[The Shifters Committee 03.0] Jealous Flames

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[The Shifters Committee 03.0] Jealous Flames Page 92

by Rebecca Foxx

  “….And as I told you last night, I’m ready for a real woman. I’m ready for you, Aurora,” Lance insisted, adding as he pinned her with an intense gaze, “I see that, in order to make you ready for me, I need to explain some things to you—I need to clarify some aspects of my life that might seem highly unusual to some people.” He paused here, adding as he graced her with a warm smile, “I have the feeling though, Aurora, that you’ll be the one who understands. So with that in mind, I’d like to take you out to dinner this weekend. I’d like for us to go to this nice, quiet little French restaurant that I count among my favorites, so we can have a nice long talk.”

  Aurora grinned.

  “A nice, quiet little French restaurant that you count among your favorites,” she repeated, tone disbelieving. “You own the place, doncha Boss? Fess up!”

  Lance guffawed outright.

  “So would you like to go to dinner with me this weekend?” he pressed her gentle. “Oui or non?”

  Aurora thought a moment, then nodded.

  “Sure!” she affirmed. “Why not?”

  Chapter four

  “What on EARTH have you gotten yourself into, Leigh?”

  Ensconced in the grand bedroom of her comfy loft apartment, Aurora asked herself this question for what had to be the hundredth time that day.

  Why, she pondered, was she violating the one firm rule that she’d imposed on herself at the inception of her marketing career; the rule that forbade her from dating co-workers? Especially co-workers who make a habit of running naked through the woods at night and possessing inordinately sharp teeth?

  “Criminy,” she scoffed aloud, glaring savage at herself in the crystalline panes of her brass- bordered full-length mirror.

  Well if she would insist on going forth with this impulsive, downright foolhardy act, she reasoned, at least she would look good doing it.

  Earlier that day she’d received a special delivery sent overnight by the good Dr. Culver; a knee-length lace dress of pure azure silk that served to flatter her generous curves.

  For just a moment she allowed herself the pleasure of admiring this luxurious gift; twirling in the mirror as she let loose with an uncharacteristic giggle.

  She came to an abrupt halt seconds later, as the languid peace of a Saturday afternoon was disrupted by a loud, repetitive noise that seemed to emanate from the roof of her apartment building.

  “Is that a helicopter?” she asked aloud, running to her window to discover the source of this most unusual sound.

  She gasped seconds later as she noticed the presence of said helicopter; one that now hovered just above her, using her apartment roof as a helipad as he came in for a smooth landing.

  “Good evening Aurora!”

  Aurora couldn’t help but grin as she saw that the form of her tall muscled boss filled the side door of the polished black copter; dressed this evening in a sleek suit of ebony silk that served to highlight his every plane and muscle.

  The long luxurious strands of Lance’s ebony hair flew free and wild in the winds of the night; yet as always, Aurora noted, his wolfish white-toothed smile remained his most appealing feature.

  “You are certifiably insane!” she called up to him, adding with a playful wink, “Hawter than genetically possible to be sure, but you remain certifiably insane.”

  Pitching his bronzed head backward in a leonine motion, Lance let loose with a melodic guffaw as he knelt low in the door to get a better look at his dinner date.

  “You know me, love,” he reminded her, adding with a cheeky shrug, “I always know how to make an entrance.”

  Aurora nodded.

  “That you do. And at least you’re fully dressed this time—and very fetchingly, I must add,” she praised him, adding as she pursed her cherry red lips to concerned effect, “One question, though. Did you clear all of this with my landlord?”

  Lance thought a moment, then shook his head.

  “Nope,” he told her, adding with yet another casual shrug, “As a matter of fact I didn’t—which means you’d best hop into the elevator and come join me up here, as soon as possible.”

  Nodding, Aurora withdrew into her room and closed her window behind her; grabbing a blue satin head wrap that she then affixed around her smooth ebony locks.

  Soon she found herself poised at the brink of a vacant rooftop that had morphed into a helipad; taking the firm sturdy hand of a still grinning Lance as he helped her into the copter.

  “You look amazing Aurora,” he praised her, adding as he lifted her hand to his full moist lips for a long, loving kiss. “Just like a princess. And that, my darling, is exactly how I plan to treat you tonight.”

  Aurora grinned.

  “Well as far as I’m concerned, my dear, you’ve already accomplished this mission,” she praised him, adding with arched eyebrows, “One question, though. The only French restaurant in Clearview is only about 10 minutes away from my apartment. Did you actually rent a copter to fly us just around the corner?”

  Lance shook his head.

  “Well as it happens Aurora, I don’t happen to own the particular French restaurant that opened recently in your neighborhood—not yet anyway,” he informed her with a smirk, adding as he made a broad graceful gesture around them, “I do, however, own this copter—so I can keep it always at my disposal. And tonight, my dear, we’re flying to Miami; the home of the fabulous five-star restaurant known as Le Jardin, which I do happen to own.”

  Letting loose with an uncharacteristic squeal, an elated Aurora threw her arms around her date’s broad muscled shoulders; staring deep into his eyes as he signaled for their pilot—a swank, silver-haired gentleman who met them with a congenial smile—to launch their copter from the surface of their makeshift helipad.

  The copter soared high to the luminous heights of a star-kissed tropical night, racing swift with a silvery moon above the swaying palms that shone like emeralds across the lush skyscape.

  Seizing the moment, an impassioned Lance seized his date’s lips in a hot impulsive kiss; his sumptuous mouth devouring hers as he released an animal growl that seemed to emanate from low in his throat.

  “The man sure does growl sexy,” Aurora mused, just barely able to decipher her own thoughts above the pounding of her heart. “Only I must say that his ‘animal’ growl is almost a little too wild—like it couldn’t rightly belong to a normal human being.”

  All coherent notions fled her psyche moments later, as the couple’s tongues entangled between them and Lance lapped and laved the roof of her mouth; his long wet tongue sliding inward and outward in a perfect imitation of sex.

  Moaning hungry against his full lips, an entranced Aurora leaned into his kiss as she smacked her mouth against his; meeting his passion with equal intensity as she ran her hands through the silken lengths of his flowing midnight black hair.

  Just then she felt them; the tip of her tongue grazing the sharp teeth that lingered toward the back of Lance’s mouth.

  Breaking their kiss with a frustrated moan, Aurora sat away from her startled lover as she focused her lust-clouded eyes sharp in his direction.

  “You said you had something to tell me tonight,” she reminded him, adding with arched eyebrows, “Care to finally let me in on this magic mysterious secret of yours, Boss Man?”

  Unhindered by her matter of fact tone, an affectionate Lance held her gaze as took her hands in his; kissing and even licking her sensitive skin before nibbling playful at her manicured fingers.

  “I’m not your boss man tonight, Aurora. This evening I am nothing but your loyal servant, here to satisfy your every need and fulfill your fantasies,” he released on a whisper, searing her with passion-narrowed eyes, “And while I do intend to reveal some truths to you tonight…well, my darling, let’s just say that my truth is only one of many things I plan to reveal before our time together is through.”

  These words echoed through Aurora’s mind a half hour later, as Lance lead her through the crystalline paned
double doors that fronted Le Jardin; a dual level eatery enclosed by walls of pearl pink sandstone and expansive bay windows lined with lace curtains.

  Her eyes flew wide as they took in the lush interior of this deluxe, beautifully adorned establishment.

  “Yep yep,” she thought, her admiring gaze taking in the lace-covered tables, the crystalline chandeliers, and the shining scarlet brocade wallpaper that distinguished Le Jardin. “The burger place right next to the medical center, where I generally pick up our lunch, is a place to grab some grub. This right here is an establishment.”

  Soon she found herself seated at a table lined with polished rose print tableware, sipping champagne from a crystalline goblet as her attentive date hand fed her heaping spoonfuls of rich, succulent filet mignon and fluffy hot mashed potatoes; all the while asking her to feed him in return with information about her life and experiences.

  “I want to know everything there is to know about my Aurora,” he pressed her, adding as he pierced her with a penetrating gaze, “Be sure not to leave out any juicy details.”

  Aurora shrugged.

  “Not much juicy about my life, to speak of,” she revealed, adding as she hoisted her plump chin to proud effect, “I graduated cum laude with a marketing degree from the University of South Florida, soon after landing my first job with a small advertising firm in Tampa. Although I wasn’t quite sure that I would enjoy being a flack, I found that I had a knack for spinning a news item into an awesome press release or video production—complete with sound bites for media consumption—and once I got my first big cash bonus for a job well done, I never looked back. I’ve been happily married to my career ever since and…well, you know the rest.”

  Lance nodded.

  “I know that you are great at what you do,” he affirmed, adding as he inclined his head curious in her direction, “It interests me to learn, though, that marketing was not your first love. Did you at one point aspire to a different career?”

  Aurora bit her lip.

  “Well it sounds silly now,” she began, tone slow and begrudging as she continued, “but at one point I actually wanted to be a romance novelist.”

  She took in her breath as Lance’s eyes came alight with a bold flash of passionate interest.

  “So you do have a romantic side, good to know,” he purred, adding as he set aside her fork and clutched her hand between them, “So tell me Aurora, what genre of sensual romance do you count as your favorite?”

  Aurora grinned.

  “Paranormal,” she revealed in an instant. “Although you probably suspected as much, Lance, I was actually BSing that police detective the other evening, when I proclaimed my aversion for werewolf movies. Truth be told I love romances that star vampires and werewolves as super sexy heroes.”

  Her smile dissolved moments later, as her date erased all distance between them at the table and seared her lips with a heated kiss.

  “I’m going to take you home, Aurora,” he told her, tone low and heated.

  Even as tingles of raw excitement coursed the length of her spine, she shook her head in keen confusion at the abruptness of his words.

  “I was under the impression that we were going to finish off the meal with a serving of chocolate mousse,” she reminded him, taking in her breath as her lover reached below the table and coddled her rounded stomach. “I can’t miss my chocolate mousse, blast it.”

  Yet her breath expelled in an ecstatic gasp moments later, as her lover ran his hand down the length of her fleshy thigh and stole soft and subtle between her legs; awaiting her nod of enthused consent before slipping his agile fingers beneath her azure lace dress and laying a gentle squeeze on her throbbing femininity.

  “We can order the chocolate mousse to go,” he whispered, adding with a devilish smile, “I have another dessert in mind for you Aurora, that I suspect you’ll enjoy even more.” He paused here, adding as he played his fingers along the outline of her enflamed nub, “And believe me when I say baby, that it must be served hot.”

  Chapter five

  Soon Aurora found herself back in Lance’s helicopter, kissing him senseless as the couple cuddled and caressed en route to a certain destination.

  After landing once again on the surface of her rooftop, the helicopter pilot nodded his thanks as Lance gifted him with a generous tip and sent him on his way; averting his gaze as his high-powered client swept his dinner date up in his arms and carried her off the copter.

  The rise of retreating copter blades roared in Aurora’s ears as her lover escorted her to a small but fragrant rose garden growing on a far corner of the roof.

  Lying her body down in a bed of soft ivy amongst the scarlet-hued florals that he knew Aurora loved, Lance stood tall and proud before her as he slipped his silk jacket off nice and slow, one shoulder at a time; next unbuttoning and stripping away the ivory shirt that lie beneath, revealing as he did the hard massive chest that drew a long wolf whistle from his current beholder.

  “I’m glad that I please you, my lady,” he purred, flexing his rock hard pecs and rolling his washboard abs as he reveled in her attentions. “Even so I must let you know: You ain’t seen nothin’ yet.”

  With these words he fell to his knees before her, crawling with a heated growl between her knees as he freed her feet from their confining high heels.

  Aurora sighed contented as he suckled her toes and licked her tired pads; then kissing and licking his way up her legs before stealing beneath her skirt.

  His growl evolved to a low roar moments later, as he ensnared the border of her white cotton panties in peerless white teeth and dragged them down her legs; depositing them in a cloudy head beside them before returning to the source of her pleasure.

  Opening her feminine folds with a long resounding lick, Lance seared his lover with an intimate kiss; wrapping his soft lips around her throbbing clit as he laved and suckled her.

  Bobbing his head up and down to intensify her pleasure, he raised his hands to massage her full hips as she threw her head back; shards of intense pleasure racing upward from her intimate core to touch every fiber of her being.

  Hoisting her hips upward to intensify the sensation, Aurora savored the feel of his lips on her nub as ecstasy overcame her; this feeling only enhanced as the soft tendrils of his ebony hair teased the skin of her buxom thighs.

  Just then she let loose with an ecstatic moan as once again she felt them; those fanglike teeth that now brushed gentle but certain across the skin of her clit.

  Finally and with a long resounding lick he sent her over the edge; careening her across the bounds of an incredible clitoral orgasm.

  Crawling up the length of her form and sweeping her up in adoring arms, Lance covered Aurora’s body with his as she gasped and trembled her pleasure; pulling his lady closer than close as their lips collided in a passionate kiss.

  Unzipping and pulling away the fabrics of her blue lace dress, he kissed and devoured the voluptuous breasts revealed by this move; her nipples rising to hard erect points between his soft lips as his hands ran like warm water down the length of her arching back.

  Writhing free and wild in the depths of his hard muscled embrace, Aurora ran her hungry hands down the length of his sculpted torso; stroking his chiseled pecs and tickling his abs before yanking down the fabric of his tight black pants.

  This move revealed a long hard shaft that seemed to salute her arrival; grazing her delicate feminine cleft as their arms and legs entwined between them.

  Raising his head to capture her lips in a passionate kiss, Lance massaged her ruby red mouth with his as his hands mirrored their divine movement; rubbing and stroking her back and sides as their tongues entangled.

  Their enjoined bodies rolled wild across a bed of soft ivy as the winds of the night serenaded them; the cry of seagulls joining a chorus enhanced by the sweet scent of ruby-hued roses.

  Plucking a particularly robust blossom from its place in the garden, Lance ran its velvety petals across her brea
sts and down her rounded stomach; finally teasing open her feminine folds as she ran her ruby red fingernails down his back.

  “I want you inside of me,” she let loose with her own animal growl, adding as she thrust her body full and hard against his, “Now.”

  Eager to heed his lady’s command, Lance surged his long hard shaft to the depths of her soaking wet pussy; their joined hips claiming an immediate rhythm as the couple engaged in an intimate tango.

  “You don’t know how long I’ve dreamt of this moment,” Lance told her, cradling her body soft and tender in his arms even as he continued to probe and penetrate her.


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