A Bundle of Joy 4: Secret Baby Seduction (BWWM Interracial Romance)

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A Bundle of Joy 4: Secret Baby Seduction (BWWM Interracial Romance) Page 5

by Roxy Wilson

  She shook her head as she grinned. “That’s a valuable lesson right there. Always check the law of the land before fishing.”

  When they finished their lunch, they both picked up their wine glasses and moved to the inner lounge. Aron put on soft music as they reclined on the plush couches. From the pane glass window, they could see the ocean outside.

  “So, where are your parents now?”

  “They settled in Ireland,” he told her. “My dad is retired now.”


  “It was always my mother’s dream to live there. She had an Irish grandmother and visited the place as a child. So, they’re giving it a try. They live in a small town near Dublin and so far they’re muy contento...very happy.”

  “Nice! Do you visit them often?”

  “At least twice a year. I have to be there for Christmas, as do my other siblings and I also, try to make it on their anniversary. But usually, I end up there three times a year, because they’re big on celebrating birthdays. Don’t know if you remember both their birthdays are in August.” They always were a close-knit family, like hers. Of course, whereas Dayna was the only child, Aron had two sisters and a brother. She always envied him his big family and he’d always been jealous of the fact that she got so much time with her parents, not to mention peace and quiet at home.

  “How are Javier, Regina, and Daniela doing?”

  He gulped down his wine and set the glass down. “Javier has his own recording studio in Dublin. He’s doing well, and living with someone. Regina is modeling in Europe and single. Daniela is a lawyer in New York.”

  “Wow! Your parents must be proud of you all.”

  “Oh, they are. And family get-togethers are fun and full of emoción…umm, drama. I love them all, but it’s nice when the holiday comes to an end and I go come back to my peaceful life.”

  “You always loved them to bits and babysat them regularly when your parents had to go away for official dinners.”

  “As the oldest child, I wasn’t given any other option.” He grimaced. Of course, the truth was he felt close to all three of his siblings and remained in touch with them. On the surface, he might have envied Dayna’s single child status, but Aron loved his big family and wanted one for himself eventually. He could imagine having a houseful of children. It would be the ultimate high. So…when he envisioned his family, he could only see Dayna with him.

  No one else would do.

  “I would love to meet them again.”

  “Come with me to the next family gathering,” he said causally as he set his empty glass down. “My parents still remember you.”

  She glanced away. “Yeah, I guess some day. So, what about that swim?” she asked, changing the topic.

  Aron knew what she was doing. He’d meant the invitation. Nothing would please him more than to take her home and re-introduce her to his family. His parents had always liked her, and he could really see this relationship going somewhere. Aron didn’t waste his time on lost causes, and Dayna certainly wasn’t one. He wasn’t pursuing her just to satisfy an itch. He liked her a lot. Maybe like was too tame a word. He could already tell he was leaning towards love.


  Yeah, the big word.


  Maybe everyone would tell him it was too soon. They’d just met again, after a decade. There was so much he didn’t know about her…She’d changed, and so had he. How could he possibly fall in love with someone so quickly? But as far as Aron was concerned, he’d never fallen out of love with Dayna. He’d always been in love with her. They’d broken up because it’d been the sensible thing to do. At that age, no one did the sensible thing, but they’d been responsible and careful. He couldn’t possibly imagine a life without his parents and neither could she. They assumed, along with everyone else, that time would dull the pain of their breakup and their memories of each other would fade.

  The memories may have faded, but the emotion stayed strong. Seeing her, every feeling he ever harbored for her came back in full force. Aron realized that ten years hadn’t dampened his love for her. Maybe this was why his marriage failed. His wife had been a nice woman. He liked her, loved her even, but he’d never been in love with her as much as he loved Dayna. Maybe that was the first crack in their relationship and in the end—it finally ripped the marriage apart.

  Aron had another chance now, and he wasn’t about to blow it away. This time around, he would not let anyone or anything separate him from the love of his life. Smiling, he stood. “Yeah! I’m up for a swim. Let’s change. I’ll meet you by the poolside.” While he guided her out, he watched the ease in which she fell into step beside him. Nothing had diminished their respect and care for each other. He was in love with her and now, it would be up to him to make sure she also fell in love with him.

  One thing is for certain, he wasn’t letting her go, no matter what happened.


  Dayna changed into the black bikini Jamie packed for her. She stood in front of the mirror. When she suggested a swim, the thought of how she would have to wear this revealing garment didn’t cross her mind, but now when she was wearing it, Dayna became acutely aware of the fact her stretch marks could be seen. They were faint, barely visible, but what if he noticed them and asked her about them? What was she supposed to say? That she’d put on a lot of weight over the years and lost the extra pounds recently? Hmmm…

  Asked a direct question, she felt sure that she wouldn’t be able to lie. In fact, this would be the perfect time to tell him the truth. Even better, she should tell it to him even before he said anything. The longer she put it off, the greater the chance something could go wrong. If he found out later, he would be pissed. Well, chances were that he will be pissed either way, but at least she could choose the timing of it. Now would be better than later.

  Dayna hadn’t missed that look in his eyes. Aron made no bones about the fact that he wanted her. And even though he’d been thoughtful enough to give her a separate cabin, she was aware that it was quite likely, they would fall into bed together. If it didn’t happen tonight, it would happen on another day. She liked Aron—maybe loved him?

  The thought startled her. Did she love him? Wasn’t it too soon? How could she even contemplate such an idea? They’d only been re-acquainted recently. But looking back, she could see that nothing had changed. He was still the same person that he’d always been. As a teenager, he’d been kind, thoughtful and sweet. As a man, he’d become much more so. How could she resist him when he was everything she wanted in a man?

  The perfect man and she would be stupid to let him go.

  Then of course, there was that slightly HUGE problem. She’d given birth to his son and failed to tell him about it. How would he react when he found out? It’s a monumental thing for a man like him…Being family orientated and he obviously loved kids. Would he ever be able to forgive her for it?

  Suddenly, a loud noise startled her, pulling her out of her bleak thoughts. It was the yacht’s horn, probably signaling another boat. Sighing, she adjusted her bikini and threw on a robe over it. Whatever happened, she was ready for it. When Dayna strolled onto the deck adjacent to the pool, Aron was already in the water. She saw him swim fast, much like a fish—a fast, dangerous shark really—as he cut through the water and slapped one end of the pool.

  With rapid speed, he came back and slapped the other end.

  She counted as he did twenty laps without pausing. “Wow!” she said, walking over as he finally pulled to a stop. “That was amazing. Do you swim often?”

  “Three to four times a week or more, if I get the chance.” He swiped away the water dripping down his face. “Aren’t you coming in?”

  Dayna sat on the chaise. “In a while,” she said as gazed at his handsome face. Water ran down his handsome sharply cut features in thin rivulets over his cheeks. She resisted the urge to lean over and kiss him. “Is it cold?”

  “Not really! Come on in,” he urged.

nbsp; She would have to do it soon. Might as well get it over with. With trembling hands, Dayna shucked off her robe and walked over to the ladder. She stepped down and into the water. “Burr! It’s cold.”

  “Is it?” He swam over. “Let me warm you up!”

  “Warm me?” She treaded water. “How?” Before she recognized his intention, he had her pinned against the wall, his lips captured hers. She didn’t mind it. Not one bit. As his tongue dove in to taste the hidden recesses of her mouth, Dayna surrendered without a fight. Her arms slid around his neck and she gave in to the hot licks of desire that curled in her gut. It felt good to be wanted, to be plundered and devoured by a man who meant so much to her. The scent of him, potent, spicy and musky, filled her nostrils and she clung to him with all the hope of a drowning woman. As always, it astonished her to realize that a simple kiss could invoke desire with such speed.

  When his mouth pulled away, she glanced round. “Someone might see us.”

  “Let’s give them a show that they’ll remember forever….siempre`.” He laughed and pulled her under.

  She came up, sputtering. “Have—you lost your mind?”

  “Sí! Over you,” he admitted as he pulled her under again.

  “Damn you, Aron!” Dayna yelled when she came back up, then jumped over him in an attempt to put him under water, but he was way too fast. Before she could get her hands on him, he pulled away. When he streaked towards her under water, she squealed and tried to get away. But he was like an eel and had her in his grip within a few seconds. Once again, his mouth, hot and heavy, clung to hers as she gripped his shoulders. This time, the desire rippling within her twisted her in its intense grasp. Against her back, she could feel the cold, hard wall of the pool. Before she could move, he’d removed the top part of her bikini and was sucking on her erect nipple.

  Dayna groaned as his lips closed over the sensitive bud. His hands glided down her stomach and settled on her hips, keeping her above the water while he relished her with his mouth. She leaned back and her eyes glazed over as his tongue flicked over her nipple, to caress, and fondle it. Sharp tingles of desire raced through her veins. It didn’t matter that the cool water held her in its embrace; she was burning with need, with raw passion that threatened to overwhelm her.

  Slipping his fingers inside her bikini bottom, he pulled it off.

  Reason emerged for a few seconds. “What if someone comes along?”

  “I told the captain that we needed privacy.”

  “But…” The words faded on her lips as his tongue flicked over to the other nipple. Gripping his dark hair in her hand, she pushed her breast into his mouth. Dayna bucked and shuddered as he stroked the hot fire within her with his loving mouth. His fingers glided down to the juncture between her thighs and when his thumb stroked her soft, sensitive nub—a wave of ecstasy coursed through her muscles. It was all he seemed to need because she could feel his erection harden as it pushed against her stomach. With his thumb, he rubbed and stroked her nub until she was a quivering mass of jelly. Dayna couldn’t wait to feel him inside her. Her hands pulled down his swim trunks, as if of their own volition. She felt so eager to feel him against her. When he was naked, she wrapped her legs around his muscled thighs.

  With one long stroke, he pushed deep inside her.

  Forgotten was the fact that they were out in a public place. Forgotten was the fact that she’d wanted to wait, wanted to tell him something. What started as an innocent, sweet activity just turned into something hot and dangerous. They were too far gone for either one of them to pull back. The tug started in her gut and overtook all her senses. The momentum built in stages. At first, it seemed agonizingly soft and then increased in intensity. She was caught in the throes of a momentous erotic wave as it swelled and crested. She matched him stroke for stroke, her body moving in the water as if it were weightless. She rolled her head back, pushing her pelvis harder against his.

  When they were teenagers, their lovemaking had been fiery and passionate, full of energy. Nothing seemed to have changed. While she could appreciate how easily he’d driven her to the edge of insanity, Dayna knew she wielded the same control over him—a match made in heaven. Each bold stroke, each scorching move, smoldered the passion within their bodies. When he moved in and out, his rhythm perfectly in sync with hers, she felt herself climbing higher and higher until finally, the craving for release was too much for her to take in. When the orgasm ripped through her, she squealed.

  As if he’d waited for her, Aron emptied himself inside her. “I love you, sweetheart…mi Dulzura,” he whispered as his body shuddered against her.

  The softly spoken, simple words filled Dayna’s heart with joy and dread. For a long while, they both stood still. If Aron wasn’t holding her, she would have surely gone under. Her legs felt as if they were made of jelly. There was no strength in her muscles. She rested her head on his shoulder. It felt good to be held in the arms of a man who loved her and whom she loved in return. But she wasn’t ready to say those words. Not yet! Not until she told him the truth.

  Her heart thundered wildly and next to her, she could feel his beating pulse. She wanted to say something, to acknowledge the words he’d said, to show him she treasured the emotion, that it meant something to her, but Dayna found her lips sealed. She simply couldn’t find the right words to say what she felt. Perhaps it’s enough that he loved her and she loved him. When the right moment came, she would tell him all the things she felt. The right words would come. She just needed to be patient. She lifted her head. “I’m cold,” she said.

  Gently, he let her go.

  She expected him to say something, to ask if she’d heard him.

  There wasn’t anything in his expression indicating that he wanted to hear something back. Instead, he smiled. “Take a swim then.”

  She laughed as he let her go. Dayna swam to the other side, using this time to marshal her thoughts. Should she tell him she loved him back? But then again, there was that big, fat secret hanging between them. How could she tell the man she loved him while at the same time, she held back something so important from him? When she flipped and swam back over, the moment had passed.

  Aron leaned against the wall, looking relaxed, now wearing his swim trunks.

  This reminded her that she was still naked. “Shit!” Dayna exclaimed. “Where the hell is my bikini?”

  “Right here.” He lifted his hand to give it to her. “Glad you finally remembered.”

  Dayna’s cheeks warmed as she all but yanked the bikini from his hand and put it on. “Can’t believe we just did that. Have you done it before?”

  “Sex? Sí! Many times.” He gave her a wicked wink.

  “No, you idiot! I meant, in a pool.”

  He chuckled and shook his head. “No. You?”

  “First time in the pool for me, too,” she admitted as she grabbed hold of the edge and pulled herself out. “I gotta tell you it was invigorating.” Her earlier embarrassment was quickly fading.

  “Even more than swimming,” he agreed with a teasing smile as he followed her out.

  Dayna tossed on her robe. He hadn’t seen the stretch marks. If he did, surely he would’ve mentioned it. Or perhaps he was simply being too polite. The words came to the tip of her tongue, but she swallowed them. This had been such a beautiful day, such an amazing moment, she didn’t want to ruin it. Didn’t she deserve this moment of perfection? It was so rare and breathtaking that she didn’t have the heart to spoil it. Perhaps tomorrow or the day after, she would tell him. It might spoil everything between them. It might crumble their relationship before it fully began, but she was determined to tell him the unvarnished truth.

  Soon, she promised herself as she flopped on the chaise and gathered her robe close around her body. Dayna accepted the glass of wine he’d poured from the bottle that sat on the table. She took a sip, appreciated its taste and glanced at the blue sea stretching as far as the eye could see. What an amazing view! And what an amazing man! She was
lucky on both counts and just for today, she wanted to freeze this perfect moment and bask in its beautiful glory.

  Tomorrow was another day and maybe then, it would be time to come clean.


  Aron sipped the beer as he watched the game on TV. “It’s a losing battle, dude. Three for zero, these suckers are not going to win.”

  Brett shook his head. “I shouldn’t have watched. This is painful.”

  “If it’s that disappointing of a game why don’t you guys turn the TV off?” Jamie suggested as she peeled an apple.

  Both men gave her identical looks as if they couldn’t understand how she could’ve said something so insane.

  Jamie lifted her hands. “What did I say?”

  “Forget it, Jay.” Dayna sashayed over from the couch where she’d been sitting. “They’re in this weird zone. Aron, aren’t we supposed to reach Graham’s house in like twenty minutes?”

  “In a minute, baby! This is about to finish.” He didn’t even glance at her as he picked up his beer. “Man! I hate this.”

  Dayna rolled her eyes. “He hates it, but they’re still watching. Men!”

  “Men!” Mellie repeated as she wandered in, holding her sister’s hand. “What did daddy do?”

  “Daddy didn’t do anything, honey.” Jamie suppressed a smile. “Aunt Dayna was talking about Uncle Aron.”

  “Oh…Mom says that when daddy does something strange. Just the other day, he tripped over his own shoes and mom said the same thing. Men!” She turned to her little sister. “That’s what she said, didn’t she, Aubree?”

  Aubree nodded. “Mmm-hmm.”

  Dayna stifled a laugh. “Well, when you grow up, you’ll realize that men do strange things that are beyond the understanding of a normal woman’s mind. And that’s when you learn to see stuff like that and let it go.”

  “Like I would never put my shoes outside the door and then trip on them,” Mellie added. “But daddy does it all the time.” She shook her head as if she couldn’t understand how her strong and brave dad could be so dumb in this area.


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