by Lou Cameron
When the Ranger said, “Never heard of him,” Stringer winked at Susan and said, “Don’t worry. You will. Anything I’ve left out so far will likely be carried by the San Francisco Sun.”
You can find all of Lou Cameron’s Stringer series available as ebooks:
Stringer (#1)
Stringer on Dead Man’s Range (#2)
Stringer on the Assassin’s Trail (#3)
Stringer and the Hangman’s Rodeo (#4)
Stringer and the Wild Bunch (#5)
Stringer and the Hanging Judge (#6)
Stringer In Tombstone (#7)
Stringer and the Deadly Flood (#8)
Stringer and the Lost Tribe (#9)
Stringer and the Oil Well Indians (#10)
Stringer and the Border War (#11)
Stringer on the Mojave (#12)
Stringer on Pikes Peak (#13)
Stringer and the Hell-Bound Herd (#14)
Stringer in a Texas Shoot-Out (#15)