Reckless Rock Star (Cocky Hero Club)

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Reckless Rock Star (Cocky Hero Club) Page 2

by Victoria Ashley

  Jake laughs. “It’s Thursday through Tuesday this time. You staying the whole time or you got some shit with the band to take care of? You know they can come too. We’ll make room like last year.”

  “I’ll be there Thursday, and there’s no way I’m leaving early. I’ll make it work. I always do. I’m flying to Temecula on Tuesday, so I don’t get stuck doing some shit that will keep me from making it. I’m not giving Jason the chance to keep me in LA for the next week doing signings, photoshoots, and whatever else he can think of. The guys might show up toward the end again.

  “Sweet. I’ll tell the crew. They’re going to be happy, for sure. Things have been blowing up for you and the band over the last year. A small break will do you some good.”

  “Yeah, I can’t wait.” I walk back toward the building, so I can get Melody those pictures that I promised her. I stop at the back entrance and ask the dreaded question I already know the answer to. “What about Alana?”

  He sighs. “Yeah, man. You know she comes every year. Nothing is different this year. Sorry.”


  “It’s been three years. Maybe’s she’s moved on by now.”

  “That’s what you said last year and look how that turned out. The entire trip was miserable for both of us, because all she did was cry and beg me to take her back. I can’t handle that shit again, Jake. I can’t fucking do it. She ripped my heart out, and if I fall for her again it’ll only end up being the same shit.”

  “Then bring a girlfriend. Show her that you’ve moved on, and then she’ll have no choice but to do the same. It’ll make this trip a hell of a lot easier. Trust me, you’ll be doing us all a favor. That girl isn’t giving up easily, because she believes no one will ever replace her.”

  A girlfriend? He knows more than anyone that none of my past relationships aside from Alana have lasted longer than one damn night.


  “I know you don’t have a girlfriend, dickhead. Fucking borrow one. Do whatever it takes. Shit… I have to go. Jess just got here and she wants dick. See you on Thursday.”

  Before I can say anything else the asshole hangs up on me. He doesn’t get it. There’s not one girl I’ve slept with who hasn’t fallen for me. I can’t ask them to pretend to be my girlfriend. They’re too attached. That shit will not end well.

  I stand outside for a few more minutes, thinking about what my best friend suggested.

  Borrow one.

  That’s something I’ve never thought of before…



  Running my hands over my face, I sit up and release a slow breath, trying to piece together what all happened last night after I got back to my hotel room.

  The naked body beside me has me cussing under my breath and reaching for the bottle of Jameson to my right.

  “Well, this should be interesting…” I take a few swigs straight from the bottle, before I toss the sheet aside and throw my legs over the side of the bed.

  From what I can remember, Alana sent me a few messages that resulted in drinking my ass into oblivion. Melody was there, and with every passing thought about my ex and how she fucked me over, the more I needed to take out some of my aggression on someone.

  Based on the items of clothing scattered across the hotel floor and the three condoms in the bedside trash, I’d say I found a way to do that.

  But it’s nights like these that always seem to get me into trouble when the morning rolls around and the girl beside me decides we belong together and she’s going to follow me around on tour.

  I really need to get my shit together and stop letting that bitch send my mind into overdrive every time she decides to text. When it comes to her, I need to stop worrying, and stop thinking about what we had or could have had. We’re history.

  Just the thought of seeing Alana soon has my chest aching and feeling tight again. The last two trips have been complete hell because of her and I refuse to let her ruin it for me this year.

  What she doesn’t get is that this trip is my only time to get away and just chill with my friends with no worries. The only time I get to truly be me and feel like myself.

  I get one time a year to do this and she can’t even give me that because she’s selfish and used to getting what she wants.

  Alana broke my heart and trust. She made the decision to walk away from me, yet she’s the one that can’t accept we’re over and move on, because she knows no one will ever treat her or make love to her as good as I did.

  Sitting here naked, and against my better judgment, I reach for my phone and read the messages that Alana sent me. This won’t be the second or third time I’ve read these, but more like the hundredth time. I guess I’m just a glutton for punishment.

  10:02 P.M.

  Alana: We need to talk at the cabin about us getting back together. I don’t know how many times you expect me to apologize for what I did but I’m sorry and I mean it. I miss you so damn much.

  10:18 P.M.

  Alana: You kissing that girl on stage hurt, but it didn’t fool me one bit. Just admit that you’re not over me. Not over us. Please, Madden.

  10: 40 P.M

  Alana: Will you just answer me for once? This is getting a little old. We both know you’re reading my messages.

  11:12 P.M

  Alana: Okay… fine. Ignore me now, but we both know that once you see me you’ll remember how much you truly miss me. You can deny it all you want, but we get so close to getting back together every year on this trip. I won’t give up until it happens this time. See you soon.

  ❤️ Alana

  Everything went blurry after that, landing me right where I am at present, full of rage and regret. Not even my multiple texts to Chance last night helped distract me like I was hoping before I was able to make the mistake I did.

  I growl out in frustration and toss my phone at the wall.

  Melody stirs beside me, so I stand up and slip on my jeans, before disappearing into the bathroom.

  Turning on the fan, I reach for my pack of smokes and light one up, before taking a seat on the edge of the tub.

  This might be the last stop on our tour before I fly out to my brother’s, but we have a photoshoot that I need to get my shit together for.

  The thought sends me over the edge with anxiety.

  I need this break more than anything right now, and it pisses me off to no end that Alana is set on ruining it for me.

  It’s because of her that I end up naked next to strange women with no control over my dick. Honestly, I should’ve blocked her a long time ago, but every damn time I tell myself I’m going to do it, I don’t. I can’t.

  A part of what she said is true. I haven’t gotten over her yet… over us. That’s kind of hard to do when I’ve known her since I was twelve and we dated for seven years.

  That’s why not going back to her has been the biggest battle of my life. Keeping myself occupied with countless women who I know have no chance in hell of hurting me has been my way of moving on, but it doesn’t fill the void.

  She was my best friend, and she cheated on me and then walked away as if what we had built over the years meant nothing to her.

  I can’t allow myself to ever get crushed by her again, because there’s a chance I won’t survive this time.

  A knock at the bathroom door has me on alert. I know what’s coming next.

  “Madden… you’ve been in there for a while. Want me to get you anything, or maybe run you a bubble bath? I don’t have anywhere to be today. I’m all yours for whatever you need me for. We can spend the entire day together.”

  They all want to take care of the broken rock star.

  “Shit…” I mumble under my breath and toss my cigarette into the toilet. “I’m fine, Melody. Just give me a few.”

  “Okay,” she says through the door. “I’ll be out here waiting. Take your time.”

  Releasing a breath, I walk over to the sink and splash some water on my face, b
efore taking a good look at myself in the mirror. The dark circles under my eyes are a sign of how I truly feel: exhausted.

  I have to prepare myself every time this happens to turn into the dick I always told myself I’d never become once we made it big.

  But I have to do something to keep these girls from falling for me and wanting more. I learned that after the first year of touring.

  When I open the door, Melody is splayed out across the bed, naked and waiting for me. She holds up a condom and bites her bottom lip. “Ready for round four?”

  “I can’t.”

  She gives me puppy dog eyes and crawls across the bed to get closer to where I’m standing. “You went pretty hard last night, but I’m sure you have more in you. I’ll make it easy for you and even do all the work. I think you earned it after last night.”

  Needing it more now than before, I walk over to the bedside table and grab for the bottle of Jameson again. I tilt it back, probably longer than I should, before turning to face Melody as she grabs for my dick.

  “No sex.” I clench my jaw, because I know I’m an asshole. “Last night should’ve never happened. I was wasted and barely even remember bringing you back to my room.”

  “That’s okay.” Not giving up, she slides her hand into the top of my jeans and begins stroking my semi-hard dick. “I’m sure you remember our kiss on stage though, right? The whole world saw it. We can start over fresh today. No biggie.”

  Growling out my frustration, I grab her hand and pull it away from my now hard dick. “That kiss was only to piss Brad off and we both know it. I was a dumbass and drank too much and that’s the only reason you ended up in my bed. Let’s not turn this in to something more than it is or ever will be. You were just a distraction that I needed at the time. I used you.”

  Her eyes go wide before she reaches for the clock on the table beside her and tosses it at my head. “You’re a huge asshole. Do you know that?”

  “Yes,” I say stiffly.

  I stand here like an ass and watch as she scrambles to grab her clothing and get dressed. “I should’ve known better than to fall for your smooth talk last night. Hello. I mean, you’re a rock star for crying out loud. What the hell was I thinking? Madden Parker doesn’t fall for women. They fall for him and end up broken.”

  She stops in front of me and tosses my shirt at my face. “Oh yeah. I remember now. I was thinking you were a better guy than Brad, but apparently all men are assholes. So, screw you for making me like you, asshole.”

  The door slams behind her so hard that the pictures on the wall shake.

  I have no doubt that Landon and Hendrix will be making their way to my room soon, now that they know she’s gone.

  And I’m right, because as soon as I take a seat on the bed and place my face in my hands, the door unlocks and opens.

  “You look like shit, dick.” Landon steps inside and looks around the room. “What… Did you fuck her against every surface in this room? It looks more like shit than you do.”

  “I couldn’t tell you, because I don’t remember.” I look around the room to see tables and other shit knocked over or out of place. “But I’m guessing… yeah. I fucking did.”

  Hendrix pokes his head inside but doesn’t bother joining us in the chaos I created last night. “Both of you dicks need to shower. Our photoshoot is in less than an hour.”

  I nod and empty out my suitcase, wanting to get this shit over with so I can escape for a while. “I’ll meet you guys at the bus in thirty.”

  “Alright, man.” Landon stops at the door and turns back around. “And lay off the Jameson. You’re already teetering on the edge of being smashed and it’s nearly noon on a fucking Sunday.”

  With that he leaves me alone to get ready.

  And as soon as I’m alone again, my mind turns into a whirlwind of messed up thoughts…

  I take a slow, deep breath and reach for my guitar case, before grabbing my suitcase and hoping that it’s going to be a clean exit from the restroom.

  I haven’t had a second to even think since the moment I stepped off that plane, because I’ve been surrounded by screaming fans and paparazzi, despite my attempt to keep hidden by this hoodie.

  My flight landed over an hour ago—the one I chose to take over driving in hopes of clearing my head—and I’m not surprised one bit that Logan hasn’t shown up to pick me up yet.

  I get that his job is demanding and keeps him busy, but shit, I haven’t seen him in over eight months. You would think he’d put his job aside for ten minutes and remember that his baby brother is waiting for him at the airport.

  He’s the one who suggested he pick me up in the first place when I offered to take a taxi from the airport. He gave me this five-minute spiel about how he’s my brother and there was no way in hell he was going to leave me to take a taxi when he could provide me with transportation himself.

  The moment I step outside and get ready to reach for a smoke, a group of females run at me, holding up their phones and snapping as many selfies as they can get with me in them.

  Keeping my cool, I lean in and pose for a few, before I take off walking and pull out my phone to see if Logan has messaged me back yet. I smile when I see a missed text from Chance. Followed by one from my brother.

  7:10 P.M.

  Chance: Hope you’re feeling better today, Mate. Thanks to you I didn’t get any sleep…again. Just for that I’m going to order a few hundred more of those posters and leave them on unsuspecting cars. You’re welcome…

  7:12 P.M.

  Logan: I’m in the usual spot. Where the hell are you?

  Apparently, Logan messaged me back eight minutes ago and I missed it, due to the little photoshoot.

  I take a second to text Chance back with a middle finger emoji and light my smoke, before I quickly make my way around the corner to see my brother leaning against his SUV, dressed in a slick blue suit.

  His blond hair is smoothed back to perfection and his face is freshly shaven just like every time I see him. Brings me back to the old days.

  My lips tilt up into a smile when he looks up from his phone and notices me coming at him. “Damn, big brother. Looking slick in those fancy-ass lawyer suits these days. I may need to borrow one to get in with the ladies.”

  Logan grins and pushes away from his Audi. “I think that leather jacket and guitar case gets you in with the ladies just fine, little brother. We both know you don’t need a damn suit.”

  He meets me halfway, leaning in for a hug, before he looks down at his phone again and begins typing out a message, cussing under his breath.

  “Busy day?”

  “Yeah.” He nods and rushes to open the hatch. “Sorry, I’m late. Things haven’t slowed down since I crawled out of bed this morning. There’s too many assholes fucking up and expecting me to fix their mistakes, and I do. I never get a break.” He slaps my back and laughs, before shutting my things in. “As if I have to tell my famous little brother what that’s like. Shit. I see your photos all over social media these days. Can’t get online without seeing your face pop up.”

  “I suppose Natalie has seen a lot of me too?”

  He laughs and waits for me to join him in the vehicle before he responds. “Oh yeah. She’s seen them all. She spends a lot of time on social media when things are slow at the hotel. She thinks you’re a fucking mess. Oh, and a huge manwhore.”

  “So, her opinion of me hasn’t changed much then?”

  “Oh, hell no. Not at all.” He throws the vehicle into reverse. “We’ll grab some takeout on the way to my place. Natalie won’t be coming over tonight because she’s stuck at the hotel late.”

  “Hey, takeout is what I live off of. I’m good with whatever.”

  “Good, because that’s all you’re getting.”

  This is where it begins.

  It’s two days of uninterrupted sleeping at my brother’s and then I’m heading out to the middle of nowhere—no reception or interruption from the outside world—with hop
efully a girlfriend at my side.

  Sitting here next to Logan over the last hour has me thinking back to Jake’s suggestion of borrowing a girl.

  Logan is busy all the time with work and from what I can tell, Natalie has been needing a break from the hotel she manages. To top it off, Natalie is the one person I’d never have to worry about falling for me, or vice versa.

  She’s basically my only option of forcing Alana to stop with all the texts and move on already. She needs to see that I’ve moved on from her and that’s exactly what I am going to give her.

  A few hours later, I’m sitting on the couch messing around on my acoustic guitar that I keep here, when I decide to just get it over with and ask my brother for his help.

  “Alana messaged me again.”

  He stops what he’s doing to turn away from his computer. His face falls, and he swallows before speaking. “She’s still at it?”

  I nod and set my guitar aside. An ache fills my chest, because talking about Alana is never easy. “She texts me after every single concert talking about how much she misses me and wants me back. She’s going on the trip again this year and said that we need to talk. It’s dragging me down and fucking with my head. I can’t do it anymore, Logan. I can’t.”

  “Hell no. Fuck that.” He leans his head back and slowly exhales, before gripping the arms of his chair. “She messed you up in a way that even scared me. I never want to see you go through that again. Not happening.”

  “And I never want to. Trust me. I want to move on and forget about her, but I can’t unless she does first. I hate it. I hate that she has that power over me, but she does.”

  He flexes his jaw and rolls up the sleeves of his fitted shirt. “What does she want from you? It’s been three years, and you haven’t fallen back into her trap yet. Apparently, she needs to see you’ve moved on or something.”


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