[The Shifters Committee 03.0] Jealous Flames

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[The Shifters Committee 03.0] Jealous Flames Page 27

by Rebecca Foxx

  “Yep!” Dad confirmed, “We sure did. And I tell ‘ya what! Not to insult other kids...but this one here has more heart than the rest of ‘em, any day!”

  “He always thinks he’s clever.”

  A new life started that day and it wasn’t just one soul. It was a conglomerate, of sorts. A trio. They each knew, in their own way that life each day wasn’t a promise at all. In fact, it was a miracle.


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  Eyes on Him

  Ch. 1 - Who said aliens don't exist?

  The sky was not my friend tonight, and neither was my dog.

  “Row! Will you cut that out?” I hissed at my furry best friend who was busy pulling at my dress.

  I sighed when he continued tugging at the material; my clothes could not survive his little teeth for long. And I think a part of him reveled in annoying me.

  Not that I blamed him, every creature of the male species just seemed to rub me the wrong way, never actually in the way I wanted! I looked at the angry sky again, hiding my stars from me, and I wondered if it was male too.

  “I really had big plans for you tonight,” I spoke to my recent purchase, a golden telescope that was sure to make any professional astronomer jealous.

  Sky gazing was a part of my life and I had discovered there were many secrets to learn which went deeper than just thinking stars were pretty. But tonight was not my night; the sky was just not co-operating.

  So I decided to 'people gaze' instead, trying to figure out what their stories were just by looking at them. There was a couple making out at the far end of the beach and I groaned at the strength of my telescope as I quickly looked away. Not the kind of big plans I had!

  I zoned in on another couple, a very elderly man and a much younger woman hanging off him while his wrinkled hand went to squeeze her butt. I groaned again, is that all people did at the beach nowadays?!

  "Men are dogs," I rolled my eyes and Row barked furiously next to me.

  I gave him my sweetest smile, "Didn't mean to offend you, Row."

  He seemed appeased at that, as if he really understood me, and I went back to spying at the people talking strolls near the shore. Row pulled at my dress again and I turned around, prepared to give him a piece of my mind. I sighed when he rolled over then started running circles around me.

  Deciding to ignore his antics, I looked through my telescope again and adjusted the lens to zoom in on the other side of the beach instead. The couples near me were starting to disgust me and I needed a change of scenery. A movement outside the closest mansion caught my eye and I focused on it before I forgot to breathe. I zoomed on the sight before me as I felt my mouth salivate.

  A man, correction-a gorgeous man, was standing outside in a white shirt and black shorts. My mouth dropped as the man began unbuttoning his shirt, a tiny part of me whispering 'don't be a perv.' But I was already hooked; there was no turning back now even if I wanted to...which I certainly did not.

  It was simply sinful, not to mention wasteful, to let all that deliciousness go unwatched. Yes, this was definitely better than stargazing. I focused on his face when he faced my direction, my heart skipping at the thought of him catching me watching him, and the fact that I knew that face! Although it was hard to believe it was really Marcus Reilly on that hill.

  But that perfect face really was his, and it was almost enough to pull my attention away from his body. Row was trying to get my attention again, and he temporarily succeeded. I had to force my eyes away from the man as I turned to look at the demanding man in my life.

  Row had rightful cause to be jealous; I would sell him for a more intimate look at that man!

  "This better be good, Row."

  The little attention seeker stuck his tongue out and circled around me, making me pout.

  "I really don't want to go home right now, Row. Just a few more minutes, please?"

  He seemed to narrow his eyes at me as he barked, probably thinking that I was an unbelievable stalker. And like the true man-stronomer I had become, I focused my lens one more time to look at the hottie on the hill.

  He was doing some form of martial arts and I had to admire the way his taut abdomen looked as he clenched his fists and assumed a striking pose. I imagined my hands running across his well sculptured chest before dipping to explore what was hidden underneath.

  If the rest of him was as gorgeous as his upper body, then there must truly be actual lucky stars in the universe. And he owned all of them.

  "I'm gonna need a bigger telescope," I murmured as Row finally got his wish and we started walking home.

  That night, I left my thoughts with him.

  Ch. 2 - Who said improvisation isn't satisfying?

  My hands trembled as I thought of his tanned back, imagining how it would look like as he thrust into me. His muscles taut and strong, perfect for my nails to trail against. Another shiver passed through my body as my hand trailed against my own body, with only one destination in mind.

  I was now drenching and my finger slid in easily, drawing a sigh from me as I thought of one of his thick digits doing it instead. Making love to a man like Marcus would be beautiful in any form, I thought, biting my lip as I drew a slick finger to my nub.

  I rubbed in slow circles and thought of his tongue there, a powerful man on his knees just to please me. The image made the sensation of my circling finger so pleasurable and intense that I had to stop before I completely lost it.

  I thrust the finger back inside my opening and maintained a steady rhythm as I felt myself building up again. His shaft would feel ten times better filling me and that thought carried me into the most powerful climax I had ever had on my own. I quickly moved my finger back to my nub and rubbed vigorously until it became too much and my back arched off the bed.

  I cupped myself and just lay there, my flushed body still trembling from the effects of my orgasm and grinned. Even James had never made me feel like that! If Marcus could make me climax like that without even being present, what would happen if he actually touched me? Kissed me. Licked me. Filled me with his length. I could only imagine.

  That night, he had ownership of my dreams.


  Who said research is only for academics, I thought to myself when I got to work the next day. I looked around one last time to make sure no one was in the office yet and settled back into my chair. I felt naughty and excited at the same time as I typed Marcus' name into the search engine.

  Marcus Reilly. His images, mostly in a suit, popped up first and I cursed my stupidity for not doing this last night. Seeing his face up close was surreal and I was awestruck enough to just stare at him for a few minutes, probably without blinking.

  I had no idea they made men that beautiful! And kept their existence from me! Which was probably a good idea because if I had ever come across such a glorious specimen in my life I would have joined Sexaholics Anonymous by now, and kept on falling off the wagon.

  Off the wagon and onto the man, over and over and over again. That idea appealed to me so much I squirmed in my chair and felt my clit tingling.

  Forget golden hair and blue eyes, forget James and all the men before him; Marcus Reilly was a man made to be made love with. Dark locks, steel grey eyes, a glorious tan and a sexy mouth framed with that sexy beard.

  My eyes were in love and other naughty parts of me could not agree more! I forced myself to scroll down so I could find out more about this captivating man.

  Known for his partying ways and unashamed love for blonde women, most of his pictures included a different woman on his arm of the sun colored hair persuasion. I touched the ends of my own dark locks and wondered if he would ever go for a woman like me.

  Long, raven hair instead of a pretty platinum blonde bob? Full breasts and generous curves instead of a runway model physique? I shook my negative thoughts away and clicke
d on the website of his company instead.

  I quickly printed the information on all his charitable efforts and his biography from his personal page to read later when I got home. As well as the history of how he had started his company, which was now worth billions, from a young age.

  I took a look at his picture one last time, one taken most recently, before I erased my browsing history and started work. And as if I needed any more encouragement to invest in some delicious eye candy, my ex showed up.

  "So how are you liking your new neighborhood, Trace?"

  I almost hissed at hearing that nickname I hated so much. "Any place without you there is perfect, James."

  I looked up from my computer screen to face my biggest mistake with an equally big smile. Despite the annoying nickname, I was truly happy to see him, knowing he was now out of my life for good. That reminded me I had some smarts left somewhere in my brain, and self-respect.

  Even though I had lost it somewhere along the line while being with him, it felt good to have it back. James frowned, the action not marring his attractiveness in the least. Just my type, until last night; fair skin, blonde hair and blue eyes. But I had one type now on my mind, of the tall, dark and handsome variety, and I was never going back.

  Ch. 3 - Who said first impressions count for everything?

  Four nights of watching Marcus had finally pushed me off the brink, I needed to know him! And my plan might not have been perfect, but I was willing to try. I looked at my watch then at Row, who was happily chewing on his new toy, before focusing on Marcus' house. He had been coming out at the exact same time for his exercise the past nights.

  I hadn't been doing any stargazing since I first saw him, having discovered my own personal star in the perfection of his body. I had decided I would make my move tomorrow, I really didn't have anything to lose. Row stopped chewing and barked next to me, looking at me as if he could read my thoughts and didn't agree.

  I rolled my eyes, "Fine, except my dignity. Are you happy now?"

  Row stuck out his tongue and wagged his tail for a bit before going back to his task. I rolled my eyes again, weird dog. Or perhaps I was the weird owner? All I cared about right now was being the owner who got laid by that man up the hill!

  I watched Marcus exercise that night as usual and went home to a date with my hand and fantasies of Marcus Reilly replacing that hand. I came, hard; all the while thinking that with some luck from those lucky stars, I would be sharing my orgasm with a certain gorgeous billionaire.

  The next night I put on a short, white dress with my red bikini underneath and painting my toenails to match. Marcus drove a red sports car and had a red bike, so I was betting he had a thing for the color. A dab of red lip-gloss later and a leashed Row leading the way, I was headed towards the man of my fantasies.

  My pulse pounded in my ears as I drew closer to his house, and I tightened my hold on Row's leash. His house was just out in the open, no sign of security that I could see, so I just went straight for the door. I shifted nervously before going for the door bell, cursing the uncomfortable red bikini I had worn.

  Several seconds passed and I looked at my watch to check if his exercise time was close, inhaling deeply when I saw it was indeed, time. I pulled at my bikini bottom again, Row adding his own thoughts at the matter by barking.

  I glared at him, "I am going to sell you to a rich kid in the neighborhood, see how you like it when she puts a checkered shirt on you and some bling."

  Row whimpered at my words and I smirked in triumph as I bent to quickly take off the damn panties. I froze midway when the door suddenly swung open, a wide eyed and shirtless Marcus looking at me. An involuntary smile came to my lips, together with a blush I felt heat across my face and ears, at finally meeting him.

  Even my current predicament didn't make me want him any less, not when he was looking so delectable! Amusement had filled his eyes now, making them a beautiful and twinkling silver. This man could not be human, could he? Definitely not!

  One side of his sexy mouth came up, revealing a dimple, and I almost came right there!

  "What are you doing?" he asked, his voice deep and smooth, washing over me like fine wine and rich chocolate.

  I finished taking off my panties and smiled with alien confidence, "They were bothering me."

  Marcus looked at me for a long second, probably wondering which planet I came from, before he burst into laughter. His laugh made goose bumps appear on my skin and I would have called it musical if I believed it would not make me sound like an over infatuated fool.

  But seeing I truly felt like one anyway, I allowed it to send good shivers through my loving-starved body. I quickly glanced down to see if my nipples were not betraying my thoughts, smiling to myself when I saw I was good, for now anyway.

  "It's not every day when I find a woman taking off her panties at my doorstep, and a beautiful woman at that. It makes all kinds of thoughts race through my head," he studied my face as if trying to figure me out.

  I wondered if my lust for him was written all over my face, and just how many women wore the exact same look for him every time they looked at him. Because he was truly the stuff of naughty dreams, that dimple and grey temples adding to his undeniable magnetism.

  This man had a reputation as a bad boy, and I knew he would appreciate a confident woman, not a needy one who would hang on to his every word. I also knew he was exceptionally intelligent, and I needed not insult him with pretending to play coy.

  I met his smirk with my own when I answered him, determined to have the man who had occupied my thoughts since I first saw him, “Then my mission was accomplished."

  His brow shot up at that, "You wanted to make thoughts race through my head?"

  "And to make them come true as well," I winked, cheering silently when I saw him quickly glance at my generous cleavage.

  One of my best features, take that you A-cupped exes!

  "You are an interesting character, aren't you?" he smiled, looking at me as if trying to figure me out.

  It was a genuine smile, no smirk and no games, just the true essence of the man. And it was one of the most beautiful things I had ever seen on a man; my heart broke a little as he claimed a part for himself.

  What it would feel like to have that smile all to myself. To be the reason he smiled every morning and every night before he slept. The thought saddened me a little, because that was love I had just thought of, and love had not been my mission when I first came here.

  I gave him a genuine smile in return and replied, "Interesting is subject to opinion, but I will take yours over anyone's, any day."

  He chuckled and shook his head as if he didn't know what to do with me, but I could see the spark in his eyes showing I had sparked his interest. This made my once well behaved nipples harden into attention-seeking buds!

  He glanced at his watch suddenly, as if finally realizing he had missed something. Oh yes, one of the things I had noticed was he always got out at the exact same time, meaning I had thrown him off schedule. I wondered if he had mild OCD and his response interrupted my speculation process.

  "I was already coming out for my exercise; would you tell me why you were stripping at my door while I set up? Because I really am dying to know."

  I laughed and followed him to his everyday spot after checking if Row was behaving, where he took out a black mat and spread it on the ground.

  "Well, don't die. We haven't even reached the good part yet!" I joked, biting my lip as I studied his form and thought of all his good parts.

  "True; and I don't even know your name," he gave me another dimpled smile, taking my already lacking breath away.

  "Tracy. And it wasn't my intention to take off my underwear at your door, honestly, although I can't say I am remorseful about it."

  He laughed, "You are an intriguing woman, Tracy, and I can honestly say I have never met anyone more appealing. And funny too, I like that in a woman. The name is Marcus by the way, if you didn't alrea
dy know."

  Ch. 4 - Who said love can’t happen at first touch?

  He was already starting his exercise routine and I couldn't help but stare. This was so much better than looking through my telescope! My silence made him turn his head to see what was wrong and I forced my eyes to meet his own.

  "I hope your exercises have happy endings because that is really distracting!"

  He smirked, "Really?"

  I winked, "I mean your skill and concentration is just amazing, but that body doesn't hurt either. Can you teach me some moves?"

  He looked at me in surprise and I maintained my sincere look, knowing this was important to him and I really wanted to experience it with him. "If you fall I am going to see under your dress, you know that?"


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