Battle of the Heart

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Battle of the Heart Page 9

by Jessica Florence

  There was nothing I wanted more than to hold her forever.

  But right now I had to do something else. I walked out of the house, Jack following close on my heels. I didn’t know where I was going, or what I was going to do. Something just needed to happen with my mind right now. I was not in a good place to be the support Thalia needed me to be. In that mist, I felt like I had lost her. It wasn’t a feeling I missed, but one I easily recognized. Waiting for her was the best thing I had ever done, but it wasn’t a walk in the park. Like I told her in the dream world, there were so many times I wished she was there with me, living life with me. I was alone, and for those few hours, despite having the demigods with me, I was alone again.

  “I can’t lose them, Jack.” I looked at the ghost dog, who simply cocked his head to the side.

  “What can I do?” He didn’t answer me, but he would listen. I talked to him a lot during my millennia of waiting for her. He was all I had for a while.

  Feeling that rage rise inside me again, I transformed myself again, and let out a growl that shook the ground beneath me. Taking off into a sprint, I had a feeling where I was heading, but couldn’t stop myself. The anger was leading my feet. In a moment, I stood in front of Osiris’s palace. He was technically the god of the underworld, since I got demoted after falling in love with Thalia the first time.

  “You threaten my family again, and I will rip the heart from your chest and eat it myself. Give up your shameful fight!” I growled at the black gates. Nothing. I looked around to see the underworld had changed slightly; was growing into a state of unrest. This would not be pleasant, but I’d been through it many times. The sand had turned a darker shade of orange. If it kept going, the grains would look red. Like blood.

  “Let my family be!” I demanded to whoever was listening, and turned to walk away. No one came out to meet me, or speak to me. Just silence. Fuckhead gods didn’t have anything better to do with their lives, so they play games with mine. Still feeling like I was going to explode on the inside, I simply went for a run. It didn’t really do much for me, except help clear my mind for a brief moment, but it was enough for now.

  I transported myself back into the house to see Thalia was still asleep, and Orion was sitting on a chair carving his bow. Interesting.

  “All good?” I asked him while looking around. Everything seemed to be in order.

  “Yep. She’s out.”He looked up to answer me, then went back to whatever he was doing. I leaned down to kiss Thalia’s cheek and then to clean myself off in the shower.

  Once dried off, I went back to join the others, who were up and moving about, making food. Thalia was awake and sitting quietly, watching Leander and Lacey try to make some soup. Probably something easy for their stomachs. Promptly, I walked over to my love and swept her into my arms, needing her comfort. My head was not in a good place right now. I needed her to help ease my soul.

  “I’m glad you’re with me, love.”

  Her brown eyes looked up at me, and her smile was sweet, but she felt my vulnerability.

  “No other place I would ever be. Remember, even death couldn’t keep me away.” She leaned in and kissed me quickly. She died once, and was granted reincarnation. I wasn’t so sure that if something ever happened to her—if that ring was to come off— if she would have that option again. My thoughts kept spiraling down, remembering the pain of losing her. The look in her eyes when her life drained from them, leaving her cold. I couldn’t stop the images from flooding my head. But now the images included her with our children. Their lives depended on us. To fight, to pull through, to survive.

  “Tristan, what’s wrong?” She could feel the pain surging through me.

  “Don’t worry about it, love.” I knew I had to calm my soul, or it would worry her. I did what I had to, and the pain was covered by a nothingness. She eyed me, not really buying my sudden change of mood.

  “Who’s up for soup?” Lacey had perfect timing, distracting Thalia from pursuing what was going on inside my mind. Her stomach growled, and I knew she was torn: Figure me out, or eat. For now, eating won. She got up and grabbed a bowl of whatever soup the two lovers had made. Everyone ate, not really chatting, but not because there wasn’t things to say. Everyone had gone through so much in the last twelve hours that they were lost in their own minds.

  “ How are you feeling?” Lacey asked Thalia, wanting to check on her.

  “Okay. I’m starting to feel a little uncomfortable. They are running out of room in there.” One of the babes decided to prove his or her point by kicking, making her wince a little.

  “I bet. You still look hot, though.” Thalia rolled her eyes at that comment, obviously not quite feeling it. Seemed I had some proving to do tonight, to show her that she was beautiful, even with her swollen stomach, and heavier breasts. She was simply exquisite. Focusing on her body as it was right now, in that Grecian dress, was helping with the pain that was still laying underneath the surface. I would need to explore that later. Being buried inside her always seemed to complete me in ways I could never have dreamed. She was the other half to my soul. When we were connected in that way, we were one. One Person, one soul, one love.

  “You do look good dove.” Leander put in his two cents. Thalia just looked at him and then burst into a fit of giggles.

  “Wow! You know, I’ve never thought about your nickname for me until now. Dove, so smart! The dove was Aphrodite’s sacred animal. I’m her daughter. Sneaky sneaky.” She kept on laughing. Lacey joined it, but most just because Thalia’s giggle was contagious. Leander just shook his head at the two girls. Orion sat there eating, obviously still not feeling like one of the crowd, but it seemed like he was trying.

  “Finally caught on. And you went to college and were all smart and shit.” He was teasing her.

  “Turd!” She pointed at him, with a what-the-hell tone in her voice.

  “ Just saying, kinda slow there. Only took you forever.” He kept poking the bear. She was getting riled up, but in a good way.

  “Hey! I’ve had a lot of stuff going on!” she countered. Then Leander did something I was not expecting. He reached down by his leg and pulled out a Nerf gun, shooting Thalia with a little suction-cupped dart right on her forehead. We all just stared, open mouthed, at the dart that clung to her ivory skin for a brief moment before falling into her soup bowl.

  “You did not.” Her words screamed she didn’t believe he did that, but her eyes and smile knew he did. It must be something they did as roommates.

  “Yours is on the couch. You have a thirty second head start before I unload on you. Orion, you’re with Lacey and me. Tristan, you’re with Thalia. You will each get two guns.” I looked at Thalia with a grin on my face. This was fun. Leander and Lacey were trying hard to keep things entertaining in the house, even when danger was constantly threatening us. Thalia moved pretty quick for being as far along as she was. I flashed right to the guns that were sitting there on the couch. How had he got them there without me noticing? I would have to give him props for that.

  She grabbed her gun and hid behind a chair. Leander and the others spread out and started shooting. I dodged them easily, while trying to hit them in the head. My mind eased ease further with the sounds of laughter filling the room. Life was good right now. Thalia managed to get Leander twice in the stomach, and then was out of darts. Not willing to let this little escapade end, I materialized lots of extra ammo and guns. Now we could continue.

  Of course I was not hit once, and neither was Orion apparently. Our game had spread throughout the house, and I felt like I owed him a non-lethal shot to the head. A payback of sorts. Using my power to feel souls, I found his. Sneaky man. He was behind a door, waiting for Thalia to walk by. I crept up behind her, and as soon as she passed, he came out from behind the door to shoot, but I got him first, right between the eyes. He looked at me with a knowing grin. I shrugged my shoulders and we left it at that. Thalia turned around and saw us both, then went to town on Orion. He slid p
ast us and went off to a new spot. Seeing her smiling like this drove me to wrap my arms around her and kiss her like I should have after Aphrodite brought her back to me. The guns fell from her hands before they gripped my arms, holding onto me tightly. Her mouth opened, and I wasted no time diving in, greedy for her taste.

  “You’re so beautiful.” I whispered into her lips then continuing to ravish her mouth. My hands moved over her backside, and then heading for her enlarged breasts. She whimpered when my hands began to knead them gently.

  “I think I’m done playing now,” she moaned and I agreed. This game was over for us, but another, more exciting game was about to begin in the bedroom. I picked her up and transported us in front of Leander.

  “We’re done.” I then quickly moved us to our bedroom. We wouldn’t be disturbed there, and I was planning on making up for the moments we missed in her dream. Wanting her to have room for her belly, I laid down on the bed, and had her climb on top of me.

  “My Goddess.” My eyes roamed over her in that dress; she looked exactly the part of a goddess. She blushed, but kept her eyes on mine.

  Chapter Nineteen


  The way Tristan was looking at me, with such hunger in his eyes, didn’t make me feel like the hugely pregnant woman I was. I could admit I was starting to get a little self-conscious, growing twins in my belly. My boobs were huge and starting to ache. Those Braxton Hicks hadn’t really hit me since that time in the tub, but I’m sure there would be more.

  “I’m at your command, love,” he purred and I felt the thrill of power from his words.

  “You’ll do anything I say?” I bit my lip, thinking of what I could make this man do to me. Oh, so many thoughts came to mind. But only one stuck.

  He nodded and put his hands my hips.

  “This could be one of our last moments together before the babes come, especially with people attacking and everything else. I just want to enjoy each other, get lost in our love, just for a little while. Then we can face whatever comes as a strong front again.” I leaned down as best as I could to kiss him.

  “I felt your anger earlier, and your fear. I want to wash that away from your mind.” I licked his bottom lip then sucked it into my mouth, biting it gently. He groaned, and together we kissed like it was our last moment. We moved in sync, and when he sweetly helped me out of my gown, so it wouldn’t tear, his mouth touched every inch of my skin, loving me with every caress. His clothes disappeared and that was it—we were one again, moving together, moans and whimpers filling the room. For what seemed like hours, we relished our bodies and our souls touching.

  Covered in sweat, and our breaths labored, we cuddled on the bed with our minds on one thing: each other. It was all that mattered right now. Soon the babes would be born, and who knew what type of hell we were going to go through before then, and maybe after. Right now we were together. Tristan no longer felt the uninhibited rage and panic of earlier. Now all I could feel from him was satisfaction and happiness.

  “What are you thinking?” I looked up into his eyes from my position on his chest.

  “I am excited have a family with you. Never did I dream that would ever happen to me.” He kissed my forehead and held me close. No words came out in reply to that, because there wasn’t anything to say. We were both happy, and excited. A few moments later, I looked over at all the stuff Leander and he had brought here.

  “Is that everything?” There were two big boxes, I’m guessing for the cribs, and a bunch of other stuff.

  “Yeah, that’s it. We are going to need to start figuring out where it’s all going to go.” He was looking at the bags like they were an enemy. His scrunched-up face made me giggle.

  “I’d like to start working on it soon.”

  “Whatever you want, love.” He smiled, and closed his eyes. Not thinking of anything, just feeling the moment and basking in it. I was only able to stay lying down for so much longer before I had to pee.

  Once I took care of myself and gotten dressed, I realized Tristan had put together the two cribs.

  “How did you do that so quickly?” I was astonished, to say the least.

  “I’m a god, remember?” He winked and I shook my head. Should have known that was going to be the answer. My cocky god was back. I missed his fun side. We’ve had to be serious so much lately, with war threatening our door. I eventually went and got Lacey and Leander to come help put things together. I laughed when she walked in the room and waved her hand in from of her face.

  “Good Lord it smells like pure sex in here! Did you guys seriously do it this whole time since the Nerf fight last night?” She was shaking her head in shock. Cue blush.

  “Don’t answer that. I can tell by the looks of the room and that smell.” She waved me off, and together we got to work on organizing all the baby things. Leander and Tristan had to make a run to go get another dresser for the babes. He had gotten so many clothes we needed the extra space. About an hour later, everything was done. In the large corner of our bedroom were the two cherry wood cribs, with a small table and a cute lamp in between. The dresser was next to the crib on the left, filled with diapers, clothes, and all sorts of baby things. Our room had been turned into a nursery, and I couldn’t wait to see the babies sleeping, and cooing at everything. I folded the blanket for Callista and placed it inside the crib. My fingers ran over the wood, and it felt strange. Like something was missing.

  “I’ll be back.” I told the others, who were admiring all they had done. I walked out towards Orion’s room and knocked on the closed door.

  “Thalia.” He looked at me with a grin.

  “Hey, I need a favor.” I hoped I was not out of line for asking what I was about to, but I just felt it was right. I really couldn’t explain it.

  “What do you need?”

  “Will you carve the babies’ cribs?” He didn’t reply, so I felt the need to elaborate.

  “They just feel plain. And I’ve sneaked a peek at what you’ve done with your bow, and I think you could make them beautiful. Would you be willing to do that? It will probably be a lot of work but—” He shushed me by placing his finger over my lips.

  “I’ll do it. Just bring them in here, and I’ll get to work on them.” He pulled back his finger and walked over to his bed where he was resting before I knocked. Excited, I ran over and hugged him.

  “Thank you!” I squeezed him tight then ran back to the cribs.

  “Orion is going to carve the cribs for the babies, to make them special for them. Will you take them to his room please?” I begged Tristan, who looked at me with a face that said, “Uh, okay?” And then did as I asked. He was back in a jiff, and held me close, just because he could.

  “What now?” Lacey looked around, and I shrugged.

  “Rest and relaxation, before someone else attacks us, seems about the only thing we should do,” Leander answered and I agreed. It may sound boring to some people, but I was willing to enjoy the peace while it lasted. We all left the nursery and settled on the couch. We ate , watched seasons of “Scrubs,” a favorite show of mine. When it was time to settle back into bed, I was starting to feel little aches all over: my back, my stomach, my hips, and my legs all twinged with pain. Tristan drew me a bath so I could soak my muscles, but it really didn’t feel like it was helping much. Figuring sleep would heal me, I laid down with Tristan and tried to drift off.

  But that ache just kept on hurting, and when I sat up, I felt the start of those Braxton Hicks contractions again. It wasn’t as bad as the last one that I had, but I couldn’t sleep through it. When it started happening more frequently, I started to panic a little.

  “Tristan, wake up! I think I need the doctor.” The pain was starting to be a little more than just the ache with a rhythm.

  “Now?” he shot up, staring at me. I nodded, and he vanished, returning with the doctor a few minutes later. After a brief and uncomfortable exam, he announced that the babies were starting their journey towards being born.
  Holy fuck.

  “Are they ready for that? I mean, you said I had a few more days!” Yep, I was starting to freak out a little. He brought his little measuring ribbon up to my belly.

  “They are measuring right; seems like they had a growth spurt and want to move things along,” he said, then looked at Tristan.

  “I have everything I need at the clinic. We can go get it and be back quickly. Births with demigods can be tricky, sometimes they can come quickly, and then sometimes it can be quite long. I’m hoping for a happy medium.” He was being nice and smiling, which was comforting,.

  “I’m going to take the doctor to get his stuff and I’ll be right back. Rest, my love.” Tristan cupped my cheek and willed me to relax. I would try. All the books and websites said relaxing was the best thing you could do to help the progression of labor.

  About thirty minutes later they were back, and proceeded to set up all sorts of machines in our room by the bed. It seemed the bed was going to be my place of birthing for these kids.

  I got hooked up to a contraction machine, and damn if I didn’t kind hate that sucker for showing me just how much pain I was beginning to feel.

  “Now, in the booklet I sent home with you, it talked about epidurals. I can give you one, but we don’t know how long it will last in your system. Most demigods have to delivery naturally.” My panic flared, and another contraction hit. I was beginning to break a sweat from them.

  “Can we try it please?” I pleaded, while Tristan held my hand and sat beside me. There was nothing he could do right now other than support me.

  Then something shook the palace. Tristan’s head snapped up, and he looked at me with wide eyes.

  “What was that?” Please, let it be something like a big crocodile that was lost and smacked up against the walls, then ran away. Please. Tristan was gone, to go look whatever it was, and then he came back in a hurry.


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