[The Shifters Committee 03.0] Jealous Flames

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[The Shifters Committee 03.0] Jealous Flames Page 78

by Rebecca Foxx

  However, some languages, like Latin, English, French and German dominate in my library. I have read all these books during 700 years of my life. And many of them is written by me. As I told, I was studying philosophy at that period of time. I was offered to teach freshmen at university. I got fame and was getting more famous day after day.

  I was writing books in which I was supporting my theories. I had friends, who agreed with me andenemies, who were my rivals around the hot arguments in our gatherings. One evening, during our usual gathering party, our topic was immortality, and I was the one, who supported it.

  I talked passionately how good immortality could be and how the world could change to a better place if at least scientists, great musicians, writers, actors, and other great people could go on inventing and discovering.

  I was irritated and angry, when I left the party to take a full breathe after a hot argument. I was walking down the street, when suddenly a small creature appeared on my way. I do not remember who or what it was, but I remember how it looked. That small strange creature had human eyes and ears, but he had a body of a cat and a tail as well.

  I will never forget his green eyes, because I see them every day in the mirror.

  "Do you consider yourself to be one of those great people, who deserve immortality?"it asked me.

  "No." I cut short.

  "Yes, you do, you want it so much. You think that 5 books you have written in 3 years can turn into hundreds and thousands."

  I did not say any word as he was actually right. At that period of my life I was so ambitious and had so my expectations. My growing fame in the science of philosophy had made me blind. So I said, "Yes, I want to be immortal for the others."

  "Immortal for the others, for the generations?"the creature asked. "Where will you be then to enjoy your immortality for others?"

  "What do you want from me?" I asked nervously.

  "I am sent to bring you a gift, a gift of immortality."

  I laughed. That was the only thing I could do because I... believed him."

  I gave him a silent approval waiting for repayment. As he must have appeared from nowhere not just make my dreams true.

  "You know, Dante," he said and I wondered how he knew my name though he had already expressed his awareness of our hot argument. And then he continued in less confident voice, as if he was trying to choose the right words to deliver his speech. "Like machine needs engine..."

  "What is machine?" I asked as yet there weren't any machines and only years later I would know that he was not only a creature from past but also from future.

  "Ah, of course, you don't know yet. Like windmills need a wind, like your pen needs some ink to write, the same way your immortality will require some small sacrifices."

  "What does it mean?" I asked.

  "It means, you will need a vital energy to stay alive for hundred of years."

  I did not get the meaning of his words, but he said that I would know it myself.

  Suddenly I felt how the unknown energy poured into me like a hot coffee would in the cup. I felt my veins to become tighter and fuller. I began to see maybe four times better than before. I could see colors that my vision failed before.

  I could hear even the slightest sounds, that small birds or insects made. And since I have felt great urge for human blood. I became very excited seeing human blood, and when tasted for the first time, I understood what my organism and body had lacked since that fatal day. I did not tell about my vampire tendencies to my friends as my teeth grew over time and first years were not so obvious.

  But I told about the strange creature to my friends and family, but they laughed, they did not believe. My friends told I was so drunk that day I could have even seen a dinosaur in the corner of the street playing cards.

  My father advised me to cease my career for a while, and even advised me to go to a psychotherapist as I needed help. "

  "Have you met him again. Dante?" asked Sarah.

  "No, he disappeared from my life for keeps. But sometimes I meet him in my dreams. He laughs, as if he managed to trick me. As if he was my worst enemy, who succeeded to prove, that immortality is a bad thing, the worst thing in the whole universe. I have managed to write hundreds of books, which have not brought me success.

  I am just the prisoner of my own eternal loneliness." said Vampire whose eyes shone in silver hue from growing tears.

  Sarah approached and hugged his strong big masculine head and felt the warmth of a single falling tear on her naked shoulder.

  They stood all naked in the library for minutes without uttering any words. Duke noticed, that the crescent moon and the hips of his woman shared the same shape. They stayed there till the morning sun penetrated the library and filled it with thousands beams.

  Sarah sat around the big table in the dining room and Dante served a hot dish smelling so delicious.

  "Rice, carrot, mushrooms and lettuce make a perfect breakfast dish," said Dante who was also the most professional cook. Actually he was happy to make a dish for someone else but himself. He was excited to dine not in loneliness as he used to in the recent 600 years.

  That day was the happiest day in their life. They were madly in love. It was also the first day of autumn. And autumn leaves had already began their marvelous dance over castle.

  Duke had turned some music on in the castle, and it could be heard miles away in the forest. So they were walking, catching drops of rain and enjoying the beautiful violin music caressing their ears from far. Sarah saw a beautiful plant, hidden behind a big stone. Its divine scent invited numerous butterflies to her heavenly place.

  "Let me study this plant" asked Sarah.

  "Well," said Vampire Duke, "I will be walking nearby to not disturb your work. I will arrange the path and clear from sharp branches us to reach to the beautiful waterfall lying miles away."

  Sarah smiled and thought how beautiful the love could be. She believed that her love could change him, she believed that love could even save the dying flower. She believed that a flower that was surrounded with love would stay fresh and alive longer, than the flower in a pot full of water.

  She was an idealist. And Duke knew that. That was why he loved her. Because she was deprived from the talent of writing books and had no knowledge of the world except her flowers, but she possessed the valuable talent of compassion.

  She might not be smart but she was wise and this absurd dilemma was well-written in his works of 600 hundred years. Suddenly Sarah heard a scream. She went to the direction of the sound and saw a woman lying on the wet ground and rain falling on her dead body. She saw the Duke standing there.

  She saw his huge wide shoulders and back, but not face as he had turned his face away. She approached to the corpse and recognized her. She was Mary, her friend, who lived in neighborhood. She must have come there for her, to save her from the evil vampire. But he had killed her drinking her blood.

  Sarah got angry and attacked him with her hands. She beat him on his bloody mouth and cruel eyes that shone from satisfaction having quenched the thirst for blood.

  "Kill me too, a devil!" cried Sarah. "How could I believe that a devil like you was capable of loving somebody? You are evil! You cannot control your damned thirst for blood! Why don't you like the water that is flowing there. That is vital! The water!"

  Dante told nothing, but looked at her with guilty impression and inability to explain her the urge he had for human blood.

  "Why don't you drink my blood? You will definitely do that one day, when you stop loving me!" cried Sarah in tears and hugged him.

  Her big body was shivering like the leaves in the forest from the mad autumn wind. She felt herself powerless before the love she felt for vampire. But then as if trying to control her feelings, she said. "I am leaving. However, I would not like to remember you all my life with this bloody mouth, so wash your face."

  Without saying a word, the vampire grabbed her body and with fastest steps that were not possible for nor
mal human beings, he rushed down on the sloppy wet rocks until Sarah found herself deep down under the waterfall. The water was full of beautiful bright yellow, red and brown leaves.

  He took her hand and extended with his to the falling water cold unlike her feelings. He washed his face with her palm. And she saw her hand being covered in bloody water. Soon he stopped to initiate this movements, as she willingly began to wash the blood from his handsome and tired face.

  It was tired of sufferings, she saw. Maybe he should have talked all that time, but he decided to scream in hues of silence. He began to love her young body with the excitement and sufferings of a man, who was making love with his woman for the last time.

  He slowly put her clothes off and kissed her belly with his trembling lips. He kneeled and wrapped his arms up around her legs and feet resting sill on the wet sand. He raised his head up and saw the beautiful unity of her full big breasts, strong and stubborn rocks and storming cruel sky.

  They made love that would sustain in their memories for a lifetime which was maybe 80 more years for Sarah and the eternal millenniums for Dante.

  Sarah was back and she met the crowd of all villagers greeting her and asking numerous question to which she had no answers. She lied telling them the tale of having gone unconscious.

  She told them the tale of seeing then how a bear was killing her poor friend Mary, who would never come back. She ordered them never go to the forest, as it was full of wild animals ready to tear their poor body apart, and snakes and scorpions which would poison them like they did it to the poor travelers.

  But she never told about Vampire. However, when they sat around the fire and discussed the possibility of the Vampire Duke, she got angry and left them.

  "She has never believed in vampire, hasn't she?"asked one of the villagers.

  "And she will never," said Mrs. Wood.

  "She is very skeptical of things like me," added the other girl proudly.

  Sarah left them as every word about a vampire made her heart suffer more.

  She did not even cared about her flowers any more. It seemed as if she had lost the most beautiful flowers in the world. All of them at once. She went to the area of lake and closed her eyes. Suddenly she heard a movement. She opened her eyes feeling sudden happiness of the single thought of Dante's arrival.

  However, there was a small green creature standing. It was just the creature Dante had described.

  "You know me, don't you?" asked the nasty creature, that was half human, half cat.

  "I do." said Sarah.

  "Love is a strange thing. It is born out of blue, its birth takes only seconds, but it can keep you a prisoner for a lifetime."

  "You are talking wise. You must have known that I had called you in my dreams?"

  "Of course. So you want to become a vampire like him?" asked the strange creature.

  "I do," said Sarah.

  "No!" cried Dante. Sarah turned and saw his big strong and handsome figure.

  "I beg you, Sarah. Believe me this is a curse."

  "What a love!"laughed nasty creature."I will make an exception for you. Dante, I can simply make you 700 years old corpse as you should have been now. Only even your bones will be decomposed."

  "Then I want to be dead, but do not harm Sarah. She is not aware of the sufferings of immortality." said Duke.

  "Alright," said the half-cat creature.

  But then Sarah convinced him that immortality in love could never be painful.

  "You will love me, and I will love you forever," whispered Sarah who had approached to her beloved man and was asking in desperation. "We will love each other for keeps."

  "Haha," laughed the half-human. "This love excites even me."

  Suddenly Sarah noticed that both cat and Dante had the same, exactly same eyes. Suddenly she understood the secret of the spelling. She had the key of her answers!

  The creature was the personification of his bipolar nature, that was both evil and kind. And now they were fighting against each other. Maybe that creature did not exist. It was just a hallucination, and she was only able to see it to save him through her love and compassion.

  And she remembered about the magic flower, which the old man had given her, and she had kept it in her greenhouse.

  The half-cat and half-human creature looked at her eyes and read her thoughts! She took Dante's hand and they ran to the greenhouse, while the cat ran even faster and tried to prevent them from entering to the greenhouse and attacking them. However, they managed to enter the greenhouse. She picked the magic flower.

  "Fell its scent to the full extent, "said Sarah to Dante." As if you intend to devote your eternal life energy to this plant."

  And when he did so, something unbelievable happened. The creature, the flower and Dante transformed. Sarah saw a young man in front of her, the same Dante, only now he looked a bit different. His eyes were brown and did not possess any green or silver hues.

  And the creature became a simple cat. It did not talk anymore as was the most common cat that only meowed. Dante had the most common human teeth and looked so peaceful inside. They saw a silver-green powder dancing in the air, it was storming and trying to find a place to fit in, but it soon decomposed in the air. The flower blossomed with blue and purple colors of the universe.

  Sarah and Dante kissed and with a warm and compassionate smile they silently promised each other to live their mortal life through eternal love. They also felt the movements of a little baby, as she was pregnant, and that was great news for the whole village too!


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  (See all books from Rebecca Foxx)

  The Vampire’s Bride


  Whitney Lawrence entered into her supervising officer’s office after yet another long day at the NCIS office in New Orleans. Whitney had worked hard to become a special agent for the NCIS; she was the first black woman in her district. Today she had completed yet another successful undercover assignment, and they had busted a dealer who had murder a retired naval officer.

  She was expecting to get a sort of congratulatory conversation with the supervising officer, and she was very much looking forward to it.

  She went and sat down in the chair across from Tony Ramirez’s desk. Tony was a quiet guy. He had thick glasses, pasty skin, and a soft spoken voice. His appearance would leave one to believe that he was a gentle man, but truthfully he was a real brute.

  He had taught Whitney everything he knew about undercover work, and she had flourished after leaving the academy. Tony was out in the hall talking to some FBI or CIA, she could not remember which, guy who had paid their office a visit. She had not heard why the man was there, but she didn’t like it.

  A visit from either normally meant they were trying to take over one of their cases; both Whitney and Tony found it to be rather insulting.

  Whitney opened up her pocket mirror. She puckered out her thick black lips and threw a small layer of lip gloss on. It was more of a nervous tick than a need to satisfy her vanity. She frowned. She felt that her face looked puffier than usual. She was a proud, big black woman –but sometimes that extra weight she carried got the better of her.

  Today, she had almost let her perk get away. She decided then and there that she was going to hit the gym, not that that would do anything about her enormous curves and size D breasts, but she definitely will not cut it close like that again. She needed to remain fit despite her larger than life hips.

  The door to the office opened, and she hurried to put away her pocket mirror and lip gloss. Tony closed the door behind him as he took a seat at his desk, “Good job today, Lawrence.” He said to her in his usually squeaky voice.

  “Thanks.” She smiled, “Nothing to it.”

  “You always says that, but damn it, woman, you should have been an actress with how well you pull off those undercover gigs.” Tony smiled back at her, breaking his professiona
lism for only a moment. “I hate to do this to you, but we have another assignment.”

  Whitney frowned, “And by that you mean an undercover assignment.”

  “I know. You’ve been every character but yourself this year, haven’t you?” Tony sighed, “And this is going to be a long one.”

  “Damn it, Tony,” Whitney hissed, “You realize I have a sister who hasn’t seen me in over a year because of my last assignment. A year, Tony. I was undercover for a year.”

  “I know, and I’m not going to lie to you. This one is not going to be any different. You can take a short two week leave before heading out.” Tony said, “But Whitney, we need you bad.”


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