Age of Vampyre Series Box Set

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Age of Vampyre Series Box Set Page 74

by Sophia North

  Hannah shook her head, denying she was anything other than lost by what he was telling her. "I truly do not know what you mean."

  He laughed heartily at her confession. "Maltby must be slipping, I'd have thought he'd have ingrained the truth into your psyche by now."

  Hannah remained silent, grateful he'd been distracted from touching her. She'd do anything to make him stop. Even lie through her teeth.

  "Tell me what Maltby has failed to do, darling. Make me understand," she urged him encouragingly.

  "You make a compelling argument there. Especially with what is in store for you. Very well, let's kick off like every good story... Once upon a time, there was a beautiful maiden, desired by many but only destined for one. Me. Albeit in a different time and place...but you know the drill with reincarnation thanks to your OO work. Back to the tale, I'll keep it short. You and I were to wed, combine our powerful bloodlines for eternity, and breed the greatest witches ever known. But guess what? It didn't ran off with your Praetorian lover and so I cursed you both. Doomed your souls to a cycle of passion and...bloodshed."

  This was not the tale Hannah had expected to hear. It was far...far worse. Pierce was not the mad man who chased her in her dream, intent on killing her. It was Gabe. What Maltby had told her was true.

  "But don't fret, darling, there's finally going to a happily ever after. Tonight we break your link to the murdering bastard and you will be be my wife."

  "I will never marry beast!" Hannah really should have held her tongue. Pierce did not react well to her declaration.

  He had her pinned to the desk, spread-eagled and vulnerable. "Makes no difference to me when I fuck you first. But believe me, you will be with Pierce Nelson-Aldrich III before the night is over."

  Grinding against her, he grasped her chin and forced his kiss on her. Hannah fought him with everything she had. But it was futile, Pierce had her right where he wanted...and nothing was going to stop him from having her. Until, from out of nowhere, he was pulled from her body and flung across the room.

  Hannah had no idea what was happening. All she knew was Pierce had gone and she was now free. Struggling to sit up, she clasped her ripped blouse closed and that's when she saw him.

  A great hulking figure, dressed in a long black robe with a hood, stood between Pierce and her. When it heard her rouse, it turned to look at her.

  Hannah gasped in horror. The figure was grotesque. His pale white face looked like the skin had been melted onto a skull. Green eyes glowed in the receded sockets and strange tattoos were everywhere.

  Crumpled at the base of a chair, Pierce rose up on his hands, his murderous gaze intent on exacting revenge on the one who had dared to interfere.

  "Obey me, Praetor," Pierce's voice boomed.

  The creature was a vampyre. Hannah's heart stopped. She'd never have guessed. And not just any vampyre - he was a Praetor.

  The vamp roared and turned back to face Pierce, who stood with his hand out, gripping a Marker. When the beast saw it, he cowered in deference.

  "Fuck. Haan does like his pets, but this one is a real peach. Praetor, leave us."

  Hannah wanted to cry out for him to stay. He may be a monster but he had just saved her from Pierce. She didn't dare think about what would happen once they were alone again.

  Pierce straightened his clothes. The mood now spoiled.

  "Looks like our consummation will take place after the wedding. How traditional," he quipped, making his way over to the door. "But there will be nothing conventional about our wedding night." His eyes gleamed maliciously. "Your hand maidens will be with you shortly to help prepare you, darling. I suggest you cooperate."

  Chapter Forty-One

  BRILLIANT SHADES OF red and deep pinks streaked over the capital as twilight set in. The spectacular display promised a beautiful clear day on the morrow, if the old adage about sailors was to be believed.

  In the growing shadows of Hannah's garden, Gabe stared up, wondering if he'd still be around to welcome the promised sun. Not known as a leader who'd delay in taking action, for the first time in his reign as Legatus he felt unsure what move to make.

  He'd spent hours racking his brain trying to figure out what Pierce's plans might be and the implications of the growing Praetors abandoning their posts. Lash's continuous updates on the names of those missing all led down the same road. Aiden's legion were the only ones defecting to the Serpent Brotherhood. At least, the news meant Gabe could stick to that part of Vlad's version of events, but as for the reason for it, well that wasn't quite so easy to explain.

  He had yet to share his suspicions on the possibility that Aiden, his third Prefect, had survived the World Trade Centre battle. And that he was the one behind the Praetor defections. The idea still seemed incredibly far-fetched. Especially as it was Gabe who'd watched him, and twelve of his vamps, incinerated by the blast that had brought down the Twin Towers.

  The official story didn't even come close to what had really happened on that fateful September 11th. Even the never ending conspiracy theories barely scratched the surface. But the incident had, in retrospect, started off a chain of events that, in his mind, had led to this present nightmare scenario. He just hadn't realised it till now.

  The scent of night jasmine coaxed Gabe from his tortuous thoughts. Inhaling deeply, the smell reminded him of the nights he'd spent in this very spot, watching over Hannah. Okay, to be fair, there was a lot of mental undressing going on at the time as well, which was why the smell meant so much to him.

  Swiping at a low hanging branch, Gabe wished it was Pierce's head. None of Vlad’s networks, or the Lowerton Hive, had been able to find a trace of him...or Hannah. Was she even in the capital? Who the fuck knew? It was like they simply vanished off the face of the earth and below it too. Lowerton's tunnel system stretched out for miles under Central London, rivalling the Underground, but there was no trace of them anywhere in that warren of hiding places either.

  Raised voices from inside alerted Gabe the reinforcements having finally arrived. Hannah's home had become the unofficial HQ because he refused to leave it unless doing so meant he was going to get her. He had no interest in chasing his tail. If he had to be contained anywhere, his best cage was the one place where he was surrounded by Hannah. Her books, her numerous pairs of glasses...her scent.

  Entering through the French doors, Gabe found Lash, Simone and Dante sitting with Vlad discussing the latest developments.

  Dante rose from his wife's side when he noticed Gabriel standing in the kitchen. "Consul, my father sends you his complete support in doing whatever is required to find Hannah and see her home safely."

  Gabe found Dante's formality strange. He acted like an Emissary from the Grand Elder, which seemed a bit much. Gabriel would be going after Hannah whether Alessio endorsed it or not. As it stood, he was halfway through fulfilling his promise to return his sons. Once son number two was safely delivered to dear old dad, Gabe would be free of his Marker oath and able to be on his way. Fuck being Consul Militaris for the Empire.

  "I'm surprised your father was able to formulate a sentence, let alone such a pretty speech," Gabe remarked, unable to keep the distain from his voice. Alessio's dissent into oblivion was a bone of contention with him and felt it was time for his son to sort it out.

  Dante stiffened slightly, but kept his cool. "His mood has much improved since my return. And in his generosity, he put me in charge of the Watcher army."

  "Good, you will need the practice in order to take over from me. Once Hannah is safe, and Darius returned, I shall be leaving."

  Lash took exception to his leader's strange words. "And where will we be heading this time, boss?"

  "We will no longer be bound to one another, and so the Praetorian Guards will be disbanded."

  This did not go down well with his Prefect. "What the fuck are you talking about?"

  Time to come clean.

  "I have reason to believe Aiden was not des
troyed on September 11th and is behind the Praetor defection. If it is true, it means my command of the Praetors has been compromised. Tiberius tried to warn me about the ramifications of denying my destiny, but I ignored him anyway."

  "Who the fuck is Aiden?" Vlad asked, he really hated it when secrets were kept until the 11th hour.

  "He was Prefect of the Third Legion until his demise, or should I say, conversion to Haan's side."

  Lash was having none of it. "I cannot believe it. If Aiden survived, as you believe, he would never betray you. And there is also the small matter of the Legatus' ultimate control of the Guard."

  "I think we can both agree my hold isn't what it used to be. And with every Praetor defection being one of Aiden's vamps, the evidence cannot be refuted."

  "But how can this be?" Lash asked, not willing to accept the facts.

  "My Marker may have something to do with it. It was taken from the safe along with the cylinder and bowl."

  Vlad sat with his arms crossed listening in silence. He wouldn't lie and say the news of Gabe losing control of the Praetors upset him terribly. As a newly minted one, he didn't fancy the idea of being duty bound to run around the globe following orders. He was about to be a father, and had little illusion about how Penny would feel on the matter. She'd scorch his ass first before letting him leave her and their babies.

  "As fascinating as this may be, I don't see the relevance. The Brotherhood fuckers have taken Penny and my children hostage and that shit won't stand. This is all about breaking the Dragon Curse so Haan can return and spawn some fucked up dynasty. Hannah's just part of the deal to bring the Warlocks on side."

  "Children?" Dante asked, surprised by the statement.

  "Twins, brother. Can you fucking believe it? And to think I'd sworn off ever reproducing - got me some strong swimmers it would seem."

  "Right, babies aside," Gabe interrupted, this wasn't a fucking knitting bee. "Hannah was the target of the abduction, not Penny. Her presence at the precise moment of their taking Hannah was far from planned. She was more like a gift for them."

  Vlad hadn't considered that possibility, believing it the other way around. "Why would Haan want Hannah?"

  "She is a Sibyl, and as such, incredibly valuable."

  "A fucking what?" Vlad snapped.

  "Sibyls were very powerful Seers worshipped during Antiquity. It was said they could divine the future," Simone explained.

  "I'd argue Haan was doing a fairly good job of that without any assistance from the divine. He's been one hell of a Puppet Master for centuries," Vlad argued. "And if she is so valuable, why hand her over to the Warlocks?"

  "There's more," Gabe interjected.

  Vlad threw up his hands and sat back in his chair. "Of course there fucking is...more 11th hour shit spews out. Dante mate, you have any last minute diabolical news to add?"

  Dante laughed. How he'd missed his brother. "I'll keep you posted."

  "Actually there is, but you have already been told about it," Gabe said in reply to Vlad's dramatics.

  "Forgive me, Consul cunt, but my mind is full up with trying to figure out where my wife is at the moment. Remind me."

  "My bloodline's curse is also in play. Hannah and I were the souls responsible for pissing the Warlocks off. Aldrich was the Warlock our love betrayed."

  "Aldrich, as in Nelson-Aldrich?" Lash questioned, having never heard Pierce's surname name until then. "God damn it, Abby called it. That mother of his is a right bitch, but I wouldn't believe her."

  Dante leaned over to his wife and whispered, "Watch this, love. The penny is about to drop."

  "Fuck me, Abby Woodville is like her sister!" Lash looked at Dante smirking on the settee next to Simone. "Did you know she was fucking with me?"

  "I had my theories."

  "Cheers for helping a brother out," he snapped back. "Remind me to return the favour when all this is over."

  "Lash, you're rambling nonsensically again," Gabe reprimanded.

  "Sorry, boss."

  Vlad crossed his arms. "Is there anything else?" he asked pointedly.

  "Does Igor the Alchemist being lifted from my grasp by a swirling bunch of light and a mountain of a vamp - strongly resembling a medieval monk count?" Lash asked innocently, realising with everything going on he'd neglected to mention it.

  "That Monk fuck will do anything for that Fae bitch," Vlad growled, confirming what Gabe had feared might be the case.

  Mariam and her portal ways were still causing him problems. What the fuck was Malachai doing over in Rome, sight-seeing?

  The loud pounding on the front door brought an end to the conversation.

  "Those fucking Langs better have a lead or else they're going to be the lucky recipients of a good hiding," Vlad announced, stalking off to let them in. Obviously the news about Mariam had upset him a tad.

  "Are you glass half full or empty types?" Marcus asked as he entered the sitting room. "Because I've got some good news, but some problematic shit to impart as well."

  Gabriel wasn't in the mood. "Spit it out man!"

  "The wolves have located the ladies. They are being held at the US Embassy...which leads me to the problem. Your gaining entry."

  Gabe looked to Simone for verification of the truth. Her ability to detect lies would have come in handy long before now, but once again he'd been kept in the dark about key vamp-fae information.

  Simone nodded back, confirming the werewolf's statement was accurate.

  Marcus caught the exchange and expressed his disbelief. "Jesus, what's a wolf got to do to prove himself with your lot?"

  "Keep up the good work and do not fuck with us," Gabe answered.

  Vlad's reaction to the Lang's idea of their problem with rescuing the women made him laugh. "The Embassy is public space, and I think with our fire power, we've got it covered. Come on, let's move. Penny is not going to rescue herself...that is, she better not get any ideas and pull something stupid."

  "Not so fast," Ethan cut in. "The building may be in public ownership, but only to an American citizen, which you, my friend, are not."

  "You've got to be fucking kidding me? Our 'no vamp entry without being invited' shit works like that?" Vlad questioned.

  Marcus grinned at Vlad's incredulousness. "Not to worry, we are Langs remember. Legal loopholes are our speciality. Ethan, why don't you explain. It's your idea."

  "You need to become American citizens."

  Lash perked up at the news. "I know just the Fixer we need. Let me make a call and I'll have it sorted shortly."

  Chapter Forty-Two

  TUCKED IN A CHAIR, Hannah sat chewing her finger, trying to figure a way out of her current predicament. Thus far, she hadn't come up with anything plausible to act on. Without knowing where Penny was being held, any plans of escape were impossible. And there was no way Hannah was leaving without her.

  Muffled voices in the hall outside her door made Hannah sit up and take notice. Moments later the office door swung open and Penny was shoved through it.

  Manacled in a pair of seriously thick heavy iron restraints, her unbound long red hair flowed down around her in molten ripples. To say she was pissed would have been an understatement. The language coming out of her mouth was far from being motherly.

  "Hannah! Thank the goddess, you're okay," she cried, rushing over to hug her. An impossible feat thanks to the manacles. "Your creepy ex has lost the plot. I was worried he may have boiled you, like that stalker woman did to that poor defenceless bunny."

  It took Hannah a minute to figure out Penny's 80s reference to the movie Fatal Attraction. But my word, was it an apt comparison. If ever there was a male equivalent of a bunny boiler, it would be him.

  "No, his plans for me are much worse!" Hannah replied in a panic. "He says we're going to be married. Tonight."

  So offended at the prospect, Penny screwed up her face in disgust. "I think not. Here," she said, raising her hands up, "help me get these damn things off. They've been spelled to preve
nt me from torching their Warlock asses."

  Magical manacles, clever.

  Hannah reached over to try and fiddle with cuffs but was zapped for her efforts.

  "I don't think they can be removed without some sort of counter-spell. And I do not possess such power."

  "Dammit." Penny dropped her hands in defeat. "Then send out some sort of Sybil Bat-signal. We need back up."

  No sooner were the words out of her mouth, when the door opened again. But sadly, six women dressed in white filed in, rather than her hoped for superhero rescuers.

  A further Woman in White arrived, carrying a long ivory gown, heavily embroidered with gold and gems. It must be Hannah's wedding gown and looked like it came from ancient times.

  The attendants moved past their leader in a serpent-like motion to descend upon Hannah, clearly intent on preparing her for the nuptials.

  In an effort to thwart them, Penny tried to shoulder barge one out of the way, but sadly, didn't get the result she was hoping to achieve. Instead, she was blown back from the contact and thankfully landed in a nearby chair, thus minimising the damage to her...and the babies.

  As for Hannah, she had nowhere to run. And even if she could have, she wasn't about to leave Penny. Allowing the women to take hold of her, she stood stock still as they removed her clothes.

  Not done with her defence of Hannah, Penny struggled to get out of the chair, but an invisible force field held her in place. "Don't touch her, you pale-faced freaks of nature. I'm giving you fair warning. When my husband gets here, he is going to be well pissed. If you stand with us, I'll make sure no harm comes to you. Despite your rather unsisterly behaviour."

  The women did not say a word. Nor did they stop with their task. They had Hannah dressed and ready in no time. Then it was onto Penny.

  Tearing her clothes from her body, the entourage stripped Penny down to skin-only, and began anointing her stomach with a terrible smelling paste. Their leader stood to the side watching their work unemotionally, a rich ruby velvet cloak cradled in her arms.


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