The Ferryman (The Guardians Series 1 Book 2)

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The Ferryman (The Guardians Series 1 Book 2) Page 19

by Wendy Saunders

  Plastering on her most affable smile she wandered up to the desk and waited for the assistant to acknowledge her.

  ‘Can I help you?’ she looked up from her computer screen.

  ‘I’d like to see Mayor Burnett please.’

  ‘Do you have an appointment?’

  ‘No, I don’t but I do know the Mayor and she told me to stop by if I needed anything so I was hoping you’d be able to squeeze me in. It will only take ten minutes.’

  ‘The Mayor is busy all day,’ she replied in a flat unfriendly voice. ‘You’ll have to make an appointment for another day.’

  ‘But this can’t wait.’

  ‘I’m sure it can’t but you’ll still have to wait for another day,’ she tapped a few keys and peered at her screen. ‘I can fit you in on the 27th.’

  ‘The 27th?’ Olivia replied incredulously, ‘that’s two weeks away.’

  ‘Of March,’ the gloating assistant added.

  ‘Next month?’ Olivia answered, ‘are you kidding?’

  ‘No, I’m not,’ she smirked, ‘the Mayor is very busy.’ She looked Olivia up and down as if she considered her beneath the Mayor’s notice.

  ‘Look,’ Olivia leaned forward placing either hand carefully on the desk and when she spoke her voice was low and dangerous. ‘I am getting in to see Mayor Burnett today and no secretary on a power trip is going to stop me.’

  ‘I’ll call security,’ she threatened.

  ‘You do that,’ Olivia smiled pleasantly, ‘I’ll be waiting for them in the Mayor’s office.’

  She rounded the desk and headed for the door intending to just knock. She probably wouldn’t have been so forward but the self-righteous jumped up secretary had pissed her off and she was spoiling for a fight.

  The assistant jumped up from her desk and moved to block Olivia just before she got to the door.

  ‘You can’t go in,’ her voice jumped up an octave.

  ‘Get out of my way,’ Olivia warned her, eyes flashing ‘or I will make you get out of my way.’

  ‘I’ll have you arrested for this.’

  ‘Be my guest,’ Olivia invited.

  ‘Security,’ she shouted.

  The door was suddenly wrenched open from behind her.

  ‘What on earth is all the shouting about?’ Tammy Burnett stood with Erica by her side.

  ‘Mayor Burnett,’ the assistant replied, ‘I’m so sorry for the interruption but this woman was insisting on seeing you and was about to barge into your office despite being told she would have to wait for an appointment. I was just about to call security.’

  Tammy looked around her assistant and as she caught sight of Olivia her face broke into a warm smile.

  ‘Olivia dear, how nice to see you. It’s quite alright Andrea,’ she brushed the woman aside briskly, ‘I always have time for Olivia.’

  She knew it was childish but Olivia couldn’t quite resist throwing a smug look in the assistant’s direction.

  ‘Hey Olivia,’ Erica greeted her in amusement as she watched Andrea’s face flush red with anger.

  ‘Erica,’ Olivia returned her smile.

  ‘Olivia,’ Tammy interrupted, ‘I just need to make a quick phone call, could you give me a few minutes?’


  ‘Andrea,’ Tammy turned towards her, ‘be a dear and see if Olivia would like some refreshment?’

  As the door closed with a quiet click Andrea turned to Olivia.

  ‘Would you like a drink or something?’ she asked from between clenched teeth.

  ‘A cup of tea would be lovely thank you,’ she smiled widely.

  She watched as the assistant stalked away. There was no way in hell she was going to drink anything that woman made her but she didn’t want to spend the next five minutes while she waited for the Mayor with the snooty bitch of a secretary shooting poison daggers at her.

  ‘Charming isn’t she?’ Erica smiled.

  ‘How on earth does Mayor Burnett put up with her?’

  ‘She’s sickeningly polite to Tammy,’ Erica laughed, ‘besides she was the most qualified for the job. Thankfully it’s only until Audrey comes back from maternity leave. I’m glad I caught you actually, I wanted to have a word with you.’


  Erica took her arm gently and steered her away from the door to the couch in the waiting area.

  ‘I know this isn’t really the place for it but I wanted to tell you I’m leaving Mercy.’


  ‘I’ve been offered a job with a large and extremely prestigious law firm in Boston, so I’m leaving. I’m afraid I won’t be able to be your lawyer anymore but if you have no objections you’ll be added to my colleague Jason’s books. He’s very good, I’m sure you’ll get on well.’

  ‘I don’t really have any objections,’ Olivia frowned, ‘but I just can’t believe you’re leaving Mercy.’

  ‘I know it’s going to be strange but I don’t want to spend the rest of my life in a small town. I want a career; I want to be a high court judge someday. I’m not the ‘marriage and kids’ kind of woman. I may even branch out into politics. Congresswoman Kelly,’ she laughed, ‘it has a ring to it doesn’t it or how about Senator Kelly.’

  ‘What about you and Jake though?’ Olivia asked.

  ‘Jake and I,’ she sighed, ‘it wouldn’t work. We were never really a couple you know, despite what everyone assumed. What we had was casual, we were both married to our careers. We wanted the same thing, or I thought we did.’

  ‘What do you mean?’ Olivia frowned.

  ‘I care a great deal about Jake and I hope we can remain friends but he’ll never leave Mercy and despite him saying he doesn’t want to settle down, that he’s not the ‘marriage and kids’ type, it’s exactly the opposite. You can’t be a lawyer without learning to read people and I’m telling you now, Jake will make some lucky woman an amazing husband and he will be a great father. He just hasn’t figured that out yet. I on the other hand mean it when I say I don’t want to settle down.’

  ‘Have you told him yet?’

  ‘Yes I have,’ she sighed. ‘His pride is a little bruised, that I was the one to call it a day, but he’ll get over it. It’s not like we were in love.’

  ‘Well then,’ Olivia blew out a breath, ‘I guess all that’s left to say is congratulations?’

  ‘Thanks,’ she smiled.

  The door to the office opened again and Tammy beckoned Olivia in.

  ‘Take care Olivia,’ Erica hugged her.

  ‘You too,’ she nodded as she watched the tall elegant redhead disappear down the hallway.

  ‘Come in Olivia,’ Tammy smiled.

  ‘Thanks for seeing me Mayor Burnett,’ Olivia walked past her into her spacious office.

  ‘It’s no problem, as I said I always have time for you. I’ll make sure Andrea knows that if you decide to drop by again.’ She indicated for Olivia to take a seat.

  ‘Now what can I do for you?’

  ‘It’s about Renata Gershon.’

  ‘Yes,’ Tammy sighed, ‘I did hear about Renata, poor dear.’

  ‘Well I’ve actually come to speak with you about Veronica Mason.’


  ‘She’s under the impression you are going to hire someone else to take over from Renata.’

  ‘To be honest I haven’t had time to think about it, I only heard about Renata an hour ago.’

  ‘But Veronica should be the one taking over the museum, it was what Renata wanted.’

  ‘Olivia I’m sure Veronica appreciates your loyalty but Renata hadn’t even finished training Veronica. We’re not talking about a smooth transition here, the museum is right in the middle of phase one of a very expensive expansion project. The revenue that the museum and its research facility will generate is important to our local economy, especially considering the current economic climate. We simply can’t afford to get it wrong.’

‘I know and believe me I understand that but Renata loved that museum, it was her whole life. She spent years searching for the right person to replace her and she believed that Veronica was that person. All that I’m asking is for you to give her a chance to prove herself, for Renata.’

  Tammy leaned back in her chair as she regarded Olivia thoughtfully.

  ‘Very well,’ she replied after a moment. ‘I’m prepared to give her a trial period of three months to prove herself and if at the end of those three months she hasn’t impressed me I will replace her, is that fair enough?’

  ‘Yes,’ Olivia smiled, ‘yes that’s more than fair, thank you so much Mayor Burnett.’

  ‘Don’t thank me just yet, your friend has a lot of work ahead of her. I am a notoriously hard woman to please.’

  ‘Still thank you anyway,’ Olivia rose from her seat, ‘and thank you for seeing me on such short notice.’

  ‘You’re welcome,’ she smiled as Olivia turned to leave. ‘Olivia?’

  She turned back.

  ‘I hope Veronica knows how lucky she is to have you as a friend.’

  Olivia smiled and stepped through the door.

  Veronica sighed and rubbed her tired eyes, it had been a hell of a day. Olivia and Theo had been a great comfort to her, helping deal with the workmen, while the police had finally finished documenting everything. It had put the renovations behind but she was confident it would still get finished up more or less on schedule. A wave of sadness washed over her at the thought that Renata had not lived to see it finished. She’d dedicated most of her life to the museum, Veronica could only hope she lived up to the faith she had shown in her. Not only that she now also had Olivia to thank for speaking with the Mayor on her behalf.

  There was still so much to sort out, she only had three months to prove to the Mayor she was up to the job because she sure as hell didn’t want to go crawling back home to her family. It would only confirm in their eyes that she couldn’t do anything for herself. Renata had never made her feel that way, she’d always treated her as if she was special, talented even. Although that had always baffled her, she hadn’t realised how much she’d come to appreciate and respond to Renata’s belief in her.

  Another tear slid slowly down her cheek and she absently wiped it away. She’d done nothing but cry all day long; she was surprised there was any moisture left in her whole body. She missed the old lady already. She knew Renata didn’t have any family left and she had many casual acquaintances but not a lot of close friends. A sudden thought made her frown. Who was going to arrange Renata’s funeral? She made a note to speak with the police in the morning to find out when the body would be released. If no one else was going to step up, she was going to make sure she had the best possible funeral. Maybe she could speak to Olivia and see if she wanted to help, she had after all been extremely fond of Renata.

  Looking up at the clock she realised how late it was. Her stomach growled loudly as she stretched out the kink in her neck. Shuffling all the paperwork back into some semblance of order she rose from her desk and flicked off the lamp. Scooping her heels off the floor where she’d kicked them earlier she tucked them neatly into her bag and pulled her on thick fur lined snow boots. Zipping herself into her thick coat and slipping her bag over her shoulder she flicked of the main lights and closed up her office. It didn’t take long to check through the museum seeing everything was as it should be, before she set the alarm code and slipped out of the front door locking it behind her.

  The sky was black although sprinkled with dozens of tiny pinpricks of light. The air had once again dropped below freezing causing her to shiver and snuggle further down into her jacket. She trotted briskly down the steps to the sidewalk and headed towards the parking bays where she’d left her car. At first nothing seemed out of place, the streets were quiet due to the late hour and the cold weather but as she travelled further along the street she felt the curious sensation of being watched.

  She stopped and looked back, unable to see anything but the empty street behind her. Frowning slightly, she turned and resumed her pace. The air around her felt different, almost heavier and this time when she looked up the stars had disappeared, the sky now covered with thick clouds. She stopped in awe, she’d never seen a cloud formation like it before. It was strangely thick and textured, as if someone had smeared butter cream across the sky leaving it in thick tide marks and peaks.

  Something cold and fragile grazed her frozen cheek and she brushed it away absently. Then it came again landing on her eyelashes as she tried to blink it away. Holding out the palm of her hand a thick white snowflake landed on her glove, so big it was almost the size of an egg. She looked back to the sky now filled with huge white flakes, swirling and billowing on the cold eddies of air.

  Clutching her coat tighter around her she began to move again, she needed to get to her car but the snow flurry was now coming down so thick she could barely see anything in front of her. She fought her way through the sudden and bizarre snowstorm, holding her hand up in an effort to shield her eyes from the driving snow. She suddenly felt icy cold fingers dancing down her spine and an uncomfortable weight settle between her shoulders.

  Something was stalking her.

  Her head bowed down against the howl and shriek of the wind she pressed on trying to move quicker. She was aware that her boots were beginning to slip on the freshly fallen snow which was now so deep it was pushing over the tops of her boots against her stockinged legs and she cursed herself for wearing a skirt. She made it to the end of the block and as she turned the corner the sense of urgency returned full force. She fought the urge to flat out run, knowing it would be impossible in the treacherous conditions, although she knew something was behind her. She crossed the road but the depth of the new snow made her misjudge her step up at the other side. Missing her footing she stumbled and fell forwards. She felt her knee crack against the edge of the sidewalk and gasping in pain she risked a glance back over her shoulder. The snow flurry was so wild she could barely make out a thing but suddenly she saw a flash of something white, something tall and slim almost like a person but it moved too quick for her to see.

  Hauling herself to her feet she gingerly put her weight on her injured knee. Although it throbbed unmercifully and she could feel the warm trickle of blood, she could still move on it. Hobbling forward she knew she was close to her car. She fumbled in her pocket for her keys and saw another strange flash of white sweep past her. She froze in fear, her heart pounding in her chest so hard she could almost hear it.

  The shape rushed past her again and she spun around trying to make it out. Suddenly the figure stilled; it was a woman tall and willowy with long limbs and pale ivory skin. Her hair was white and fell to her hips. She was incredibly beautiful and also completely naked. Veronica couldn’t believe what she was seeing, her startled gaze swept over the woman, seemingly unaffected by the cold or the storm despite her naked body. The snow flurry spun around her as if somehow she was the epicentre of the strange weather. Veronica’s eyes were finally drawn to the woman’s face. Her eyes were slitted like a snake, black and filled with a terrible hunger.

  Veronica’s mouth fell open and the only sound she heard was her own terrified scream.

  Chapter 13

  ‘Thanks Olive,’ Jake smiled gratefully as she popped the top and handed him a beer. ‘It’s been a hell of a day.’

  ‘I know,’ she watched him as he absently leaned down and scratched Beau’s ears. ‘Has the Coroner finished the autopsy yet?’

  ‘It’s still too soon,’ Jake shook his head as Theo wandered into the kitchen and took a seat next to him. ‘Dr Achari says it’ll be a couple of days before he can get to her but it looks like it was natural causes.’

  ‘I still can’t believe she’s gone,’ Olivia sighed.

  Theo reached out and stroked the back of her neck comfortingly.

  ‘So what were you going to tell me earlier?’ She switched subjects not
wanting to dwell on Renata’s death, ‘you said you found out something to do with Charlotte?’

  Jake nodded. ‘You said she had been engaged to Clayton Swilley at the time of her death?’

  ‘That’s right.’

  ‘Well, I came across the report of Charlotte’s death, it was sketchy at best even for back then. It seems the first Officer on the scene was someone named David Haverhill. He questioned Clayton who told him they had been out for a late night sail on the lake, but that Charlotte had fallen in and because it was dark he couldn’t see her in time to save her.’

  ‘You don’t seem convinced,’ Theo tilted his head as he studied Jake’s expression.

  ‘The notes were almost illegible, there were large sections of the report crossed out and too many unanswered questions so I dug a little further. It seems two days after Charlotte’s death Clayton Swilley’s father Augustus, who was the Mayor at the time, made a sizable donation to the Mercy police dept. and not too long after that Officer Haverhill was promoted suddenly.’

  ‘You think he was buying their silence.’

  ‘The whole thing reeks of a cover up,’ Jake shook his head in disgust as he took a swig of his beer.

  ‘I guess that would explain why she’s so angry,’ Theo pointed out.

  ‘And locked in a death cycle,’ Olivia replied quietly. ‘If Clayton murdered her and it’s looking more and more likely, then it means her killer was never brought to justice. The whole thing was just brushed under the carpet and covered up.’

  ‘I don’t blame her for being pissed,’ Jake agreed.

  Olivia looked up at the sudden banging at the front door. Beau leapt up and hurtled down the hall in a mad scramble of claws, with Olivia following closely along behind him. She peered curiously through the peephole before pulling open the door.

  ‘Veronica?’ she frowned in confusion, ‘are you alright?’

  Veronica stood trembling on her doorstep, her hair wet and plastered to her pale face. Her blue eyes were wide and as Olivia’s gaze dropped she noticed a streak of dried blood running from her knee down her leg to the top of her boot.


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