The Defenders of Dusk

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The Defenders of Dusk Page 8

by Dane Barrett


  Fagen seems momentarily unhinged by your unexpected appearance from the corner, allowing you to move upon him before he can react. You launch a kick directly into his face, following this with another across the top of his head, causing him to stagger backwards. As the sorcerer attempts to steady himself, you drive a knee into his stomach, making him fall into a sitting position on the damp and soiled ground. You grab him around the torso and throw him against the nearest wall, hoping it will knock the wind out of him. Subtract 1 from Fagen's HEALTH. Before you have a chance to execute another move, however, he lifts his hands which are now enveloped by fire. You quickly recoil as Fagen begins to shoot small fireballs around the alleyway, exploding the brickwork on either side of you and sending debris flying through the air. You retreat down another street before he has a chance to steady his aim. If you have lowered Fagen's HEALTH to 8, turn to 271. If not, continue reading.

  “How dare you knock me into the mud!” Fagen shouts after you. “Just try that again! You won't surprise me a second time, whether it be from above or the side, I will know you are there!”

  Once you are sure that you are out of the sorcerer's sight, you quickly look around trying to decide how to harry him next.

  Will you attempt to surprise him around an alley corner again (turn to 81),

  drop on top of him from a balcony (turn to 296),

  attack him from under a drain grill (turn to 90),

  ambush him from one of the windows (turn to 366)

  or hide in the shadows and try to sneak up behind him as he passes by (turn to 60)?


  “Is that all you've got, you hedge-born knave?” you shout defiantly at the dragon while peering out from between two of its clawed toes. You're actually terrified, but something deep within you is stirring courage you never knew you had. “Stop bespawling upon my face and lift your foot, lest you be known as the trencherman clout who can only win battles by sitting upon his enemies!” Surprisingly, the dragon appears to be taken aback by your words and shifts its immense foot just enough for you to slip out from underneath and restore yourself to an upright standing.

  “What is this foolishness?” the dragon asks quizzically. “Why do you not show fear while in my presence? Why do you not quake within your boots? Do you not know that I could snap you in two with a single bite of my teeth? Do you not understand that I can set you alight with a mere sneeze?”

  “If you are so all-powerful, mighty dragon,” you retort, “Then how is it that I have stalled your assault with a few simple words that even the lowliest of peasants would not flinch at?” The dragon appears flustered and furious at this, and presses its attack once again! Continue the battle where you left off (check section 266 if you didn't write down Tannurat's starting statistics). As soon as Tannurat inflicts any further damage upon you (and if you are still alive), turn to 49. If you defeat Tannurat without being hit again, turn to 121.


  You find yourself unable to force your temporary prison open, and then a severe impact from above signals that the ceiling has collapsed upon you. Subtract 2 from your HEALTH. You have almost given up when the door to your hiding place is suddenly wrenched open, and you are relieved to see the face of Arinzo, who takes your arm and helps you out of the collapsed building. Turn to 363.


  You must try to prevent the guards from catching up to Babin, even if it means eliminating them entirely. You empty the quiver out onto the ground and stab some of your arrows into the soil, making them easier to grab if you need to shoot quickly. Will you fire off a few whistlers below them, hoping they will turn around to investigate? If so, turn to 374. If you would rather just attempt to kill all of your targets in quick succession before they reach the safety of the cave, then roll 2 dice four times and record each result. Then turn to 268.


  With all immediate threats within the sewer either eliminated or evaded, you hurry over to the wall which contains the secret entrance to the Thieve's Guild. You touch a few specific points on the wall, triggering an elaborate mechanism which shifts some of the bricks sideways. Slipping inside, the wall closes automatically behind you. Emerging into the central meeting chamber, you spy several other members of the Guild already discussing recent events around a planning table. One woman, Yabea, the Guild healer, rushes over to tend to any wounds you may have sustained. Noticing a tear in your leg padding, she proceeds to apply a salve to your upper thigh. You are forced to gently guide her hand downwards.

  “I don't have any wounds up there, you little harpy,” you point out. Yabea is a little wrong-in-the-head and tends to become unpredictably frisky when the situation isn't appropriate. Her healing touch, on the other hand, is unquestioned. Restore 2 points of lost HEALTH. You approach the planning table, joining three other Guild members who are working over a map of the city; Cabomb, your quartermaster, Xanth, the master spy and Dabbek, scribe and the oldest member of the guild. Their faces are all polluted with worried frowns. Turn to 220.

  144: From this box, he withdraws two new weapons; curved steel swords, one of which has a golden hilt.


  Dysidious begins thrusting his spear forward, driving you back to a small table against the wall. You roll away as he slams the spearhead down onto the furniture, causing its legs to collapse. As the warrior turns and drives his spear at you again, you catch the weapon under your arm and perform a hefty swing of your sword, snapping the shaft in two. Angry at having lost his spear, Dysidious grabs a chair and brings it down upon you. You perform a backwards roll to escape, causing the seat to be smashed to pieces as it impacts the floor. While you regain your footing, Dysidious takes this opportunity to open a chest located in the corner of the room. From this box, he withdraws two new weapons; curved steel swords, one of which has a golden hilt. This weapon's guard appears to be made from an animal's horn which glints gold in the candlelight as the warrior comes at you again!


  If you reduce Dysidious' HEALTH to 2, turn to 167.


  With Fagen dead, you turn your attention back to the defence of Dusk. You command the dragon to attack what is left of the enemy formations and watch with satisfaction from the eastern battlements as Tannurat sweeps back and forth, bathing your enemies in seas of flame. As soon as word passes through the enemy ranks that they are facing a war dragon, the forces of Dactyl turn and flee back from where they came. You are soon joined on the wall by Zabel, Arinzo and Ullucus. All look exhausted from the battle but are happy to have seen victory.

  “How the devil did you get that wyrm to help us?” asks the old Wizard as he sits his ageing bones upon the parapet. “Such beasts are bound to their masters with magic.”

  “It is a lengthy tale, good Ullucus, filled with adventure and excitement,” you reply, placing a hand upon the old man's shoulder. “I shall happily tell it in the company of friends, preferably in front of a warm fire with a roast boar inside my belly and a mug of mead gripped snugly in my sword hand.”

  “I think that can be arranged,” mumbles Zabel while making a list of supplies she will need to 'acquire' for the celebratory feast to come. Turn to 400.


  You blend in with the shadows and wait until Fagen has almost reached the corner before lunging out at him while performing an inhuman shout of fury! Roll 2 dice. If the result is equal to or lower than your CHARISMA, turn to 139. If the dice roll is higher than your CHARISMA, turn to 81.


  Keeping your eyes tightly shut, you wait for a few nervous seconds until you finally hear the footsteps of the soldier sploshing away, continuing his patrol along the tunnel. Peering out of the alcove, you watch as his torchlight begins to dim, signifying his leaving of the immediate area. Extricating yourself from your hiding place, you grimace as you wash off the mud with some equally murky wastewater. After double-checking the coast is still clear, you continue on towards the intersection whe
re you know you will find the entrance to the Thieves Guild. Turn to 36.


  You take careful aim before sending the whistler sailing off to the left-hand side of the path beyond the waterfall. You watch intently as the two guards turn to look in the desired direction, but only one of them actually breaks off to investigate. As the one guard moves away, the other walks to the edge of the cliff-face and might be about to look down. Will you shoot him with a regular arrow? If so, roll 2 dice. If the result is equal to or lower than your AGILITY, turn to 208. If the dice roll is higher than your AGILITY, turn to 50. If you decide to instead hold off, hoping that the guard doesn't spot Zabel (turn to 395)?


  As the last of the guards bleeds out at your feet, and you have made sure no more are on the way, you perform a quick search of the dead bodies. You find a few bent coins and some nasty-looking uneaten sandwiches, along with a flask of something that smells rank. You recognise the scent as being a concoction named herb-warg, which is the orcs answer to a healing potion. Apparently, this vile formula not only heals wounds but will also literally grow more hair on your chest. The flask contains enough for a single dose, which you may consume at any time (even during combat) to restore 2 lost HEALTH points (as well as growing a bit more chest fuzz). Make a note that you have the flask if you intend to save it for later. Once you have completed your search, you leave the guardhouse and quicken your pace as you move to the middle of the bridge. Turn to 93.


  The guard who spots you immediately alerts the others to your presence, and all five of them, Gekkas and orcs alike, eagerly rush over to confront you, bearing their razor-sharp claws and poorly-fashioned blades. Do you have the keyword FALLS, but not the keyword TAIL? If so, turn to 69. If you instead have the keyword TAIL, but not the keyword FALLS, turn to 14. If you have neither of those keywords, turn to 96. If you have both of the keywords FALLS and TAIL, then you have no choice but to fight all of the guards at once!






  (the following enemy is only applicable if you do not have the keyword SENT)


  *If you DO NOT have the keyword SENT, then a further orc sentry appears from an elevated position, armed with a crossbow. Treat him as being part of the combat, but you cannot inflict damage on him until all of the other enemies are defeated. If you DO have the keyword SENT, then the orc sentry is no longer alive and does not participate in this fight. If you win this battle, turn to 74.


  You explain to the Wizard how you helped destroy the leader of the enemy forces at the bridge, sending them into disarray, and how you also successfully intercepted those that intended to deploy the mind control dust into the water supply. Ullucus looks both surprised and impressed.

  “Why you've left me almost no way to provide you with any assistance at all!” he says while puffing smoke from his pipe. “If even a handful of your guild members are as capable as you, we shall drive off these attackers in no time! But I must not let you go unrewarded, and though your skills may already be great, I know not of any person who would deny themselves the advantage of some magic!” The Wizard waves a hand in the air, creating thin patterns of light which begin to swirl around you. A warmth passes through your body, bestowing upon you the gift of a powerful enchantment. Write down the keyword MAGIC. Choose an attribute which has a maximum value of 10 or less. Permanently increase the maximum value of that attribute by 1. Then restore your HEALTH back to its maximum value. You also experience a vision. You see the evening sky, filled with stars. A streak of light shoots between two of the celestial bodies.

  “You saw something, didn't you?” asks Ullucus as he notices you staring into the air. “I sense you have a destiny as yet unfulfilled by the elements of magic, nature, bravery and even time itself!” Turn to 206.


  You move as quickly as you can along the western path, but by the time you have made an approach to the domed side of the terrain, the sun is slowly emerging over the horizon. You hope your comrades have kept themselves safe in the meantime. As you continue on, you spot a cave mouth located between two thick-set trees. The passage beyond could be another way up into the system of tunnels that Zabel and Babin entered, or might even be used as a back door if your enemies attempt to escape. You gingerly make your way inside to investigate. It isn't long before the tunnel begins to slope sharply upwards, and you place a hand on the wall to steady yourself. You notice the texture of the stone is smooth, revealing that this once solid rock was somehow melted down with intense heat to form the tunnel. What manner of being could have fashioned such a cave network? Continuing on, the floor eventually becomes level again and opens out into a small cavern. A wooden platform traverses the floor in the middle of this area, with three exits along the far wall. The left-hand passage twists sharply after a short distance while to the right is a crawlspace, straight but very narrow. From the middle tunnel, you detect two people conversing, and so you creep over to listen in. Turn to 183.


  Taking your carefully-fashioned flute in hand, you crouch behind a small stack of supply crates and play a tune. Once you know you have attracted the attention of the orcs, along with one of the Gekkas, as it happens, and they begin to move in your direction, you place the flute gently upon the ground and slink away into the shadows. As the guards converge on the musical instrument, you slowly slide your way along the outer rock wall of the courtyard, edging ever-closer to the exit. One of the orcs discovers the source of the music and picks up the flute, examining it closely. He places his lips around the end of the instrument and blows. The guards laugh excitedly at the loud squeak which emanates from the modified whistler arrow. The orc attempts to create a tune of his own while the others dance around him in merriment. Music brings the world together, you think. Even the idiots. Cross out or erase the keyword FLUTE. As the guards remain occupied with their new toy, you hurriedly slip through the exit and head inside the tunnel beyond. Turn to 32.


  You rush up the steps of the eastern tower to where you know Babin is stationed alongside a small crew running the ballista. The little man seems to be having too much fun considering the seriousness of the battle, though his team are also keeping the lizard riders from getting close enough to the wall to climb it. You both exchange a glance and a wave before you take your leave and head back down the stone steps (turn to 114).


  You remember to glance briefly at the corners on either side of you as you enter the room. Detecting a movement in the shadows, you lean back just in time to avoid being struck by a spear soaring across the room, which embeds itself in the far wall. Turning to confront your attacker, you are faced with a tall man dressed in highly mobile armour trimmed with gold and silver. He is an older man though he looks physically strong, and the mild scars and shiny burn-marks under his chin betray a soldier who has seen many a battle in his time.

  “I see the roaches have decided to come to us, rather than wait to be burned from their hiding-holes,” he growls, and you recognise the gravel in his voice as being one of the people who you overheard talking earlier. “Though I hate to deprive my Tannurat of an easy meal, I would not waste his abilities on a worm such as you.”

  “Do you intend to eviscerate me with words?” you ask. With that, the man produces a second spear with a solid wooden shaft and silver tip. He twirls it in his hands as he begins to circle around you.

  “I am Dysidious!” the soldier exclaims. “Take that name with you to your grave, to warn the underworld of my eventual arrival!”

  “There's no need,” you reply, drawing your parrying rapier and longsword. “I have your keys to the underworld right here.” The fight commences!


/>   If you reduce Dysidious' HEALTH to 4, turn to 144.


  On reaching the north wall and ascending the inner staircase, you arrive at the centre section of the battlements where several archers are positioned along the defensive parapet. Glancing further to the left and right, you observe the towers housing the defensive ballistae, and located below those are lines of troops decked out in their most effective battle armour. These guardsmen have trained all their lives for moments like this, and you just hope they will be enough to repel the enemy army. You step carefully between a few open crates filled with spare arrows and locate Zabel sitting down with her legs dangling over the inner wall. She glances up when she realises someone is standing beside her.

  “I thought I'd seen the last of you,” she says flippantly, though the lift in her cheeks betrays how happy she is to see you. “Take a seat. You'll need to be well-rested when the enemy decides to storm the wall. I hear these kinds of battles can go on for hours.” Zabel hands you a bottle of healing mead and a few doses of healing salve which you gratefully accept. Restore 2 points of lost HEALTH and add 3 to your HEALING SALVES.


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