[The Shifters Committee 03.0] Jealous Flames

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[The Shifters Committee 03.0] Jealous Flames Page 56

by Rebecca Foxx

  “So do it.”

  Falcon was not a man you had to ask twice. As soon as she spoke the words he tore her dress from her body as if he was ripping up a piece of paper. Michelle gasped again, already feeling the tingling in her body that told her she was going to experience the most intense kind of pleasure.

  She had never felt this kind of power before. This man who seemed to be more animal than human, this man who made every girl he passed swoon with desire, this man wanted her so badly that he actually tore the clothing off of her body.

  Just thinking about it made him even more impossible to resist than he had already been and she reached beneath her, unzipping his pants and pulling out his thick, full member.

  He didn’t even wait to take the pants off, just took himself in one hand and guided himself into her, his eyes never leaving hers as he did so. She threw her head back in ecstasy, her eyes closed as she moaned, her hips rocking as he thrust deeper and deeper inside of her.

  His sure, capable fingers moved down to the sensitive jewel between her legs, his mouth moving to her breasts as they did so. Now he was pleasuring her in every way possible, the sensation so overwhelming that she felt like she might explode. Her hands gripped the sides of his leather couch, her body feeling almost as if it belonged to someone else.

  She could feel it building inside of her now, that orgasm coming fast and furious, her limbs all tingling with anticipation. Then her whole body was shaking and white lights burst across her vision like a sea of shooting stars. Her body had never felt this way.

  Nobody had ever done this to her, and she rode it out, wanting to make Falcon feel every bit as good as he was making her feel. Dimly through the ringing in her ears, Michelle could hear him shout at the same time as she felt him quivering inside of her. They staid there, locked in that moment of time together for what felt like an eternity before she gingerly picked herself up and sat beside him.

  She wasn’t really sure what to do with herself but he wrapped one arm around her shoulders and pulled her in close to him where she could feel his heart thumping in his chest.

  “Jesus, Michelle, I can’t tell you how long I’ve wanted to do that.”

  “Have you really? Why didn’t you ever say anything?”

  “I wanted to, believe me. It’s just that it’s complicated. With my family.”

  “Because they would never think I was good enough for you.”

  “It’s not that. I can explain it to you. I want to explain it to you. I just don’t know if I can. It’s dangerous, for both of us.”

  “You don’t have to. I don’t expect anything from you. This is just a one time thing. I get it.”

  “No!” he said with a vehemence that surprised her, “that’s not what I want. I want this again, and again and again. And I have an idea of how I could make it work, at least how I could meet my family half way. But you would have to trust me more than you’ve ever trusted anyone before. Do you think you can? Trust me?”

  For a moment it felt like Michelle couldn’t breath. She didn’t understand what he was saying but she knew, somehow she just knew, that her answer was going to change her life one way or another. She should have been afraid, but she wasn’t. She didn’t even have to think twice about what her answer would be.

  “Yes, Falcon. I trust you. Tell me your plan.”

  Chapter Five

  “Falcon! Seriously, you need to get down here, like, now. What the hell are you doing anyhow?”

  “Nothing, don’t worry about it. I’ll be right down.”

  “You better be. I’ve got a drink all cued up for you.”

  “I don’t need one.”

  “What? Ok, seriously, what is going on here? Who are you and what have you done with my brother?”

  “I am your brother, Clarissa, I just figured some things out about what I want.”

  “Are you sure this is the time to talk to dad about that? You know the cousins are going to be here tomorrow, right? Tonight might not be the night.”

  “It’s got to be tonight. There’s just too much on the line. Trust me, ok? Everything is going to be ok, I promise.”

  She didn’t even answer him, just hung up the phone. Good. It was ludicrous to be talking to her from a different wing of the same house. He turned to Michelle, who nobody but him knew was even on the grounds, and kissed her gently on the forehead.

  “Falcon, are you sure about this? What if he disowns you or something? What if you lose everything you have just because of me?”

  “But I can’t lose everything I have. I have you, silly girl, and that’s the most precious thing I’ve ever been able to call my own.”

  Her eyes shined up at him and Falcon was filled with the most lovely feeling of calm. He knew when he looked into those eyes that he meant the words coming out of his mouth. Even if he had to walk away from everything else, as long as he had her it was going to be ok. Especially now, after what they had done.

  “Just listen for me, ok? I’ll call out for you and that’s when you’ll know to come down. Just like we talked about, ok?”

  “Yes. Ok. Just like we talked about. And Falcon?”


  “I kind of like you. Just wanted to make you clear.”

  “I kind of like you too. I’m going to show you just how much I like you as soon as this whole thing is done.”

  She grinned at him and he turned to meet his destiny. He had only known Michelle for a couple of months but he just knew, the way you sometimes saw in the movies, the kind of meeting you scoffed at as being completely unrealistic and implausible.

  All that was left to do now was talk to his father and let the chips fall where they may.

  “Falcon! We’ve been waiting on you, son. You’re just never going to be the punctual type, are you?”

  “No, dad, I guess I’m not.”

  “No matter. Grab a drink, have a seat. We were just beginning to go over the plans with your cousins. It seemed best to iron it all out now, before they arrive.”

  “I think I’ll probably stand. And that’s exactly what I wanted to talk to you about. I think there’s something I need to tell you.”

  All three of his family members, father, mother and sister, froze, looking at each other with confusion and trepidation. They may not have known what was coming, but they clearly had a feeling that it wasn’t going to be anything they would like.

  “What is it, Falcon? What do you need to say?”

  “Just that I understand when the family custom is, but I can’t do it.”

  “You what?”

  “I can see that you’re angry, father, and I think I actually understand why. But I can’t do it. I can’t do it because I fell for someone else. I think I love her and I’m not willing to give that up. Not for anything.”

  “You know the way this works, Falcon. We’re a family of shifters and that is who we partner with. Other shifters. It is out of the question for you to do anything else. You are not exempt, as much as you might like to be.”

  “Why don’t you hold that thought, father. Michelle? Michelle, could you come down here?”

  Reginald Kennedy’s face turned an alarming shade of purple and he began to sputter, hardly even able to get out a word. His mother looked like she might faint and his sister, well she looked like she was mostly just enjoying the scene.

  “Michelle? As in Michelle Evans, my secretary? There is no way you are going to reveal our secret to that girl. No way.”

  His mother opened her mouth to speak her peace as well but what she saw coming down the steps towards her made her go silent. Everyone had been expecting a woman to come down and greet them with hopeful eyes and the scent of fear. What they saw instead was one of them, a wolf with auburn hair and striking light eyes.

  “Is that? Is that who I think it is?”

  “Yes, father. It’s Michelle. She’s one of us now. She knows all of our secrets and she’s one of us.”

  “But this isn’t the way things are don
e, goddamnit! It’s not the way this family does things.”

  “But father,”

  “No! We do things a certain way. It doesn’t change.”

  “Maybe it should, Reginald.”

  “Excuse me?”

  Falcon’s mother had found her voice. She smiled at him with kind eyes and Falcon knew that he had won. That weight that had been on his shoulders practically since birth was suddenly gone and he felt like he might float away he was suddenly so light.

  “Maybe it should. She’s one of us now, isn’t she? She committed to our son enough to make that kind of change and to me, that’s enough. It’s enough, Reginald. Go, Falcon. Take your girl. This will blow over. And son? I want you to know that I’m happy for you. I’m happy you found someone that makes your days brighter.”

  Falcon would thank his mother later but for now he just wanted to get him and Michelle out of here. He wanted to let this whole thing blow over and, in the meantime, he wanted to make good on his promise to Michelle. He was ready for the two of them to be alone.


  “So do you think it will be ok? Are they going to get over it?”

  “I bet they are. In fact I know they are. But I also know that I don’t want to talk about my family anymore.”

  “oh really?” she said with a devious gleam in her eyes, “then what would you like to talk about?”

  “I’d like to talk about that silly little dress you’ve got on. Why is it that you’ve always got on a silly little dress like that?”

  She didn’t even answer him, just pulled the dress up over her head revealing a black lace bra and matching boyshorts. ow it was his turn to grin and he pulled his shirt up over his head, kicked off his shoes, even started to undo his pants as he walked towards her.

  “Easy cowboy, you’re going to trip over yourself.”

  “It’ll be worth it, I promise you. Now where do you think you’re going?”

  “Shower. I’m feeling in the mood for a good rinse.”

  She turned and walked towards the master bedroom, her ass moving in a way that might have killed a lesser man. He followed her into the bedroom, into the expansive bathroom where she already had the water on and the room filling with steam.

  She had removed the rest of her clothing and stepped into the streaming water. He could not get his pants off fast enough and he could already feel the throb of his erection. He stepped in, stood before her and stuck his head beneath the steady flow from the faucet.

  “Fancy meeting you here.”

  “God, you’re beautiful. You know that?”

  “Don’t tell me, Falcon. How about you show me instead?”

  He closed the few inches that remained between them, felt her hot slippery skin sliding against his own. He knew it was worth it then. This woman moving beneath his trembling hands and making him the best kind of crazy there was.

  It was worth the shit he was sure his father was going to give him for years to come, just so long as he could keep feeling this woman wrap her legs around him the way she was about to. He had finally found his mate and life was never going to be boring again.


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  (See all books from Rebecca Foxx)

  Lunar Castles

  Chapter 1

  Faine Valentine filled her elegant dress neatly. The deftly tailored black silk rendered her luscious curves bare wherever such a revelation served Faine with an advantage. Everywhere else it cleaved intimately to her skin, celebrating the full glory of that voluptuously perfect, pearl shaped upper body.

  Her skin was pale, her hair dark and shining. The most notable feature on her pretty face was a sensual pair of lips – wet and ruby as if tainted by blood spilled just recently.

  The elevator stopped on the 36th floor and opened its doors.

  Faine stepped into the lobby of the London headquarters of the Lunar Estate Agency. As expected from any front companies of such a covert operation that the Lunar Estate had behind itself, everything seemed perfectly normal in its lobby.

  The walls and furniture were inspired by the stylistic ideals of a late art-deco. Hidden speakers provided a continuous stream of quiet, inspirational music. A flood of yellowish artificial luminosity lent an astounding illusion of actual daylight to the interior of the room. Everything smelt brand new and expensive – sterile with a hint of sage.

  Behind a huge white desk a platinum bombshell sat fiddling with her hair.

  “Can I help you?” she asked Faine reluctantly. Girls like her could smell competition from miles away. The hardly covered bellicose expression on her face suggested that Faine had been identified as such.

  “I’m here to see Mr. Anthony,” Faine answered politely. “He is expecting me, we have made an appointment. I’m Faine Valentine, real estate specialist.”

  The girl flashed such a degrading glance at Faine as if she was trying to say with her eyes that Faine was not worthy saying her boss’s name aloud not to mention meeting him in person.

  After a short pause which the two women spent with glaring at each other, the assistant pushed a button on the intercom built into the desk in front of her.

  “Larc?” she said into the mic.

  “What’s up, Jayden?” the answer arrived immediately.

  The girl did not stop staring straight into Faine’s eyes. Felt as if Faine was tested: blink aside at an inappropriate moment and Jayden would jump over her desk and tear your throat open with her flashing bright set of huge white teeth lining up in neat order inside her ferociously curved, grand mouth.

  “Some woman is here,” Jayden told Larc through the intercom.

  “She says she is into property.”

  “Send her in!” Larc’s voice confirmed the visitor through the intercom.

  Faine did not wait for the assistant’s approval, she turned around and walked down across the lobby towards the largest and most intimidating of double doors. If Jayden wanted to play a game, Faine was certainly up to it.

  The biggest test of her cover was still yet to come. Leader of the pack, property tycoon Larc Anthony was waiting for her on the other side of that door and mercy was the last thing Faine expected if the credibility of her persona was compromised.

  She pushed the double door open and found herself in a little smaller but a lot more impressive executive room than the lobby was. She closed the door behind her, not forgetting to flash a last, pitying smile at Jayden who in return snarled politely at Faine from behind her desk.

  Faine took a deep breath and turned around her heels. The big man was nowhere to be seen in the room.

  Faine took a couple of hesitant steps forward. She was on the brink of panicking. The chances of her escape from here were fairly low, so turning around and making a screaming run for it would have been futile. She had to play it out coolly according to the original plan.

  Just in front of Faine, in the middle of the executive room a strange looking table was set up. A large and detailed map of Britain lay on top of it with a handful of monopoly pieces placed seemingly by a random fashion over certain points of the land.

  Before she could as much as start pondering the reason behind the curious installation, Larc Anthony’s voice made her jump.

  “Excuse me,” Larc said from behind Faine, “Ms. Valentine if I’m not mistaken.”

  Faine forced a professional smile out of herself before she turned around to face Larc.

  “And you are Mr. Anthony,” Faine offered her hand.

  Larc Anthony was nothing like one would rightfully expect a billionaire tycoon in the middle of his sixties to be. He looked ridiculously young for a start. Thanks to his clear shaved face covered by a smooth layer of wrinkle-free and alarmingly healthy skin, no one would have guessed he had entered his fifth decade just yet after seeing him in person.

  Same thing went for the rest of his physical features – his shoulders were broad and muscular in op
position of a slender waist. He towered over Faine by at least a head and his straight spine held his monster size body like a pole of iron. His powerful eyes were inspecting Faine a lot like Jayden’s had been moments earlier in the lobby.

  Faine gulped. Might have been a huge mistake to come here.

  Finally, Larc eased up and offered his hand in return of Faine’s. The shake was swift and formal but Faine could not deny that at the second their bare skin touched, she was forced to prepare a mental image of Mr. Anthony – one that was almost exactly like the flesh and blood Larc standing in front of her except that the image in Faine’s head had none of those expensive, tasteful clothes on.


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