The Defenders of Dusk

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The Defenders of Dusk Page 1

by Dane Barrett

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2019 by Dane Barrett.

  All rights reserved.

  The moral rights of the author have been asserted.

  First edition, November 2019.

  Book design by Dane Barrett.

  Cover art by rcreativity.

  Illustrations by rcreativity.

  Filler illustrations by Dane Barrett.

  ASIN: B08223CGQS

  Other books by this author:

  Children of the Painted Apple: An Interactive Adventure.

  The Mystery of Dracula: An Interactive Adventure.


  This book is a work of interactive fiction, often known by the term 'gamebook'. You will need two six-sided dice, a pencil and an eraser to participate in this adventure. Periodically throughout the story, you will be asked to make a decision or roll dice, which will often determine which path the main protagonist (played by you) will take. At the front of this book, you will find a CHARACTER SHEET. This can be used to record specific statistics used to gauge your progress. You will only need to log these stats as and when the book asks you to. You may keep a record of these stats on a separate piece of paper if you prefer not to write all over your book. As you progress through the story, you will also be asked to write down (and sometimes erase) keywords which are used to remind this book which choices you've made previously to retain continuity to the story. Failing to do so may cause some parts of the book to make no sense. Note that once a keyword is erased or crossed out, it can't be used again in the current read-through. For easier management of these keywords, you will find a checklist beside the character sheet and another copy at the back of the book. Like the character sheet, if you prefer to write these keywords on a separate piece of paper, then that will work too.


  Before embarking upon this adventure, you must first determine your character's strengths and weaknesses. You begin by assigning scores to each of the following seven attributes, as displayed on your CHARACTER SHEET. These attributes may never exceed their maximum scores, but you may discover opportunities throughout the adventure to raise these maximums. The seven attributes are:

  HEALTH: This attribute will determine the maximum HEALTH points for your character. For example, if you assign the number 9 to this attribute, you will have a maximum HEALTH of 9. HEALTH will be the one statistic that may change regularly throughout your adventure, as your character sustains injuries and is then subsequently healed. If your HEALTH points ever reach 0, your character is immediately killed, and your adventure will be at an end.

  COMBAT: This attribute will determine how skilled your character is at fighting opponents face-to-face with melee weapons. Combat will be described later in these rules, but in summary, the higher your Combat score, the more likely you are to be able to fight your way out of most situations. Traditionally your character is armed with two swords; a longsword and a parrying rapier, but also carries a dagger.

  STRENGTH: This attribute will determine your character's ability to overcome obstacles that require brute strength. This might involve moving a heavy object, or hanging precariously from something for an extended period.

  INTELLIGENCE: This attribute will determine your character's ability to think their way out of a situation using life experiences or knowledge they have gleaned from books and study.

  SENSE: This attribute will determine your character's ability to employ rational decision-making or spot things that a less-observant person might miss.

  AGILITY: This attribute will determine your character's ability to perform such moves as dodging, jumping, sneaking and will also influence your talent with such weapons as throwing knives and bows, should you find yourself armed with these weapons.

  CHARISMA: This attribute will determine your character's ability to persuade others and represents how your character can be perceived by the people around them.


  You begin this adventure with seven attributes along with seven predetermined numbers to assign to those attributes. How many of each number may be assigned is summarised below:

  11 (you must assign only one of these)

  10 (you must assign two of these)

  9 (you must assign two of these)

  8 (you must assign only one of these)

  7 (you must assign only one of these)

  Once you have decided which numbers will be assigned to which attributes, record these on your CHARACTER SHEET in the appropriate ATTRIBUTE section.


  You will, at times, arrive at pages within this book which will instruct you to fight one or more enemies. Whenever you fight someone, the page will inform you of your opponents' FIGHT and HEALTH scores. Note these in the ENCOUNTER BOXES on your CHARACTER SHEET so that you may keep an accurate record of them during combat. Fights are resolved using dice, via the following sequence:

  Roll 2 dice and then add the result to the number equal to your opponent's FIGHT score. This new total will be your opponent's Fight Level for the round.

  Roll 2 dice and then add the result to the number equal to your COMBAT attribute. This new total will be your Combat Level for the round.

  Compare your Combat Level with your opponent's Fight Level. Whoever scored lowest has been wounded and must subtract 1 point from their HEALTH score. If the Levels were tied, then both attacks are deflected or evaded, and nobody takes any damage this round.

  Make the appropriate adjustments on your CHARACTER SHEET to the HEALTH of whoever lost the round. The side who reaches 0 HEALTH first perishes in battle. If you lose the fight, your character dies, and your adventure ends immediately. If both parties are still alive, begin the next combat round by repeating steps 1 to 4 above.


  If a fight involves more than one enemy, sometimes you will be instructed to fight them one at a time, but often you will need to fight all of your opponents at the same time. If the latter is true, roll 2 dice for each enemy and add their individual FIGHT numbers to the results, so that each has its own Fight Level. Then compare those totals with your Combat Level for the current round (obtained the same way you would in a regular one-on-one battle). For every enemy whose total Fight Level is higher than your Combat Level, you must subtract 1 from your HEALTH. If you are still alive, then for every enemy whose Fight Level is lower than your Combat Level, subtract 1 HEALTH from each of those enemies (so you can wound several enemies at once during a combat round). Continue with this method of fighting (using battle steps 1 to 4) until either you are dead or all of your enemies lay slain at your feet.


  On your CHARACTER SHEET, you have boxes for recording both HEALING SALVES and NOTES. You begin the adventure with 10 HEALING SALVES (write this number on your CHARACTER SHEET). You may use one or more healing salves whenever you want (except during battle), and each will restore 2 points of lost HEALTH. You also carry a single bottle of a concoction named 'healing mead' (write this down in the NOTES section of your CHARACTER SHEET). Unlike the healing salves, you may drink the entire bottle of mead at any time (even during combat), and it will restore your HEALTH back to its maximum value instantly. Once you have drunken the mead or used all of your salves, they are gone for good (though you might find more of them along the way).


  The character attributes within this book are weighted in favour of the reader, which should lead to more succ
esses than failures when performing most skill checks. Dice are often treacherous things, of course, and so your character can also call upon pure luck to help them get past a tricky situation. These are called 'Lucky Breaks'. Up to three times during your adventure you may make use of a Lucky Break (by crossing off one of the three LUCKY BREAKS displayed on your CHARACTER SHEET) to change the result of any dice roll to whatever result you want (even if it means the resulting number is far more than what rolling 2 dice would typically allow). Once you have used all three LUCKY BREAKS, however, they are gone for good until you begin another adventure. So use them wisely!


  Your character will often be armed with two swords (a longsword and a rapier), a dagger, flint & tinder and a candle. You will not need to note these items down anywhere as the book will decide what equipment you have on hand at any specific time unless it is a particular item addressed by a keyword.


  There is one (and only one) truly successful path through The Defenders of Dusk, and it may take you several attempts to find it. It is recommended you make notes periodically (and perhaps even make small maps of each area) in case you fall prey to one of the false paths or miss something crucial along the way. This should make subsequent play-throughs easier.


  (In alphabetical order)
























  The border city of Dusk stands as a great sentinel, watching over the boundary river separating the Western Realms from the tyrannical city-states of the east. Indeed, many a conflict has happened here over the past hundred years as the city-state of Dactyl, which serves as a staging point for invasions to the west, continually strives to find new ways to assault the border bridge crossing the great river. In all this time, Dusk, under the protection of a highly-trained Town Guard, has never fallen to a foreign power, always repelling even the most determined of attacks.

  There is a foul scent upon the wind, however; a shadow looms from the east, and this time it brings the ominous signs of dark magic and evil creatures. Rumours abound from travellers and merchants that a new threat amasses across the river, though details as yet have remained sketchy. There is the talk of a vast army of men, orcs and lizard people, led by a dark mage and accompanied by a powerful beast of war. Smoke trails have been spotted curling into the sky beyond the eastern forests, and the winds bring with them the smell of death and decay.

  The Town Guard of Dusk is run off its feet as patrols are stepped up and border security is increased. A personnel shortage has led to the Mayor of the town, a man named Vadul, cutting deals with several shady establishments; offering amnesties for crimes committed if help is provided in the protection of the border. It is from this controversial arrangement that the Thieve's Guild of Dusk, the organisation that you have belonged to since you were a mere child pickpocket, has agreed to patrol the city rooftops during the hours of the night when the core of the Guard takes their rest. The deal is lucrative for the Guild, promising a substantial income from legitimacy though several members have found it difficult to let go of their old ways, using the patrols as an opportunity to steal from the rich and powerful who live at the highest points of society.

  Tonight, you ready yourself for such a patrol, though a feeling of unease has preyed upon your mind since waking from your afternoon slumber. You sense that something important is about to happen, and that somehow your life will be changed forever. Shaking off the notion as fanciful dreaming, you grab your gear and head immediately to the staging area at the doors of the Guildhall...

  Now turn to 1...

  This book was written for all of the gamebook readers who requested me to write one with dice-rolling in it.

  Further thanks goes to the Gamebook Authors Guild on Facebook who supported me during

  my late-night writing sessions.

  Finally, thanks to Ian Livingstone and Steve Jackson, whose Fighting Fantasy series was an

  obvious inspiration for this gamebook.

  Map of the immediate area surrounding Dusk.


  “You are not bringing that longsword with you,” says Arinzo, the Guild leader. The stern look on his older, grizzled face makes you think twice about disobeying him. “This is a patrol, not an assassination.”

  “Oh, shame,” you reply, admiring the jewel-encrusted pommel at the end of the weapon's handle as you lift the scabbard from your back. You've always enjoyed how the natural moonlight reflects off each prism. You reluctantly hand over the sword.

  “Better. I see you've brought your dagger. That should suffice. You shouldn't need any combat skills for a patrol unless you intend to stab all the drunks. Have you seen Zabel? She was meant to bring the map showing our route.”

  “I'm right here,” says Zabel, hiding away in the shadows as is her wont. As her smoothly-curved silhouette slinks into the light, her red hair tumbles over one shoulder. “I made sure to add a few short-cuts in this time, in case we want to finish early for a tavern visit.”

  “Nice work,” says Arinzo. “I'm hoping for a no-nonsense, conflict-free operation from you two tonight.” You feel a pang of guilt at having your parrying rapier hidden away under your cloak. Will you hand the weapon over to Arinzo (turn to 31) or keep it hidden in case you need it (turn to 21)?


  You sneak up as close as the shadows will allow before launching your attack upon the orcs with your short sword and dagger at the ready. Your targets are taken by surprise, as they have undoubtedly been standing here for some time and have become inattentive. You wound one of them with your short sword as the other produces a blade from its belt!


  If you defeat your first opponent, then the wounded orc draws its own blade and attacks!


  If you win this battle, you immediately proceed into the building (turn to 170).


  Having caused such a commotion, you have attracted the unwanted attention of a few more mercenaries who were stationed upstairs. You hear them clunking down some unseen steps before they suddenly emerge from the side passage that lies to the left of the entrance. With all exits blocked and nowhere else to go, you will have to fight them all!




  *Note that the Goblin bowman keeps his distance and fires from afar, so you cannot inflict damage upon him until the other two enemies have been defeated!

  If you win this battle, turn to 76.


  You lift yourself up on top of the metal rope and begin to step carefully but swiftly across to the prison tower. Just beyond the halfway point, where the cable is suspended at its lowest point, you find yourself having to combat an unexpected crosswind. Roll 2 dice. If the result is equal to or lower than your AGILITY, turn to 314. If the dice roll is higher than your AGILITY, turn to 168.


  You roll away just as a great ball of slimy gel splats across the pathway at the spot where you were standing just a moment ago. Before you can react to it, the jelly-like mass tilts sideways and flows over the edge of the walkway and disappears with the flow of the river. Yet another good reason not to go into the water! You are not in any hurry to discover if there are more of these things about, so you hurry on, eventually making it to the other side of the bridge without incident. This walkway now turns left and ascends to a new le
vel, joining up with the other platform you spotted on the right-hand side of the structure. Turn to 301.


  You take a few backward steps before sprinting ahead to make a determined leap for the other side of the parapet! Roll 2 dice. If the result is equal to or lower than your AGILITY, turn to 309. If the dice roll is higher than your AGILITY, turn to 182.


  You begin checking all over the ballista, but each part of the frame and mechanism are clearly still in one piece and fully functional.

  “Here comes a lizard!” calls out one of the guardsmen. “It's climbing up the tower wall!”

  You ready your weapons as the giant lizard, along with a soldier mounted upon its saddle, scales over the upper battlement and launches itself at you bearing a mouth full of teeth! You must fight them both at the same time!



  If you win this battle, the guardsman calls up a few reinforcements from the western wall while preparing a standard battlement formation. It won't provide as good a defence against the lizard riders if more should come this way, but it is better than nothing. Add 5 to your RESISTANCE points. With nothing more for you to do here, you head back down the stone steps. Turn to 390.


  The muscles in your arm ache with fatigue as you slowly reach up with your other hand to grasp the ledge. With both limbs now employed in keeping you from falling, you apply one more effort to lift yourself back up to the ledge to safety. Once there, you pause to recover your breath and allow your arms to rest from that ordeal. You have taken an immediate disliking to gargoyles, and vow never to have any if you should ever own a house of your own. As soon as you feel ready to continue, you resume your sideways shimmy around the outside of the tower. Turn to 389.


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