Reluctant Escort

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Reluctant Escort Page 26

by Mary Nichols

  She could not lie abed when there was a glorious day to be lived, and not only one but many, a whole lifetime of them. She rose and dressed and went downstairs.

  Duncan had returned and was sitting in the drawing room with her mother and Lady Connaught. There were also two others in the room she had never met before—a young man who was stationed in front of the hearth and a young lady who stood with her back to the room, gazing out on the garden.

  Duncan jumped up when she entered the room and strode over to take her hand and kiss the back of it, his eyes dancing with something akin to mischief. Or was it simply happiness? ‘Molly, how are you?’

  ‘Quite recovered, thank you.’ She knew she was blushing but could not stop herself.

  ‘Good. Come and be presented.’ He led her to the young man who stood by the hearth. He was very like Duncan in looks though not quite as tall and very much thinner. ‘Hugh, this is Molly. Molly, my brother, the Earl of Connaught.’

  Hugh smiled and took her hand, raising it to his lips. ‘I am charmed to meet you, Miss Martineau.’

  ‘If it please you, my lord, I am Molly.’

  ‘Molly it shall be,’ he said. ‘And no more “my lord”. It is inaccurate to say the least.’

  ‘Hugh, I said we would speak of that no more,’ Duncan put in, before turning to present Molly to his sister-in-law, who had turned from the window.

  She was, Molly noted, tall and graceful and her elegant clothes set off a figure she envied. So this was the lady who had disappointed Duncan. She searched their faces for signs that the attachment still lived, but either they were skilled at hiding their true feelings or he had been telling the truth when he’d said it was all in the past.

  Molly moved forward and curtsied. ‘I am very pleased to meet you, my lady,’ she said.

  ‘And we you,’ Beth said. ‘Such tales we have heard…’

  ‘Oh, I beg you, take no note of them. They are bound to have been exaggerated.’

  ‘What? No abduction, no gallant rescue?’ Hugh put in.

  ‘Yes, but it is over now.’

  ‘I must say you look remarkably calm about it all.’

  Duncan laughed. ‘It takes more than a kidnapping to unsettle Molly. She is the match of any ne’er-do-well, as I know to my cost. You may felicitate me.’

  ‘Then I do. Heartily.’

  ‘I wish you happy,’ Beth said, moving forward to kiss Molly’s cheek. ‘It is time Tony settled down.’

  ‘Oh, we plan to do that,’ Duncan said. ‘On Manor Farm, breeding horses.’

  ‘No, that is not fair,’ Hugh said. ‘You must take up your rightful place as the Earl. I am an impostor and have no right to the title or the estate. I came to London to make a public announcement of the truth. Beth agrees with me, don’t you, dear?’

  ‘Of course.’ She turned to Duncan. ‘Since you came back from the war, Tony, we have been feeling so guilty. Hugh has been quite ill with it. I would rather have a healthy, happy husband than any title…’

  ‘Then he should be happy. He is not depriving me of anything I want.’ He reached out and took Molly’s hand. ‘I have my heart’s desire.’ He paused and turned to look at Molly, searching her face. ‘What say you, my love? Do you wish to be a countess?’

  ‘Seems to me she doesn’t have any choice in the matter,’ Lady Connaught put in. ‘You cannot throw away the laws of progeniture to please yourselves. Duncan, you are the Earl of Connaught, whether you will it or not. And you will have children…’

  Duncan smiled at Molly. ‘I certainly hope so.’

  ‘Whatever you do, you cannot deprive your son of his inheritance.’

  ‘No, you are right, but I do not want to live at Foxtrees. Hugh, you will stay there and manage the estates on my behalf, until such time as my heir is ready to inherit. Molly and I will live at Manor Farm and I will be Sir Duncan Stacey. After all, it is a title I have earned for myself.’ He smiled again at Molly. ‘Does that suit, my love?’

  ‘Yes, yes. As long as I am with you, that is all I care about.’

  ‘Then that is the end of the matter,’ Duncan said. ‘Now, Molly and I are going to stroll round the garden. We have a lot to say to each other.’

  But it was not words that passed between them once they were out of sight of the house and sitting in a little green bower at the end of the garden. It was smiles and kisses, and a great many of them.

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-1003-9


  Copyright © 2000 by Mary Nichols

  First North American Publication 2007

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