A true Mind-the-Gap girl, am I," she offered lamely.

  "Miss - my goodness, what is your surname?"


  "Miss Radcliffe."

  "Dr." Simone corrected, hoping her title would encourage him to open up to a scientific discussion about the tainted blood.

  "What?" he asked, surprised by her answer.

  "Dr. Radcliffe, not Miss."

  But before Horatio could respond, Dante's deep voice suddenly boomed out.

  "Horatio, what the hell...?"

  All eyes turned to the doorway. There, Dante stood, a bouquet of flowers clasped tightly in his hand.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  "DANTE, EXCELLENT! DR. Radcliffe and I have been eagerly awaiting your return. Simone has been kind enough to indulge my eccentricities by allowing me to ramble on about astrology."

  Impressed by his deft handling of the awkward situation, Simone chirped up. "Yes, Horatio was attempting to explain the finer points of being a Virgo."

  The pair looked like two children caught with fingers in the biscuit tin. But even Dante knew better than to challenge them about it - he had his own secrets to keep hidden.

  "The stuff of nonsense," Dante declared, striding over to join them.

  Horatio looked at Simone and whispered: "Taurus - a most trying disposition. Stubborn like a bull."

  Simone had to quickly stifle a spontaneous giggle. "Are those for me?" she asked, gesturing to the bouquet in an attempt to further ease the tension before realising her miscalculation. She was drawing attention to their 'relationship' in front of an outsider. This might get messy.

  "Yes, I thought you would enjoy them in your room," he replied tightly. "I'll have Alfred put them in a vase and deliver them there. Alfred!"

  "He is not here," Simone said softly. "I have not seen him since waking."

  "It explains so much," Dante sighed. Both Horatio and Simone shifted their gaze away in sheepish guilt, knowing they each played a role in his present angst.

  "Shall I take them ..." she offered hesitantly.

  Whoosh, he was gone and back in a flash. "I left them in some water in the kitchen. Alfred will see to it when he returns."

  With the issue of the flowers resolved, the trio lapsed momentarily into silence. "Would you like a cup of tea?" Simone asked timidly.

  "Fuck no," Dante moaned. "Alcohol is required at a time like this - any other takers?"

  Horatio perked up. "Brandy for me."

  Dante looked questioningly at Simone. Her ice blue eyes threw daggers at him.

  "Nothing for me, thank you. I am still a bit delicate from last night's indulgences," she tightly replied.

  Her emphasis did not go unnoticed. Clearing his throat, Horatio accepted the generous snifter Dante presented and spoke. "Now then, Dante, I want you to know I deeply regret my actions tonight - there are no excuses to justify what I've done. To enter your home, unannounced - it's the height of impropriety. Again, my regrets. However, we currently live in highly unusual times, and given the stakes, I hope you can forgive me my trespasses."

  Dante's anger, and dare he admit it, but also the edge of embarrassment he felt about the awkwardness of Simone's presence, eased away. "Of course, old friend. You are always welcome in this house - announced or not."

bsp; "You are most kind," Horatio returned. "I am not sure I deserve it, but it means a great deal to me to have your trust. I pray it stays true after what I am about to say next."

  Caught up in their honourable exchange, Simone's attention stood tall at Horatio's upfront declaration. Inside, she sensed what was coming might have something to do with her.

  "And that would be?" Dante's tone carried a sharp edge.

  "I am unconvinced by Dr. Radcliffe's explanation for her presence here and worry she may be more prisoner than guest."

  "Oh, honestly, Horatio, it is nothing like you suspect," Simone assured him. "I know I wasn't most forthcoming with you earlier but it's ..."

  "Complicated," Dante completed.

  "Hmm, I see - complicated. What isn't these days?" Horatio opined. "Alright, I will stop prying but, rest assured I shall be popping round frequently whilst Simone is in residence - announced, of course."

  Dante let the matter drop. If Horatio wanted to play Sir Galahad it made no difference to him. Simone was his, full stop. "Have you any answers about our blood situation?" he asked, changing the subject.

  "It's the reason for my impromptu visit - progress has slowed. I am still unable to isolate the source of the problem or more to the point - just when I think I have the solution, it disappears."

  "Disappears is rather an unscientific explanation," Simone interjected. "Perhaps, I could have a look - as I said earlier."

  "You are a doctor, yes my dear - so am I," Horatio gently responded. "A haematologist to be specific - and I wish I could be more technical than 'disappears' - it is vexing for me to be so imprecise as well."

  "Ah, as you were saying then," Simone graciously allowed, recognising expertise when in its presence.

  Horatio nodded his thanks. "I need more time to work it out. As we speak I have a team running a variety of much more in-depth tests. On a positive note, your theory for reversing the effects is correct. Untainted blood counteracts the effects immediately - thank heavens."

  "To be fair, Horatio, it was Simone's quick thinking which brought about the discovery," Dante explained.

  The older gentleman turned to her and said: "Then I would very much welcome your input on the latest results."

  Simone flushed at the compliment. "I am sure your team is more than competent. My specialism is not as relevant."

  Horatio dismissed her comment with a wave of his hand. "My team work on parts of my research - only I weigh the results as a whole. I suppose one might call me controlling. Shall you come by the lab tomorrow afternoon? The tests will be completed by then and if needs be, you and I can run further analysis together."

  Simone was about to accept when Dante beat her to the punch. "Unfortunately, she will be unable to attend."

  The cheek! And within minutes of her assuring Horatio she wasn't being held hostage. "I will be there," she replied militantly, daring him to contradict her and open up that particular can of worms again.

  "You will not," Dante firmly reiterated. "She has been fed on by one of Anton's vamps, Horatio. She cannot leave this house."

  "Not this again," she exclaimed. "I have agreed to stay with you until things are resolved so there is no reason for Anton to send his men to chase me to the ends of the bloody earth. If it appeases you, I will bring Alfred with me for protection - although with it being daytime I see no reason to panic, even if I was sighted out and about, by the time this vampyre army could do anything, I would be safely tucked back here."

  Perfectly logical. Surely Dante would accept the obvious.

  "Dante is correct, my dear. It wouldn't be a matter of if, but when, Anton's supporters found you. If a human survives being bitten by a vampyre - he or she can be tracked by the attacker for as long as one of them lives."

  Her brain exploded. "I am forever marked - forever his prey," she eventually whispered.

  Horatio abruptly stood. "Perhaps it would be best if I left the two of you alone to talk. There is much for me to do in preparation for tomorrow's Meet. If, that is, my attendance has been accepted."

  Grateful for Horatio's subtle offer to hurry along his departure, Dante rose in unison, while Simone sat in stunned silence on the couch. "It will be a frosty reception but yes, your attendance has been granted."

  "Duly noted." Horatio went to Simone and placed his hand gently on her shoulder. "My dear, you are in the safest place and Dante, although gruff, will ensure nothing happens to you. You have no reason to believe me but I will come and visit you tomorrow night after the Meet - together we can discuss my findings and I shall explain what is happening next."

  Simone looked up into his kind eyes. "Thank you, that would be nice."

  She didn't really mean it, come tomorrow night she would be on a train to Paris. Operation FU Bitches was still a go, she had every faith in that.

  "No, stay Dante. I shall show myself out. Until tomorrow, Dr. Radcliffe?"

  She plastered a fake smile on her face. "Yes, tomorrow."

  Horatio inclined his head to Dante and left.

  Simone poured herself another cup of tea and sat back. Methodically stirring, the rhythmic ding-dings set the stage for the upcoming event. "Your ally, Horatio, is an interesting bloke, as my people might say."

  "Your people are miners?" Dante teased. Wrong move - humour was not the approach to take.

  "Yes, you know, miners, millers, tinkers, tailors - my people, the human sort. Did you know?"

  Completely lost, Dante attempted to salvage the conversation. "Honestly, Simone, I have no idea what you are talking about. Did I know what, exactly? That my world would be in the midst of a revolution I am not sure I can stop? Or in my attempts to do so I would drag an innocent doctor into a web she has no business being a part of - then 'no' I didn't fucking know, happy?"

  "Don't turn this onto me," Simone warned. "You have repeatedly promised to be frank with me and yet every time I have questions, your only answer is 'soon' or 'another time'. Enough! Why didn't you tell me the truth about what Samsun did to me? Especially...especially before I allowed you to do the same thing."

  "Would you have believed me if I had?" Dante fired back.

  "Are you implying I was so overcome with desire for you, that like a whore, I'd let you do whatever you pleased with me? Is this why you are so obsessed with killing Samsun - because now you have marked me as yours, and like any man's possession, you will suffer no one else being attached to your prize."

  Fuck, he did not see this coming. He thought perhaps a few insults would be hurled, maybe the odd tear but eventually she would realise he only wanted to protect her from Samsun and forgive him for his slightly unorthodox methods. Also, without her blood, he still wasn't sure if he would have been able to access his visionary power.

  "You think my actions the other night were to trick you into letting me feed off you so I could possess you?" Dante concluded, incredulous.

  "Is there any other conclusion to draw?" Simone challenged.

  "Uh, fuck yeah. Did the thought ever cross your mind I chose to do it in order to protect you?"

  "There, you admit it - you chose, not me. You! And to think at the time I felt .. proud .. yes, that's it .. I was proud to be able to help you. Do you trust me? you said. And fool that I am, I said yes."

  Illusion shattered. "Look at me," Dante gently urged. "Simone, please love, give me a chance to explain."

  "You've had many chances, but none were good enough for you to take. I am done with giving you chances," she replied, still refusing to look at him. "If it is all the same to you - I'm tired and will retire to my room. Please have Alfred send a tray up when he returns - if I am hungry I may eat it. But regardless, I can't stand the sight of you and wish to minimise any future encounters."

  "Simone, you can't be..."

  "Serious? Watch me."

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  A SOFT RAP at the door interrupted Simone's writing. "You may leave the tray in the hall, Alfred," she called out. "Many thanks."

It's me," Dante's voice responded.

  Simone did not reply, nor was there any sound of movement to indicate she may be coming to the door to greet him. Minutes ticked past and still Dante stood outside her door.

  "I'll stand here all night and day if I have to - we need to talk."

  "I thought I made myself perfectly clear - I am done talking."

  Dante leaned his forehead against the door. "If you open this door, I will bring you with me tomorrow to the Meet - you have my word."

  Movement. Thank the lord.

  Simone stood on her side of the door. "You will say anything to get what you want - your word is of little value to me."

  The closeness of her voice against his ear, softened Dante's frustration. "I know," he gently replied. "And I am sorry for that - but please, Simone. I need to speak with you. Tell me, what will it take for you to do that."

  "Complete honesty, no matter how difficult my questions. And your word, once this is all over, I will be free to live my life as I so choose and you will never seek to interfere with it."

  A high tax to extol. To achieve victory at the cost of losing her forever - it did not seem fair, but then, when was life ever? "Very well, I agree to your terms. Now will you please open the door and let me in."

  The click of the lock was his answer. Slowly it inched open until Simone was revealed. "I'd rather we talk in less intimate surroundings."

  Dante nodded. "Meet me in the kitchen. I doubt you've eaten anything today. The belladonna should be out of your system by now and you need to replenish your strength for what lies ahead."

  "Belladonna? An archaic choice. I did wonder what you put in my wine."

  "Call me Mr. Transparent from now on, love."

  Simone stiffened at the endearment. "I will be down shortly," she replied coldly, closing the door in his face. Dante wanted to know what he'd said to make her so remote but decided to let sleeping dogs lie and left to prepare dinner.


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